CRC Rule Will Require Of Homes Threatened Removal By Erosion I?Y IX>1'(; KII'ITKK Anybody who wants lo build a Ivachlrnnl homo will soon have U> agree lo move or demolish their house it ii K-ioines seriously threat ened by erosion. Starting Dee. 1, ocean front landowners must promise lo relo cate or tear down erosion-threat ened structures when they receive development permits. The N.C. Coastal Resources Commission (CRC) adopted the new requirement at its meeting last week in Wilmington, said spokesperson Jeanettc Johnson. The rule won't apply to existing homes. It gives owners of new oceanlroni houses a two-year "grace period" il their property In comes threatened. It a storm causes enough erosion to threaten a home, die owner will have two years to have il relocated or torn down. Ms. Johnson said the structure could stay where it is if the beach rebuilds itself during that time. While local beach officials agree w ith the intent of the rule ? to pro tect people and the environment Irom hazardous conditions ? they aren't sure the rule will achieve its puqH)se. Ocean Isle Beach Building Inspector Druicd Robcrson said he doesn't think the rule is justified be cause not all homes that are threat ened by erosion pose a danger. rviy own personal feeling is I think it violates a person's property rights to tell a person they have l?> tear their house down," he said. Molden Beach Mayor John Tandy said the rule is judgmental. Ihe two-year iktkxI is arbitrary, because some homes threatened by erosion should he moved six hut than two years and others don't need to be moved, he said. Tandy thinks local governments should be more involved in the pro cess. "I think they're on top ol it much more, unless the stale wants to move an olficc here and watch it on a daily basis like we do." To determine il a home is threat ened by erosion, the stale Division ol Coastal Management uses annual erosion rales, which vary Iroin place to place. For most of the Brunswick County coast, homes within 20 leet ol the edge of the oceanfront sand dune are considered "imminently threatened" by erosion. Although the state has been en couraging property owners to move or demolish erosion -threatened homes lor years, the CRC action gives the Division ol Coastal Management the power to enforce a regulation. The CRC heard nothing but sup port for the proposal when it con ducted a public hearing in July. Two do/.en people spoke in favor ol the rule and more than 1(X) letters were received in support ol the plan, Ms. Johnson said. Koherson said he thinks a federal llood insurance relorm hill current ly he I ore die Congress "conies clos er to giving |H'ople the property rights they expect" than the CKC rule. Under the federal proposal, own ers ol erosion-threatened homes could lose federally-subsidized IUhxI insurance hut wouldn't be re quired to move or demolish their home. Koherson vml some beachfront homes at Ocean Isle have been threatened hy erosion lor seven years or more but are at less risk now than before. He said it could be 40 years before the next storm caus es any more erosion problems. r HEARINGS ON AGENDA Rule Change At Sunset Would Allow Shopping Center Signs i-our puoiic hearings arc on the agenda when ihe Sunset Beach Town Council meets Monday, Oct. 7, at 7 p.m. at the town hall. The hearings concern lour minor business items on the meeting agen da: amending the sign ordinance to allow signs iu shopping centers, as sessments ol 33rd Street homeown ers lor underground utilities and paving, and a request to re/one a lot near The Italian Fisherman Restaurant from mainland residen tial to mainland business. The council is also expected to adopi an ordinance annexing a large section of Seairail Plantation, fol lowing a hearing held last month. Also up for discussion is an offer from the Sunset Beach Taxpayers Association of a sign for the Sunset Boulevard Extension parking area. In other business, the board will: ?Address a vacancy on the ABC hoard. Vcrnic Hickman's term has expired but he could be reappoint ed; ? Hear from David Kanoy concern ing the town's decision not to renew a contract allowing him to keep communications equipment on the water lower; ? Hear routine reports; ? Hear a request from Ronald Spangler to withdraw a portion of 19th Street to allow for construction of a bulkhead. As rccommcndcd by the planning board, the sign ordinance would be amended to allow a shopping center with five or establishments planned "as an integrated development" to luive one or two freestanding signs. Happy Birthday Bill Who could ask for anything more... our j. Ac! Rep i y turning "64" from the Beacon staff depending upon how many streets they front. In addition to identifying the name of the center, this sign ? mounted on a mole or monu ment may also identify individual establishments within the center. Businesses within the shopping center are not to have freestanding signs, but may have one or two signs, depending on how many streets they front. These can be wall, projecting, awning, canopy or marquee signs. The ordinance also delineates the maximum size and height allowed for each type ol sign. For example, the freestanding shopping center sign is not to be more than 16 feet above ground. It would be no more than SO square feet in size for a center with 48,(XX) square feet or less floor area or 120 square feet for a larger center. A copy of the proposed amend ment is available at the town hall for inspection prior to the hearing. Pie existing sign ordinance (Iocs not allow any sign in excess ol 10 feet in height. AAAH! Just when you thought it was safe to go to the back shop... now there are 2 of them and they're both 1 year 0-L-D-E-R! Happy Birthday DORRIES "Dahree" Brennan & "Dori" Curganus From The Beacon Staff Do You Like Hot Dogs? M YES gTNO ? We've been told we have the best in the Carolinas ?All natural ingredients ?Your choice. .."The Great White" or All Beef German Frank ?We have a variety of "fix it your way" toppings including Kraut ?The only fresh Italian Sausage Burger in the Carolinas... possibly, the best sandwich in the area. ?Fresh 6 oz. hamburgers ?"Fix It Your Way" toppings ?Home baked beans ?Mom's potato salad ?Steak 1 ii**. Opeti: Monday thru Saturday 10:30 AM to 9:00 I'M HARBOR SQUARE LITTLE RIVER 803-249-9553 VW r PMOTO BV OOU