Diabetes Program To Start Diabetes patient education classes Mill begin Oct. / at The Brunswick Hospital in Supply. Support groups will form in January. Program coordinators met last Thursday for a round/able discussion with Brunswick County Health Department Public Health Educator Rita Hatcher , second from right. Also pictured from the hospital are (from left ) Sherry Hendricksen; Earl Tamar, hospital administrator; Pat .Xutter; and Daphne Yarbrough. The program will provide support for patients diagnosed with diabetes at The Brunswick and Dosher .Memorial Hospital in Southport. Low Population Count Might Cost Shallotte BY DOlKt Rl'TTKR Shallottc officials may never sec some of the money they expected from the slate this fiscal year bc causc the U.S. Census Bureau fouled up its 1990 population count. Because the town's olticial popu lation is M i percent lower than it was last year, state demographer Bill Tillman said Shallottc could see a reduction 111 some state revenues. The v onsus bureau had promised to revise its faulty population count this summer, hut its official head count lor Shallottc remained 965 as of Tuesday. Shallottc officials, who say the number is closer to expected S17:.:(K> 111 sales and use tax. Powell Bill inoney and beer and wine ia\ this fiscal vear, according to the 19^1-92 budget. But Tillman said this week there will definitely lv a reduction in Powell Bill funds il the census bu reau's revised tounl isn't forwarded to Raleigh by today i Thursday). " Its down to the wire. The current official policy is to hope that the census bureau conies through, and there's a chance that they will** ? Bill Tillman State Demographer "It's down u> the wire." Tillman saui Tuesday. "The current official polio is 10 hope that the census bu reau comes through, ami there's a chance that they w ill." Besides the possible loss ol Pow ell Bill money, which is used for street improvements. Tillman said sales lax and beer and wine lax dis tributions to Shallottc also could be lower than the town has projected. Shallottc officials protested both the preliminary census figure ol S2X that w as released last September and a revised population count of 965 released in January. In July, the census bureau admit ted it had made a boundary mistake when figuring out Shullotte's popu lation. Some people who live inside the town weren't counted because census officials thought they resided outside of town. The census bureau promised it would issue a "revised certified cen sus count" for Shallottc later in the summer, but town and state officials hadn't received anything as ol Monday. Town (,'lcrk Mary Etui llewctt said she was hoping to get something from the ccnsus bureau by last Friday so she could report the new jxipula tion figure to the state budget office. Mrs Hewctt said this year's pop ulation count is about 30 percent loss than last year's count of 1.394, and that could mean a 30 pcrcent re duction in some state funds. Mayor Sarah Tripp, who has been working with Congressman Charlie Rose to get the census figure cor rected. expects the town to lose at least some of the money it deserves. "It's going to affect us I'm sure," she said Tuesday. "But we don't know how much n w ill affcct us." Mayor Tripp said she's seriously considered writing a letter to President George Bush informing liini that he will lose Republican votes in Shalkutc il the matter isn't resolved. "We still have to pay the bills." she said. "We're just going to have to play it by car." NEW RULE MAY BE ENFORCED CRC Could Require Movement Of Erosion-Threatened Homes A rule lhai would force coastal property owners to relocate or de molish buildings threatened by ero sion may be approved by the N.C. Coastal Resources Commission next week. It the proposal is adopted, home owners and business owners would have to agree to move or tear down endangered structures as a condition of receiving a development permit. T wo do/en people spoke in favor of the idea at a public hearing in July, and more than 100 have sub mitted letters supporting it. accord ing to Jeanncttc Johnson, spokes person for the N.C. Division of Coastal Management. CRC members will consider the proposal when they meet next Thursday and Friday, Sept. 26 and 27, at ihe Howard Johnson Plaza Hotel in Wilmington. Meetings start both davs at 8:30 a.m. Other items on next week's agen da include the following: ?Stale officials will present infor mation on a 6,000-acrc site in Pender County nominated lor desig nation as an Area of Environmental Concern. Owen Jones of Wil mington. a history teacher at I. eland Middle School, nominated the area. It includes land Iving considered for a hazardous waste incinerator. ?A Dare County developer has pe titioned the CRC tor a change in the rule on oceanfront setbacks for large structures. The present rule says large structures are buildings w ith more than four units or larger than 5 .< K K ) square feet. The devel oper wants the reference to the number of units dropped. ?Coastal Resources Advisory Committee recommendations on mannas will be presented. The committee studied issues such as lo cal government involvement in pcr mitiing, the cumulative impacts of smaller docks and access to public inisi waters. For more information on the meeting, call the N.C. Division of Coastal Management ;it 919-733 2293. Calabash EMS Board Meets Calabash Volunteer Emergency Medical Scrviccs answered 43 calls in August. Chief Mark Chrisiv re ported to the EMS Board of Directors at its Sept. 4 meeting. Christy said members worked 127 manhours and logged 1,518 miles. Of the calls, 23 were in Calabash, 10 in Sunset Beach and 10 were from other neightxjring ar eas. Paid county personnel were available and answered nine calls. Three trainees from the EMT training class were voted into the squad, bringing its membership to 18. President Kathy Morfit congratu lated squad members Alan llowarth and Sharon Benton for successfully completing the EMT- 1 course. In other business, the board voted to hold another fund drive involving the goll courses and area merchants. A Great Radial Buy For Your Full-Size Car Steel Belted Construction ? All Season Tread Design Strong Polyester Cord Body Seiberling II $ P15 5 80R13 WHITE STRIPE White Stripe P165 80R13 P175 80R13 P18580R13 P185 7SR14 P195 75R14 Price White Stripe Price $31.95 P205 75R14 S39.95 33.95 P205 75R15 41.95 34.95 P215 75R1S 43.95 36.95 P225 75R15 44.95 37.95 P235 75R15 46.95 ?3 LIMITED TIME OFFER * DAYS SAME AS CASH on I ??V>ne LHyrr ,?r>l pUn WWmtkkti ?l ?>#r t4j?j u t>?'> ?" ?< c CKXtf lortiT Wilmington's Oldest Tire Dealer N. Howe St., Southport, 457-5587 Open Mon-Fn 7:30-5 30, Sat. 8-12 SAVES SAVES SAVES SAVES SAVES SAVES SAVES Recliners ? Kirbv Rcclincrs ? 1 looker ? Stoneville m Q. ?i O o 3 i?1 o Ql r-* ri <* >? ? 3 03 50 o o 3 ? W n> R* I 3 n> Wicker ? Rattan ? High Point Mattress ? Lehigh SAVES SAVES SAVES SAVES SAVES SAVES SAVES NEW AT HOLDEN BEACH : ACE Hardware I _ i , RODS ? REELS * | BEACH GOODS LOWER PRICES 4 MORE ITEMS G ROBINSONS VARIETY 0 Aijn U TL *T Arts And Crafts Entries Due BV ixmi COSCROVK (;uk<;anuk For anyone who is still waiting to enter arts or crafts in the 11th Annual NC Oyster l-'csiival, time is running short 111 is year's event is slated lor October IS and I1', and the deadline for entering works ami reserving a booth is Moiulay, Oct. 7. It's easy to register, but here are a few pointers (or reminders). The Shallotte-based festival, well known as one ol the suite's most outstanding events, hosts artists and trailers from all over the Southeastern United States. It runs most of the day Friday (noon to 10 p.m.) and all day Saturday (9 a.m. to 5 p.m.); a change from previous years' Saturday/Sunday format. This is an opportunity to have thousands of people see local works and perhaps purchase a few pieces to take home and enjoy. Hie headcount so far on entries lor this year is 53, but that number is likely to change soon. Mary Barton, member of the South Brunswick Islands Chamber of Commerce and coordinator of regis tration for die Arts and Crafts Show, remains confident that more people will register. "We'll go well over a hundred this year." she saul. I -ust year, of all ihe entries I'M were arts and oralis The eniry I'ee U>i iiirietl (judged, professional) 01 non juried eale gories is $50. plus an extra S I *> il an electrical houk-up is needed. I he space each participant is given to work with is 12' X 12' and nioio than one space can he reseived it so desired. The items shown must he made by the entrant; participanis can't bring old clothes and throw a vard sale at the Oyster Festival. Typically, works such as blown glass, shell ornaments, paintings, ceramics, and all sorts of hand made wares are available lor view ing and purchase. Prizes will be awaidcd to arts and crafts juried entries for Best of Show ($300 purchase), and lirsi (SIOO purchase) and second ($50 purchase) places for the two cate gories; arts or crafts. The chamber sponsors the annual event and has entry forms and copies of the rules available. Potential entrants can pick up a copy at the chamber office in Shallottc (corner of U.S. 17 Business and NC 130), or call Mary Barton and Jack Scarborough, chair of the arts and crafts committee, at the chamber, 754-6644. County Food Distribution Set The Brunswick County Depart ment of Social Services will dis tribute USDA IixhI commodities Sept. 27 and 2K at the white build ing across front the old Red & While lot in Bolivia. The site will be open front 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Friday, and will re open Saturday at 8:30 a.m., remain ing open until the supply of foods is exhausted. Food available includes cheese, butter, cornmcal. Hour, vegetable beans, applesauce, green beans, beef, raisins and rice. This allotment is cxpecled to serve around two thousand households, according to a DSS news release. Those receiving food should bring their own box or tarrying contaiiiei and should Iv aware that this is a first come, f irst served program. Food stamp participants who have a white commodity card ami green identification card qualiK hut must have received food stamps m the month of August 1991. Il"tise holds not in the Koixl Stamp pro gram must fill out a commodity ap plication. Eligibility is based on household income during August Persons not sure of the require menus or qualifications involved in the commodities program, or how to pick up food lor another person should direct questions lo Slink \ Weston at DSS In calling 2^-4 VH , 763-9798 or 457-6227. Need SPACE away! from the kids? J> Check out our new floor plans! IVilh large luxurious master bedrooms and I :" s unci v . family rooms, you'llfind the pi rjei! sp< ?< ;i;st t ? HOMES BY ANN ^ VneAnnB?oZn,RHS "Service Is Our Commitment " Hwy. 17 N., Shallotte, 754 5147 J.M. Parker & Sons vesKS* Gliddan Lot?x and OH Bos* Prime Coots also on SALE! 754-4331 Hwy. 211 & 17, Supply