County Surviving Economic Slump BY TERRY POPE An ailing cconomy is taking a bile out of Brunswick County's bud get, but most departments arc sur viving perhaps the worst financial conditions in 20 years. "I think we've seen it get just about as bad as it's going to get," said Lithia Hahn, Brunswick County's finance director. Last year, she earned 8 percent to 9 percent interest on Brunswick County's investments. Two months ago, that rate plummeted to 4.5 percent. Today, the rates have fallen even lower, lo 3.9 percent. "I've never seen them so low," said Ms. Hahn, who has worked in finance for 20 years. "I hope I didn't overestimate our investment earn ings." Brunswick County operates on a $35 million a year budget. A lot of that money is invested with local banks. Finance directors must add to the budget what they believe the county will cam in interest cach fis cal year. County departments that often feel the crunch when the cconomy is bad arc starting to feci the pinch. The Brunswick County Register of Deeds office. Building Inspections and Health Department's environ mental health scction operate partly on fer.s generated from real estate sales, the filing of deeds and permits for new home construction and sep tic tanks. While those departmental budgets arc not in any danger now, said Ms. Hahn, the figures arc down for the first half of 1991-92. "I'm not seeing anything that's dropping below where it should be," she said. Brunswick County Commission ers committed to several building projects before the cconomy took a turn. Those included a S2.3 million Emergency Operations Center for the 911 program that will begin in April; a $7.5 million Phase III of the water system lo Shallottc Point and Seaside; and a $168,000 water line project to the Jennifer subdivision near Lcland. "We're putting millions of dollars into the local cconomy," said Kelly Holdcn, chairman of the Brunswick County Commissioners. A positive side to the ailing ccon omy is that it is a buyer's market. Competitive bids the county has re ceived in recent months have come in below expected figures. Holdcn said companies know that Bruns wick County is still a growing coun ty despite the economic forecasts. "The companies that arc hungry arc putting in the bids," he said. Bids for part of the Phase 111 wa ter system, at S2.2 million, came in well under the expected costs, said County Engineer Robert Tucker. Also, last month, commissioners were pleased with bids received for the painting of county owned water towers and a five-year trash disposal contract. "Those construction people are a little bit hungry," said Ms. Hahn. "But I'm not seeing any competitive bids on investments." Interest rates for mortgage loans have fallen to about 8 percent. It means good news for persons who have a good credit history or have not exceeded their credit limits and can take advantage of the low rates, said Ms. Hahn. "If there were more people out there that could take advantage of it being in a recession period, it could help the economy," she said. "The sad part is, I don't think there's enough people out there to take ad vantage of it." Brunswick County's economy usually follows the national trend, with an increase in buying and sell ing activity in the spring months. Ms. Hahn, who considers studying the economy her hobby, is tentative ly predicting another increase in ac tivity this spring. "I just hope it's not a false im provement," she said. Since 1992 is also a national elec tion year, consumers arc likely lo feci good about buying again once the campaign season starts. But, that "pumped up' feeling often lasts just a few months, she noted. "It's like eating sugar," said Ms. Hahn. "You get pumped up, but after a little while, it sort of goes away." As a business, Brunswick County's finances arc in good shape, she said. But some local residents and businesses arc hurting. "I've had people talk to me about their personal finances," said Ms. Hahn. "It just breaks my heart." LIBRARY CONSOLIDATION MOVING AHEAD County Awards Second Bid For Water Project Brunswick County Commission ers Monday awarded a second bid for the Phase HI and II1-A water ex pansion project to the Shallottc Point and Seaside communities. Carmichacl Construction Co. of Long Beach submitted the lowest of 13 bids and will install a main water line down Thomasboro Road and N.C. 904 to Seaside, said County Manager David Clegg. Last month, commissioners ac cepted a low bid of S2.2 million from Bryant Electric Co. of High Point for another portion of the S7.5 million projccl. Bryant will install the main line that runs from Shallottc to Grisscttown. Because of logistics, the projccl must be bid in sections, said Clegg. County Engineer Robert Tucker said Monday's low bid from Carmichacl was about 20 percent under the anticipated cost. The com pany has been hired on a number of county Spccial Assessment District (SAD) water line projects since 1988. Others submitting bids Monday were: Zciglcr Construction Co., 5549,187; Mark H. Johnson Inc., S584.772; East Coast Construction Inc., 5586,300; H.B.S. Contractors Inc., 5591,513; Bryant Elcctric Co., 5595.863; T.A. Loving Co., S603.365; Wright and Lope/ Inc., 5653,271; R.H. Moore Co., 5697,046; Yates Construction Co., 5763,104; State Utility Contractors Inc., 5793,401; Hobby Construction Co., S807.647; and Hcrring-Riven bark Inc., SI, 034 ,835. Other Business In other business Monday, com missioners; ?Held a public hearing on an ambu lance franchise ordinance with few comments. The county's 10 rescue squads and a private medical trans port unit in Columbus County have agreed to provide mutual aid under the county's 91 1 system that will be gin in April. The non-controversial franchise agreement is a requirement for the 911 program, said Doug Ledgett, Emergency Medical Services director. ?Met Crystal Williams of Lcland, 1992 Miss Brunswick County, who thanked the board for county in volvement in the Miss Brunswick County Scholarship Pageant. "My pride in Brunswick County will be my motivation to excellence," she said. ?Acccpied a low bid of S29.958 for an aniculatcd trencher for the Water Department from Prime Equipment Co. of Wilmington. ?Accepted a low bid of SI 29,000 from Rivenbark Construction Co. of Bolivia to do street improvements in the Lcland Industrial Park with funds available through a state grant. ?Set a public hearing for Tuesday, Jan. 21, at 6:20 p.m., on a road name change from Somerset! Road to Shady Forest Drive near Calabash. A Somcrsctl Drive already exists in Calabash, said Lcdgctt. Residents chose the new name, he said. ?Voted to support, by letter. State Rep. Walter Jones' attempt to en courage the N.C. Deparunent of Transportation to apply for federal funds to improve the state's ferry service as a tourist attraction. ?Rcadopted an October 1990 reso lution by request of Ocean Isle Beach asking the U.S. Corps of Engineers to take over maintenance and dredging of the Shallotte Inlet. ?Instructed Clcgg to meet with li brarians and town officials from Shallotte and Southport to move to ward consolidation of the county's library system and to bring an agen da back to commissioners later for approval. THE BRUNSWICK jjUtACON Established Nov. 1, 1962 Telephone 754-6890 Published Every Thursday At 4709 Main Street Shallotte, N.C. 28459 SUBSCRIPTION RATES IN BRUNSWICK COUNTY One Year S 10.36 Six Months S5.55 ELSEWHERE IN NORTH CAROLINA One Year $14.86 Six Months S7.90 ELSEWHERE IN U.S.A. One Year SI 5.95 Six Months $8.35 Second class postage paid at Shallotte, N.C. 28459. USPS 777 780. Postmaster, send address changes to: P.O. Box 2558. Shallotte, N.C. 2K459-2558 Saturday, Jan. 18 Come by for a tour of our new facility and meet our staff of health ancl fitness professionals . r*~\ CMKHinaf w uicunsff Health & Fitness Center Bringing You the Wealth of Health Register for drawing for One-Year Free Membership /7 Grand Opening Special 6-Month $1 tfA Membership JLOU Available thru Jan. 25 ^ Enjoy refreshments & register for prizes from our Pro Shop! Carolinas' Wellness offers: ?Nautilus *Sauna ?Free Weights *CPR Classes ?Instruction *Stop Smoking ?Aerobics-Low impact and step classes tl^orpfp onf| inrt pi j^Chlldrcii & Adults ana rvung r u Bpjtinner & Advanced ?Computerized Weight Control ?Men's & Women's Whirlpools ?Support Groups ...and much more! ?Dolphin Spring Water in our Pro Shop ?New Sound Hearing Center will offer services beginning in February. ?Classroom available for public meetings by special arrangemcnt-call. Carolinas' Wellness, a member of IRSA The Association of Quality Clubs, pledges to provide quaiiiy health and fitness services in a professional environment. The following Information provided by and presented with the permission oflRSA: "For the first time, we have scientific evidence to support what has always seemed true: regular exercise helps prevent many diseases, lengthens lifespan, and improves quality of life." James Rippe. M.D., Director, exercise Physiology Laboratory, University of Massachusetts Medical School. 1991. ' BENEFITS FOR EVERYONE ^ "A sedentanj lifestyle constitutes the greatest single risk to the collective hearts of America, "Center Jor Disease Control. U.S. Public Health Service. Premature death: Physically fit men are 53% less al risk of pre mature death, and physically fit women are 98% less at risk of premature death than sedentary men and women, taking into account many risk factors including cholesterol levels. Dlood pressure, weight, smoking, heart disease history, etc. (Dr. Steven Blair. Dr. Harold W. Kohl? et al.. "Physical Fitness ana All-Cause Mortality." Journal of the American Mcdical Association. November 3.1989) Cancer: Physically lit men die four times less often from cancer, and physically fit women die 16 times less often from cancer than unlit men and women. (Dr. Steven Blair. Dr. Harold W. Kohl, et al "Physical Fitness and All-Cause Mortality." Journal of the American Medical Association. November 3.1989) Cardiovascular disease: Men and women who are physically lit are 8 times less likely to die from cardiovascular disease than unlit persons. (Dr. Steven Blair. Dr. Harold W. Kohl, et al "Physical Fitness and All-Cause Mortality." Journal of the American Medical Association. November 3. 1989) Cholesterol: Regular exercise helps raise the percentage of ben eficial HDL cholesterol and lowers the TC/HDL-C ratio (total cholesterol divided by HDL cholesterol) to a low-risk profile. (Dr. William Castelli. Director. Framingham Heart Study, as reported in "In With the Good." Runners World. December. 1987) High blood pressure: Regular exercise helps reduce systemic ar tenal blood pressure. (Dr. William Haskell. Heart Disease Prevention Program. Stanford University Medical Center, "Developing an Activity Plan for Improving Health." Exercise and Mental Health. 1987) Body weight and composition: By burning calories more effi ciently and allowing the body to bum calories whiie at rest, reg ular exercise helps maintain optimal body weight and composi tion. (Dr. William Haskell. Heart Disease Prevention lYogram, Stanford Universitv Medical Center, "Developing an Activity Plan for Iirproving Health." Exercise and Mental Health. 1987) Osteoporosis: Men and women who remain physically active in to old age are not likely to suffer from osteoporosis. (Dr. Keith Johnsgard. San Jose State University. The Exercise Prescription for Depression and Anxiety. 1989) Insomnia: Regular exercise typically causes more continuous and restful sleep. (Dr. James Wasco. University of Massachusetts Mcdical School. "Diseases Exercises Can Help." Womans Day) Healthy skin: Regular exercise increases blood flow to the skin, helps protect if from the sun. and keeps it healthy. ("Environmental Nulrition." Running and Fit News. February. 1988) "Reaular physical activity enhances both personal health ancl the vitality of oiir society. Establishing such activity as a habit Jor all \o/ our citizens must be a national priority" Jimmy Carter. J ' BENEFITS FOR FORTY PLUS^ " Physically Jit people generally live longer, perform better, and get more out of life.* Arnold Schwarzenegger. Chairman. President's Council onPHysical Fitness and Sports. 1991. Blood pressure: Regular exercise Is as effective as medication in reducing blood pressure. (Dr. Michael Kelemen. Director. FreeStale Health System. Columbia University. Journal of the American Medical Association. 1988). LDL cholesterol: Regular exercise reduces harmful LDL choles terol while increasing beneficial HDL cholesterol. (Dr. Joseph Putsch, Baylor University, quoted fmm "Keeping Fit for Life," Newsweek. August 6, 1984). Body composition: Regular exercise promotes fat loss while preserving muscles. (Dr. Peter D. Wood. et. al. Physical Activity and the Risk of Coronary Artery Disease. * The New England Journal of Medicine. November 3.1988). Arthritis: Regular exercise helps keep joints flexible, helps build and preserve muscle strength, and helps protect joints from fur ther stress. (Arthritis Basic Facts, \rthritis Foundation. June 1989). Bone loss: Regular exercise can potentially prevent most forms of bone loss which accompany aging. (R. Bruce Martin, biomedi cal engineer. West Virginia University, quoted from "Keeping Fit for Life." Newsweek. August 6, 1984). 1.9" Improved circulation from regular exercise typically in creases I.Q. in older people. (Walter Bortz. M.D., We Live Too Short and Die Too Long. 1991) Oxygen in the bloodstream: Regular exercise creates a 40-year offset in oxvgen carrying capacity? in other words, a fit person of 70 years has the same oxygen carrying capacity as an unfit per son of 30. (Walter Bortz, M.D.. We Live Too Snort and Die Toe Long. 1991) Sickness: Exercisers feel sick almost 30% less often than non exercisers. (Joel Gurin. T George Harris. "Taking Charge, the Happy Health Confidents." American Health. March. 1987). Diabetes: Programs of regular exercise can help diabetics cut down on the amount of insulin they must use. (Dr. William Haskell. Heart Disease IVevention lYogram, Stanford University Medical Center. "Developing an Activity Plan for Improving Health." Exercise and MentaTHealth. 1987) Stress Management: Exercisers are 100% more likely to find ways to relax and are 300% more likely to be able to relax when under stress. (Joel Gurin. T. George Harris. "Taking Charge, the Happy Health Confidents." American Health. March. 1987). Bowel irregularities: Regular exercise is nelpful in relieving con stipation. irritable bowel syndrome, indigestion and other gastro nomical disorders. (Dr. James Wasco. Universirv of Massachusetts Medical School. "Diseases Exercises Can Help." Womans Day). I 'Physical fitness is the basis jor all other forms oj excellence," I John F. Kennedy. \ J BENEFITS FOR WOMEN Breast cancer: Physically fit women have a 50% lower rate of breast cancer than sedentary women. (Dr. Hose Frisch, Harvard School of Public Health, quoted from the American Association for the Advancement of Science Annual Meeting, February, 1988) Osteoporosis: Regular exercise delays bone loss and promotes bone fonma tion in women most at risk of osteoporosis (Dr. Keith Johnsgard, San Jose State University. The Exercise Prescription for Depression and Anxiety, Pre-Menstrual Syndrome: Regular exercise reduces the likelihood of ex treme PMS. (Dr. Jerilynn lYior, University of British Columbia, Women's Sport and Fitness, 1987). Infertility: Regular exercise reduces the risks of endometriosis ? a cause of Infertility by 50%. (Dr. Daniel Cramer, Harvard Medical School. "Fitness and Infertility," Women's Sports and Fitness, August. 1986). A Blood pressure: Physically fit women tend to have healthier blood pressure levels-with higher systolic blood pressures and lower maximum diastolic blood pressures than unlit women. (Kenneth H. Cooper, M.D., The New Aerobics For Women. 1988) Diabetes: Physically fit women have diabetes 66"/* less often than unfit worn en. (Dr. Rose Frisch. Harvard School of Public Health, quoted from the American Association for the Advancement of Science Annual Meeting, February, 1988) Varicose veins: Regular exercise eases leg spasms and leg fatigue and im B roves circulation so that blood doesn't pail in leg veins. (Dr. James Wasco, niversity of Massachusetts Medical School, "Diseases Exercises Can Help," Woman's Day). Sellers Road (behind Resort Plaza) ? Shallotte ? 754-A SPA (2772) Hours: Mon-Thurs lO am-lO pm; Friday lO am-9 pm; Sat & Sun 1-6 pm

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