TEACHERS START NEXT WFFK Administrators 'A/most Ready' To Begin Another School Term HY SUSAN USIIKK Brunswick County sch(*)l system administrators returned from a 2 1/2-day upstate retreat Monday geared up lor the start of another school year, staff development di rector Gloria Yount said Tuesday. Thirty-seven principals, assis tant principals and ccntral of fice administra tors discussed goals and pro grams for the year, as well as ways of working together more ef fectively. While looking forward to the new YOUNT year, Ms. Yount said ihc administra tors also feel "challenged" this year to rise to the stale's expectations lor performance. "We have high expectations," she said. "We are not taking that chal lenge lightly. We arc looking for ward to the school year. We feel fo cused and almost ready." Briefing Brunswick County Board of Education members Tuesday night, she said, "We feel as a staff that we are headed in the right direction in curriculum." She said the administrators came away more committed to working as a team with each other and the school board and committed to the system's goals. Approximately 540 teachers be gin reporting to work Monday, Staff Will Work With Alliance Two staff members of the Brunswick County Schools will work with the Scicnce Alliance Committee during the coming year. Following an executive session at the school board meeting Tuesday night. Chairman Donna Baxter ap pointed Gloria Yount, staff develop ment director; and Mosc Lewis, as sistant superintendent for curricu lum, to serve with Superintendent Hankins on the Science Alliance Committee. The core committee of Alliance teachers will meet with staff mem bers, then begin involving other teachers in the project, said Ms. Baxter. Atlantic Telephone Membership Corp. has agreed to pay for work shops that had been requested for the teachers. Board member Robert Slockctl has pushed the board to move more rapidly in regard to development of a math/sciencc/technology center by the schools, the Science Alliance, the Brunswick County Education Foundation and local business and industry. Monday he said fellow board members directed him to back off from the project. "They said they didn't think I was con ducting it appropriately," he said. Ms. Baxter said this approach should be more effective since it utilizes staff involved in curriculum rather than a member of the school board and should help alleviate some of the "constant conflict" on the board that has resulted previous ly. "It has made it look like the board was against this proposal and we're not," she said. "We are very supportive of it." Good Water... Think you can't afford a good water conditioning system? Try Coastal's Rent-To-Own Plan with no money down* and get rid of rust and hard water! 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BOX 2558, SHALLOTTE, NC 28459 (919)754-6890 while an estimated 9,000 students are cxpccled at the county's 1 1 schools Wednesday, May 21. Stall convocations will be held May 19, alter all teachers have re ported. Instead of all personnel gathering at Hatch Auditorium at the N.C. Baptist Assembly, staff from schools in the North Brunswick and South Brunswick attendance /ones will gather at 9 a.m. at South Brunswick Middle School, while those from the West Brunswick dis trict meet at 2 p.m. at Shalloltc Middle School. Central office personnel will at tend both sessions, as will the same guest speaker, said Ms. Yount. Motivating the system's 1 , 1 (K) plus employees to a positive sum will he Sammic Campbell-Parrish, assistant state superintendent for program services. Should the system fall below minimum performance standards set hy the state on its system by system annual "report card" it would be at risk ot having the state come in and appoint a "caretaker" to operate the school system. On its 1990 card, Brunswick County did not meet state standards in four areas, while fully meeting the standard in 13 areas and meet ing a minimum standard in nine other areas. It did not compare fa vorably with other schools of simi lar profile. Along with other goals, this year the system will focus on four areas: reducing the drop-out rate, improv ing leather and pupil attendance; and reducing the number of students served by in-school suspension and out-of-school suspension. A drop in California Achievement Test scores this past term raised concerns lor the sys tem's rating on its 1990-91 report card, which has not been released yet by the state. Ralph Ward, personnel director, said the school system will general ly not see any actual growth in staff si/c. William Babson, a maintenance supervisor, said that his crew will probably be renovating mobile units at Union Primary Sch(x>l as class rooms. Because of increased enroll ment at the end ol the 1990-91 school year. Union Primary is gel ung two additional classroom tcac ti ers. The overcrowding will be re lieved. ai least temporarily, with the opening of Supply Elementary School next year. Ward said the school system is al so getting back to tilling some posi tions that were to be funded under the Basic Education Program last year, but were not because the sys tem had to give back part of its state allocation before the school year had even begun. The positions are cither sup port ? such as a school psycholo gist ? or enrichment ? such as for eign language, fine arts or physical education. "We got basically what we gave back last year," said Ward. When a family is looking for a home or vacation home, they want to know more than which ones are for sale. 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