MORE LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Holden Beach Being Divided Based On Property Ownership To the editor: I have followed closely the dis cussions regarding the canal situa tion and beach erosion at Holdcn Beach. I have read the comments from commissioners, property own er association, realtors, etc., and find it hard to understand the sides taken. When the bcach became eroded due to Hugo and the later winter storms, the discussions were whether or not to assess the individ ual "oceanfront" property owners or add it to taxes or just what to do. I am a canal property owner and have always felt that Holdcn Beach is my beach whether I live on the canal, oceanfront or boulevard. When the beach damage occurred I thought it was every property own ers responsibility to contribute to the rebuilding of our bcach front. I have the same rights to the bcach and ocean as anyone else re gardless of where I own property and felt equally responsible to con tribute my share to replace or repair the damage. The same is true in regard to the canals. There are a large number of oceanfront property owners and boulevard owners along with the masses of the general public that use the canal system along with the canal property owners. It is all part of "our beach." But now we are dividing up the bcach based on property ownership. Before it's done we will be issuing passes based on what and where an individual owns property. 1 am con cerned about maintaining the family atmosphere and property values of the entire bcach. Along with the oceanfront prop erly are the canal systems, where families fish, ride, swim and enjoy beach life. Mr. (Kenncr) Amos' re mark "to have marinas up and down those canals" is ridiculous. He clearly doesn't know the difference between a canal system and marina and obviously lives on the bcach front. I do not mind paying my share for the work to be done to the canals as 1 did not mind paying my share for the oceanfront work. There seems to be no unison of our governing bodies. The first step in hailing the sedimentation in the canals is require with a deadline all canal lot owners to install a seawall whether a house exists or not to keep sediment from washing in. I'll be res|H>nsible fur my floating dock ami seawall should I decide U) rc locale a temporarily while dredg ing Uikes plate or have lo rebudd it later with the thought in mind it in creases my properly value overall by having a gixxl canal system ver sus the fractional costs involved with a dock. The town ol Maiden Beach could get into a lot of trouble by not get ting involved in the repair of the canal systems I guess ihov won't get into any trouble by rebuilding the entire beach Iront or building bridges, rcpaving or paving roads or relocating power lines, etc. No one is saying it will be easy or please everybody or be cheap but it is an integral part of our beach that needs help. Mrs. (Gloria) Barrett is not genuinely looking af ter the interest of Hotdcn Beach and its property owners. The ne.xt time the bcach erodes let just the oceanfronl owners pick up the lab and be sure lo lake down the signs in the canals that say "No Wake- Molden Bcach Police/Town of Holdcn Beach." We all are own ers of Holdcn Beach and all its physical properties and all of us need lo restore it. F. 1.. (Ulhe) White. II High Point Quest Is Just Time-Waster To the editor: Why sonic people are all het up about the Quest program and others giving out with so much hype puz zles me. A government bureaucracy which can no longer teach the Three "R"s and throws out the more effective teaching methods lor doing so isn't capable ol producing a fearful amount of psychological manipula tion nor any significant amount of valuable instruction. Functionally Quest is just another time-wasting program. But at least, the educators should identify which students they think need such in struction instead of leaving to de fensive parents the burden of deci sion and removal therefrom. The policy dictating that ALL children need such a program unless parents object is yet another exam ple of professional arrogance. Karl E. Brandt Shallotte Disturbing Questions Raised At School Board Meeting To the editor: Monday night's Brunswick Coun ty Schix>l Board meeting discussion of the Quest program raised some disturbing questions in the mind of this attendant. Problems concerning the value of Quest's non-directive form of edu cating middle schtxil students about decision-making, drugs and self-es teem were voiced. Decision-making is an important skill to teach our children. But chil dren need direction in learning how to make decisions-just ask any mother if she has ever had to teach her children the wrong thing to do. They know that instinctively. The fault in non-directive meth ods of decision-making, like those used in Quest, is that they do not recognize thai there is a right an swer. All situations arc relative with this process, and are based on the child's feelings. Yes, 1 agree with Quest's propo nents: let's teach our children how U) make decisions. But let us give them the proper tools with which to make these decisions, and not ex pect an inexperienced, immature, and might I add hormonal adoles cent to make wise decisions apart Irom moral absolutes. Because of this non-directive method. Quest cannot teach that drugs are wrong, only that children need to make their own choiccs concerning drugs. Excuse me, but the latest news is that drugs are ille gal, and the law states that public school districts that receive federal funds must leach pupils "that the use of illicit drugs and the unlawful possession and use of alcohol is wrong and harmful." Surely Brunswick County would like to comply with tlus federal law and keep up with the rest of the na tion. At a glance, the teaching of self esteem is an attractive part of the Quest program. 1 certainly want my children to have healthy self-con cepts, to know who they are, and why they are valuable to not only oui family but to socicty as well. Their knowledge is based upon not only our parental love for them, but the realization of God's uncondi tional love for them. What is the basis for self-esteem taught in Quest? IXx-s u go beyond the child, or is it a philosophy of "I'm OK, you're OK?" One can clearly see how this could lead a child lo justify whatever decisions he makes with the rationale of "I'm alright, therefore, nty decision is al right.' Individual accomplishment is what bolsters healthy self-esteem in a child. Academics, sports, hand, art and drama arc just some of the areas in our schools in which to strive for achievements. Let us encourage Brunswick County students toward personal success in these, instead of developing a false sense of self-es teem, devoid of individual accom plishment. Some questions raised at the school board meeting have yet to be answered to my satisfaction. Why does Brunswick County persist in using a drug education program that meets neither federal or state re quirements? Why is Quest labelled as drug education when it does not deal with drugs or drug use until the course is half over? Why was R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company deleted in the list of com pany sponsors of the Quest program given by the Lion's Club spokes man? Why are students not allowed to bring their Quest workbooks home? And why were concerned parents who were exercising their right of free speech about a program that in volves their children accused of McCarthyism by a program propo nent? To the thinking of this person, this is a sad statement on the part of those callcd to be public servants. Could Brunswick County employ a drug program using different methodology, that would give stu dents direction in saying no to drugs? Of this, I have no "Question." Dcbra Galdo South port SOUTH WIND SIGNS CUSTOM PAINTED SIGNS ANY SIZE SPECIALIZING IN CUSTOM ELECTRIC SIGNS AND INSTALLATION & REPAIR 754-8439 HOLDEN BEACH ROAD -mm* PHOTO BY BILL F AVI i MALE LEAST TERNS often take small fish to the female while she is incubating the eggs. Enjoy Watching The Least Terns r It Y BILL FAYKK Among the many sjx'cies of birds along our Brunswick County coast, the terns are just about my favorites. Several spccics spend some time with us and the small est of these slender birds with forked mils is the Least Tern, commonly called the "Little Tern." Its scientific name is Sterna Alhifrons and its wing spread is about 20 inches anu it j stands from XV5 to 9VS inches tall. jy Adult Least Terns are white with a gray mantle and a white patch cuts into the black cap on their foreheads. Yellow bill anil yellow legs are other distinctive markings. These terns have a rapid wing beat and a pointed bill. In fall, the bill becomes dusky dark and the legs become a dull yellow. The black cap gives way to black behind the head and a black line to the eye. Young birds arc similar with a sandy-buff above with quite dark wings. Least Terns are common summer residents along our coast and can be with us from April to October and sometimes on into December. Their nests are FAVKR slight scrapes or depressions along the beach, on sandbars, on new fill, and even on the Hat gravel rools of large buildings. Two or three buff to olive brown eggs with spots or blotches arc laid and seem to match the surrounding shells, pebbles, or debris almost ex actly. Birds are incubated for about three weeks and young birds fly at about 24 days. The male is very at tentive to the female during nesting and brings lish or small crustacca to the nest for her. In the late 1 8(X)s, the birds were almost wiped out by the demand for whole bird skins to adorn ladies' hats. Thanks to the Audubon Society and government regulations this practice was outlawed and the birds have recovered to a great extent, though their numbers arc still less than that desired. We can hear these small terns as they call a "kip, kip, kip" or a "zeck" or a harsh, raspy "chcr-ec-eep" when they arc flying above the surf looking for lish. aquatic insects, or small crustacca. They hover with bill downward and suddenly plunge. Then we know they are feeding their mate, feeding their young, or possibly feeding themselves. They arc a welcomed and important part of our seashore world anil it is lun to watch them and learn of their interesting habits. RC&D Gives Volunteers Some Room To Work Community projects often lull on the shoulders of volunteers. When iheir ideas about conservation and belter use of the land arc not backed by funding, those ideas become nothing more than wild dreams. Brunswick County will become partners in the U.S. Department ol Agriculture's Resource Conserva tion and Development (RC&D) pro grant, which is aimed at helping lo cal residents tackle their own rural development problems. County Commissioners voted to join hands with the Region O Council of Governments to apply for part of $30 million to be allocat ed this fiscal year for local RC&D projects. District I Commissioner Kelly Holdcn owns a farming business. When he first heard the RC&D pre sentation recently, his eyes widened like a kid's on Christmas Day. Brunswick County is home to a unique mixture of coastal shore lines, Carolina bays, farms and river banks. It has northern industries and southern farms. Holdcn and the oth er commissioners saw opportunites here, and better yet, "No county funds will be involved," he added. The county pays a per diem for council members to attend meet ings, while an area coordinator is funded by the US DA and serves as a catalyst for getting the ball rolling locally. RC&D projects have helped an Iowa community rebuild a railroad needed to link community and local r (T^ ?. y ? i ?-'V industry. When ihc private railroad tailed, in stepped volunteers and RC&D funding 10 put it back on irack, pardon the pun. In one Georgia community, when lire hydrants went dry due to a wa ter crisis, RC&D funds flowed in to help a hand of volunteers solve the problem. The project also helped lower the insurance rates for resi dents there. In some Georgia high schools, students have developed hydroponic greenhouses as an alternate method for growing produce. What began in the high schools has filtered into the community with the help of volun teers and RC&D funding. Each of the communities faced a problem but had volunteers eager to come up with a solution, if only the money was available. All it takes is a council of community leaders ea ger to make things happen, said Dennis Cooms, district coordinator of the RC&D program. "The main thrust of the program is resource conservation and protecting the environment," said Cooms. The area identifies a problem and Terry Pope then communities work together to gel those things fixed, he said. Imagine what can happen when county leaders from New Hanover. Pender. Bladen. Brunswick and Co lumbus counties put their heads to gether to try to solve area environ mental and erosion control prob lems. It's really nothing new to Brunswick County, for in the 1970s Shallotte's James Bellamy headed the lixal RC&D council, but for some reason the program died a slow death. Now, 20 years later, it is returning. RC&D was started by the 1962 Agriculture Act under the USDA program, receiving S25 million that year which was some hefty sum for the 1960s. This year, S3() million will be allocated to the 194 pro grams nationwide, so the pieces to the pic have gotten smaller. But still, it's a ray of hope. It'd be great to sec a community identify its own problem, plan a solution, have volunteers give up their time to work on that project and see the problem solved. It seems so American to channel funds to communities where people are willing to help themselves. Voluntarism is the backbone to strong communities. RC&D funding isn't a handout or an expensive government study on the mating habits of some insignifi cant species. I'd like to see the pro gram and local volunteers actively at work in Brunswick County. IMA ^ ATTENTION: BIMA AND EXPRESS CARE PATIENTS Brunswick Islands Medical Associates 579-0707 We at Brunswick Islands Medical Associates appreciate your patience while we await the return of Dr. Wilkerson and the arrival of Dr. Kirtley. Please note the change in Express Care hours for September. As always, the BIMA physician on-call is available 24 hours a day by calling 579-0707. Thank you, Dr. Marcus Williams Dr. Michael Wilkerson _ __ Dr. Ga?y Ross Q ^ P ? Dr. Samuel Kirtley 579-0800 SEPTEMBER EXPRESS CARE HOURS: Monday-Friday 9 am to 7 pm LOCATED IN THE SOUTH BRUNSWICK ISLANDS MEDICAL PARK 4 MILES SOUTH OF SHALLOTTE ON HWY. 17. NEW AT HOLDEN BEACH oir t <ur t lvv<irv RODS ? REELS '* BEACH GOODS BLINDS ICtStO't: iN* V ?' SMI ITFS ? FAKRK ?lUKMWKr I ?ntEt 1EASIRINQ tt tsriniiv I ? BLIND CONNECTION CALL (803) 249-1790 1 nyitw Bck-/ISy. 17. Aoom fraa KDmiM* Savins: Shibotte ? Calabash ? Sons* Bch WHAT A BUY! ? Oaitf, ls5.50 7, PER 50-LB. BAG J* HORSES LOVE IT! Brunswick Farm Supply ? g-Aay 1 30 1 1 ^ it west of Shailottel Asi N C. 287-6343 cr 287-6329 "Your 'SQ' Feeds Dealer'' 5 YEAR FREE* REPAIRS! We're The Inside Guys! BEST VALUE: ? Cvceecis 1992 federal t " t"i . Requirements ? l.' SI I f\ . >> HSPF Rttn{ i ? 10-Year Scroll Compressor Umltod Warranty ? Up to 40 Loner Power Uills ? Sp' i.iti. i nod Installers ? FRl i ! SilMATES Financing Available For Aa Uttla Am $40* Per Month CJUL TODAY FOR FULL DETAILS! Sutuiet ScacA Ait d (Mtditi&iiity (?<y. Sunset Beach, NC 579-2579

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