in Playoff Opener Here Friday, Details Page 9-B HE BR Thirtieth Year Number 2 ? TMf BRUNSWICK MACOW Shallotte, North Carolina, Thursday, November 14, 1991 50< Per Copy 32 Pages, 3 Sections, 4 Inserts STA* * PHOTO Bv CAROLYN SWEAT CAI ABASH BEVERAGE MART was one of three Brunswick County properties seized last week hv L.S. Marshals , who allege the business was purchased m IVN7 with illegal drug money. Agents Seize Calabash Store, Lots Linked To Cocaine Deals BY IKRRY I'OPK Investigators sa\ a Calabash business seized by led cral agents last week had served for several years as a from to launder illegal drug money. U.S Marshals placed the Calabash Beverage Mart and two lots then, undei federal seal lasi Thursday, claiming the owners purchased the properly with pro ceeds from illegal cocaine deals. The seizure wits the result of a two-yeai investigation mio the business transaction ol Harold Gray Winters, of Route 7. Calabash, and his wife, Maria Ashley Winters. The couple also has a home in Yadkinvillc. where othei pioperties were seized. According to U S. Attorney Margaret Person Currin. the Calabash projierty was ordered confiscated by U.S District Court Judge W. Earl Briti on Sept 10 on the ba sis ol findings by a federal grand jury Briu's order found probable cause existed to believe lhai the beverage slorc and three lots? tine in the Roumlirv F-sIhIcs subdivision and iwo at River Vii'* Acres, where th<- store is Uvalcd had been purchased with "illegal druc proceeds' or had been used to "facih tale illegal drug aclivity". The properties had also been used to "facilitate ille gal money laundering ol alleged drug proceeds" or had been acquired through illegall> "structured" financial transactions, the order alleges Using a detailed affidavit compiled by Social Agcm Vickie I.. Howard, ol the Internal Revenue Service's Criminal Investigation Division in Greensboro, Ms. Currin 's office filed lor the forfeiture of property in U.S District Court on Aug. M). A review of the Winters' financial records shows ihe couple made expenditures ol approximated VMi.lXXi m excess ol all reported legitimate souiccs ol income between January 19X7 and December I9K9. the affi davit alleges The coupli also allegedly engaged in numerous li nancial transactions made 10 specifically avoid tiling a Currency Transaction Reix>rt with the IKS, u claims. Such reports require thai individuals mdicau among oilier things when he 01 stu. acquires .. ash pmcecd- m excess of SH),(KXt intended loi use in a financial trails action. Ms. Currin stated. The U.S Attorney s office can sei/e drug-related property purchased in illegal drug operations 01 money laundering schemes t-oi fiscal year IWl th?- bastcm District of North Carolina has seized more than S-4 mil lion in properly it alleges was obtained illegally. By law. 80 percent ol the proceeds Irom forleuuics can be shared with participating state and local law en lorcemeni agencies thai assist with a ease Hu nionev is earmarked for programs ti> help deal "wiiJi the diug problems 111 their 1 oiiinuinities." said Ihoinas Swann. assistant li.S Attorney 111 Raleigh, who filed the tinier I01 sci/urc and arrest warrants againsi the Winteis Drug Sales Alleged The investigation involved a federal grand jury the IKS, the Yadkin County Sheriff's Department and the Winston-Salem Alcoholic Beverage Control Board The three properties seized last week included 1.01 52 111 Boundary L-states subdivision mid Lots 2 (sue ol ihe store) and 3 in Kiver View Acres (See ACiKN'l S, Page 2-A) Former Island Owner Seeks Court Order To Allow Sandbaq Bulkhead BY dolk; RUri KR Bald Head Island's tormei owner has filed a complaint against a state agency and us policy making board allei he was denied a permit to pro tec t his eroding island properly with sandbags. Waller R. Davis seeks a "declara tors ruling" in his complaint against the N.C. Department of Environ ment, Health and Natural Resources and the N.C. Coastal Resources Commission Davis also a.sks lot a preliminary injunction and temporary restrain ing order prohibiting the agency and commission from interfering with construction ol a sandbag bulkhead to protect his house on Bald Head. Kenneth M. Kirkman of More head City, an attorney for the prop erly owner, filed the complaint last week in Brunswick County Sup erior Court The next session of su perior court is scheduled the week ot Dec. 2 Davis, who lives in Kut> Hawk and owns a home and several beachfront lots on Bald Head, owned the island until he sold it to the Mitchell family about eight years ago, according to lown Man ager Wallace Martin. According to the complaint. Davis' beachfront residence on Sand Spur Trail. is being threatened by the encroaching Atlantic Ocean. High tides and waves have erod ed a protective dune between the house and ocean, and the ocean was within approximately 25 feet ol the home's foundation the week before the court document was filed Davis applied for a state permit early last month seeking permission to build a teinixirary erosion-control structure made ol sandbags to pro ted the residence. He wanted to build the 90-foot long structure priot to a major bcach nourishment project ai Bald Head Island which is expected to include the strand near the Davis house, according to thi loiiiplaint The pcimil application was de nied CX't 21, because the erosion escarpment was noi within 20 feet ot the foundation ot the house, the document states. North Carolina officials normally use 20 feet as the standard when they consider it houses aie "inimi nently threatened" by erosion and eligible for protection. Davis argues in thi complaint (See FORMER, Page 2-A) VOTE TAKEN SERIOUSLY County Zoning Back On The Front Burner BY TKRKY P()|?K Brunswick County's commission crs say they will follow the voice of the people who voted last Tuesday in lavor ol a count) wide zoning or dinance and esuiblishmeiit ol lire and rescue service districts In a non-binding exit poll vours lavored a coiiif>rchciisive county zoning ordinance by a majority in 12 "' 22 county precincts. 3.449 to Residents also voted in lavor ol service districts as a was to fund J'o'untccr lire and rescue un.Ls, 3,856 to 1,625 ( omponenLs of a zoning ordi nance have sat idle in the Brunswick ^riyo,Plan"'n* s'nee , X ' Planners were told la>i week to start work on the ordinance im mediately. As far as I know they've nevei been told to stop." saw Kelh Hol den, chairman of ihe Brunswick ( ount> Board ol Commissioners I ne (Brunswick County i Planning Board been directed to pnx/ced with a county zoning ordinance.' "olden has favored county /on '">! sum In |i uned ttu hoard In, Planning Department began studs |ng zoning most recent K February 14X7. and a series ol f?. ruins were held to gather public in put in 19X9 Ihe Planning Board has been charged wnh creating the ordinance wiui holding public hearings on the* uralt and with certifying it u> the Hoard ol Commissioners lot adop. lion I ne ordinance would regulate land use outside ol mcorpoiated lowns i hat have then own zonim; laws. "We re going to do evervthmg we can in the next two years to adop. ;:n ordinance," Holden said while watching the exit poll returns elet Hon night ai ihe Brunswick County Government Center "I'm ,o push it as hard as I can " District 2 Coiimussiotici Jeuv Jones a prominent ol zoning, said he was also pleased with the poll re suits. Howevei die issue is likely to lace a light on die Board ol Commissioners. District 4 Commissioner Frankie Kabon has been an outspoken oppo nem of county zoning He contends Propcits owners face too many regulations and should b- allowed Ira- use ol their own land Although work will proceed mi mediately, as County Manager David Clegg said. "Don t expect an ordinance tomoriow." 'We've got 911 and water expan sion that the board must deal with.'' said Clegg. "It's going to take urne." Of die 6.X9P people, oi 24 per cent, who voted in lasi week's elec lion, ?>.4m responded to the zoning question on the optional exit poll According to Supervisoi ol Elec tions Lynda Brut. 2X.405 people are registered to vote in Brunswick C ounty. Proponents say zoning helps to lessen street congestion prevents overcrowding of land, plans lor uaiis|K>ruilion and public ulililics, conserves ihe value of buildings and land, provides lor orderly growth and development and entourages appropriate uses ol land lhe following prccincLs voted in favor ol zoning by a majority: Hood Creek Woodburn, Belville, Town Creek, South port I, Southpon II, Oak Island 1. Frying Pan, Gnssct town, Slungletree, Boiling Spring 1-akes and Oak Island II Moie people answered the ques tion on service districts, 5.481. Holden said Brunswick County's fcmergency Medical Services Direc tor Doug Ledgett has been told to draft a plan for service districts prior to adoption ol the 1991-92 county budget Commissioners plan to establish five or mort districts to ta> property owners foi volunteer lire and rescue service R> law. property can be as sessed up to 15 cents per SI 00 in valuation Funds collected from a district go to lire and rescuc units within that district. County voters also lavored non partisan elections lor the Brunswick County Board of Education. 1 - 2x to 1,136. Commissioners soughi voter opinion on the matter since it wasn't added to die official ballot By a 4-1 margin, voters chose two-year terms rather than four- your terms for both commissioners and school board candidates, 4, 569 to 1.330. Both boards now elect mem bers to staggered four-year terms. Stale Rep E. David Redwine placed the term issue on lite ballot after the county's political parties split ? with Brunswick Count) Re publicans opposing two-year terms and Democrats favoring two-year terms. Commissioners then added the non-partisan issue to their non-bind ing exit poll. "There were two political issues," said Holdcn, "and he (Redwine) chose not to address one. Now he's going to have to make a decision on this one. Man Injured, House Lost In Heater-Related Fire A man was injured and his fami ly's mobile home destroyed in a heaiei -related lire Monday night at Ash. James Bennett was treated for hums and released Irom The Bruns wick Hospital Monday night said Diana Ramsey, director of nursing. Gregg Warren of the Waccamaw Volunteei Fire Department said Waccamaw and Grissctiown Longwood VFDs responded with personnel and equipment to the 10 p.m. lire Firefighters were on the scene approximately two hours. "The house was a total loss." said Warren li *as located on Old King Road <S k I.s26) near its intersec tion with N.C. 130 The lire is the first known heater related bla/e of the season, he indi cated alter talking with Brunswick County Fire Marshal Cecil Logan. From an interview with Mrs. Bennett alter the fire. Warren said apparently Bennett had had prob lems when filling a kerosene heater located in a living room of what ap peared to be a two-bedroom mobile home. "It caught lire." said Warren. "The mother saul that when it flared up his shirt caught on fire. He grabbed the baby and ran out the door on one end and she ux>k the other children and left by the other door. The tire was in the middle be tween them." The lire department and rescue squad were called from a neighbor 's house. When firefighters first arrived, said Warren, they entered the mo bile home in search of the two to four children they had been told might still be inside. However, all the children had been safely evacuated. "They were with their father at a neighbor's waiting for the rescue squad." said Warren. Members of the fire department were bringing clothing they had col lected for the family to the fire de partment Tuesday night. Warren said James Willard Milligan. the Bennetts' landlord, al so wants to help the family get re established Others interested in helping the family may reach Milligan at 2157-6530, or at the Waccamaw Mini Mart, 287-4454. Beaches Escape Northeaster Brunswick County beachcs es caped the brunt of a weekend north easter thai caused erosion along North Carolina's Outer Banks and other east-lacing beachcs. The local beaches, which lace south, suffered only minor erosion while some beaches to the north lost several feel of sand. "We didn't have any damage," Ocean Isle Beach Building Inspec tor Druied Roberson saul Monday. "With the wind blowing out of the north we didn't have any problems at all." Sunset Beach Town Administra tor Linda Fluegel said the storm caused "very slight" erosion near Tubbs Inlet at the east end of the beach. No buildings were damaged. There was no serious erosion at Holden Beach, said Building In spector Dwight Carroll. "There was nothing to speak of." he said WILLETTS COMES UP WINNER IN BOLIVIA Fournier Wins Holden Beach Seat On Coin Toss BY !><>(><; RUTTER "That's got to Ik the first gambling thing I've over won in my life." That was Jim Fournicr's reaction after winning a seat on the Holdcn Beach Board of Commissioners last week on the toss of a coin. Fournicr called "tails" to beat out Koger Williams in the coin toss alter the two candidates tied with 136 votes each in last Tuesday's election. Holden Beach Board of Elections Chairperson Elizabeth Dameron had the honor of tossing the coin last Thursday at town hall. Instead of a traditional coin toss, however, Mrs. Dameron dropped a quarter into an empty coffee mug shook the mug and turned it ovci on a table to reveal the winner. Three witnesses verified that the coin had heads on one side and tails on the other before the "toss." The tie breaker was needed after Foumier and Williams locked even lot htth place in last luesday's clccuon, when voters elected a new mayor and the full board of commissioners. Fournicr said the outcomc ot ihc coin loss k'fi hint wiUi feelings t)l relict and apprehension. "I'm glad it's over with " he said. "I hojK- I can do a jhkxI job and serve the people well. It's a big rcsponsi biliiy." Williams, who is chairman ol the town s planning and zoning board, was out ol town last Thursday anil missed the coin toss Jim Shalor, another planning hoard member anil candidate lor commissioner, represented Williams at die event, which drew a small crowd to town hall Mrs. Damcron said there were no changes in an> ol the vote totals that were announced election night Holden Beach election officials had counted die ballots twice on election night because ol tin- tie and decided not u> count again last ^ hursday This wasn't the first Ume a Holden Beach election had ended in a tic. It first happened in 1971, according to John Holden. the town's first mayor Holden said Keriint Coble and L>avc Bowers drew straws to determine who would sit on the town board. Cobic . ar. Toss Breaks Bolivia l ie The Holdcn Beach coin loss also wasn't iho only one lasi week in the county A seal on the Bolivia Board ol Aldermen came down to "heads 01 tails' attei Shcriy YVilleUs and Thurston "Tut" Clemmons tied with ll> votes each. Mrs. Willetts won the coin toss at ihe Brunswick County Board of Elections office last Thursday. At Holdcn Beach. Fourmei will officially take of fice at the Dec. 2 town meeting alone with new com missioners Ciil Bass, Sid Swart* and David Sandifci Ciay Atkins, who has been on the hoard since 11>8.S. was re-elected for two more years She was the only in cumbent commissioner who ran lor re-election Wally Ausley who defeated Commissionei Bob Buck in the mayor s race, ilso will also take office Da 2. He will replace John Tandy and become Holdcn Beach's fourth mayor. "I think we've got a good board." Foumier said fol lowing the coin loss. "I tii i nk wt had a ical good slate of candidates. We would have had a gixxl board no mat ter who was elected." STAFF PHOTO BV OOUG RUTTfR JIM FOVRNIER is all smiles after winning a seal un the llolden Reach Hoard of Commis sioners on a coin loss las! Thursday. Fournier culled "tails" to break a tie with Roger Williams.

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