LETTER TO THfc EDITOR Answer To Corruption Is Not Shorter Terms lb the editor: Why c.ut Israel's Shamir wax in dignant when the united States wants simply to postpone guaran teeing the loan to his government ol Millions and billions and billions ol lollars? Because lie thinks the U..Y Israeli lobby has our Congress in nis pocket, that's why. Because it costs congrcssjieople jiioiinous sums to get leelected so ihey need to accept enormous election contri buttons Ironi many lobbyists. Why will large numbers ol am grcsspcople vote for the B J. (Stealth) bomber when n is absurdly expensive, no longci needed, and doesn't work? Because the North a) p company which makes it, for ihe 1990 elcciion gave lust the U S ^naiors campaign conu ibutions to tailing SI 23,550! Big supporters got over S6,(KK) each for just this one useless weapon. That's .vhy the U.S. Senate voted to spend S27 nil lion more on the B2. I he senators needed to accept the money because gelling elected costs such huge ?>ums. Why may our Alaskan wilderness risk rape and our unspoiled North Carolina beaches nsk iuin Irom oil and gas drilling? Because a power ful oil and gas lobby gives large campaign coninbuUons, which 1011 grcsspeople need to lake Why is ihe cilif.cn who cares about the ecology at the mercy ol auto lobbies ihai light controls on lais, power lobbies thai lighi .olar and wind and wave power, develop eis who light wetlands protection, liuiibennen and cailli men lobbies who appropriate oui public land7 And on and tin, lobby alter lobby. Hie answer to congressional cor ruption is not shorter tenns- those an. a Republican plot to try to lake over eoiiuol ol t. ongicss. Hie many talented experts we have in v ongrcss .ue valuable, needed. What we should demand is election reform, the umc and money spent on electioneering to Ik severely minted. I .ci KAl money be lorbid dcn. i .el UK public, perhaps togeth er with the TV stations, pay for a reasonable amount ol TV speech inaking by candidates only. No Willie Horion-lype ads. Let the con gresspeople be relieved of now nec essary, incvssant, degrading, cor rupting money-raising. The taxpay er will be saved tens it not hundreds of billions ol dollars ol wrunglul lobbyist-directed spending. t)ui /lh District Representauve Charlie Rose is chairman of the House Committee on House Administration, which will be deal ing with upcoming election reform bills. That puts readers ol this newspaper in a key position to al Icei this initially important issue. Belly Stone Wilmington Energy Funds Available Some Brunswick County families will receive help .vnh their heating bills this winter. ITic N.C. Department ol Human Resources Division ol Social Services will onlinut it\ low in .uiiie energy assistance (>iograni tor needy families m 1992 \ one-time payment to house holds that qualify aiII tx made February, according to a news re lease from the Brunswick (..imnty Department ol Social Sei vices. No county funds are involved m the en ergy payments. Persons that receive food stamps m October will receive an applica uon in the mail and do not need to report to the DSS office in Bolivia. Othei households that cannot ap plv by mail must do so at the DSS ollice heiwecn < >ci 1 4 and Nov >() bitterly persons or the handicap|x-d < hi send someone to apply or m?iy .hi tne DSS office for assistance For more information, call Brunswick County DSS, 2>3-439l, or Caie-Line, I <<00-662- 7030, which is also a number for the hear ing impaired. Seedlings Offered Foi Reforestation Application loi ins arc being of ic red foi forest Un codlings by the Brunswick County olhc. oi Me Division of Forest Kesuun.es .md the Cooperative Extension. tccuul ing to County Extension Uirectoi Milton Coleman in a recent news release. Coleman -.aid tandow nets are be ginning to realize the value ol prompt reforestation with good slock auU are using the seedlings loi erosion control and windbreaks as well. He is expecting high demand to cause certain species, especially the genetically inipioved lots, to sell out quickly. Species available include these softwood species: loblolly pine (piedmont), loblolly pine (coastal), loblolly aine (improved piedmont), loblolly pine (unproved coastal), longleal pine, longleal pine (im proved) diortleal pine (improved), Virginia pine (improved), wnite pine (two yeais old) and red cedai Hardwood species offered are black walnut, black locust, sweci guni (improved) and yellow poplar Coleman recommends that peo pie with questions about the pro^i >pecies to plant, planting instiuc lion n and methods of sue prepara tion contact die county rangci or county forester, or call the Co operative Extension Service it }S.\ 4423. seedlings are allocated in the or dci applications are received, so < olcinan suggests that buyers order a* \ooil as possible. Applications must be received no later than lour weeks prior to shipment date Full payment by check or money order must accompany the completed ap plication and both must be mailed to the Director of the Division ol Foicst Resources, PO. Box 2/b/H, Raleigh. N.C. 27611 Complete re funds aic given for orders canceled pnoi 10 Jan. .H), although no cancel lations arc honored after that date. Please Re-Elect K> -S>W Jody Simmons Alderman ^ M Shallotte - Nov. 5 CARE PROMPT MEDICAL CARE -HOURS Monday -Saturday 9 am- 7 pm Sundav 1 2 4 pni 579-0800 South Brunswick Islands Medical Park Hw> 17, 4 miles south of Shallotte f*~*f BR^SbW ck Bt" on W PHOTO BY BILL F*?H Habitat areas for plants and animals are being Inst and this con tributes to the environmental deficits we face. (2<wvettcettt & Itawl 'putt Sct(M.ce "7i<xvcl s4yatt & We Are The Best. Why Settle For Less * Jan. 30-Cruise to the Bahamas! Deposit needed by Nov I st * Nov.16-Sothern Living Christmas Show Nov 30-Dec. 1 Biltmore Estates * Dec 07-11 New York hUh ALL YOUR I HA^czl ivleuS Loi .1 oi Sea Convenient Tours and lidvel PO Box 29b4. Shallotte Vil <:84t>9, (919)/ b4--4222 I want to be your agent for Life. 521 1 Main street Suite 504, Bui u>v\ ick 5i|u.uv Shullotte ? /54-0.-W6 Let the ^ame agent who insuit-s youi ?.ai and home give you a hand with the right plan to insure your life. Call today. I'm aght here readv to help /instate You're in good hands. iiu null v m mail FOUR BIG DAYS Thursday November 7 1 00-9:00 ( Hiday. November 8 10:00-9:00 Saturday November 9 10:00-9:00 Sunday. November iu I 00- b 00 Myrtle Beacn Convention Center i* Dickens Christmas Show liiiwl diuk hi 1 1 iiu' to I ''in i i iium .<ll.lt , >tlOll llkHIII .UVUl.t Ullll Mi'll .Hill utijllif ll ? III V'Ulllimil Vint- liuiutrt'its t>| \ rusts. Oiifts'iu'u tiiitl Wiiitors .'I |nu' i ,ilt> ?ill tu'ibvki'il in |vi it'll limit* .i||tniit| itiivln uit'tiili Mll.lfct-ll tlirfci'V.N. idlWll (Oit'l Illiiut'lUltli |l|t% llMUlJIll'.* il)tt.> j'lUfV.HM illlltllt . .1 |> tlllll '.III tl Ittli ll 4. I See tin I estivul of 1'rees t<||t'iiiu| a uttltiiiuli .ij .-iii|iiiitl\ tlaoitiiol Hit - Visit the festival of Worlds... e.vjvru'im' (i?ri*i?jn i u>it>in> tiiiil ptiniifcr t>l lluu miinv tiilutiiiy spivuiltii'.* See the (iitu)i'r6reatl House li'.xtivnl. . fratuutu) stujiir spun >| fiuiui>\ fu ?u (iiuitil Miuiul l tV i \??*i i?i i i?-'i Santa's Station... . ? tit illi'il ? i'MuVlIt . till III Willi i\t|i iiulv .i,. tin lititit tu?| -'it'it .mil >i,.,iilir.., fi?i cvcrwmc'' Admission S5 00 Adults ? S2 00 Children Multiple Day Pass S8 00 (Prices include Tax) Some Deficits Worth Noting liV BILL fAVKK For the last scveial years wc have heard a great deal about econoinn deficits how our government continues to spend tar more than n takes in and how this adds to the national debt. There are deficits of other kinds tvhich may in the end prove to be lai more alarming than the one in volved with economics. Some ot the ecological delictus are the ones now shaping our future lile on this planet. For example, we burn or cut more trees worldwide than we plant and in 1990 this amounted to a 42-million-acrc deficit. Hie drea deforested this decade will exceed the total cropland of the United States il the present rate continues. Another deficit has to do with farming and erosion. Soil erosion far exceeds the natural formation of soil and the deficit is estimated to Ik: 24 billion tons ol topsoil each year. Water deficits are another area ol concern since many countries are now tunning water deficits. We are pumping out underground water faster than it is being recharged. About 21 percent of U.S. cropland is irrigated using this source and it is contributing to the water deficit. Water tables are falling in many parts ol the world, particularly hi India and north China. ITie loss of plant and animal species is another major deficit area, i he destruction ol rain forests and other major areas ol habitat contribute to this irreversible dclicit. Ibe list of threatened and endangered species grows steadily in this country. In Australia some IS species ol mammals have been lost and more are listed as endangered. In the Aial Sea, 20 ol the 24 commercially important fish have been lost since 1960. Some species, like our Carolina Parakeet and our Passenger Pigeon, are gone torever. Others can be saved with considerable ume and commitment to doing so. Each time one species of plants or animals is lost we lose some ol the variety and diversity of life on our planet and wc contribute io that deficit. So. without minimizing the importance ol our concerns about our eco nomic deficits, we need to raise our consciousness and our concerns about the very real environmental delicits confronting us. If we fail to do so, wc may soon find ours lives far worse off than we would ever be from the economic deficits lacing us. Yankee Candles in wonderfully delicious scents for ^ the Holidays & Handpaintedr ? h W Holiday Folk Art Made^*^-* Of Recycled Oil Drums Bulbs are here ! Dana's Creative pi Illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Mill E Airport Shuttle Out of rown Trips E i L.C.'S Limo & Taxi Service | Serving Shallotte and = South Brunswick islands E OFFICE (919)287-3197 | CELLULAR (919)540-7725 | E Same Day Lawrence Crutchfield E = Package Delivery Owner = L^i 1 1 II 1 1 il 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 n l ll 1 1 1 ll 1 1 1 1 n l IT. X PRESS UBE YOUR OIL CHANGED IN 30 MINUTES OR ITS FREEL MOPAR SUPPORTS THE 1992 U.S. OLYMPIC TEAM ... AND SO CAN YOU! Come in now for an oil change and we'll give... ? You a free Mopar oil filter w ith your next oil change * ? The 1992 U.S. Olympic Team a donation of $3. rlnnmil < .1 * hf\*ltr ( orpttnilkni \< hk k it .1 < lir>*k*r * orporalkm ?kjlt r>luj> Follow the Express Lube Signs! $4.00 Discount with this ad ? rttopor Top off all fluids. No extra charge 11 q A plus 21 point set vice check NEUWIRTH MOTORS 219-229 So. College Rd., Wilmington ? 919-/99-1815 ? 452-1992 Xpress Lube Hours; lvlon-Sat. -7:30-6 .i 5 00 llftopor mm UHCC I I IDC XPRESS LUBE Olk f ?<? |?m>| ? \n% < iuIh I 22 Stop In (? kI.iv lurik l.iiK t'191 . r.', >*t l (KiKrfAton

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