BEACON Listings ? Atlantic Telephone Co Cable _l Vision Cable ol N.C II ,!S1 WWAY lAHO W'lmir-ytor CI ?J WECT iNHO W _?J WBTW(( HSIKo'.' , i' Jj WTVD (ABO Du ^im U .HI WUNJU'HS>W ivmylon UJ JJ WJKA. u"HM Wi-viyV ? LI 1} HBO (Pu> ) New ? Q 2J ARTS AM W.,">"'U"'>n II Jj ESPN Spo?'s. Now V(.vU CJ ?l NICK U'" ?iiiei,'s IV> \v III iU TBS O'Hl ) Aruir.tu iil MAX I'Viy' Owvnox. _?J SHOW il'oyV Sfxiwt tth Jj II] WGN < tul > t n . lyo 111 TMC J\iyV Movies. NY i?l WWOR tlncl ). Now York 11] ill CNN i 'M V \i'w5 Atkvitu LIFE . Now Yoik UJ DISN i '. iv ' >is"ov . Co ' U] iJ TNN '-oVi-.'n o Not wo* U1 ill USA \.r o'v Now York _y U TNT ? \ 1 i A'loMtn THU, NOV 14 - Weekdays ? WED. NOV 20 C 1991 TV LUinu ft T X 6 AM 630 7 AM 730 8 AM 8:30 9 AM 930 10 AM 10:30 11 AM 11:30 WWAY 9" J friuC *?Q A"*** .1 I \T Wfth R Morning Saily Jessy Raphae* One on One IConcertrat WBfW 1'S * CBS Mor?ng Dona*** Des^n?ng Wonen Fanwry feud Pnce K Fight WJJjVD wKWd Good Mommg A"?e"ca S*fy >ssv Raphael Home VUNJ ?J \V Weather SVwig T*t* M ^.xjp ' B an* Sfeet ReadnQ Rainbow STV Pro ggmming y? 1 Contact STV Prxy yanwnnq KJM CBS V'."' ?g News CBS Thts Momng G<*3^g Lgh* Desgrwig Wonwr Family Feud Pnce is Right d% ?% >u0? A-juc;*< *t Bugs &fwy anc Pals Popeyr Dallas Knots landing THU. NOV 14 - Weekdays ? WED. NOV 20 f 199' IV IPC ft itoltl. I? 12 PM 12:30 1 PM 1 30 2 PM 2:30 3 PM 3:30 4 PM 4:30 5 PM 5:30 w One Lite to tfve Genef^i Hostvtai lng Ai Mv Chiidrec One L*e ?o l.rve General Hospta1 Oprah Wmhey Peoples Court Vaned C I Square One Sancfreoo? I Te^scn Sesame Street JlrTIJ* IVounQ m the Restless I BoKJ are the BeauUM As the Wonc *jms *a?e Spf Oaring Duck Nr>ja TixtJe T*tv Toons Adventures Star Trek The Nert Generation Vaned THURSDAY EVENING "? ' 1S?V T'. l st '\j lnt; '| Al'in Tx NOVEMBER 14 6 PM 6:30 7 PM 730 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 tfWAY Jus. ?V>e o< odire FBI Stones Amencan Detects PnmeTimc Live News CosDv Show Boss7 |C? o< Fori/* jeopardy* Toe- Coos Tnais of Rowe O NeB Knots Landing News Sdk StaiKry, WjlJVD SfUNJ *e; s?ws Whee o* fortune Pros & Cons FBi Stones Vwsho/ Bjs Report Saw ne Lost Worlds Vanished Lrves Mystery4 American Detective Prn*Tme lw News Strange Case ot the End of CrvikZJDon J Oeese Easttnders EastEnders JOL Con-^CtiQn ;es? E'1! 'onqnt |h*C Copy Top Coos Tnais of R-isie 0 Neril Knots Larx)mg Twiigm Zone Srfk Staltungs Dane Letterma jfongoom o? the Wi*d Brute Force The History o* Weapons ai War F?nsonef An F venmg at the Iniprov ?1 Wo i'i "oca* Mone>l: Orean- 0? Jeann* No* ft Can Be To?d [Mow Enforcer C fashwu? A gang of fanabc Vjetnarrweterans terrorizes San Franosco jN^jft Court iKc^k OR Who i ' Boss' Who s tr* Boss7 G?nme a B-eak' CosDy Show Wtsegjy 1N*v? York Tonight Stamng Citnt Holmes Love Boat V Back to Hannibal Relent ot ' orv Sawyer & Huck F^nn - -jaygf Mow* Story ot Robin Hood and Htt Mertle Men R 1- are ??#<- 30 ysars to neet on eartr LiStor Up The Lives ct Oukcy . Movie Prtioner of Honor R Ontyfuss Mov* No RetrtaL No Surrender ttl Stood Brother* L A.vdon Lostfig f! Ail Realty of Alzheimer s Disease Mov* Aftershock I KM? Inside the NFL Buhed R Vautfn Parade o ?ov*e Easter ii"a' J Mow* Dwty Oendng J Grey A girt comes o' age 3jnng her ta.""iys summer vacation Mow JacoD'i T Rotfris (S' ladder |f IS. Mov* NtoM ot 1 LMng Daad T J odd Movie Lass Than Zero 4 MtC#my Movie Punhher O Lundgrer Movie Miami C If Wart FRIDAY *" EVENING ? '1991 TV LiSt.rv; If.i f : WuHf. TX NOVEMBER 15 6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 WAY o' Fori/* Far: 1 7 Mattws Stto by Step Peftacl Strar Baby Tilt 20-20 News Arservo Hall Cosby Show Who', trie Boss7 Maror* Flesh n BkaxJ Dear John Reasonable Doubts News i 3S> lon?ht Show T iTW CBS W; Whee' o? Fortune jeopard/ Secrets of the Unknown Carol Burnett Tnats of Ros* 0 Neil News Toland On Sp?to_ w^o Afif. W, Jeopard/ Wheel (oTir* Matters Step by Step Perl eci Strangers I Baby Tai* 20/20 News N^htJme Jf |WdC??trM l \ewsHour [Bus report INC Week 10 C Wee* Waii Street Week Mow Love Me or Um Me D . fe> Sneak Ptpwws S Holmes Cor.f**.tio1'^ i) ijiord a second chance a! wfe 'Mow r j rVa/i** INew York Tonight Staring Ci?rit Holmes News Love Boal i!L V /v.e By Dawn s Larty ugM P Boo** four people ? a.e 4 chance to prevent a nuoear war \t 35 ? Arnm ais [Mo-w F^oOry .S SbJkjne A small time boxer gets a 1 shot at the world heavyvw^gm tffle I Mow LonqhI Day J Wane Allied and Gemvr sotdiers prepare for the WWIi invason of Normyidy Mow Rodry V S SWione Retired boier Rocky 1 Balboa takes a young hgftter as a protege V Mow GratfM Bridge Prme sr ~W ? Anna to Intone Mow 4 Si J Coltas Mow i r P Ktlpitrx* I Mow In Crowd O Leitcfi A teeruger s d'ear of dai-r^a; tJf 'ruersior rior^, >r>; Mow Roc* n Roi High School Forever l Fektnan Mow Eihmi Prefudke W V*7e ^ Irrtmata Stager 0 tory 3S> Mo-oe Out of to Dart T h^far | Mow Rodiuia D C?*iiea? |Mo/?e Men at Wort f Estew Two ga/Dagemer, yxxn/ ler cnrTunais after tfiey discover a corpse | Mow W.&. ? D HesfM K Co&trmr ALL STAR FLAGS S 1 -800'868-FLAG ?Flags 'Banners ?f-lagpoles 'Pennants A Variety Of Flags Dese't Sturin ? Yellow Ribbon POW-MIA Flags Mail Orders FREE Catalog & Delivery 101 Av ators Lane But ; aw. NIC 28425 Catherine Moore, Owner american TfAj&ti - J. Allan Hill offers... A"T 5J-TT Microcompute Ml (X I Service supporting all models. 925 I S Kerr Ave Wilmington, NC 28403 (919)799 5922 (800)354 7654 SATURDAY ??? MORNING ??? C ?99l IV > Ir*. > t Wo*th, TX NOVEMBER 16 6 AM 6:30 7 AM 7:30 8 AM 8:30 9 AM 9:30 10 AM 1030 11 AM 11:30 Bugs Bvmy & T? Show land of the tost Darkwvig Out* Beetle*** Hanmiemian PujIps ill [>?k WJ?r Capt F\?r1 0? A* Dudley Do lAbbutt and CusteMo nsn. SpaietatS Yo? Yo^' CdpUn N fPtoStes Chip F>w? SrfmJ try the Be*! Part 'iS< v1-*" ^.tved by rt*- Be* BTW l^jhtmng Force S*?*i Furce S??wfU?y l?le Merma*} Mmiipt Babes Mcf* Goose Gartw*0 and Fn**js Twnage Mutant Nana Turtles Bai k to the I ACC F oottvill *Uture | Today little Hastes ABC Wee* |Smert)oy end Speuai Wvme F\wh land o* the lost Oarkwwig IXxh Beetle**.* Ftmwnerman FVates of D?tfV water Soul Traei Oti < Readrig Rainbow long Ago A Fat Away GEO KpJwrv"? File Busnwv. File Btrjnevs Mgt Busawss Mgt (Business law On A* I Coast Fishg Tom; Crusaders Mcwet Babes Mother Goose GarteW and Frw?*Js Teenage Mutant Nmja Turtles Perkats Bwg laphy Muv* Ebmeiator? \ Prw te A scientist a nana ?*>d a iobut battle to save the ?wtd Mwe mjnian and AJweys R her tower plot Terice L Turner A ttie murder u< h?f rusband Mow Outatey Down Under T vrlec* A> Anternan sharpshooter is h?ed to baft'* abongiE's ?i Australia Da*B'e?ik Conespond OayBreak Mews OoseUp D^vfirrwk NewvThe Bq Story Heaithxwjek Moneywee* Showffc/ Style Science jF ball Prvw >wder Maga/v KOW Tm/ SportsCenter |F SPN Out doors Outdoor Writers Ftshn Mole [(X/tdoor Magarne Mirtug |J Houston Strategy Great Otf doors College GameUay (4 0Ut Seff Improvement Gurte Sefl Improvement Gt*de Baby Knows ER Image Workshop rum lass* l?W Bits Eiaeekas Castle Kids Court Count Duckula iHeathciift inspector Gadget Inspector Gadgg* Scjpenr Superman [F Troop F Troop Gomer FVe |Be?wee? the lines ( O4-) Gcr smoke (OS ? Bonanza I Ob WCW Power Hour 1 05 National Geography lupkver Backyard Amenca Joy o I Gardening Atoene s | Country Crafts I Kitchen by Side Gcwig Our Way Movie Slorm Over Wyoming T n>! < i' Mow Mkuot at Sand Creek I Skwr How the West Was Won Mom Run ol the Arrow H greyer ? Chan In Rio Dog House Part Program Prolre Hollywood IfiSKJer Cartoon Express 'outhQuake I Dance Party USA Lou Grant I any Jones Wnrtd To rnonow US FanTi Report People to People Chartando | Heart J Chi Cheapo Bi&ness Rpt I Bob Decker NWA Pro Wrestkng m Paid Program PaKJ Program Pooh Comer iTree iMother 1???^ I F raggle FVcK Oonaid Duck Presents jt/np, Rame and Ro?i Mckey Mouse Club Wm. lose S?Jekicks TDanger Bay lb > Cor firmed Movie Amber Waves D ^Vwve< Babar W^ard o* 0 1 Movie B Dtatto A t Jwants A teacher and a gunsi'figer try to rescue a womar- hon- b^>dls insde tt* NF I Mcvie Ugh! ol Oay j Jen A brother and sister team 'm* pe^-jrnyrs far.*r? fanviy problems Movie Orecula Has I Grave C Lee Mov* Clipol W Lee Youth4 ul "del ists fm?J tnenoshp yd camaradene m Wodd War i Boys Town 5 Trxy Move Eddie and the Cmfeers II Eddie Lfves' M Pare Mooe A Oay at tie FUces G Mam Movie Boys Town 5 Tracy Fattier F?anaga;i develops a school for juvenile delinquents SATURDAY ?" AFTERNOON NOVEMBER 16 12 PM 12:30 1 PM 1:30 2 PM 2:30 3 PM 3:30 4 PM 4:30 5 PM 5:30 WWAY JKk Cultfy* fao'Ud U-'flge Foottw i WECT O A Co??)c fuoltwl ITW College F ootbaii To Be A rmounced Otymp?c W-rterfest ^yo Co' lege Footbaii CoNeye Footba'i VUNj Business [huiiice law I V',g? F nance M'KJt Dtsoovenng Psychology Dtscovenng Psythotogy Socxxvca; |Soc*>og?ca! Irnagmatxyi | Imagination Travel Magaflne Vctory Ga/der) Woodwnght I Th?v 0^3 House Gmdge Match Lightning Force Super Force TPanJ To Be Announced America's Top Ten 0Vnp?c Wmterlest Investigative Reports NewsDay Movie FraoWn Dofctor S Kendall A beautthjl Gem\a" spy in World War I succeeds as a double agent Movie An Job for a Woman 9 Whttetiw (Caroline s Ca?edy Hour Ivans and Novak NewsDay Newsmkr Sat News' ISM* Heatthweek News/ On the Menu News Vol* Money News/ OoseUp I News Future Watch E art/Prime I Newsmkr Sat in ?j. Con tmued College Foothai. Ftbali Score ARCA Racng Fruga! Gourmet S?ster Kate I Supermarket |Shop Til | Moonlighting Sweep I You Drop Wei Spenser For Hire L A i.!w | Dennis the Menace [Dennis the Menace [Fl'pper [Fi.ppe' I Peter Pan Brother and iWagc Heart S.ster Can t on TV j Make the Grade ,F*njfy Double Dare E !< 0*j f Happy Days College Footbaii CH-Ps CHiPs Remodeling iGreat Outdrs Arrow h tceac , a posse after fou* '.tjnvict* Remodeling [NASCAR Racng Movie Big Bus J Bckkjnj The maug^al tnp 0* 'he ' -mctea- puwerei* bus is s?i>- '*j>< Maya Movie Murderous Vision H Bu*leitnef I Move C H U D II Bud Chud B fMrns Weco po'ce investigate a ? 1 s murder Street Justice W?C OR Qmricy tronstie AifWoT incredible Hufc Krught fboei A Team Movie Story N HaffVivay I 351 Anirn ais Movie Story k Hepburn Mov?e l IBeaufv Beast 1 Move J (knack Movie Lfflfe Monsters f Savage ( \h Losjng n AJi Reality of Aizherner s Disease ( 1' Mow A vi tor A Mudk* 5"?N Muv* Boys Town |Mov* Pht?{to4phii Story K Hepburn 1 S Tracy 1 SHOW I Movie Ful Fafwm F*ve V Monarty Mov* Johnny UangmtmUy V ht\e ^9*0s i -,l A;n* M.SttofWvr V . K * M *' frtdv? Uvesl m Pans Mo. ? Shy Peopie J CUytiurgh A wrter vists distant in the loiASiana bayou M EMwtoa A Print A soerfs' a mnp and a robot battle to save tt* wortd fc/nesi Goes to Camp SATURDAY "? EVENING **? t99* TV t istrnq Int > \ Worth TX NOVEMBER 16 6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11 30 WAY (3 JO? College f ootba'i Haw [Who s try? Boss' Growing Pains Young Riders Comr Weekend Jam WCCT Q i News NBC News Hqhway to Heaver GoWen Girls Wafter and Emily Empty Nest |Ni?ses Sisters Nr?ws Saturday Night Lrve wj? News CBS News It s Showtsme at tt*? Apoito Movie J C*nd, PSI LUVU *r 1(3 College Football News ACT, Prev*v* Who s the Boss7 I Growing I Pair* Young Riders Commish Crimes ot the Hurl M. Homehme frugal Gourmet Wild America Arnmals Lawrence Weik Doris Day A Sentiments Journey Austin LflY unwts Previews p.wj [\y2_rf Baywatch Star Tre* The Next Generation Movie Ptanev Train* and AutomoMtes J Carxfy PSI LUV U Stree* Justice m ?NN Journeys Anoe 1 L?ves lovejoy Movie Baby Ool K MaJiien A frustrated man bums his successful competitor s cotton gin Comedy on the Road Irnprov Toiute World Today News Pinnacle Capital Gang News Spots Sat IPnmeNews jsuwBt/ j News 'future I World News Watch Sports Nflt Capital Gang ' I News Shooting Siwxts Center |Ftt>ail Score Coiiege f oothait College Footba:' Movie A Bunny s Tate * Alley In 1963 Gkxia ?teitiem wor*s undercover as a Playboy Bonny Welcome Doug freshmen Move last Prostitute b fintga Two boys wanting to become mer s^e? a legendary prostrtjte Confessions ot Cnme H?Jden ftoom Veronica Ciare Wild A jWeicome Crary Kids | Freshmen looney Tunes Looney Tunes Gel Smart IF Troop Mr Ed Dck Van Dyve I Donna Reed iDi-h* Giihs Hitchcotn mB? JL (t6? World Championship W'esti U S Olympic Go?d Fun Ton of Born Lawn T Laugfitn <3 M NASCAR ftacng jTruck Power j Churct. St Opry Back 2 ? Grand (>4e Opry Live Staffer Bros [American I Texas Music Shop I Connection Opry BacK stage Grand Cie Opry live Bogs Bunny a;id Pais [Movie Wafc. Don! Run C Grant A yom) woman finds love when 1 she takes m two unlkel/ roommates during the Tokyo Qfympcs Movie Wand of L ova H Preston Counlerstrike MacGyver Mow Cameron's Ctosat C Smith A scientist s teiekjnebc son has a deadly monster m his close: Hitchhiker Beyond Fte*:.1y Mov* Meatbafts III S hdlerrnar Gs 1 a hard dnnktig marshal to capture a gang News Honey Iffrewafcar mooners OR A Team IMcvie RytaQ Mtafttx R Conrxl News Little Process I Pi 3 of 3) |Muv? Babnan A Hfesr Batman and Robin fight their A Vu'i kiey I four worst enemies to save mankind Movie WTMB rang t a boy and a wild d*a Man a Bran d-uy ?o uses rus if goner oams lo ad j nospra Mo.- Rod Hut L Blat i j Mo?c E/nesi Goes lo Camp J VAmt) [j Mo?- Btoodiflcn J ISO Oorme An Amman axTtpelK ? an iiteniaoonai 'nartwi arts cortesi Moth? Oulglev Dvwn Undei T Sellecli An An??an sran?f