BEACON Listings ? Atlantic Telephone Co Cable J Vision Cable of N C II kJ WWAY (AHC >V\ ? Q WECT (NBC ) V\ ?vnyft,>M U WBTW (CBS) HutMH.r U WTVD ABC ) Our hum U U WUNJ ;PUS> W yton I B WJKA. U ?1 HBO O'uy^ New yi? Q U ARTS \&i w KJ siJ ESPN SpoM s New Vvk ? iJ NICK v s IV) U1 TBS (Ind ) AtkiMki i*J MAX *.Puy). O'emux NV SHOW (Puy>. Show? '"i* U U WGN > c:?vi kK>, ID TMC. u'oy' Movies. NV i?j WWOR .;r U ). New vov III ill CNN v News AVr'u i2J LIFE, i ;*e? r*>e New Vck LJ 5?l DISN e iy V I >ey . C ; j ' & U TNN \oshv e Netwo'k ill i?J USA . , -LfJ UJ TNT li'Hi ). AtUintu THU. OCT 24 - Weekdays - WED. OCT 30 ' Ural ; . .1 "J ? > r. >v0nt, t* 6 AM 630 7 AM 7:30 8 AM 130 9 AM 9:30 10 AM 10:30 11 AM 11:30 WWAY GoxT Iw Wit* R*vs A KatV ice >nn, Jcf*s Ml. T" Cm !*w W'VMj Today tXx^hue Sai-'y Jessy Rapnae O* o ? 7 CBS This Vomrng 1 Varied |Shn?ng I T ? " V- Rogers Sesame Street Read y R*' 'XT* Gi*lir?g njht 0 es^ng Women STV Pro qrampirfyj 3? 1 Contact Famrfy Feud [Price fs Hjgh! (STV Pro I grammmg Bugs Bunny *xJ Pais Pooey* Pmk ?VfVr OaMas Knots Landing THU. OCT 24 - Weekdays - WED, OCT 30 1 i1*-' ' ; . ,? ? ; m Worm I* 12 PM 1230 1 PM 1:30 2 PM 2:30 3 PM 3:30 4 PM 4:30 5 PM 5:30 WAY L!i_ ECT V, C" Ce 0 * lite !o tw Gerva ^osjj'a1 Ctfrent A! |C*m (?' 1 lOG* Days o' {a> Ives A!v?*>" Wo f'C Sarta Ba'ha a Opra* Wnfrey Peop?e s Coot News WBTW "X "4 .V'C Tfe H*?sfe$s IBo^d i"v Peoples Court News UNJ Square Or*e ><< '^?yj ' I Television Sesame Street &JY JU g a c t"e Res: ess IBc-tC a>c T*e 8eaoT\ As r> Work! Tj't-s Pae St>n Darfcwg Duck N>H(a Tufe |Tnw Toons Ac ventures Sta' Trek The ' Ger>eratwW W*X) S !*? Boss9 Cosby Show WBTW CB^ Vas M Fortire Bavetw 9^ -P" News Jeopa-Cy' W*ye o' Fut^ie Ditiefent |C^ee?s Wor?d M^ league Basebai Funny Women o? Television [l 3'ji Tonight Show News fly by N lO'agf*-! HitChCOCh .Greer' Arres I Mr Ed ec.e* Andy Griffith Close ?*? SantorC & Sm. Bonnie and t>ar .? rubbers mnte and Ctyde yV tewrrv Vw a^i'id r>tea; 4 -d pi I T*rj tarrxus Mov? LJflta Big Man D hk/frmn <:nj PM Be a Star On Stage jAmemar iNas'vrt'e Now Musk, Shop I I Croc* and Chase lO'i Stage American ! Muse Shop | UHl (Bjqs Bjt r, and Pais Mu* Bom Yesterday J Hothday A fjnk dealer hires d w rer tii tftacn n?s giflfnend ebguette Tm Mo?-? Dead Reckoning H Bo&n A Wond W? li I vet seefci> revenge for the rnurder ot hrs wy Suddy MacGyw Mjfder Sn*r W'ote Movie Body Heat * Turner A *?afmy marred wonv-jr- ar*J h?-f iover pk>t to rnuroer he* riusbanc MacGyver Sa.ed by the Ben 1 1 Dream ct Jeanme To Be Annoi/Ked Movie Trapped J frvlH' A man .s trapped m a Oeparniert store with vtaous tulte^ guato dugs News N^ht Cou?l Kom* W0R W"o ?) '*r Boss7 [WVj s '**? Boss7 Gimme a Break' Cosby Show yVseguy New Yorfc Tonight Starring Clint Holmes News Love Boal I Mo ** Ch wit. ;v con? *>ces he* gaiigster riusbanc to enqngt n.s ways iagngp A;>ge'e M? tone ? Movie I 0 ReynoKb I i^enu" ? Do"Mms 11,5 |M^ No Hokh B??d ? ^ |(J5l Mov. Cmm,0 w*mP FRIDAY "* EVENING *" ?- 1^91 > V LiSt-t.j Inc M WuHh .A OCTOBER 25 6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 1 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 M T I wrw Of Fortune Married IE3L TV/ Fanufy I Step D, Matters | Slep Cosby Show Whos the Boss? Perlen Strangers Baby Talk 20-20 Arserwo Hal' Mattock CBS News Flesn n Btooa Oca* John Reasonable Doubts News W^ee of Fortune Jeopard/ Brooklyn Bridge Princesses Dream is Alive 20m Disney World Anr.rveiwy |< Jb' Tomjhi Show Palace Guard Newr, Toland On Sports ^9C News Jeopardy* Wheel of Fortune Family Matters Step by Step Pertecl |Baby Talk Strangers 20 20 News Nflhtline M<* Nt> Lr'.rer NewvHui* Bus Report NC Wee* DC Week Wai $Dee* Week Movie A Room WNh a View M Sn nth Sneak F^eviews S Holmes Love |CBS News Conriect?m Ifnt Tonignt jHard Copy I Brooklyn Bndge |Pnr?cesses ! Dream Is Alrve 20th |Pa'ace Gu?d Qrsney World Anrnve'sary Twilight Zone Dark Justice JHL Davd letterman Time Wxh?ne With Jack Perkins Investigative Reports A 4 F Revue An Evening at the Improv Wore?' * Crossfire PnmeNews I any King Live' Work! News Sports ToniQl IMoneyhne SpotsCerte* Wake Up the E choes Equestrian iSportsCente* I |S*OD Til O'oo Spense- For H?re L A La* Fo< ffM UytKfl The Mrtgir Evtn Story [Spenser For H*e ?' .1* Ajj.c iOM [xi> Get me P?cture > Afraid? Looney Tunes Mork t, Minfly iSopennan Dck Vai Dyke I Get Smart Dragnet iHftChCOCk Green Acres |Mr Ed jVL Be.?', Arty Hnisxiies Griffith Osoe i il San'ord & Sor Movie Fast Times at Rktgemorrt High $ few (Oi Movie Boys S Penn A youth encounters the brjtality ot prison We Be a S'a Texas Connection I Nashville Now 1 Crook and T Chase Naked Sour J Si Te*as Connection 1 s Bugs Born , ar?d Pais >iar.w Movie Two Rode Ti J Stewart MacG^.e' [Mt/def She Wrote | Beyond Reality Ray Brad bury [l ?C. Mov* Nakad Spiv J Stewart Three men become iivotvec m capturing an outlaw dwarnp Thinq Hitchhiker | Movie Attack of Vte KNtar Tomatoes O Milter [Sa.ed Li :r* Be. 1 1 D'eam o? Jeanme [ToBe A;>(W)ced |Mov< Bkie Colar R Pryu Three oppressed assembly lirie workers deal wm an jnfwr ur*or. [N^ht Court iKofak J3E IWhtj S t Boss ' I Boss' Grume a Break' Cosbr Show W-seguy iNew York Toraght Stamnn \ Omt hoi.nes Love Boat Movie Superman C tteeve An infant from Krypton -s sent to Earth d'n o?t w t! ' U'der G-.iyced yter Mov.1? A S^war/wewer A man travels jo_Vafs_m ?064 to e?piore his forgotten past Paul Reiser 3 1/2 Blocks From Home (06. 1 TMC 4 ConQuersng Parenthood Sp*oe Movie Kn4 H MvWH A kjnq t??s to rescue *is bf-de and save his ;and from aiens Mo-/i e Moon 44 M Pare Computer techncians battle der?ed oonvtcts at a iunar nwnrig t?se Mov* Dead 1 C Walker, r Plant Your Shade, Flowering & Fruit Trees Now. Trees are a natural way to add beauty to your living area. Harrelson's has a variety of tr^^^id^shrubs for do-it yourself landscapers! See our large selection today. Harrelson's Farm & Garden Center Just off Hwy. 17 S., Shallotte, 754-6373 We also offer expert landscaping services by a trained landscape contractor Our Fall Bulbs Have Arrived! SATURDAY "? MORNING "* .".j ' ? ' 1 * OCTOBER 26 6 AM 630 7 AM 7 30 8 AM 830 9 AM 930 10 AM 10 30 11 AM 11 30 WWAY U<0 ?rf tN* lust i >arfcwmy I X*k P* S Ut i'dlfc Wat* [P*d Pfograni ML T ITW l*jhh*ng lo?u? I* Hyr* ***??? ? 'rftr |S?4)ert>ov AtrfB.ft jihJ Costetio W Yin/ lapUn N CN? IVt**f Sa*w* by thr Br? Saved try ft* BHi Mi**** H at*es Mother liUUV IGaMO and 't*-<y A iho* Btf* ?ev? My [Buvirss Mgi I Buvnr>s Cm A.' |r?Mst hshg To.. Crusader ? Bab*s Mofhet Goose Garf*k) and I fiends Teenage Mirtant Mk>h turtles f iig-'-.t' A'i C futures Great a *5 Small [W.H3 World [%?*vfc W'M*" llnrng 0*usJy of the fast I ness Turn? Mai ha* W ith Jj ? h Pe? lulls B?*JUpr?y j&c Mm>e It s a Grtt ?V Mo%?* fdwanJ My Son _s' f'*y TV constant turned beta*" 4 ?? iMtwtN (1? .es t>mi to vn *)e Mow Shot Out ot Confri>l J Itoun |i I4' OOA O Lkuid M. DayBreak Correspunc DayBreah Vas C. osellp DayB'eafc News The Bg Story News Heath week Mews.' Motieywwh ShowBt/ Style Sueine I ha" Prvw JET. I' jthiM'i} GP Ts- N.j Spur* SpoftsCtm T Sander* [Outd- *> Writers Gurfe belt In^OVfi!*' ! Set Improvement Gurie [FishnHoie | Outdoor V? Bdby Knowrs It R Hi* "ting I J Mousto?i Strategy Qeat Out doo?s 'o!kv iMHr.Ppdy Irnagr WcKshoo Attitl?J?*s lasv** |K?Js Dmrt Castle Counl O* Md Nch Of If eat [Go ' ? JPfr^wf. ?r?> lines : '< GufisitiuM' I - Biw^an/a WCW Powe? Houf I OS MatnnM' (ieogf?u>f'# t i(ito*ei cm "? ' Backyard Af??fca BonJef Treasore * HUf Chan in Panama IX*j H?m?v H\i?1 INograi |Ww? Utah Kid h fNortTMiest I I Passage IJoy of I Garde?).r>j JCouritry Cfatts I Kflcheft AJeene s How the W?*s! Wof? Ho"/wcx*1 Insider Cartoon Expfess Stir by S*V TGwhj Out 1 Way M*rvte OevH 1 Canyon ^ Ue Move Framed J (jurtbkfi Wi/ard ot iMovte Grumrtm / Galltgan A cute pet spawns evil 0/ I /emhns artfi destructmn on then inirx)s lns?de It* NF I Mo.* St Valentine s Oay Massacre J Hutwfo * Ai ? v' , ' ? ? ite " ? ? ? ? Bugs Moran Movie Deadly Weapon ?? Isstnw Mov* Monsieur Hire M BI*\ ? '< Mow Ghost P Swjy/r M Bl#\ | ' Mu? (Vnmnga ol ?w PM PmSv P Seller, i si? llroo S5 tew Ciouseau gues atte< an intenutMNtal drug nnu I 11 SHOW Mo.-* Opportunity Knocks il A artM * r- ' ? ~ ft ' ,1 ? ?? ( ? ,.,g . ium: Movie My Utile Chkftadee IV ftdX OCTOBER 26 12 PM | 12 30 1 PM 1:30 2 PM 2:30 3 PM 3:30 4 PM 4:30 5 PM 5 30 WWAY 1L Ph <; ICanterviiie Iwofiof h^ii of Fa'T* Ghusf Coi'ege Football C g Psyifm-ugy Smi,m#cal ISoootopca! Iii^g.iidtuxi I Imagination Travel Vet o< y Garden Almanac IWontw-gnt ITtus Ok) House 2M G'tg Aer***^ Terror stalks the guests on a yacht after a ia1 becomes bloodthirsty iStuoby Ooo IWNch I I *' X Two Gun/o Games Movie Trail Beyond ' Wayne A man pursues robbers m th?* Northwest Move Refcim of the Man From U N.C LE R Vamfin Street J ce Ironside lAirwoT iMu.if Peter Pan |C?*i 'C'JA |B?g Bird ?> Japan iMo.r WW nnd the Ouw Oanwktngs b Rey nolds I I Mr 1* ... Maguo n the Sherwood Forest I SO) Rupert - j.?e Summer Sct>ool \f mu. A delinquent gym c.oath gets st?xk teach,ng a lenieda. summer class Kmght Ride' A Team [l '< .1 Movie Courage of Lauie f fayfar Mov* Joe Venus ttw Votcano ?' HnM ||4 Indiana JooesUft SHOW T?BC Mu. e Ghcst P bWJf/t Vi . ? Iron FaQle II i 6u>sefl > Gorgon r G>/s/)"^ 00 A it iJtiNt [Movie My Blue Heaven S WrT/n [M we1 Making M? Right ? Mtbru%icfi 1 1 1\ Mo?r Squeeze M *eato r An tftisf *t?o devgns sets 'ur discos is set u>- tot rrurdef ** f J' v vfuatst?u I jb 0.sve,?, ol i^.n; a Ui. ? w 'Aj.-* _CMcfi M? It rou Cm C Itm TMuvic Rainbow Ortve I F ftHir, SATURDAY "? EVENING ??? OCTOBER 26 6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 WWA> it M. fuottw wr w5") WMo s the Buss? CfOWKQ PaM.S Young R*Je?S 'o Hra?*ii Golden G*ls Torke >on-> E"-pty Nest I Nurses !Weefce ?d Jam Siste?s CBS N'-w ft S S^iuWhrw rf' !ft? Apol?o BaVtW' 91 Mat?>' leat** Bavbai Saturday N*Jht l ?e vgc fuutUal |i ?>?*)' I Gourmet Wi'fl An wi Bayw.iti h it' luTtUtle Who s the iG'uwwig boss ' I Pan is An; i M?S I ,I*!HKe Wflfc Sta- T'tfc Irv Ne?i Generatmr eys A'l Creatures G?e RWy Busj Austin City Lmi?ts Sneak Pie.*w , Street Movie Camhral ol S I C Mlyoto Wo 'HJ JuCrt) |NeWS Pmnat le C4Ktai Ua-y News Col rye luuttM! Sports Sat PnrneNews Ftbat' Score I College fuuttM'i Show&i/ Improv Torote News /future Watch Comedy on the Road An Evenmg at tf?e tnyruv World News Suuts N't*4 jCap-tai Gang Mu%ie Fear stalk J LUiytki'uh A tisytfiopa!f> uses a uviiesswurnan *.? uedit caids to ueate tenoi Hollywood Ghost Stones J Cmifradine Hidden Room. College FuottMi' Scorebuard Veroraca Clare H-Cdw HtA/ ?! News Spu^si^itet [Contessons ui Crane N 'd ^ Welcome lOouy Crafy Kids freshmen World Chaniponsftp Wresttoig Looney lories Looney Tunes Get Smart IF Troop Mr Ed M, Trwi Sons (i4 Mow*4 In tie Heat of to Night S Patter Tfwee I Donna Reed IDobe Giiiis HflCflCOCk i Ah U S Olympic GoHJ Cum id y Br,i! Church St Opry B? k stage I Grand S I Opry Lrvt Statter Bros American Texas Opry Back Muse Shop Connection stagt Canto S Spua* Gra-id Ofe 0j*? live jBL 8?gs Bui i. iv ithJ Pals Movie Lost Continent / ferret A sh<> boori<>hieiiis u?. r>is ,i^L- tu a i*w oty [Movie High Roed to China 1 Settee* A young heiress h.res ai- aicoroitc pum to help f;i>c he< tatr^r Movie Take Me Out to the Bal Game f Sinatra MAX ? Mo. ? Indiana Jones and the Last Cmsade h fwc |Mu? A tomes of agr dunng ner tangly ?> Summer vacation |Mu.^ Neil of Kin P Swuyte A Chicago policeman see^s revenge tor brother s murder I Move I Come In Peace D lundyiw |Punlsher D Lundgren J Mov? Opportunity Knocks D C*ir?ry A con artis' itiafes fwnselT witti an elite Cfvcaoo crowd Movie Rivalry K Alley 35 Movie Air America V Gittsun Two CIA Hots make clandestine fi>ghts earty m the Vietnani Wa; [i 3: 0? bom TMC (D ? i Move Rainbow Omre P fteiie. Move Dirty Dancing J Grey A girl comes of age during her larmly s summer vacation Movie She s Out of Contol T Oarvz [( 35, Joggei 05. Mo** Blood on Satan t Claw P FREE GLASSES ^ Buy a complete pair ?* RX glasses at regular \^?j price and get second pair (same prescription) FREE! For your tree pair, choose any frame up to $40 regular retail, and plastic lenses Oder includes most single vision and bitocal pre scriptions Some lens restrictions apply Tints scratch resistant coating and other options are available at additional cost Ihe free pan must be lor the same customer as the purchased pa r and the price may not exceed the price ol the purchased oair at regular retail Minimum firs' pair purchase pr.ce $75 I his ulter may not be used in conjunction with any other discount Nut applicable to prior orders Prescr.ptior required Otter expires No? 30 1991 Coupon most be presented at t ine of purchase We can arrange to have your eyes examined by and Independent eye doctor next door. JUST NEED ONE PAIR? Take 20% off complete pair of glasses. Must be frames and lenses. We can fill any doctor s eyeglass prescription. OPTICAL GALLERY CALL 754-4680 TODAY! C.W Austin. Licensed Optician / 0t& rfvuUo-en&oruf, OPTICAL GALLERY Located across front Sandtiddler Restaurant Hwy 130 SHALLOTTE