I SUNDAY **? MORNING NOVEMBER 3 6 30 7 AM 7 30 8 AM 830 9 AM 930 10 AM 10:30 WWAY -JO? A/J-. JL" I West v i* | Aj'rn^, < 'ml* Stanley [Pwt M floish* He? I Day of (Xsto*sry 0 Jan?r> Kemtdy Jrrtrfiy S*aggdrt W|TW WTV0 ill tee CapafoN GeftNig ?i 8*? a* t -nil HaSi-*1, Antet*^ ?, Tup tin M i. If. Nu* [Christ is ft* Mw? Per spectres b*4*i fon* If >esaru '.t'l-et Sesa"* Street IT m Outlaw (&N& Lhaiiwyo I' A , C?* ' iMrtJ J?" i ? '>wagg*t jf .^1 to Glory Vu*.f of SaUattO* jw,>?" trrml Goes to Cmi*> i Vs.ity |f?* *?,. ot the I as! I l?SU You? ?V*> of De**f?aiice jW ortd To I'WI* Hit Van Hendersons iPma P'ogra.' BUth fomn M#> Browr This 0?d House Barr, Wilson Ne* Yankee Workshop CBS Survey Mpwuy Trav Updale |D James *** Hid, New fort Cfy Marathoi Wh*, ut forfti* frugal Gourmet Mystery' IMm-ey WorlO |Movw L?it kV f //-off face ft* Nat**. f ktip*o?etnet \ Work] It ll v4^'rA- tpfptdo - *pe??i*nts -a/tnc tnidlS American G'adutors * {>/*#? OiyBruk Self Improver; *t.t G^ |Lee Hji^y IBasebai! Tfa.M ( ?i>*V f S Castle 1 4 J * <: . Court fknt >ioies I Count Duckula Hint stones Heatr* i r Planet Vr . ?. S an !' agt |kr H<* * M, Ssfer Sini Pwk Pintfei Calliope Hom Jem Mo"**^ News Inside the PGA foot To Be Announced Dar?ger Mouse ft/ Andy Griffith You? More-,- |0n ?> Me??u Se< -u< P1?A tospectof Gadget JS Happy Days Speed World ITfuckm USA Bugs Bunny and Pais Cartoon { ?pipss ?ce Oooy tO4 i Happy Days Tnicfc Powt Mema1 Med Rmyats Soorts njpgfjji Card??ugy Update [Ren & Stimpy Nfl j SportsCe?ier I Fant P^actiu: SaJute You ? Shorts 3Sl Movie Sent Tough H He^wia s W>nf*fs Wmston Cup Votcxspurts Magatfie Mow Dtnotauoa' ?V A constructK*' ^-ev? unearn-> two d?f>osau.-> ^>d a ca.e< < u?r WW0R V ? .i No* DISN fd.C Dijfuhos | Tree Circus KSiS |lea^ n to | Move Hort of Sunday Mass Paid Pfogratri IVass for Shut ii ?s Beavet Potlh 0)T!^f Mother Gfjo-^j W^a?d ot 0/ fraggie Roih |Donaid Ducm Presents B Uvtnqsiai Steamp.pe Al?ey IPaid Program Mov* Story \ H*rWa, |Speua> Inne T S^W Intel the Dr?qot> |Mo*t'- Lost Horuon H A d'ploriaf ti?dd* valley of Shai.^ id W^afd ot 0/ finds a >ost ;?eopie m the JWl IV ISiOwr"^-; I settles if Baltnipre durifty the 1940s I Move Mr Dwds Goo to Town G Ow a ^ intiiorwe dw.<3es to ttve h-s fiytune ?rwdy llusnig it 1 Ail | Movie Mwt John Doe C Coupe/ aUhi! i4t a;?0 ttv U?o>is S ttjiy ?*? ?x?v Sdilfig 04' a ftSnii^ iams -g taiai ^?Vjhty Muose a**2 It* Ouaneibatii Kid 8 Cnu Mo-- *??oo J Uur-iH'5 Uhl A 0I Jtwjn - - -1/arN series . mi - jt o t s the i.tJ i- n w,;>m r * NOVEMBER 3 12 PM 1230 1 PM 1:30 2 PM 2:30 3 PM 3:30 4 PM 4:30 5 PM 5:30 WWAl O-Jl ML WBTW wrvo \\ 0*k Sheridan |Ttv, Wttk W<^ Dav?1 Bnukley V i. ? B'oa NFl L * wt; INH Football f P*d ?-*'ugrd>T r . ' ? ick Ncktaus Speu< ?VvAXJj NFl Today NFl football Ne* *Vk C PGA Got | NBA ins-de Srutt INF I football iMama s 1 **"?'> |He ,weei? Mov>e Virginian j All Oca A ranch toreman ems fxs >???? 1 - ? Physician Card^iog* Update Dentistry Update [ Brother and Sister Interna" Med |tn'ectious |V(0QUIZ Disease 91 I Wag e Heart I Can f on TV Hepactis C | Make the Grade I Family Double Dare To Be Announced F?tteen TN 1 4 " ML Tougt1 Mo.- Logan's Run V Vort Two people attempt to escape a "> *rv ? ?-'Ws*. . ???? '"^uat'v ? ?ecuted a' <>gi 30 i)V TBS Remembers GiH?gan s Island TAJ 3Si Planet I'.HKA ' iCay |W I NASCAR u MoI>, >?A/tb Magazine V.k Gy.t M Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye J ?*, **y W^OR DISN Atlvxtyi'S I Tia?ls Mo^t Wllfy Wonka and the Chocolate Facior> " b kV./d* |Wo..e High Plains Drttlef C (d>r?uu l< A strange 1 tdfces uver * to*n tu avenge a .tm-'Jti Mov* Irreconcilable Differences w OHe r*u Dads My * a Oao-, Movie Captain Scartefl w Greene A dashing tugut batties for a kingdom and a woman s -ove Mow Foi a hm Dollart More C fjsftworf A band ol cutltooats is bem^ pivsued by two PoufTTy hunters I Good Bad & 1 an W?iit Disi t, ?'reseJit due e Fast Food J \ ftmey Movie Overttoard G Hi i?n An anx?esiac inil!?ua<*ress Qs hfcfselt (iv.ng with 6 strange .nan S^QW TMC Uot U UI4A Rescue ( v Mo?. Mr Smith Gobs lo Washington J sVewarr A narvtt ??e' ator i/;i . .,,tu troub?t jvt?i u .r.d:p puhtiUd . Movie tt Happened One Night C Coital " Mu.ie Pretty Woman ?? Oeft ? prostitute i/ets ul?ed *!fi? rich curpu att ia.dtri Movie Tune in Tomorrow P falk A man talis m H)'? with h.s oWe; divorced aunt Muwie A Chorus Una The Movte M OouQb s TTobT I corr |Mo?/ie In Crowd D leihf i I Superman " Heevt Wwif Ernest Goes to Camp j V#ney Mo ve Bloodsporl J Van Damme An American competes *n an international martial arts contest SUNDAY *" EVENING ? t vVoHf? IX NOVEMBER 3 6 PM 6 30 7 PM 730 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 1030 11 PM WW*' o if Lift* Goes On Ml m? , . fd?; i NBC News Funny Vxteos Mirk A b'?i W|T TW V l I GO M r.utes Funny Peo pie False Arrest (Pi 1 of 2) 0 Milts Eerie hiCi^r.o Unsolved Mysteries Mufde< She Wrote Lixk of the Oraw The Gambler Returns (Pt 1 of 2) K Haven* News V i. Rape ol Df WW* / Snath WTVD Rffi?t lton?? lite Goes Oi. Furuiy Videos Funny Peo pie Faise A/rest (Pt 1 of 2) D Mil's News Natl J ' e Scene I An.iiijls JK^ V L f uotti.i i [60 Muriates Nature Masterpece Theatre Mi/der She Wrote Movie Rape ot Or 1 No Job for a French Lady f ieids l J Snath Bang Served [WKRP .? Cmcmnati Wo c .< . Action V ( 'utp , Sea Wings Over the World Movie Blty Budd R Ryan Tyrannical officers conflict with t i-ew dbuard j ship n 1797 Da?/?d Letter man SpurtsW^h Review News I- ?iide Business World Today jSportS Sun NFL PrmieT^ne 'PrimeNew. Europe or the Blink I News Week I ?n Review World News Sports Nrte NfL FuoTOali SpoOsCentef To Be Ala touncfjd Hypertefivor Jrnl Watch Miiestof-es in Medicine Internal Med |Fam PraCtK* Cardologv Update Internal Med OB/GYN Update Fan Practice Physician NICK

riTy Outdoors r.i>. Move Wnti ot God R Mitotan) Equalizer MacGyve? Mo. t Something Wicked This Way Comes tiUlircb I Star Search V0R Lifestyles of the Rtan outlaw i 'C m ?>' .>u? V i Qu? o' ; ; o. tr , Po/ner & Donahue 1( 4oi Instant Replay Monsters News Pa?3 Program Mi.,* Many Adventures ol Winnie ttw Pooh Movie El Diablo A t iMasds A te^chcr t rr to est ?/ n won.at, frutii bdi-dfl'? ?0 Fdf.tasia The Creation ul a Qis/iey Classic Ciosby Stills & Nash Lmig Tune Com Movie Chahols ot Fire I Crwlesan |Mu.? Avalon 4 Mudief Statu A family 0l Jewish " gfaJ !s settles in Baibnipre during the 1940s [( jOi |< 4S> Movie Botfy Ctwmi^y M SmoeT Sesscns 1 T_ Movie Superman { Rtv?r k ifdi?t tru r^'VPtu- s aci.t to Lartft and Cc/eioos .ast powers Move D?e Hani 2 B Willi s A poiceirvtr battles ten prists dt a WaShitHjto.. Ul airport Mow MgM 5 tw LMng Dud t loan |Sarwt*q Mo.t- Dirty Danang J G't, A girt comes ot age duf.f^ f.t ta i j s sun irne' .dealt* [Movie Avaion A Muditt SON A family of Jewish in.rn.grar.ts settles . Cosby Sho* Who ?> *he Boss' Fresh Pnnte of Bel A.r Va . IBS News Whee' o' Fortune Jeopardy* Ever-nq Shade ABC News J*?pardy' Whee i of fortune M<* Gyve* Blossom Major Dad ti Kk of the Dra* The Gambler Return (Pi 2 of 2) * Htytr% Murphy B'own IDes^r.ny I Norther-. EJwic Women | ABC Monday N?ght Football News j'ji Tonqht Show Sweating Bullets Md> V i le'-rc VnsHuu Bus Revr (North Caro urm People Childhood |A/r?ncan Experience C Everett Koop M D Being Served S Holiries lo.r |CBS News Cur faction Ent Tonight Hard Copy Everuig Sh^de Ma^or Dad I Murphy Browri DeSKjrnrports Tu.mjI ?l/n Moneytme Schuoi SpurtsCe< ter |NFt V-IyAI. r | NFL Match Up Schaap Talk S&hl Timber Series BodybmWng Secrets of Speed SportsCenter I SupefiTiarher Shop T?i fOu Of jp Movie China beccKne ,/iw.g heroes m Vietnan O tetany Sever, yu/ig women ?n VJetr Movie Impulse M Tilly The residents u* a smai go berserk, acting on thar . hf Be '( Mo.it Crucrtet ot Hood C Hesro. Snertoc* Holmes seiches 1 a C ? ' ffeawc MacGyve M jrder She Wrute JWWF F*rre Time WresHmg Crook and Chase Trader Camp Drear:, of JeaMM; Gj? - c b*ea*' [No* " Ca ri ioid Mu/>e Big ChU ?V Hun College fner?Js from the 60s leunfltaMT* funeral of a fnend ( .by Shu* UmiK-V Mu??e AN Oogs Go lo Heaver. [A von lea n New Yurti Torngh? Starring Cltnt riji.'cs News News Move GmNoM / Berymn Af> insane aim^ai tries to dnve his nary Oo Stage |0n Stage Movie Crodter ot Bteod C Hestun |MacGyve< [N T*o esc?ed f. civets ;cse as priests to escape tr? po?e Here He h> the One. ft* Groucho ?2!2_ Muv# Ad at Plrecy 0 Busey C?ty Ir/ovie Dracuta Pnnce ot Oartrwss Killer | C Ltf Movie Demon WM f Unjn A gateway to Up*- *<3 af*e- .1 -ipppd apart i, the + Movie Bel Jumper t Bdl>ni 4- Days ot Thunder SHQW \v~. Kwig Uav>d R Gut A >/,e-i;r*?d , C' ' y. J g :/a.fiy putb r.,'i. trig thuji Movie Dead Zone C Wjiken A sthooneache* emerges from a frvtr yea, cotna *ith spec^t po*eis I Sherman He?ns?ey s Coniedy Jackpot Movie Leo Than Zero A MilMhy T?BC V .? Eliminators Pf<:* Movie Bong on to Night Srmp The la^a follow, St.% as he assentfries a band for his debut aJUm Movy Altar Dart My Sweet j Parnc A mental ward escapee becomes invo^^ed n a kjdn^jping plot Mov* CawaMes ot War M J fo? I TUESDAY EVENING NOVEMBER 5 6 30 7 PM 730 8 PM 8 30 9 PM 930 10 PM 10 30 11 PM 11 30 WWAY .51 WECT OA I/ ft**** (jr>bt >%* M Huuvr |Mf7* Barte* A)V-, S;?" A Who*. fr* Buss' Away * t*e Hen ;jf me **4" t -rw \ ''V1 f*j Hyp 1 mvD _H_ , Tim Hul Slww, L L&lf U*tMf? AfV Rwi-i lO.?: 'H'ifc*, [I f-t Tf/wqht Harfl Copy Rescue 9ii a.,', iHjrrt Our CNt<}m 4? H,.,fc A- / Ua*d lette"!^ Mu,* Prong intone o, thm Ku stmt (. Gdrflf [Hwhj Served PaJ S*T>m> StA. W'-ffQ Today V / eyv* |C'osst*e Mj?* 'i/Iay larry tag Live' T *f /u"e Urttar A.v (ie??ra ? V" . ,Ar \iy >nj j* " A *V W, Su '*?, Arwmg Gares r; ?eti/e SpA^r'tM ii J3L A L!3E DC Su(JW' ?1* V"ji? fit rUt? Rictue Dar ge* Mouse & , I A,'0f I Clove Vk> sgRV Cl 'l^O , IV# 43 Buys By"''# <*d Ra*S luo^ey Tunes [MurwS M ??, i-i San'orfl 4 Vor B* 4 Star OR W' ? , Bos-.' (Sd.'rO Uj tf-e Bei) fN* s trie I(iiinrfie tmjuc txeaf. ?.* V " tv^^wk^- . , _w- " " 4. '/*??? > /or 'JO""** f?XW? ? ? D" Si?/T ICfwth SI IN4V."* Nc I UA li,.u. ? '??.>?" vT | ? ?.? NBA I V.* v,f.^ [M* son* nelp ?> ?x'?/ iOy-' ?y'y lOmncy ''*>? ^Ort Tf/vj'-- 'j-ar- _ C'-nf Holmes |%C* C*Ai |l *.?* B^jdt n Vo^ t Wrtthw>g of Ben Wagoer S tiunmii* CKneyUnC s A Va' ?A>- Cm? P?r?de f^rt^n; A' gggjg ^i ftT. v i ijnftmcM V , ? Chrnk>t)he< CcXumtKn ? Vt? s^w TMC V . ? LrtOe Monsien ? S^.^e a ouy metis ' ' ? >? ?- > jtQtf ^s a?3 Hot Purwfl J Uj -Mi > R Oeytuss Pmonef o? Hooo? W ?.?,*. iHBO Cor* Mow; . Oracula Has Rtun From the 1 Grave ( it* Wov* Blue Thuxler ft Scf^cJW A pofce > N?.<^pTef jVowf Grtm PrKrte Talet f?jrf xr*-s M?lw I Croumt V Easier *?: A Hdve |g u -ipjLj ?,? , c 'tends reunites 'i> ? sir.# tywr? I Movie Leu Than Zero A Mctw/Tf?^ Where t* Hnarl K WEDNESDAY "* EVENING NOVEMBER 6 6 PM 6 30 7 PM 730 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 WWAl 9a m*t u' M?r? W.jfOr Vejfs W^eei 0* fortune jKXxVd/ BfOOUyn B'?d(je Ja*e ar< rr? fat^ ? Hours WjTVD ?B< V, Jeopardy' WUNJ Vd' V t r.' AiHow W>eei o* Fortune DmoMur^ |Wc/?0f Years Bus Heport U.<- |CBS \*d * atmar &'?at P^r/*"ar">", [Beng SenrtSJ Go?'* Bcr ? V*s Nod* Hour* T*r ?g" Zone Sure 'Jf !> | Crwne JBt Davd Letterrran yfcne |Crosst?re Ojr Century T?> fld* Years PnmeNews F#s? f -grts |D'saste' Chronicles Lvng Dangerous** A r F venmq at the Irrpro* U"y King Lrve1 Word * Spots Moneytme ns-de !he PGA Too* SoortsCentef iBaseba'i Vaq SDortsCentr Speca1 LP6r Bo^ir Boards SpotsO Su^ r ? i 4'^c! Sweep Shup Til You Drgp Cft?na Beach Forever Jar es Dean Vuv* This it EMi O Scoff Acrua 'ooiaqt rn: C^d^jUe^seg"^ ' s "&x '?> ^a*?r' u4 t . ?, Soe^ser Hirr N' a* Wou'C You Do > [Get the Picture Da- ge Mouse loooey Tunes V Tv^Td J3k TNN & n ' 4? Santord * Son B- Sta Move You Only Uw Twice S Conner Jarnes Bo^d 4r*js a secct he ad quarter i r a Japa'-ese ?oicar>u catt^ aim T ?si !Ba^ b Fu r BuS? t. //??' vvn* Chase 41 Pais V^Gfver Nas^.i ^ \ * Vo,. High Pla,ra DrtTter C Etstmuo iVovie Latfy and &?e Highwayman f Strtu'ib IVurder She W*ote ICruofc *>d Chase |Fiior)|, Bo?w"'CSi ?V?r Charge Ch< Vc ^ A Hazard ot the Heart J TVo.* Murferoui Viuw 8 5b*i v*T7jv GN ID OR >d.ed ti; the Be" D'eani ot Jearmc NBA Baskettwi N^hT Cvx." RJIT wwt N' \i s If ?: Boss' -V* o s the Boss' IG^ifT* d B'Cdh' Cosby Show Q^ncy DISN B 60 W'i lose Muv t Sesame Streel Presents Foiow That Bml > AWner/u*' |Bas.i Hears a Noise E |%e^ Yorv Ton?ght Sta I Cunt Holmes Love Bo?4 e Peter P?n I Vo/M? Mumy on (he Bounty f Tram I'd b'efpi Over PolKe Academy 4 iMuv* Terror ol the Tongs <; /aw |Mov>e CuuiMq ot War o' v'-etra^ a wpora V>-s -t /. ? ^thca decisKX Sess^s ID" a Wo-.tc Mr Frost j Cmjjt)hj<* w .i' " ir- < i Wove No Rrtiil No SuneoOor III B*od Bro thea L A,k?! ITaes F-c r |Aok*i the Crypt .Vove Jacots Ladder ' [Vu.* First Pow? l O^rnjnc ^ ?*'