United Way Effort Seeks Boost II Y SUSAN I ISIIt* N Just when il may fx* Hardest lor most individuals and businesses lo give ts when ihe need lor semi.es provided hy United Way suppoited programs is greatest. Chat's why Ca|>e i-ear Dinted Way is looking lor an end-ol-the cainpaign boost hi oidei to leaeh its IWI-92 goal ol sligmly more than S2 million. II it i;nls to meet that goal the agency may lind ilsell hi the |H>m lion ol being unable to expand or maintain services as anticipated during Ihe coming year in Bruns wick, Pender and Now Hauovei counties. "We've had a few letdowns, said H. Lee Whiteside Jr. general cam paign chairman, hastening to add that there have tlso been some pleasant surprises along the way de spite the economic recession. It's a struggle to generate the same dollars as last year plus the new dollars," he continued. "At the same time people need to to under stand ihat the need is greater." Last week, with about nine busi ness days let i >ii ihe i oi 1 1 i.i l cam paign, the .status of die Brunswick County lelleucd l.l75 million, or bO percent ol gnat. Still to Ix1 col lected 01 pledged: Ol Brunswick l ounty s commit uty campaign snare ol \44.tK)0, about S2f>.J.V7 is in hand. In the uiaiiiilnctui mu division lor example. United Way is irving to collect S57,(HK> hi oiiLsianding "It's a struggle to generate the same dollars as last year plus the new dollars. At the same time people need to to understand that the need is greater/ ' ? H. Ixe Whiteside Jr. Campaign Chairman pledges irum lasi year as well as nicciiiit* this yc.n s goals. Some iiHiusirics have not been able to sustain last year's level of pledges, while a lew have exceeded them, v P&l.'s Brunswick Plant net ted 5>l Iv.tMH). well over its SIOS.iXK) fio.il. OuPotit's campaign ts at SI 4.4, (KM), villi pledges still coining in. Al>M, formerly I'li/er Chemicals. has nisi slatted its Cam paign A ne w industry in Lclatul, Vtciaulic ( cm n pai i y of America, has launched a campaign. "Brunswick County," said Whiteside, is doing real well. It's Keeping pace with the overall cam IKiigu and hi some areas doing bel ?er.' I he county s Pacesetters," for example, overall did very well in their model campaigns conducted in advance ol ihc general campaign. Atlantic Membership Corp. laised nearly SMK) hi "new" dollars, or pledges over those given last vear. tixidc K. lee ironic ixisicd a J4l( t?er cent iiicuase. raising S4.KH) ik-w dollars uter goai. Still, added .me Mevcnson ot Supply, Brunswick County cam paign chairman. "We're crying lor help." A loaned executive, Kmic Abrahainson, has been working with approximately 20 accounts in Brunswick County, including local governments. As of last week, he said, the Brunswick County Government Center 's campaign was not completed and was not at goal, with several departments not having reported. Local campaign volunteers have included Cathy Swaim, Gladys Wagcnscil, Debbie Barthclow. Jell Cumbie. Roberta Fugatc, Polly Russ, Sue Chapman, Phil Presson, Gloria Smith, Jess Parker and Daphne Yarborough. Pete Rarnette, VIC coordinator, has "gone out ol his way to help be cause of the needs he %ccs," Abrahainson said. Stevenson echoed the same theme as Whiteside. "Most divisions are doing well, hut not as well as e.\|>ccted. he told icportcis at a piess conlcience last week. 'Dm goal now is 10 gel vol unteers 10 gu alter the real money. Health Care System Problems Focus Of Series Congressman Charlie Rose wants 10 hear from area residents con cerned with problems in the health care system before the issue is ad dressed by Congress. He will conduct live forums on Health carc reform across the Sev enth Congressional District next month. The Brunswick County fo rum will be held Friday, Nov. X, from 2:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. at the Public Assembly Building at the Brunswick County Ciovei niiient Ccnici in Bolivia. I'm hearing Irom an incredible number of people this year about problems with our health care sys tem. Rose said in a news telease Friday. " Itiey want to know why they can't find affordable health in suumcc and why they arc paying more .iiul getting less. "I his i>sue is beginning to come to a head in Congress and 1 expect we're going to have a major battle hcic m the next \1 months. ' Rose said the hearings are intend ed io help him piepaic to consider proposals io reform the nation's health caie system, to that end, tie NEW! "COLORFUL ~~ I COPIES Brunswick Business Service Mam St. ? Shailottft ? 754-hj00 Choose from red. i blue or I green. wains to heai tmm southeastern North ( :in>lma residents about ihcir specific problems and 10 gel ihcir suggestions on whal should he done. topics 10 Ix; ail dressed at ihc lo ruins by health professionals include how o onuiin the rising cost ol hcaim .tie. .vhai can Ix- done about thost. .?no lack health insurance cov erage .iiid i he feasibility ol various rclonii |?o|A>siils \vtuch have lx\n i lit rod i iced in thi" lOlnd < "ongtess. in addition to the Brunswick County meeting, forums are plan ned in Cumberland. Robeson, i ol umbtis and New Hanover counties. The toiuins are open to all inter ested persons. Limited tune will be scheduled to allow members ol the public to address the loiuiu. Also. Rose will accept wntten tesiiinony Iroin anyone. Questions about the Ioiuiii or preparing testimony should ix;
  • < ^ ^ Sheet ~ Square ... _ , _ _ Reg. price $10.95 per 48"x79" sheet & $49.28 per mat square J Iwl Parker & SODS *Snle price good for red roofinq only Hwy. 1/ Supply, 754-43*31 Other colors available at regular price. As End Of Campaign Approaches ih> dollais wc got last year He encouraged volunteers lo go ahead and sign up for next year's campaign or even to help linish out this year's campaign. He is short campaign coordinators this year in several residential areas of the southwest end of the county, includ ing Ocean Isle Heath and Calabash. In addition, he said, a lot of busi nesses south ol Moll via have not been solicited. Michael C. liriggs. executive di rector of Cape Fc;ir United Way, told reporters, "'litis United Way has made a significant investment in Urunswick County, both in people serving here in the campaign and in programs and services provided by agencies." "There are problems in Brunswick County," he continued. II people need help our agencies are committed lo providing services hi those areas. We don't ask where the (K'rson lives. "It takes money to do that. Money determines the extent to which we can help people. While trying to teach more coun ty residents and businesses to give them an opportunity to contribute to the combined giving campaign, Griggs said the has been increasing its efforts to serve Brunswick County residents, maintaining a greater presence in the county year round, not just dumig the campaign. He estimated that appioximatcly 14,8(X) county lesidents have been reached by United Way agencies. Last year appioximatcly "il77,(XXI of lunds taiscd m the campaign were relumed to the county through program and service delivery by the United Way's mem ber agencies and giantees. "You can't l>eal the return on the invest ment." he said. Some providers are physically lo cated in Brunswick County, like Volunteer and InlormaUon Center. Hope Harbor Home Lower Cape Lear Hospice and the new Community Buys' ( 'lub silc in Southport. as well as several giantccs, Brunswick County Literacy Council. Brunswick Adult I Jay Care Center Inc. and Prescription F-'or Excellence. Othcis, such as Hoy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Family Services, Cape l-'ear Substance Abuse, American Red Cross, Hie Salvation Army and the Senior Aide Program serve the county Iroin Wilmington oil ices. During IW2, Ciriggs said Brunswick County residents will Ik* polled as part ol a service area-wide needs assessment. "Wc want to hear from local peo ple what the needs are," he said. "It's been about 10 years since the last suivey was done." Once the survey is completed, (Jriggs said United Way directors will create "a human services blueprint ' that identities problems and needs, establishes priorities and identities resources that can lv mar shalled to address them. Specializing in pre-oivned autos and trucks . Feature Of The Week 4-rir =, ? 1?8Z Unco,n Continental cruise and AM/FM^ereo cass^clean ca'?Cl