BEACON Listings THU. SEP 26 - Weekdays ?!'-?* ? ? ?V ? Atlantic Telephone Co. Cable -I Vision Cable ol N C II Jj WWAY (ADC) Wilmington Q ij WECT Minyton JJ WBIW iC'BS) I lofonoe WTVD (AHl ) Durham III dU WUNJ (t?BS> W Immyton LI JJ WJKA. Ci "HS) V\ mnyton a ill HBO (Puy) New Vork CI i J ARTS A&l W mnyfon (X 111 ESPN Spoils. Nowvoik a ?l N.CK U '1 (If, -MS IV) N> Ul Jil TBS imu 1 Atlonto ?iJI MAX (Pay) Cuvmu* \> C2i SHOW. O'oy) Showt.'ru* IU II] WGN i: m ), Chicuyo IIJ TMC ii'oy) Movies \v iil WWOR tlnd) \<>v Vo'k U ill CNN 0'>d ) News. Atlanta 33 LIFE. I. totime. Now York 13 S?l DISN C^'ay). Disney. Co'it 12] i_J TNN ' ? \ ishv e Ul Z? J USA Variety. New Vo'k JiJ IIJ TNT (Inci ). Atlanta WED. OCT 2 6 AM 6 30 7 AM 730 8 AM 8:30 9 AM 9:30 10 AM 10:30 11 AM 11:30 IGouC Voming Amerv<i I vr AT * Kath? Lee Je?v>y Jon?, Today tXjnahue Stfy Jessy RaphaH One on One I Covet to I Cover [CBS Jh* Vom?ng Donahue Daunng Women Pnce Is R^m ( jOUC v Good Vo?">tng Amenca Donahue Satfy Jessy R*/v*< Home :? AV Weather Vared [CBS M- Revs Sesame Sfeei ight Readr>g |STV Pro Ramdo* | yA n Oesgn'ig IFamrty feud 3 2 1 Contact Pnce h Right STV Pro yarxr-'ng fy <V* Pooeye F -aggie Roc* IP** Panther Knots Landing THU. SEP 26 ? Weekdays - WED. OCT 2 12 PM 1230 1 PM 1:30 2 PM 230 3 PM 3:30 4 PM 4:30 5 PM 5:30 A V, O'C'p" One L#e to L\e General Maspta Corent At far Cheers Jeopardy4 Days c* Jur Lves Another Wonc Santa Rartiara Opra* Wnhey Peoples Court i 4"C t> Re>fless [Bex (3 ax the Bea^ru As the Wonc Tums Gudog L^ht Oprah Winfrey 227 Cunent At fa* A V, . MCrer One t?fe to L*e General Hosprta Otrar w-nhey Peoples Court Vaned Vaned Vaned Sesame Street 4-?c the Rest'ess Boh: and r* Bea-Tfu As the World Tjm$ Ta"e "om TDartwmg Duck N*i* Turhe Tm* Toons Adventures Star Trt* The Ne*t Generation THURSDAY EVENING SEPTEMBER 26 6 PM 6 30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 WBTW WTVD 11 WUNJ JUL W>? o' P*os & Cons FBI Stones Cosby S*xj* Who $ the Boss' (Cosby S^o* |Di*erent Wond WVe o' loCj^e Jeooarc/ Top Cops American Detective Prune Time Live Arsemo Hi! Cheers Wngs ReasonaWe Doubts News Tna's o' Rosie 0Ne?n 1 35) Tonqht Show Knots Landmg Fty by Nqht Jeopardy* W*v- o* fOTjnt F^os & Cors FBI Stones BwS Report Goei ' Wa1 Faer?e Ta? ?hea"e C fisfcf Mystery' American Detective Prme Time Live News taghtkn EastE riders EastE'xJers E"t Tonight Hard Copy Top Cops Tnafe Of Ros* ONeiH Knots Landing TwiigM Zone Fly by Nqht Jul World o' Surwai Kingdom o' the Wi?d Brute Force The History ot Weapons at War Prison* An Evening at the fmprov Moneyfene CrOSS* T PrT>eNews Lary King Lrve* World News Spurts W;_ Moneyime M. SporTsCente ESPNs SpeecWee* Co ege Football Baseball Tonight SportsCenter I 1 Vuu O'op Ope' Hixve L A Law Movie Mmilii at Murter N Alien Ar amnesiac discovers she is the target of a v*ngetu< hj.iet Spenser For M*e G?* '^spector uacqe: Loo?>?y Tunes Mor% & M.nfly Get Smart I Dragnet I Hitchcock I Green Acres Mr Ed 1 America J2221 TBS O) 1 Be wen y HrtitW?S ? If- Major League Basetw, II 20 1 Mown* Things Change 0 Amccf* A s*mp*emmoefl man tafces a "mrtJer rap loi a Be a Star On Stage Amencan Nashville Now Mus< Shop I Croo* and Chase 10" Stage I Amencan Musk; SrH>P | "y a^d Pais Mu.-e Three Worlds o< GdKvw * Mitnews a surgeon tmds himseff m the frid ol Liii<xn I Movie I 9m Ejfti K Maff)ews MacGyver Murder She Wrote (Movie Mining J Lemma) An Amencan writer mysteriously disappears dunr^ ^military coup m a South Amencan coun MacGyver m. Saved 3y the Ben i D'ear*1 of Jearrve To Be Announced |Mov>e FMng Omen S L K'rei T*w men jo>n the Fprey Legor ar<! gel ;io trout*- a' every fyr. iNews Tw<ig*t Zone Magnum pi OIS Wn ???. IComedy boss ' I Whee Ma*y League Baseba" News Swtch vS* r.'w Sleeping Beauty V Fairchiia | Movie P?nrt Trap H Mtfs Two identical leeagers meet by chance and dscover meyj/e sisters Mov* Sign ot Four J Br en J!L Daddy s Dyin Who's Got the WVP Mov*e Cobra S SWtone An Murder |HB0 Comedy Hour IlnsKJe the NFL T S^?w Sweel Smell ot Success 8 Lif\*tsttx A -? *c orea> up r?s S'Ster s romance Movie Attn Kurosawa's Dreams M Scorsese Eight dream, s *e brought to irfe Movie finds her sett hying G Hawi An amnesiac m.iionairess with a strange man " Mo/w Hew Yort Stones ?V A/ier Three celebrated f.lmm^ers contrtbcte the/ ates gt the big or, Mov* FHl L frmona PMtps 1 40t National Laniooon Camwy Playoffs I 4bl I TMC 03 V . ? To Ki? a Cop I PI 2 ot ?| .> < Afr IMov* Fan Food j Mm Soaad Zonti J tinay 1 35i Mov* Urn StAiS C Shew FRIDAY EVENING SEPTEMBER 27 6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7 30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 WWAY Jo_ MjL SfrvwT Whee? ot E0Tl/ie Mar-ec Family Wallers Step by Step Perfect Stranger Bab* Talk 20/20 News A^eoro Hail I Costly Show [Whcsthe B?s* |Rea> Life [Expose Dear John iFieshn Blood iReasonabte Dcubts i 35) Tona/rt S f?ow WJTV Whee of Foci*e Jeopardy* Pnncesses Brooklyn Bripge Movie Stenger al My Door R Unci) News Toland On Sports Jeopard/ W^ee' o* ton j* Fam<fy Matters Step by Step Perlecl Spargers |BaDy Talk "J 20/20 N?*s TO Bus Report NC Week DC Wee* Wall Street Weefc Move Mary ot Scoiend K Hepburn Mary ot Scotland ?s sentenced to death tor setcng the throne |Eveon Dance AI've Prom Ott Center Uy ect?* I'.BS \-?\ |Er* Ton^ |HarC Copy pn- losses |Broo*dyn ' Bndge Movie Stinger el My O mR Uncfi Twil^jht Zone Dark Justice WorkJ ot Sor^ai Tine Machne Wtfi Jao Perkins Investigative Reports Arts & [merta?nment Revue An fvenmg at the Improv W/'C W<xe/tme Crossfire PrneNews Larry Kjng Live' World News Sports Ti Tonight Ml L?E SfXiTsCentc Ma*/ league Baseball Majof League Baseball S nop T?i *Ou Drop Oper* House LA law Mow ThoM Sla UK MM C Go* A m* s forced ISeensef fa H*c to cope wnh a baby after his wife Pes Qunng tabor NICK (D? TBS Inspector Gadge* Loorey Tunes Morv & M>-?dy Superman Get Smart Dragnet jHrtchcock ji Green Acres Mr Ed | Amenta Tomqht *cf Grr^tr, .? Beverly H.iifrlies |' iv Sanford and Son |(0i, Af<3y Griffith jMaKx League Baseball i ibi Move B Oilman a Be o Star On Stage Te*as iNastvte Now Cortfectfcr. Crook and Chase i On Stage Texas Connection ? <4e lia'C 6 jqs B j ' f ar>d Pais |Mov* in Pirates R Jncf) Space prates try to save trie jrwerse Dy steaing gdiaoic gjbes I Mone Graea Slrm R Hrton S5i lit) n Semen , Pc,**- ISa.*d by B-ri W^OR "lis Cv" *c, N'Aj t Boss' MacCyve Mi/der She Wrote l Dfta'* of Jeanne Comedy Whee? To Be Amounted Lead oft Man M<vo- league B*sebai Htchcock jl Major League Baseball R*r 3rad Swamp Tr>"0 In Unpaid 'P I |Cmem Attractions USA Music Today JSL _T j't Good OkJ Boy R A 12 ye* od boy v--, j" town i- 1942 >. Movfe Mommie Dearest f Du^war Vu.-e Kentucniar, 3 Ljr^uiirtjr A ri^n >0 r?S so^ "<?te to Tfcjd'> 'o>' g to star a new life Mow; Movie Stat Time 0 Cderw I Movie Rutfi Weak V Lucfmg" Move (M el AMm M Sow p A woman m Afnca conducts a rpr^nce witfi a Bntisn b^^yne hunter ( Move Weekend el Ml A Two Tjes From ?^ys tnd tfiee boss murdered at tws beach hot? me Crypt Move Seln s fttoeee R fat# Mov* Sac re* el Lave TVeeRettrti Tetes S|W TMC Wo.* Con? Mo- c AbOoti end Cosfefto InvtnWe Men 3 AMurr Move Party C M*l>n Mcwe Troop Bevarty h to S ionp The wrfe of a nch jus''essn>ari tares tr^rgt of a g>rs troop i ? Come dy Move el GaM J ivxto Mwe SHrtmp on N Bartll C |Mo?e J Aderson :(45i J* UK* W *-5?> A Z v Gardenias...$1 .50 y ?# ? Wyeglia $1.50 Azaleas $1.50 J W ^ l i ^ Leah's Nursery^ ^ HALF MILE NORTH OF Gf SHALLOTTE ON THE "S> Wf BYPASS'754 6994 W MON SAT 9 5.30 ^ KO FALL ^ SPECIAL! 14x28 complete frwm a a a with steps, concrete deck, t / U I II 1 ready to swim I jUVrV Free solar cover. Buy now and be ready for spring! HALL'S CUSTOM POOLS ^579-8828 ? 17 YEARS EXPERIENCE ? 738-5697 SATURDAY MORNING " SEPTEMBER 28~l 6 AM 630 7 AM 7 30 ? AM 130 9 AM 9:30 10 AM 10:30 11 AM 11 30 JEL Boys Bu >y & Show L?mJ of the Lust Dar%wmg Ouck BaettofUKe Prates o f U*V Wafc* Ca(* PWwf iPrmupiis Seaet 1L Dudley IX) iAMjuh ?>d R?ght I CosteNo Ch*> Peppe? Yo? Yog1 Captan N IPmSters WrsMOd Spaimats Savnd by The BeM _WJ ITW Krypfu" F Jrttf Supe* force Supe?t>uy L*me Merman) [Rntors m the Sky Moftw Goose GarheW and Fnands Tw-V Mi/tar* N?<m Turtles Baiktoffw IACC fuuttvni future I Today TD little Rascals (i'h \ [ABC Wee* IStcerboy end SpauaJ Wrw* Puon I jid of the Lost Oatomnq (Axk jBeefeMCC Prates of Dart Wjte? Soul Tram 0?t A* Sesa?** Street Readrig Rambow Long Ago & lar Away CEO wmn File 8us*?ss File Business ^2 Business Mgt IBumvis I Law Progrji' Cuntjl C?ub Go* Tonic Crusaders IBuMwmMe Riders n the Sfcy Motfwr Goose Garheid and F nends Teenage Mite* Nm?a Turtles Soul Tram JUL Fugtr.r All Creatures Groat and Small Wild World I New Wader ILMng Dangerously of me last I ness Tme Math** With Jack Pertuns BcgrdP^V Mo.** Coot |Mov<e TNnA dtg V kkjil Movie Botty Goodman Story 5 Men Benny Goodman makes his debut *" 1 at Camepe Hail Mow Raw Deoi wreaks hawc on the rnob to An ex CIA agant pb back DayBeafc Correspond OayB^ak dosellp Oayfl/eak News.The B^ Story Wwj(/ I r|WS Healthweek | Mpf*yweefc ShowBu Style Science Fbaii FVvw [Program Contl School Sport SportsCenter | Outdoor Magannc Fry Fishing lUfbmate ESPN Outdoors F?sNr> Hole V'ZZSi J me wood I Sosm | College 1 GameOay (4UU. Se* Improvement Gmde Sefl Improvement Gunte Baby Knows ER Image Workshop Attitudes LTTI Bits Eureekas Castle Count DuckUa Heathciih Inspector Gadget Inspector Gadget Yog Yogi Out of Conco* ISK8 TV TBS G ore Pyie ?> |i obi Gunsmoke lain Oil Bonaua |(05|WCW Pjww Hour IK' Niton* GaogrV* l?i*w 0B A Backyard Amenu J?01 I (jydemng Mwes ICounry Crafts I Kitchen SOe by S*3e iGong Ou |Wiy Jk. Wo. e Swti Sttngaf h out! Mov* frm Wmrla J IV How ttw West Wis Wot Mot? Dliniium Otyi at lOowi Joan R Haian A Move Corn [Doq House Paid Program Hollywood Insder PGA Go? PGA Golf (Cent) lou Grant Larry Jones | World To morrow US Farm Report People to People '-'WiO; I Heart of I Business Rpt iHangn In 22E I I NWA Pro Wresting Pad F>rugram Pa tO Program Mousercrse iTrpf jT'ee jPooh Comer ji Pooh Comer lOumbos Circus Woules Pound Puptxs fraggie Rock lOonaid Duck iBest of Wan D?sney I Presents | Presents Mtmwrm Mouse Club Masquerade rSj Movie Soma Kind of Wondertu* f Stottz A shy buy ?i? do a'-yth ng to .mpress a preny popular qm Baba Watfd o' 0/ Mov* Vetactt Papea C Branson Informant Joe Vatachi rocouits his 40 far, m the Mafia inside the NFl Mo?* Cont |Mo* * Big Top Paa waa P Heniwi Movie hnds r?rseft ti Hami An amnesiac nulhona^ess w*h a strange man Mov* D Stodrw&l Emperor of SHOW Last Survivors M Sheen Movie i Ok* W f*Kts Mov* Slagln' In e?a Rata G KeHy A film hero has problems dunofl u? transibor to movies with sotr>0 Movie Sate Out C Ifnmts Hu*hi SATURDAY (|) 1' AFTERNOON SEPTEMBER 28 12 PM 12:30 1 PM 1:30 2 PM 2:30 3 PM 3:30 4 PM 4:30 5 PM 5:30 WWAY Vov* Karate Kjd III w Mjccrtiu A karjte leather ?t 'o help n s 'ituOeni train lor a Drum match Picti?e Show Co ieg? F oottw Mwc Air Amarica M Gibson Two CIA pilots make clandestine flights rarty in the V?lnam War Mow? Hon 8 /teams College Fuoitui [TO College Footba'i PGA Go? PGA Got (Cout ) Co lege Foutba*1 M*or League Baseball iCoege Fcx)?twi College Footbai1 m. Business | Finance I Finance Law jj* | Mngt 02L Dtscovenng [Dtscovenng pooSJS Psychology | Psychology | tmagnation Soookj^cai I Travel Imagnabon WQMW Victory Garden Travels Woodwnght TT*s CMd House Sta' T't* Marathon Star Tre* Marathon (Coot ) Star Trek ?5th Anniversary A. Investitive Reports tov* Interlude J AJfysan An American l> wurV/ig m Germany falts for a conductor hbrvan Mowe % Man Godfrey J Aifyson A woman transforms a ban mto the tamrfy butler Carolines Comedy Hew NewsOay Evans and Novak NewsDay Newsmkr Sat News/ Healthwee* Style News/On the Menu News /Y 01/ News/ Money CtoseUp News/Futjre Watch tartyPnme iNewsmVj Sat Program Con Secrets of Speed NASCAR Racing Amencas Parades TnatMon Astro World Senes of Dog Shows Offshore Powerboat Ftocrng Women s Billiards Frugal Gourmet Siste' Ka!e Supermarket Sweep ft s Garry Moonhghting Hote? Spenser For Hre Pnsoners of Wedlock |0en-i.s the Menace | Dennis the Menace [Flipper | Hare and the Hedgehog Man of Iron I Moonstone Gem [Cant on TV iMike the tirade Famify Double Dare Salute Your Shots 1 0* Happy ?2L Coi'ege Football CH.PS CH.PS R?*T.udeinig [G'eat Outdrs speoM) Bass Hank Parker Champonship Rodeo Remodefmg iTruck Power College National Finals Ro deo Country Beat 1 1 1 00? Movie Dangerous Days ol Kiowa Joim [Mov?e Mty the KM R Ttyfof A Western marshal tnes to capture the outlaw called Bdiy the Kid I Movie Rn Over Africa M Otera A female agent "" ' a drug- smugging rmg m Tai investigates a drug si 3 ring in Tanpe Maya I Movie Fatal tspouire M Wmnmqhzr, A vacationing V- , -j accidental y Vgeted <pr assassination |Movie teaman I Mutton A scientific expedition discovers a Neanderthal man. frozen txjt alrve Square Pegs IWeicome Back Miami Vce WGN 1T ? a?p WWOR Sou' T'ar ?l Jump Street i Aj Major League Baseball rzT ISwtch lit Takes a Th?f [AjrwoM |R?*i for Your Life iKrugfrt Rider |A Team JlL |Mo?ie Black StaMon K R t O A boy comes to chensh the sta iipn that saved r.,c irfe Best of Osney 50 Years of Mage Movie C Hestori (35) Danger Bay Movie Batnaii A kVesf Batman and Hotxn hght their W wmst enemies to save -nan kind Movie Karate IQd M R Maccfw A karate teach? refuses to help his student tram for a brutal match Mow Pk* Up Aim M fhngmM Kind of T i'1 JO Move Emperor ol (ta North L Mjnnn Mo w Run Silent. Run Deep C GMe Mov* II music ol Taw h My Oretrra 0 DBy The Kte and Gus Kahn are portrayed songwrne Mew MaMM snetn SHOW 'in J, Mov* Sida Out C Thumb Hum H. Mov* Horn on Cam! Straai * McCMrs Mow attorney is aexusad J Una r The taner o< a Ocago 0 ol Nan m enmes lUblMov* Sugartand ti praai 0 Hum SATURDAY EVENING SEPTEMBER 28 WWAY iCffi WECT 6 PM 6:30 (3 vj College football 7 PM Hee Ha# 7:30 8 PM Whos the Boss' 8:30 Growing Pins 9 PM 9:30 Young Men 10 PM 10:30 Cornish 11 PM News 11:30 Weekend Jam Highway to Heaver Golden G*i$ Torttfsons Emoty Nest I Nurses Sisters News Saturday t* jff ft s Shown -De at the Apollo Movie Her AW I Sdfec* A mystery wnter otters to provide an ai>t> for a murder suspect PSI LUV U News Amen [3 JOj College Football Wheel of Fortune Whos the Boss' Growing PlKTS Young Riders Commtsh News Arthur D Moore m. m. New Yankee iFruga' Workshop | Gourn tet I Wild Amerca Lawrence Weik American Patchwor* Austin Oty Limits Lonesome Pine Specials Anniversary Star Trek The Next Generation Movie Her AM T Sdlec* A mystery wnter otters to provide an atit> for a nurder suspect PSI LUV U Mov* Street J C ?V&iEhers Ml All Cieatues G'eat anc Small Mov*. UBy 0n?wnar Gki O Kamn An actress is reciuted by IComedv on me Ftaal limrnnT Israeli mteuqence to wtmrae me Palestine Liberation 1)|mW ^ PnmeNewi . ... I ? News Pinnacle Cap<Qi Gang News Sports Sat jShowfla |NwB/fuia> jWnrtd NewT" Sports Nrte Capital Gang / 1 News Program ContlSportsCenter |F?a> Score IColKge Football Ftbail Score !Coiiefle Football Last Frontier |Pt 2 ot 2) l fwris To Be Annomad Contessfflns ot Cnme What Would You Do' [Welcome Fresmnen Doug Looney Tunes Looney Tunes | Get Smart j Donna Hud |mi Ed bons TTiree Patty Duke OotM Gitiis Hlchcoc* TBS 05i Wonfl Championship Wrestling Maior League Baseball I ?S| U S Olympc GoM 45) hfcght Bugs Bunny aixJ Pals |0pry Back iGranO Ole | Barbara Mandrell tne stage I Opry Live ] Mandretl Sstws Mow Tata tn hui Great fl mtrwt A harsh omi sergeant prepares tws Puops la bade ri Korea American Music Shop [Texas Opry Back Connection stage Grand Ole Opry Irve ( 15; Mov* M Red C MHUi An American Marine unit endures the honors ot war Ml Super Force Hangrn In A Team Movie Wart* Dead or AJfce R H*j? Hitchhiker I Hitchcock To Be Announced $100,000 Major League BaseteJ1 Movie Hal Spfti ft Stwimttz News Bachelor Father USA Mus?c I Movie Carrie S Space* A withdrawn teenager uses Today | her tetekitieOc powers tor revenge I News Howard Stem I Move Hoaey. I Svwk fee IQ* R Mams FoJ"T3T are acodemaliy reduced to rmcroscopc stfe Shrunk K*Js (Movie S ?Hnh. Too T ttfevn M. hi JUj Movie Some Kind of Wondartul f Sfurt/ |( 15) Movie Loo* Who's Taftta| J Travofo I HBO Comedy Hour I Movie R Hk*y (4b, Dirty Hmty JL SHOW Movie Hantturger M A Bvnle A squad ot solders laces a Moody stomsli over a Vetnamase mi lou, A?ssr photographer ; ikgntmares begti to come true tiOi Mu.'t Sugarla bgnats g mwn Wov* Cont I Movie ThMt M Mull I Movie SMa (M C ntcrms Howell A student wortung tor his jKJe txyni playing pro voiievtui |Mcwe Cyborg j Vw Omr* Mom SMe ft Qraca S Prn A man ions a cnme Ii 151 Sucer organmbon m a New Yon. City yiaio 0*t IMwe HwDmIA SOmarimm, wraaks hawc on tfie mob to gi^Tis At en -OA agem IOC back MSiMan ?or Ma A Sweet Deal One Doicn Glazed Doughnuts Free To introduce you to our Doughnuts to Dollars Fund Raising Plan, we're offering 1 dozen glazed Free with each 10 dozens you buy during the month of October.* Krispy Kreme Doughnut Corporation 3608 Oleander Drive Wilmington , JVC Phone: (919) 799-1560 * As always this offer applies to orders of 50 or more dozens. Cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer. At participating shop only. Expires October 3 1 , 1991 . ? 1991 Krispy Kreme Doughnut Corporation doughnuts

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