THE P""*'"" - . ? ? ,-f- ? ? ? h . J i'r Thirtieth Year, Number 6 jrsdoy, December 12, 1991 50c Per Copy Headed To Chapel Hill STAf F PHOTO BY DOUG *UTTE* a Players and fans surround West Brunswick Head Football Coach Marshall Seay (center) after the Trojans beat East Bladen 27-7 for the N.C. Eastern 2-A High School Championship last Friday. The Trojans play for the state 2-A championship against the Thomasville Bulldogs Saturday in Chapel Hill. For details, turn to Pages .6-B to 9-B. Community Fired Up About Trojan Football BY DOUG RUTTKR Bobby Williamson remembers watching the N.C. 2- A High School Football Championship in Whiteville lour years ago and tlnnking how great it would be if he could see West Brunswick play lor the title. The West Brunswick B(x>ster Club president gets his chance Saturday, along with hundreds of other fans who have followed the Trojans through a 13-1 season and the eastern 2- A championship. West Brunswick faces Thomasville at noon Saturday in Kenan Stadium on the University of North Carolina campus at Chapel Hill. The win ner becomes state champ. The last West Brunswick team to win a state championship was the 1' .'4 ??> basketball team, vviititt won Uic lit iv. Sou;i< Brum ? k .von tlv slate 2- A baseball I'tuuij'ionship in But Brunswick County lu;si.'t had a state football champ since Southport High won three straight eight-man football titles starting in ll)62. "It's been a dream season," Williamson said ol the Trojans' year ol the gridiron. "It's been just fantastic." Williamson said the Shalloue community has gotten fired up about its Trojans. Everybtxly's talking about West Brunswick football, he said, and the impact in the community has been im measurable. "It's incredible," he said. "This electricity in the community has never been experienced be lore. It's been growing and gaining momentum each week." After putting together a 9-1 regular season, the Trojans have upended Farmville Central, James Kenan, Whilcvillc and East Bladen in the play offs. Williamson said each win has built more and more excitement and pride in the team and in the community as a whole. "It's something that other communities have had but not something we've ever had to this de gree," Williamson said. The Thomasville Bulldogs, the only team standing between West Brunswick and a suite championship, know what community pride is all about. The football team has been to the 2-A champi onship game four times in the last five years, win ning the title in 1988. West Brunswick Athletic Director Jerry Small said students at the school can't stop talking about their football team. "There's a general mood of excitement and a lot of pride in what we've accomplished," Small said. "It's carried over into other areas of the school." Williamson said Ian support will be very im portant Saturday in Kenan Stadium, which holds about 5().(XX) people. He said support at the last two Trojan playoff games has been great. West Brunswick fans have equalled or outnumbered the home crowds at Whiteville and East Bladen. "The more succcss you have the more than community toc!s involved." he s.iid. "Without the fan support, it's hard to be super competitive." Williamson said the excitement in the stands has apparently spilled onto the football held and infected the players. "I think the players are picking up on it." he said. "The confidence level that it instills in the kids is just great. They're charged up and they ( See COMMUNITY. PACJK 2-A) Commissioners Reverse Vote On Subdivision BY TKKKY I'OPK Brunswick County Commission ers voted Tuesday to reverse their controversial decision last week that lifted a subdivision restriction for a former county commissioner. But the change in vote came too late to affect the subdivision in volved in the appeal. At its meeting last Monday night, the board voted 4-1 to override a Brunswick County Planning Board decision that would have, as a safety measure, required turnarounds on lots under development by former District 2 commissioner Benny Ludlum and his partner, W. Alfonza Roach, a current member of the planning board. The controversial fallout from that decision prompted a special meeting Tuesday, Dec. 10, when commissioners admitted they acted Ux) quickly on the matter and voted 3-0 to reverse the variance for Lakeside subdivision on Oxpcn Road near Holdcn Beach. However, County Attorney David Clcgg said after the meeting that the vote came too late to keep in place the restriction on Lakeside Subdivision. Based on commissioners' action last week, Ludlum recorded a plat for die subdivision the following morning. Ihe plat was signed and recorded by Planning Director John Harvey. "It is recorded once and for all," said Clcgg. "Any attempt of reversal has come alter the fact." Commissioners Donald Shaw and Gene Pinkerton were absent Tues day. Chairman Kelly Holden, who made the motion lo reverse the deci sion, said Shaw had a previous com mitment and that Pinkerton was out of town on business. Holdcn was the only board mem ber who voted against lilung the re striction. saying ii was a matter for the Planning Board to handle. in his motion Tuesday, Holdcn noted that any request lor a variance from the subdivision ordinance should be appealed to the Planning Board first. If the matter remains un resolved, petitioners can appeal Planning Board action to commis sioners, who have the final say. District 2 Commissioner Jerry Jones, who serves on the Planning Board, admitted Tuesday thai the vote to lilt the subdivision restric uon wasn't handled properly by commissioners. He said the matter should have been appealed to the Planning Board, as outlined in the ordinance. He and Commissioner Frankie Rabon questioned whether the com missioners' vote last week was legal since the proper appeal procedure wasn't followed. "Action coming on the 10th can not invalidate that recording," noted Clegg. "What the action did do was forestall an avalanche of appeals." Holdcn had indicated that the vote could open up "a Pandora's box." with numerous persons seeking sub division variances directly from commissioners. Rumors had also circulated that Planning Board members, upset at having their policy mowed down by commissioners, would resign from the board. Clegg said Tuesday he had heard the same rumors but had not received any resignations. Ludlum approached commission ers during their public comments fo rum last week and asked thai the re striction be removed. The require ment was placed on die plat :n Juh ! <)S(i av a measure to prevent resi dents Irom backing dieir cars onto the highway Irom a string ol Iols un derdevelopment along Oxpen Road. The NX. Department of Transportation encourages the plat (See SI 1)1)1 VISION. PUJK 2- A) Vehicles Crash At Bypass Intersection-No Serious Injuries This Time BY DOUG R LITTER A log truck and automobile collided Monday night at the intersection of the U.S. 17 Shallotte bypass and N.C. 130 West ? the site of a double fatality accident last month. Nobody was seriously injured when the loaded truck, southbound on the bypass, entered the intersection and struck the front of a Chrysler traveling cast on N.C. 130, said Shallotte Police Del. Tom Hunter. The wreck was almost identical to a Nov. 1 accident in which Shallotte businessman Steve Smith and West Brunswick High School student Misty Camiichacl were killed. In that accident, a log truck traveling south on the by pass allegedly ran a red light and hit the Smith and Carmichael vehicles on N.C. 130. "The point of impact was almost the same spot," Hunter said Tuesday. "The car had not got quite as far out as Steve got. Had it got out that far, it probably would have been the same situation." The accident occurred at 9:15 p.m. Monday as Elwood Bell, 23, of Route 2, Shallotte, was driving a 1985 Chrysler on N.C. 130 toward Shallotte and at tempted to cross the bypass. / think we have something wrong with our drivers , not our lighting system. I'm afraid we're going to have more deaths out there. " ? Shallotte Dot. Tom Hunter "They met in the middle of the intersection," Hunter said of the truck and car. 'They just clipped front bumper to front bumper." The driver of the truck, 28-year-old James Dalton Brown of Cove City, was charged with failing to stop for a red light. Hunter said. "The witnesses stated that Bell had the green light and that the truck went through the red light," said the offi cer. Shallotlc Volunteer Rescue Squad transported Bell to The Brunswick Hospital in Supply, where he was treated and released. Brown and a passenger in the truck were not injured. The truck driver told police he saw the traffic signal turn yellow when he was 25 feet from the intersection and didn't attempt a full slop because he feared the truck would jackknifc, said Hunter. Hunter said the traffic signal appeared to he working properly Monday night. Strohe lights recently added at the intersection and a Hashing yellow light on the bypass north of the intersection also were in operation. The detective said the log truck traveled 1,5X4 feet al ter impact, and he estimated it was going 50 mph when it entered the intersection. The speed limit on the bypass, which opened in May, is 55 mph. Signs posted north and south of the N.C. 130 intersection warn motorists to slow down to a recom mended 45 mph, but the actual speed limit is 55. Policc closed the southbound lane of the bypass for about 30 minutes after the wreck to clear debris from the road. Hunter said. Traffic was re-routed through down town Shallotte. The Chrysler sustained aboul S4.1XX) in damage. Hunter said. Damage to the log truck was estimated at SI, (XX). The truck is owned by John Taylor Woolard of Vanceboro. Follow ing last month's fatal wreck, local officials and area residents called for state transportation officials to build an overpass at the intersection, which is near West Brunsw ick High School. An overpass was discussed before the bypass was built, but it was never included in plans because it would have been costly and would have delayed construction of the four-lane road. The N.C. Department of Transportation did install strobe lights at the intersection and flashing yellow lights along the bypass after the fatal wreck. Rumble strips also w ere added on N.C. 130 on both sides of the bypass. Hunter said the intersection would be safer with an overpass, but he said the biggest problem is the way that some people drive. "I think we have something wrong with our drivers, not our lighting system," he said. "I'm afraid we're go ing to have more deaths out there." Two Killed In Calabash Wreck Saturday Evening BY TERRY POPE Two Calabash residents were killed and two people hospitalized following a wreck at Carolina Shores Saturday evening. Mary Katherinc Bachmann, 69, of Carolina Shores Drive, and Henry Scheler, 74, of East Pine Court, were killed in the two-car collision at the intersection of Calabash Road (S R. 116S) and Carolina Shores Parkway about a half-mile west of Calabash, Slate Trooper C.E. Ward reported. According to Ward's report, boih victims were passengers in a 19X2 Chevrolet station wagon operated by Mrs. Bachmann 's husband, Harry George Bachmann, 70, of Calabash. Bachmann had slopped his car at a stop sign on Carolina Shores Parkway before pulling into the in tersection to cross Calabash Road, Ward stated. The car was struck in the passenger side by a 1986 Toyota pickup driven by George Aaron Stanaland, 22, of Route 1 , Ash. Stanaland did not have umc to ap ply his brakes, said Ward in the re port. Mrs. Bachmann, a passenger in the right front of the car, was pro nounced dead on arrival at The Brunswick Hospital in Supply. Schefcr, a passenger in the right rear of the car, was transferred to New Hanover Regional Medical Center in Wilmington where he later died. Bachmann was also seriously in jured and taken to New Hanover Medical Ccn ter where he was re mained in critical condition Tucsikiy morning, said Iris Baker, hospital spokesperson. Another passenger, Kaihcrine Schefer, Schefer's wife, was also se riously injured and taken to The Brunswick Hospital where she was listed in stable condition Tuesday morning. Stanaland received class B in juries, which are serious but not in capacitaung. He was treated and re leased Saturday from The Bruns wick Hospital. The accident happened around 5:45 p.m. Damage was listed at TWO KILLKD, PA(JK 2-A) BfcACON STAfF PHOTOS Santa Came To Town Santa Claus came to town Saturday morning, perched atop a Shallotte fire truck. From his lofty perch in the town Christnuis pa rade, the jolly fellow exchanged waves with David Bowens (right) of Grissettown and other excited youngsters along the Main Street route. More parade coverage is on Pages .8- A and 9-A.