On On January i, liio banks yuii knew asC&S, Sovran and NCNB officially became NationsBank. And New "fear's Daj( while this creates a powerful new bank ? tho fourt h largest in the nation - it is a bank t hat was founded Our Old on solid traditions. I lie tradition of measuring our success by the success of every community we serve. Acquaintances And the tradition of recognizing the people in these communities for what they truly are. Our neighbors. WvBTC Our valued customers. In the weeks ahead, you will notice the transition to NationsBank. And we Not will do everything possible to make it a change for the better. After all, we might have grown to become one Fbigotteri of the nation's largest banks, but we're not about to forget the big reason we're here. People like you. NationsBank Tmh l^UPi'Th A X X IV/ X v/V\ m XVJ lV jCTL 1,/ii Ivl V/JL \innln'i Flt/C ? IWIJ Xut tonslUt nk ( 'or/Htmtum XahonsHnttk nf Xnrth ( \tntlhm, X \