ACON TV tings ? Atlantic Telephone Co Cable _J Vision Cable ot N C. II WWAY (AtK IWInumto" U jtl WEC1.(NBI 1W1 mutton iJ WBrW (.CBS) Holer u o liJ WTVD (A IK 1 Durham III ^>1 WUNJ it'BS) W mtngfon U] 2J WJKA lCBS> W't- .nylon U il HBO i >\iy) Now Vo'K Q IJ ARTS A&t W iKinuton U Jj ESPN Sports \rwV"* U iSJ NICK (Children* Ul i2J IBS (,lna > Atlanta 0?| MAX (!> ay) Oneniax. NV Liil SHOW (Pay). Showtime iiil LI WGN (Incl > t huxiijo LJ TMC. O'uy) Movies.. Nv JU WWOR (Ircl ) New Vork Hi ilJ CNN Unci ). News. Atlanta J3 LIFE, lifetime New Voik LJ ?J DISNO'iiy) (H-cy Ca ' LJ U INN J fx? Nashvii?e Network LJ USA Vanety. New York LIU LJ TNT (ind ). Atlanta THU. AUG 1 Weekdays ? ? ? 1 ? WED. AUG 7 6 AM 6:30 7 AM 730 8 AM 830 9 AM 9 30 10 AM 10 30 11 AM 11 30 WWAY O tc u ? V wig A ? vrica lw Witt H*-g.s 8 Kjltv lee tlv t?*s JSP EOT * > V,: ????U Donahue WNt o' * triune Concent'.)! ' |lu*i HtHJM' JCovt'f to I Cir*e? WBTW WTVD H CBS V ? \W V* I Me* CPS T-.n Votttmh) Donahue tVsg? IVa fC Women [Price Uif! IV \j A 'ffca Sat'v >s** Haptuei TO- ? flV T?Ja? i S?*H ?1 /(*>>*? Aw Rf?K}aig Kh " WJKA (B [CPS Vcmifxj Go^jSHJ I "U't [>*s^s x; iFam-'v Wl fTV1 p?nt R?g*t TNT >4 ? w. . , IP!** THU. AUG 1 - Weekdays WED. AUG 7 12 PM 12 30 1 PM 1:30 2 PM 230 3 PM 330 4 PM 4 30 5 PM 5 30 WWAY 0 '0 ; v. (>? >' J' Mosp BeaJtitir A*. V s IGtMSmq tiji" 0y?^ W ' * ??? Curren' WTVD H A V? - C '<*n O^e i Court GIO V- Root's S?*w* Street _?iL Vo>^ .i'v; ti'U A N n|?4 Ti ?' Tm? loons Advcntu*c'j THURSDAY EVENING AUGUST 1 6 PM 6 30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10 30 11 PM 11 30 WW, 'AY 1* ARC Whe* o? JWKM'CV Gatnei s f ire Father Dowt rig Mysteries Pnmeti'Tv Lrw Arser*o Hal! WECT O 6 N-vav Cost)* Stow W^k>s the Boss* . Show | Different World Cheers W-nqs I A la* Tonight Show WBTW WTVD \\ WUNJ ? n CPS V W*ee' g? Fortune Jeopardy* Top Cops Tiais o' Hove 0 Me Step'*" k ?hj s Go'd-" Years f ly by N" Goes to War Faerie Tate Theatre ** - W Mystery' Hoiiywoul The GokJe<> Years East? riders f rfSthxJe' ? WJKA CB 3 CBC News F ' Tonight Hard Cop* Top Cops Trials o' Rom r 0 'u Stephen Ktng s Gotten Years Twifeght /or* f ty by Night ARTS O jl CNN ID? W Sinatra A po'ceuvan wth#i s ct tytirt'ine t Pedis wth ? vis of appa'rrtty arbitrary reorders Improv Twwte Mgne^ine Cross! ire IP^-IV^V*-, Wi# - ClJ11 Larry King Live' I World News Sports form' ??Jht Wo,*v' >* ?P,N / eC U-gtriJ Up Ckise SportsCent** PB? Bowi kj Top Hark Boiinq Baseball Tumght Sl*irtsC?" ?ft ' L?E Shop Tii You Drop TV Poll Dud A law Mov* Ghosl Writer Lwdrr s A magatf ? write* ? o a ghost wort togethw \> find a murderer Mo"* OudG NIC 03 3 W<1 k i?f Wli Get the Picture i-speciu 'uadget tuu ey ??*S [Morh & MirxJy B#*wtrh?i Get Dragnet H1fhf o< V B?*s1 n? SNl V* Id TBS a) P wi'i- ' i ?? love with a death row inmate ,NI Be a Star On Stage iBix; B , and Pa's [Anencan Musk, Shop Nash^iie Now Barefoot in tie Part Aii ur*mhibitefl tjn lu.i- ^ m>"an marries a prjpish buswiesynan Croiifc a;?d Cbav On Stagt |Am?*ntai. Wuvc Shop Mow Cat BalkMj J >u??d ?< A cattif t*?-r ,j a.hoolmarm and a drunk lean, to rob a train SA 2 Wt lo North Avenue KoiaV Mov* Preshnian V Hr,inA) A agirxj Va* .? *!g Wovir South Pacific W ihtyvf Spies b?e Us T Quse |Mu.-e Campus Man M fjircttM Mov?e Freshman W flr^/xXt A- llv ^ V.jfia du> taVf college freshman uno?- h.s |Ur*?am U?' jlstM" MAX 15 TMC (D V. . . LfOe Monsters |V . ? On Borrowed Time L Bafrytrvre SHOW I Movie Lemon Sisters O KeMw Cnines and Misdemeanors A:w $ Pb!#t Movie Men at Worti / f sieves Two garbagemen encou.ter crirt..,-Mls after tr^y discover a corpst Mu?* Blue P ^ewrru.- uo. Lari Lor^g creates a scarda1 by courting stnpper Bia/e Starr | Movie House of Ushei i Htnl Mw..r Ghosts Cant Oo It ri IMte* A det eased husftand returns tiom beyond [Movie 976- EVIL S (irv/Tfys m ouy t't-ates havoi after tie discovers a direct phone I me to Satan Movie In the Spwt FRIDAY EVENING . AUGUST 2 6 PM 630 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10 30 11 PM 11 30 WWAY O WECT O 6 W*ee> 0' fortjut FuH Houv |Ho*>t Ros* Perfect Strange^. h Honey I m Home ?0 ?0 News WBTW V-> Cosby Shutt Who s me Boss? Mov? Tike My Daughters Please h Mi t ti Ai > M V* WVe of f-C/TUi* JtM*ardy* Verdct Wtose Side7 1 Reftim lo Greer. Acres f Trie Oougiases decide to leave Hoote*. i* and to Park Avenue Nf* N?"WS luagt ;t Show l)rk Justtft* WTVD (LL VUNJ ARf Vw. J*XW(2y* Wheel o' F i/Tune f uit Houv How* and Ros?e toQWy Bus* f*ss Hew/: M Wee Wa.i Street Perted M, Honey |?0 ?0 Strangers I m Home News NkjMlme Movie Palis ol Glory a UouqUs C?vi' W^f t rt' oi Dance Afcve Ffoni Utt tenter ?SJ? |A.?*~ 'i*>W frt TontQfit H^fl Cooy Whose Side' I Movie Retaim lo Green Acres / Gjtux !he Douglases decide to leave Hooter, ,tie ami move to P*;* Avenue lAigfit |Dark JuSt?( e Zone Wo T. 0* Si/Wat World Wd- ? Move Flesh and Blood |Pl 1 ol 2) J Berengef Arts fn'ertamment Revue |Aj. f at the lmp*uv MtjW y* ' ? Pr r*ieNc#s War -n God Ilary K.itg live" World U??s yts I Vo?'?-t'.fv -grit 87 SwKtsC#*'-' Majo? I Bdsefw Major leaque Baset?.i ' S?*)Ei M Yl*, UfOO TV Po [>*' A Irfw Movie risks r*? ?rte .n tne dogged pursut of a mun S /uHbaliSl A V-'OrMn" defer H?*t.r o I ' |W - K .'All f' G*t the P.ctufe [Inspector Uadget Loorey Tunes Vork K Vindy Bewtc?".ed Get Smart |l>rfgnet *k jG'i een Acres I Best of SNi |Mr I c TNN ffi ?j IP-*' A'*!, fi' ' Maior If ague Baseball Move Plane! Earth J S.non A man H%es Ite -n the 22: id > emory through suspense anxnatior) TNT la CD B" a Strai ?' xe Major Leagi^e Baseball ?4'-ws Twl^t Zone Magnum p. /. W'<. " Boss' Kjk ?. i ? Major league 8as?-fM Festival ol Fou Heroes ?s^f a* * Bat Pecos B. ; Gncm Attractions USA Mi.s r T(>day Mov* Young People S Temple ps Center Stage Movie Oklahoma* (j Mttifir A UMiboy s goes to a dance with someone else Beettefuice V keafon |Ho? SNys' God spell [Mrrv R Hum* I Movie DouWecrosved A Dus.nessman >?Co.ies invotwed ?"tf drug kKfls a < tne ClA Ildes fr' the Uypt MAX IS Move Autumn Leaves j Crawford A *or ? es ?nwotved with ar: ur-predctatxe StuCe ;t Movie Adventures ot Ford Fairlane A thee Pay ,t A Summer Story J Miby ijMu. ? Wrtnevs H Ford A detective mvestjgatirvg a I murder talis m love arth an Arrush woman Move Freshman V Brandc A' ^qrig Mafia dor 'dhes a college freshman under h;s img I S T S Stalks* Movie Armed and Dangerous / Candy Mov* I V Srriyie' Mov^e Gross Anatomy M COMPLETE INTERIOR DECORATING SERVICE ?Carpet ? Viny! ? Blinds ? Wallcoveru igs Ruby Floyd Oceatt /l k ' S fwi S*IW< * It* Mmi IJir.l hustws Hn-llrun ?' A lY?V f" I ' 'i ?'??/>' U thr' W KryvN ( AtUf WTVO i\\) |i KlVUllS Dudley [Vi Rqht Sot** Mie Snwrboy I *v*- iw> ViMK) lit* veiSc' Abbuft and tustfUu Camp < .r*ty N * tlv '*' U/ G?ai.w5.i? H*jh K?J n l\iy |l t?p?iM*s Gntid and f.ri aji V..V ? N. Surtirs ?k?ner ft tN Meal Ghost busters S' noby !*y l*? Wonderworks M Va n %(*i Is fun Cuokg ?JL. ()? A.' "771^ ill K/vftxmT Bob iBaikya'd I Sattan M*??"? Batnes GarVid and frwnds Ttroaqe N"?;a Turtles TMC ID J ? V .? Haywire J HeiiiKk All I tMfures Great and SmaN [W-kJ Wi*kJ ot the I ast V . Out Vines Have Twdei Grapes / i, Hfrtsun Wt?W o? ifsMYVS Movie Jack London Vf (Ts?T, Uk IomJo travels th. pth ,f i world js d a M-? |rnrf?-.nmxl [Dayflrt'ak [News Sports liose Up |(W [Outdoor Mag.w e f ly I ish?ig ISPN Outdoor . ? fy I ishmo 'hf ?V.ii?o wntf Sf?H lr>(vitveay by Day |SK8 IV J'A !??**? iy? [l-itt B-ts i?eeka s Castle L?ws K?1-, Court Count lH.Mtr* titt fXjc^ula Inspector Gadget l(?Sp?t?f Gadgrt V tig. lOiH i-? Cunttoi WCW Power Mt?.* TNT '? (D 111" a ? V . Aruona Whirtwind H iftv+M |Doq Ho*tse [M .tv*- Massacre at Sand Creek ? S.t ^>tmg loipoel ieads n?s n?.yi mto a se^tseiess Datt? Ba< kyant America I Hondo Joy of Garden *j Mre<#s I Country uaWs I Mtheo H?1 ^isidw Cune Story 'i- lGomq On* Wd> Mii,i?' Jory R ft* im?' v? lOanie Parry USA Traww I ' VD larry kmes | World iTumurruw P,d P -j ? |US Farm Report People Jo PeuiiH Cbartando Hear' ot tut apt. Bi0 ?? gold "?n? Sca#enQpr , uitityii Movw Caught in the Oralt ? I ambada iSATimnAv AFTERNOON '" '? ?*h.i" 3 PM PBA Powlnq 3:30 4 PM 4 30 5 PM 5 10 W-<>- Wu< '! S{?OftN JB(" WBTW jMajOi l?-agi** BasetM1 PGA U?lt WTVD e S"..' t'a P# (?airS S twN * W'lso" UOOkS [AH About Oeqrasv trans Higti Si**? Maiv league BHS?'tw?H Si ** Cops PBA BdWkKj Stat Cnps Vrtory GaCei i W?m- //<>? <* -i' Si**is Imv^s Wi lodwo** Tf>is ():e They Might Be Giants ' . St x ill ting* .> < ,< 'aCy trad chjwti clues lead i.? ,n g N^s On the N?-ws V *s bixfls |New*. I ? Menu Money Close Up | Watct I f ? 1% A . ' ? Is* Aifo P?' "g !0ttsfx>"-' Powerh>a! Raung Setnof PGA (kilt I PGA (iolf T?BC v . V Return of Swamp Thing U UutULk Muvr Homeboy V fkttrlr Ai. ,?giny twit. -). t , sear*! chance to bmwne a (hampton Movie Rocky S Sfaifc**1 A ? i a" :inie tn>?e? g??t\ stmt .il tht wry tfl 'leavy**- gtl mil L^E INN tt) 5i TNT U (U [Frugal bouti;*? [Sister Kate [Suc*7irpVet Sweep [DenrvstN* Menace lit s Garry |M(iO"liqhting Kpei I Motel Spenv fo' Hre [l A law Lassie's Greal Adventure W He>% lr.?. ? if fv V . ? Shattered Vows J bcrii'vili A nu- 'a i < h.w ?*> " ' ? : '?>< ng ' n to r^.f ft ?? ? privet it jR.- - , > ? If*- stinti of a ton-ff t,.i r- '-*-1 ; Iinliaf's .i . vg'rf-rt to itegi.'t^i'e [v^T [( ifc.ntrv H?- (? SA 3^ V . e Busbn Loose R Pryot A con man retuclantty fpfv-fps a th.suMi: f/y A Wu?k1 We II sergeaist encounters a t>ttw ??> ?ni ?\ St-f. ? WW0R ik (Superman I Superman It Ta^es a Th?! Run tot Yi ?, jr \ .??? Kniqlht R'rVr s? MA* V. . Tommy Thcket i fv.tns V??.? Hypei Sapady m onfe' to wu i a U-t ' 'o.-.' g>ti .nt?i Movtf ( r?< ? Mo. - fn Record BfC*ers o? b[X>as iMovif Pink Cac i^tvc inherits a Iw!j> J I (kite /Vi A Mov* Time Walker h Murphy Mi . ? High Annety Mov?e Speed Zone? J ll itra.t^ ertai? f* 5 < ^llpnged try a consul**' advocate B*j DeaK f Lii -p Hifjhw.i, 1 1 Mea.f Golden C n warn v* CHS V?v. Current Attaif Weekend I t'ty Nest Dca" Jof. W W [WfH*! ()t I urtuic New Yar'fceo llruqat Woifrstiop I Guuiiiwr! WiKJ America A"v? ,vi G'.Mfotoi Mss Va'i-v Movie NYPO Mounted U A Mo . a cowt)o? moves to %>-* Yo'? wit'i Ins pWeC roping hufS? Muvit Best Little Whorehouse m Teias O l\trton \> ihcken ranch .s tha ienged t?y a consumer aOvutaV SsV- , Sillu'Orty Nf-WS Animals lawreoce Weik Star Tn>k The Ne*t (jendatio' . Mus?c Co I oik way. A 1 Creatures Great and SmaH Movw NYPO Mounted I) G&ithm A Montana ruwt*,, tu Ne? Yt?r?. .v! 1 ? n . ; oping horsr Mow Flesh and Blood (PI ? ol ?> I ftterxjpr World Today |News hnn?ue Capital (>ang News News Sports Saturday PruneNews News Ikitu r Watch S?kJWttfi.? <0 Bk, I Km. f Curry News I T ennmalor [Aust*~i r, , lit-'; 1UI .ijrot-uiKj ht*r 'lustid iO H4den ICryitesscns Houn I ut Unite TBS id a WM & IWefrome K'ds I fteshiiiri* Wo' id |M^ league Bnsr-t?all firstling liisjiecti* Uadget toiniey lut>es [toonev Tunes jBewiKtwd jl Do-'ira Rwt V Fd Mv ihit* Suits U S Oly -iw OoK2 PiltlV i>">' i '?.!>? i.tUs [ Hi ? hrtM *? Nkjuis Iratks (, Dusters TNN ffi 5. ,TNi SA 3^ i?S IBi;* B )? , t rt P.,\ CfXjich St [OpryBark stage Mai (iyw Sic*' Io ismmw) WW0R fi A t.M f?*jr;ferst'ihe Mair?al gamblt'f gets niv?:.rC m a um>ed poktf ga.' ? w Mow Nest 5 Ltovirs A suwrn : ^ mutant man eating roaches ?s terrorized hv Movie Lock Slock and Barrel J M.ithe\.ir AllflKdi |1?'?4S Muvr Sliup I Connection |()p',Ha.fc G:aod 0*e stage Opry Live Movie Man Who Loved Cal Dancing H Rrvnolds Hiti hhihrr |Hrt(Nur7 News M) Ml- A ion artist g?.it:a:?s fi n^en mntti an elte Chicago crowd V Cobra ? . Muvie Hard to K* S S ejqji An J!?ured del?^t.%t a^akn-s Tfpf T A \r?-. ? , ?<> . a ..... ^ Mow* Angel Town O Gru/w SHOW W Movte Taking Care ol Business C Grain An esc**H convict takes over ao ad s lite and home Pan Retser 1 t ? Bkxk' Jiuiri Home Super Davr TMC Movie Fas! Food J Vaw> Mi . e Heart Condition B Hbskms i i