Harbor Moves Toward Incorporation hy dori c()S(;rovk(;l'R(;ani'S Sunset 1 I arbor residents arc moving forward with plans to incorporate their quiet, waterway community into an official town. State Rep. David Redwinc explained the incorpora tion process to a group of ahout 60 permanent and part time residents who gathered at Sunset Harbor Baptist Church last Friday night. "I just want to make sure you understand what you're about to do." he told the crowd. "This needs to be a thoughtful process." Redwine warned the group that the decision of whether to incorporate could become "very emotional." He said residents would have to decide such issues as town boundaries, taxes, a proposed budget and public services before he would take their request to the N.C. General Assembly. Redwine also would require registered voters to de cide the issue in a referendum as a condition of becom ing a tow n. The pmposed town boundaries would run from the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway and Lockwood Folly River to the edge of River Run Plantation and the old Swain property. IX'inmhxI Landrclh. chairman of the incorporation committee, said IS I of approximately 21X) permanent residents of Sunset Harbor had signed a petition to in corporate into a town. The 31 permanent residents who attended the meet ing voted unanimously to dissolve the original five member incorporation committee, forming a new eight person incorporation committee in its place. The new committee is made up of volunteers from the group of permanent residents. Besides Landrclh. the committee includes Billy Nicholson, David Ben.' soil, Larr>' Roberts, Tom Yeagle, George Reiner, TJ. Edwards and Miles Edge. Most of the meeting was spent discussing the rea lms lor incorporation, taxes, and the rights ol approxi inately 1 .MM) pun-lime residents. Many property owners who ;ire registered to vote in other counties asked Rep. Redwine about their not being able to vote on taxes ihey must pay on their Sunset Harbor property. Redwine said every citi/en has a constitutional right to vote on taxation, but people can only vote where they ;ire registered. He explained thai il a person owned 50 parcels ol land across the suite, ihat peison would not have the right to vote 50 tunes. "How will incorporation help me if I can't voice my opinion about it?" asked a woman who votes in Raleigh. Another part-time resident asked if they would still have to pay taxes in Sunset Harbor it they couldn't vote then.*. Bcresoff, member of the new incorporation commit tee. received applause from the group when he replied that "you vote where your heart is: if your heart's in the Harbor, then you got your vote." The state legislator said people can change their vot ing district by establishing a new place of permanent residence. However, individuals can he penalized lor falsely reporting their place ol residency. Other residents said that they feared Sunset Harbor was incorporating simply to avoid annexation by Long Beach. Redwine fielded questions about what would happen il Long Beach tried to annex the community. But he said it didn't liH>k likely that would happen. Landreth denied that the only reason most residents favored incorporation was to avoid annexation by Long Voting A Two-Stop Process For Residents Of Two Towns Residents at Ocean Isle Beach and Holdcn Bcach will need to go to two different locations Tuesday, Nov. 5, in order to vote town and coun ty ballots. Both towns conduct their own municipal elections rather than con tracting with the Brunswick County Board of Elections. Voters in the two towns will go to their respective town hall to vote on candidates for town office. However, to vote on the two county referendum issues. Ocean Isle Beach residents will go to the Sea Trail Building at Seaside (Oyster Festival grounds). Holden Bcach residents will go to Bellamy's Net Shop off Holden Beach Road. All polling places open at 6:30 a.m. and remain open until 7:30 p.m. For those voters who will be away on Nov. 5 the last day for one stop absentee voting in county-run elections is Friday, Nov. 1 at 5 p.m. at the Board of Elections office only at the Brunswick County Government Center in Bolivia. Here are the polling places, by prccinct: PRECINCT POLLING PLACE Freeland Myrtle King Building Ash Waccamaw Park Community Building Longwood Roland Gore Store Shinglctrec Calabash VFD Grissettown Sea Trails Bldg., Seaside Frying Pan Shallotte National Guard Armory Shallotte Shallotte VFD Secession 1 Tri- Bcach VFD Secession 2 Bellamy's Net Shop Supply Supply VFD Mosquito Sunset Harbor/Zion Hill VFD Oak Island 1 Caswell Beach Town Hall Oak Island 2 Long Bcach Recreation Center Southport 1 Jaycees Building Southport 2 American Legion Post 213 Boiling Spring Lakes ?BSL Rescue Squad Building Bolivia Bolivia Town Hall Town Creek Town Creek Township Park Bclvillc DOT Maintenance Building Woodbum Navassa Town Hall Leland Leland Community Building Hood Creek Hood Creek Community Building Shell Point Residents Want More ' Responsive ' County Commissioners (Continued From Page 1-A) Point, who also believes commis sioners have overlooked his com munity's need for county water. "When they get elected for four years, they know they've got four years," said Chadwick. "They don't have to answer to the people." Shell Point is located on the cast side of the Shallottc River. Resi dents say that if commissioners can vote to build another water line to the Seaside and Sunset Bcach com munity, then they should be willing to route a line to Shell Point. Increased demand for water south of Shallottc prompted the need for another line there, a major project THE BRUNSWCK&ftACON Established Nov. 1, 1962 Telephone 754-6890 Published Every l"hursday At 4709 Main Street Shallottc, N.C. 28459 SUBSCRIPTION RATKS IN BRUNSWICK COUNTY One Year SI 0.36 Six Months $5.55 ELSEWHERE IN NORTH CAROLINA One Year SI 4.80 Six Months $7.90 ELSEWHERE IN U.S.A. One Year $15.95 Six Months $8.35 Second class postage paid at Shallottc. N.C. 28459. USPS 777-780. Postmaster, send ad dress changes to: P.O. Box 2558. Shallottc, N.C. 28459-2558 thai is still under construction. "Seaside gets more," said Black, "but Shell Point has none." One resident believes she knows why. "1 don't think we have enough prominent developers out here," said Lila Hester of Riverview. "They're (commissioners) not as in terested in common, ordinary folks with less influence." Black said 85 percent of River view residents have petitioned the county for water. He believes they share his view on county represen tation. "Right now, you can buy the best liquor, beer and wine in the world in Brunswick County," said Black, "but you can't buy good water. 1 think their (commissioners) priori ties are absolutely wrong." Residents there have asked District 2 Commissioner Jerry Jones for help. "He (Jones) wasn't very encour aging," said Ms. Hester. "He said that he did understand. Unless you have water problems of your own, you don't understand what people go through." Chadwick said there arc as many homes and voters in Shell Point as there arc at Sunset Beach. "There's enough people here to justify them putting it in," said Chadwick. "I believe my property is valued just as high as that on Sunset Beach." He said residents there want to know that they arc being heard Added Ms. Hester, "We have a lot of people in this area. We're go ing to keep working on it. We're not going to give up. We're taxpayers, too." ????????? > i?11 I IW S?A?? PHOTO B* OOMIC GUW?AN? JS STATE REP. DAVID HEDWINE (left) explains steps involved in incorporating as a town to a group of Sunset Harbor residents Friday night. Also answering questions was Derwood tMndreth (back ground), incorporation committee chairman. Beach. He focused on police protection and the betterment of the community through localized government as the major reasons most residents gave lor taking action to become a municipality. The committee chairman also said River Run would not be included in the town boundaries because ii was "just a bigger headache." lie said u would Ik* too expensive io inuiiil.un and repair the subdivision's roads and provide services and still keep the tax rate low. Rcdwinc had been asked by members of the River Run community about the procedures lor incorporation more than a year ago, but he said he never heard any thing more from them and the idea seems to have been dropped. At that lime River Run had made no plans to include Sunset Harbor in its municipal boundaries. Landrcth said he Impos to call another public forum in early December, alter die incorporation committee talks with officials from the N.C. Institute of (!i >v eminent m Chape! Ilill. Sunset Harbor's request to become a town could not he considered by the N.C. General Assembly until the legislature reconvenes in May 1992. Ballot. Exit Poll Asks 5 Sticky Questions (Continued From Page I -A) Residents vote on the candidates countywidc. "What we are doing is. in effect, ensuring the one-man, one-vote principle," said Clcgg. District lines were redrawn last in 198 1, based on population counts from the 1980 U.S. Census. At that time, each district contained an av erage of 7,155 residents. Residency districts arc not to be confused with electoral districts, where residents do not vole county wide. Residency districts do not af fect townships or voting precincts. "People arc concerned that this is going to change their polling place or change what precinct they arc in," said Lynda Britt, supervisor ol the Brunswick County Board of Elections. "But this is not what is happening." Based on questions and com ments she's received from absentee voters slopping in the office, Mrs. Brill is concerned thai there arc some county residents who "don'i really understand the issues being put before them," she said. "People are reluctant to ask ques tions, but they shouldn't he," she said. "That's my greatest concern, that they might not understand." On the ballot regarding terms lor commissioners and school board members, for example, she said vot ers tend to Ik; contused because they arc not being asked a "for" or "against" question. "You have to be for something ? cither two-year terms or four-year terms," she said. Non -Partisan Flections? When State Rep. E. David Rcdwinc began checking among constituents to sec how they felt about changing the terms of school board members from four years to two years, he didn't get a decisive response one way or the other. Rut a lot of voters told him and Brunswick County Commissioners - that they were interested in a vote on reluming school board elections to a non-partisan basis. That is when candidates run widtoul having to de clare an affiliation with a particular parly. It also eliminates the potential of a party primary. County comiuis State To Award Last Bid Suite Board of Transportation members arc expected to award a contract Friday to four-lane the last scction of U.S. 17 in Brunswick County. The board meets Friday at 9 a.m. at the Highway Building in Raleigh. If the contract is awarded, construction could begin any time after Nov. 25 to widen U.S. 17 from just west of Old Shallotlc Road (S.R. 1316) to the South Carolina state line. APAC-Carolina Inc. of Darlington, S.C., submitted the lowest ol eight combined bids on the 1 1.5-mile stretch. The company says it will complete the work for S10.27 million, which is about SI million below what the Department of Transportation had estimated. If the work is completed on schedule, motorists can mark June I, 1994, as the first day they can travel from one end of Brunswick County to the other on a four-laned U.S. 17. The project is part of a larger effort to four-lane U.S. 17 Iroin the Virginia to the South Carolina suite line. SAYS CANADY More Mild, Dry Weather Ahead Area residents can expect more milit temperatures and very little rainfall over the next week as the South Brunswick Islands settle into an unseasonably warm lull. Jackson Canady, weather watcher at Shalloue Point, said the outlook for the area will continue to offer temperatures above normal for this time of year and rainfall slightly less than normal. Evening lows should be in the low 5()s, while the daytime highs should reach the mid 70s, he said. Less than a quarter inch of rain is expected to fall in the next week, Canady added. For the period of Oct. 22 through 2H. the local area saw a maximum daytime high oi S4 degrees, which Super Savings From Rick Edwards '89 Ford Aerostar XL Van-Loaded w/extras Very low mileage. 57,995 '85 Chrysler 5th Avenue -4 dr . really nice car with many accessories. Specially priced at 52,795. Affordable Cars Bus Hwy 17 N . Shallotte 754-9909 Canady recorded on Oct. 23, 25 anil 26. The minimum evening low ol 53 degrees was recorded on Ocl. 22. The average daytime high lor the period was 83 degrees, and the av erage evening low was 60 degrees, making lor an overall daily average of 72 degrees. These figures are 1 1 degrees above longierm (normal) average, Canady said. "It has been unseasonably warm lor this time of year," he said. Canady recorded no rainfall at Ins home in Shallolte Point. I M Preferred I m Travel 1-800-525-8455 Hwy. 133. Leland DON'T LET CRUISE DISCOUNTS Sail By You... CALL US FOR SPECIAL RATES 1(800)525-8455 sioitcrs added il to the list of ques lions ihcy wanted to jx>ll voters on. The Brunswick County Board of Kducatinii has not taken an official stance on partisan versus non-parti san elections, though individual members have staled their views on the issue. County school board elections went from non-partisan to partisan in IMK2, at the same time the board size was reduced from six to live members. Only 34 ol the 134 scIhk)I sys tems in North Carolina conduct non-partisan elections, according to dam maintained by the North Carolina School Boards Associa tion. "To be very honest, I can't tell a great deal ot difference between the two," Association Executive Direc tor Gene Caushy said in a recent in terview. "I have some tell me that even though the members are elected on a non partisan basis thai we still don't have many non-partisan boards.** Voter ( >|>inions Sought Voters will he asked on ihe exit l*>ll if the county should "create live county service districts for the purpose of providing fire protection, ambulance service, rescue service and emergency medical service" to fund volunteer units, effective July I. 1992. Commissioners arc exploring ser vice districts as a way of alleviating funding woes for many of the coun ty's 31 volunteer fire and rescue units. In service districts, residents pay an assessment, not to exceed 15 cents per SHK) of property value, thai is earmarked lor fire and rescue service in their own district. Presently, the county provides S 1 3,5<X) to each unit, regardless of the departments' needs. Also, S5I).()(X) is budgeted for each of the five residency districts, to be used on an emergency basis. These questions are listed on a questionnaire that is oversized so as not to In m the machines that count ballots. Results of the exit poll will be handcounted and will not be available with other election results. Hurricane Grace Causes Minor Erosion Hurricane Grace caused only mi nor beach erosion in the South Brunswick Islands when the storm passed oil the North Carolina coast early this week. Most of the erosion at llolilcn Beach and Ocean Isle Beach was at the east end ol hoth islands, town officials said. Ocean Isle Beach Building In spector Dniied Roberson said high tides and waves from the storm caused erosion at the end of East Second Street, and one public beach access was undermined. Most of the erosion occurred dur ing Monday afternoon's high tide, but some accretion was also noted. "It brought some sane in in some pkecs," Koberson said. Ilolden Beach Building Inspector Dwight Carroll said waves came over the wall ol sandbags at the east end of Ocean Boulevard. He said he wasn't aware of any property dam age caused by the storm. Besides the hurricane's waves, tides were higher than usual be cause the moon was closer than usual to Earth. There were no reports of erosion at Sunset Beach, which has a wide strand and rarely has problems with beach erosion. Long Beach Town Manager David Poston said there was only "minimal" beach erosion and no property damage. "It wasn't bad at all," Poston said Tuesday. "It looks like we've gained sand in some areas." Grace was the season's seventh named storm and third hurricane. Hurricane season officially ends Friday. HOW TO SUBSCRIBE TO THE BRUNSWICK&BEACOM POST OFFICE BOX 2558 SHALtOTTE. NORTH CAROLINA 28459 NOTICE: Reliable or consistent delivery cannot be guaranteed since this newspaper must rely on the U.S. Postal Service for delivery. We can only guarantee that \your newspaper will be submitted to the post office In Shallotte on Wednesday of the week of publication, In time for dispatch to out-of-town addresses that day. ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION RATES BY MAIL: Sr. Citizen In Brunswick County J6 30 J5 30 N C. Sales Tax 38 32 Postage Charge 3 68 3 68 TOTAL 10.36 9.30 Elsewhere in North Carolina _i6 30 J5 30 N C. Sales Tax 38 32 Postage Charge 8 18 8 18 TOTAL 14.86 13.80 Outside North Carolina J6 30 J5 30 Postage Charge 9 65 9 65 TOTAL 15.95 14^5 Complete And Return To Above Address Name Address City, State Zip

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