I > I I K 1 1 SIMON S.MAI I SMI I II ItlUION IIOISVNI) Two Advance To Regionals In Morehead Competition A Wv'M HlUIINVVICk llV(l In OIK' Ol two Hi iiiisivii k ( i >111 it s soiuois who Will atll.llllC U> tCglOII.il COIII|Vtl tit >11 next inonth lor a John Motley Mure head Scholaislnp Award to the Universio ol Noith Carolina .it Chapel Hill Pamela Detrie. 17, daughter ol Mi anil Mrs William Detne ol Sluillottc. and Juntos Lee (Jim) Simon J i ol South Btunsw tc k High School were selected Iioiii a lielil ol six nominees. two Irom each count) high school. Simon in the son ol Nli and V1i> James I ee Simon Si ol Bolivia. Both Mi>n IV trie ami Simon have won one tiuu SsiK) Meiit Award scholarships n? I NC as county iioinineeN I hi > will advunn to the southeast icgioual nitei views to Iv held i>ei. i m Kciiuiinv ilk Nominees are |uilgid on loin eriie na: leadership, seholatship ehaiae let and physical v igoi Also intei viewed Irom West Brunswick lot a county nomination a.iv Meg small, daughtci ol Mi anil Min. Jen . small ol Shallollc Tern Antoinette Smith, daughter ol Mi and Min James McClain ol Souihport. waN the second candidate Irom South BiuiiNwick High Candidate* Iioiii Noah Brunswick High Si hool weie Mkhal Burton iiaughtci >1 i -i. anil Lillian Buaon i>i Lelauil .inn K. van Housand. son ol Hilly Wa\ lie and Barbara Jean I li uisanil til * . laiul Minn i mi., i n ,? i.ipiaui ol the gills volleyball team aiul will have played volleyball. basketball ami seittball lot loui ycaiN Mic in .1 mcuihci dI the l-ellow ship ol Christian Athletes \circiatv ol ihc I aim Club aiul a mcmbci >>i the National Hoiioi Seiviciy SIk hiuv as a |vc i counselor Also, she has volunteered with ihc Clothes Closet uuiiisiiy ol thi Soutli Brunswick Intcichuith Council and was a runic Wauh volumeei ai Holden Beach She in president ol ihc youth oigaui/ation at Camp United Methodist e lunch in Shallottc Miss Deirie e\|vcts to pursiK a prc-mcdieal cuiiiculuiu. inajoiuig n. biology 01 chciniNuy Simon also in a multi-sport ath lele. lootball ihicc years ami wrestling and haschall two yeais Dunne his senioi yeai he in playing basketball instead ol wiesiling Also Ik is pic sulci it ol intcrae i. Iuin served as a pagi in the Stall House ol RepresenuiiiveN and in a incmbei ol ihc National Hoiioi Society. Spanish DbCA and Anchoi clubN and Brunswick County Health Department Student Health Board. He has attained the honor toll coiiNistentty while nold ing down a part-time job and play int N|x>ri.N Hi MOulll like ll li. till lOa ,i .aim 111 nuclcai ciigiiin i iiiu Minn Small wa- ?' apiain ol ill. gll In voile tl>all I'll .lull ,||v played solthall Sin in a inciiibc i . >? ilk' Spanish Cluh and National Honoi Sih K'ly. selves as SUA so iiuii class sccietaiy anil is a (k'er toilllseloi Miss Smith. president ol South Hiuuswick s student hody is iniei isU'll lit il Ltik^i ill khcliiktll Cligl ueering She a as student ol the yeai lor the South chapter ol KOCAMI-. hi I'WO v> I , has soi ved two ycais as ucasuiei ol tin Aikhoi (. Iul> u c.i suici ivmi ycais and Ivlongs to the National Honoi Society 1>I( A Spanish and Interact cluhs In thi voiiiiiiunity she is active in ilk NAAi I' I he Hruiisvui k. I'layeis iikI Hiuuswick County Student Health Hoard and ushers at hei ehuieh An honoi Miidcrit she il il C ? ? ? ? \ (1 Ciovernoi s vnool last siiiinnei. ie ceivcd a commendation in tlic National Vtciit Seholaiship ( oi| IWJ Aehievenieni Program loi Outstanding Negio Students and k tCivi'ti ilk eheunsiiy and 1 S histo i> a wauls last yeai She plays soli hall in hei eoiiunuinl) Miss Million Ails iccogni/cd .is a seniilinalist in the National Merit Scholarship Corp l''l'l Aeh levemcnt Program lor Outstanding i\cgio Students, attended Covo nor's School and is a member ol llie National iiouoi S?kici\ sik is .1 ic . 1 1 ul ii ii v onset ??? lion oluiilcv i ii Ik i . 'iinmuiiil oni|Vles * ?i> i hi -.ehool Oui/ Ho. I ?'tllti *11 lO N ?|N ?l |*CVI vOUliM .ihil lias alkuiKll vaiious eiuivli nieiil piogianis Mu' also worked at I v iand limn Kali Miss Km ton vvants li become an hnglish tcachci anil a wiuei. Hons.li ill has Iclleicd III wiisity ha sc hall loolhall and lias |>.ii(k i|iat oil in basketball He belongs ii> Hoy S^tiuts. 'louug Dciuoeials ol America ilk" National llonoi St*. 10 1 y Spanish and SADD clubs Ik coat lis and umpitcs Dixie Youth baseball and solves as president ol the school hand IK was named most outstanding hand student last yoai . among othei tloliois. .ind serves as vice piesnKm >>t his church youth group I Km \ (i l ii\ ol l.ong ticach scived as e hail mail ol the county selection committee. a huh also in eluded Ikiuelas W Ha\le> ol Shallotk lileii I'eteisoii ol i.elauo Idwaid ti Mint/ ol holma and leresa I oniad ot Soutlipott I he Mole Ik ad Awaid pioiidcs an all expense pant undcigiadtiak iilu cation at UNC Its valut to .in in state student is nunc than Ioi loui ycais ot siuiK on e.iinpiis and summer internships available through the Moiehead I nundation s Summer Knrichiuent Program Seventy luialisi.s chosen in re gional competition will ho invited to ( haiK'l Hill Ioi internets % with iIk loiind.ltioii s initial solution oun miiiee I b .'2 1 s ,tv will oik iioiiii ik ? lion 1 ,k h D! 'I SI llools II.IIIKIi a ale a> iii Unco nominees Iitiiii ,i i K iida .igioual coiuiiiilkv HI: ADS TART lORtLOCATt North Center Closing , Funds bought For New Lincoln Site UN SI S \S I StIKK While moving ahead >viih plans In relocate as Northwest Conim unity Head Sun program outside th< county Four-County Co mm in i it \ Sei vices Monday asked the liiuns wick C ount) Board ol hdu nation's Nupi?>ti in seeking lunds loi .1 new Head start sue in Leland If funded, the proposed center Aould be located on th< grounds ol I incoln Primary School and would mean an expansion ol the uuuibei ol slink His served in Brunsw ick c ounty and the number of days ihey are sei veil said Ktye Ciore. assisunu Head Siart ducctoi and education vimidination assistant lor foui C ounty C ominumiN Services of Laurmbuig On a motion n? Kotxri Sloeketi. \chool boaid members adopted a les oluuonol intent to approve a 10-yeai lease ol a \iu loi the ccntci at I incoln Svhtmi at ilim iicaI business meeting piovidcd all legal and othei requirements win Ix met. Board Attorney Cilen Peterson i^ now re viewing a pio|Hised leasv agieement. Head Start is a ledcially funded child development piogiain aimed at helping break the cycle of pover l> h\ piovidmg pieschiKil childien ol low -income laiiulics with a com prehensile piogiam u> meet then emotional sixial health, nutritional and psychologic al needs. four County plans to apply loi a federal giant to o|?cn a 2,X(V) squai loot modular iaiility at I niiiolii School thai woulu house 40 >iu dents, scuing thorn live days .1 week li promises to contrail with Uk host school lot meals and is asking Ui hook on to the school's walei and sewer services, said Mis ( >ore I he centei *ould provide its own clee tnutl sci vice and would be willing to provide its own lein ing and pla> giouuU i<|uipmcm il hiviwaiv Presently Foui-1 nuutj ? vis -Hi loin yeai-old students uv. days each week at its center in isorthwcsi (. omuiuuiu Ahull u plans to close in the ncai luturc students sc'eco at thai center would be trans|>oncil lo Kaiisom ' cntei in Aiiihhii in 1. oluniDus I ouuiy. I h.u mu ??<>% being renovated I lie Northwt >i I eutei is n> condition, has walei ind scph. ?vs teni pioblenis anil ii.is insulin um span ill w hich in c.vpaud she >aid Fot the pasi loui vears ihe cenu has relied on i.iiuoln I'rmiaiv School loi IhhIi hreaklast and luiuh service. Buses are routed bv the selux)l each morning and tlien 10 luiii lot luneh Mrs Gore acknowledged lhal some parents have evpresseil con ccin about the pio|*?ed move ami 1 hi travel turn involved but said she ho|>es the pro|x>sal lot a hi w centei and num. mloimalioii about EVERYDAY FIDDLER'S SPECIAL Includes fish, shrimp, deviled crab, clam strips. French fries cole slaw and hush puppies $8.95 GET^REE SANDWICH PLATES SALADS SUNDAY LJNCH BUhht I 1 1 .1U S PM SANDFIDDLER SLAf-UOD RES1AUKAN I J i iwy. i.io kast ? si lAi.i.orn-: ? 7r>i-*i u.i.cl Uiih lui students IIOW sCl >e'd .11 UK NoltllW'CSl luilu will not uiuoasi Willi ihc itiovi mi icc they now nave u> tx Imscd in I iiKtill.UnlllC.il> nIK >.ikI Wuli ilit* ninvc Vli n uuii ..ml ihc ccnlci will ix- able in scive III .mUIiimii.iI audi iiis It ii a inlal ill Mi. and '? . (Ia)>.i .1 instead ol twn I Ik |iui|HiM.d i iik. ilii Head Si.ni ? enter would sc -c an addilumai -4u 'iinl' >ii" live ilaj ?t An'k >lk said "should ihc puhlu schools Ivimii sci \ iiij! 1 1 mi vein olds as is now henij; (Iiu|iom(| at the suite level then i Ik enici v-nild sluli u. mi iiij; thicc ycai olds li yniicould scive I host. childitn li.v da.s a week lhal would IX' a hi >: help in us 1 1 Ik ? hnolsi said Mi.sc Lewis assistant su|x?i uilcii dent loi insiiiKlioii l-ligit>K students in iioi (Ik i ii iiiuiswnk C oiiiiI) would allcnd ei tlici the Ransom oi I iuvoIii ccutci whu. hevci is elos> si. Head Stan sci ,o-t|i . inidiin two v * I K Does winterizing your pool give you cold feet? II >ou ic unsure ahoul how to pie pare youi pool lot muiIci. you need It nit maid Because if youi |Hiol imi I protected in winter you may is ii lot >oun .,aM) su i prises iiexl spnii^ Bung > ?uii pool in KioCiuaul and we'll help you (iiojH-rly close it In, the season so ii s easy to open ai.d iead> lot swimming ucai yiai lake ihe chill out ol winlei |?i.il vaie MAIN I KNANt h |||?S: I st Itiul.uaid I'liKlutls. Winlei Shock (I'laslei I'ools) Wllltci Sllmk II (Vlllji .V l'ltV>?ld\s| lAlk bp Wllllci Alfcae^lllt UiiMiikahlc Wiiiici l loatin^ Chloiirialor (loi Plaster Pools) Available Solai Blankets Winter Piml Covers Bring your pom to BioGuurd PROFESSIONAL PUOL MAINlfcNANCt Island Villayt Specialty Shops Hwy 1 /9, Ocean Isle Beach (Behind IGA) 579-8828 Open Monday Saturday Daily Maintei Chemicals. Accessories & Equipment it?iy\ c;h h week ?tl ils ( oiliu t mow (A'litci mai Supply ;iiul Ml siuiK iii.n llH (1.1 VN Cill !l Avt. k ill I In 1 amil!vvo?k1 ( cnlri Brunswick Schools Receive Good Audit For 90-91 Year m SI SAN IMIKK Brunswick County Schools re ceived .111 uuqualilicd opinion on its audit loi fiscal jvar IWIIVI. with auditor Charles Mowers pi. using improvements ni.uk' m internal am uoU while recommending sonic "lino lulling " llu syvli'iih ami o|vralion ot those sv stems (lining ilu yeai end . ? it: JlilK' '1(1 ?CR' sometimes V ilaot iv I In h lias been significant un pioi emeni litis yc.il in applu .11 ion ol .1. I Olllllllll pilMllllll . .mil illlCI i i.i I (.vNiiniK I'li'rtv is told i Ik HlllllsWItk < 'ouniv IU i.iid ol IiIik.iIIim \lt>llil.i. Ill fill I low els i v t>ICseiil s (Ik Iiiiii ol I ui llllgtlMI t - 1 1 ? w i > mil Assi.viah ol iarboru Hoard i hanniaii IJonna Haxtci praised l*iuaiKe Duaioi Kudi l oll. >11 .mil llri si. ill saving ' I llllllk we .imc 1 1 1 >iii uiisIiik lined i li.ios ink* ivtng * Adoption ol .i uHillKt ol mieiesi polu s was llu Insi ol Flowers* I'ivc rei ouiiiieiidaiioiis lliis is line tun ing tie lokl lite txaaio not mean i lo imply gloss wiaknessi s oi i irois W hile slate statutes addiess con iliii ol interest I loweis said a loeal |>olicy "would put all employees on notice Suite lavs is a link more vUui loi school hoards than loi municipal and county government he suggested l-'lowet s also re-commended ? hi in i documentation in ineelilig linn. . ui IS'. ml ki|ipiin(il ( .I li. K titles to ?ipinopi uiti ?1>HI ? 1 4? . i ? I H i ( I ,*?M .. ,|l (tU .liJllltlH was uiuihlt io u'iKki ui i|Miii(>n tin I hi si h> >ni ? i sh iii s liven asieis be an -i >ik li .in ilnoUm) *vas ?ion i vi stem i ?Abiding by Iks mles ih. ii require i?aymcnis to mm eni|ikiyees ot SHtLlON HI1 HB HARM . '.a"T i hall Hoibs Aie In' 1 syb4 rj i ) 4 !-;? iiioic tlum V>mt dm nig itu laliiitlai yoar lot |K'isonal m'ihus Iv ti'|toil oil oil a I in in 1 1 )*>** " I Iiin in Miinc thing the IKS i\ taking si'iioiinIi." n;iuI I Iowiin I In NalutioiiN i an Iv very iiiNlly An oik* |kinni|>K cvam plo. ho iitcil |iayiiii'iitN toatlili'tii ol In uiK In M'vi'ial niIuhiIn that mnld I'XiiVll that limit doling III.- iuiiini ol a yi ai AiiiIiKhn nknlilii.il iki inatiii.il ACakin nm'n in v tniii.INI it i lu vioiis ycai xilii'ii .in ?vii iiKmili.it .nut tiic veaiN i.iiiii'i villi ii .it K.i i Ioiii iv i' 1 1 iiK'iililiiil I III' .v'lllHll Ill -I ill . .11 lllllil III It H. .t I llll ll'lll \|i| IIM I lit II I naN "in ni 1 1 1 1 1 lin.iiiii.il v < >i tit i in >1 1 llll till M'lOIIO iOIIniiuUVi- yi.ii .Mill M I 1 1 1 il III iii ill iili Nii:ii.ilnl i .i available loi iini tins yiai I'm (Ik* ycai ending I iii ii >u I'^'l ilk niIiimIn .) .!( *> / 14 ,.i lion m gi'in'ial (Imal) 1 1| ni. it 1 1 ii IuikIn, Si2(?.07 ii i i 1 1 it ii i iii Ntati' and federal IuiiiIn and SI ??/ .inllim, lm iapital tHiilay A Ulflll >r> !?.?',!!!(! - > * * I II ii'dcially t in uK'il i ii i il i .ii i in hi mil, | lluilli l illlll >|Vi ilii 1 1 ijiincilli lil:> mill only a lew iniiiiatiii.il I mil ingv .vhiilt managi'iinni li.isaliraih aiUlii'NNi'd and ithith ilitl not alien Ihi auditui n 1 1| mi it ii i llll ni Iliiiil NyNlvui iiiniiliil > lm. iti'in ol iioii 1 1 mi | il i>ii n i liii ii naitii' othcci ?;in not u?vi'ied null a iliiiil nil is mil ol Ih i ah. ii s |i< mm &(VloCi*Ul GROCERY OUTLET We ylctJIy t ?NwiouliulU ?Pet I- uuUi> Winter Hours Mon-Frl 9-5, Sat. 9-2 Maty & J H Leug Proprietor <1/10 Mam SI Sh iiKittf AoiuSi f ? 1 1 It Di.-ciluI i IHiA TOURNAMENT buck official < AKS In ?> t 'Jill 1 1\ '1 1 1 >111 'I'll n 1 1 11 1 l I hese Cars (JAN IV ) I Hi* Sold As !Nc*v\ .. .. So We're PASSING I UK SAVINGS ON TO YOU! '92 BUICK LE SABRE AN EDWARDS BROS. CO. RICK EDWARDS BUICK PONTIAC-CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH-DODGF-CHEVROIET HWY. 130 WHITEVILLt 642-3153