Listings ? Atlantic Telephone Co. Cable J Vision Cable of N.C. 82) WWAY. (ABC) Wilmington .?J WECT. (NBC) Wilmington TJ WBTW (CBS) Florence 33 WTVD (ABC) Durham iU WUNJ (PBS) Wilmington 2 WJK A, (CBS) Wilmington 21 CBN. Family. Va Beach ^ FOX. Fox Broadcasting HBO. (Pay) New York ARTS. A&E. Now York ESPN. Sports. New York NICK. (Children's TV). NY TBS. (Ind ). Atlanta MAX. (Pay). Cinemax. NY SHOW. (Pay). Showtime WGN. (ind ). Chicago TMC. (Pay). Movies. NY WWOR (Ind ). New York CNN. (Ind ). News. Atlanta uii LIFE. Lifetime. New York Q g) DISN (Pay). Disney. Calif EJ 3 TNN.The Nashville Network Q wi USA. Variety. New York CJ 3 TNT. (Ind ). Atlanta 03 m a a a a a ? a Da SI s ? C2J ? CD a 2D THU, JAN 30 - Weekdays - ? TV Lislincj Inc Ft Worth WED, FEB 5 6 AM 6:30 7 AM 7:30 B AM 8:30 9 AM 9:30 10 AM 10:30 11 AM 11:30 WWAY ttl ?ECT ABC News |Good Morrorx 'Carolina m the Morning Live With Regts f, Kath* Lee Jenny Jones Home '?day Donahue Salty Jessy Raphael One on One iConcentrat n 1 CBS This Momng Donahue Design, rig Women IF amity feud Pnce Is Right WTVD Good Morning Good Morning Amenr^ Donahue Salty Jessy Raphael M AM Weather Kenneth Copeland CBS News CBS Th.s Morning Lamp Chop [Mr Rogers Sesame Street Reading Rambow Guidng Lqft? Designing Women Vaned 3-2-1 Contact IVaned F amity Feud Pnce Is Right Popeye Vaned Dallas Knots Landmg THU, JAN 30 - Weekdays - WED, FEB 5 ____?_1992_TV_Listtnalnc Ft Worth. TX 12 PM 12:30 1 PM 1:30 2 PM 2:30 3 PM 3:30 4 PM 4:30 5 PM 5:30 Loving All My Children One Lite to Live General Hospita5 Current Af far Cheers Mamed 11 L W|TW W^VD News News A Closer Look Days of Our Ln/es Anothe' World Santa Barbara Oprah Winfrey Young anc the Restless Bold and the Beautitui As the Wortd Turns Gudwig Lght F>eop?e s Court Oprah WmfTey 227 Loving |All My Children One Life to Live General Hospital Orient Af fa Oprah Wmfrey Court News Vaned Vaned Vaned SarxJcgo? One Sesame Street M. M Judge Vaned Young anc the Restless I Bold and the I Beautiful As the Wortd Turns Tale Spin Darkw*ng Duck Nmja Turtle |TV^Joons Star Trek The Next Generation Vaned THURSDAY EVENING 1992 TV Listing Inc Ft Worth, TX JANUARY 30 6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 AY Whwi or Fortune rrniwiiTTic Live Aisenio Haii NBC News Cosby Show Whos me Boss' Cosby Show I Different Wortd Cheers Wings LA Law News ( 35? Ton^jht Six*# W|TW WTVD News CBS News Wheel of Fortune Jeopardy4 Top Cops Street Stones Knots Landing Stt Stalk ABC News Jeopard/ Mac NeH lehrer NewsHcxr Bus Report Whee1 o* For* fie Stateline PnmeTime Live Nchtkne A Prophet With Honor The I Mystery" Bdty Graham Story John Wayne Standing TaH ( 10) East?nders (40> EastfcrxJers Love | CBS News Connection Ent Tonight Hard Copy Top Cops Street Stones Knots Landing Twilight Zone Sik Stalk 2E Movin Qn Peyton Place [Peyton Ptace Simpsons Drexeiis Class Beverty Hills. 90210 Judd for the Defense Peyton Place Peyton Place Avengers Davtd Letterman Kngdom of the Wild Class of the 20th Century Brute Force The History of Weapons at War An Even^g at the Improv TMN R r Tin Tin. |New Zorro K 5 Cop World Today Watons Moneyiine iCrossfre That's My I You Asked ?2S I Father Dowtag Mystenes 700 Club With Pat Robertson Bordertown PnmeNews I anv Kmn l_n*?i fa omght Drums Muivywv Target Shoot Up Dose SootsCenter IGoHtge Basketball College Basketball SportsCenter Supermarket Sweep Shop Til You Drop China Beacti LA Law Movie Notorious J Shoa A romantic tno of lovers struggles for happiness Spenser For Hre What Wouid v . rv*9 Wild & r t-tn, Itult Danger Uai Looney Ti?n*s Mork & M*xJv I Superman Dick Van Ctyke | Get Sman |Dognet | Hitchcock Green Acres |Mr Ed ? ? Beverly If 3S Andy Il05i Addams Hillbillies I Griffith | Family ( 35 1 Sanford and Son ( 05) Movie SyM J Woodward A psychiatrist tnes to treat Sybil a woman with 16 personalties 60 VideoPM Be a Star On Stage Amencan Nashville Now Music Shop Crook and Chase [On Stage I American Muse Shop Lift G:i!igan s Island Bug^ Bunny and Pals Tnals of Life Mw* i lovety LspertmaK In Tarrar 6 FxrtJ FBI men rety on ty bank teller to trap a master cnmnal Smurf' ScooDy Doo MacGyver Murder She Wrote (Tuesday Nght Fights PGA Golf Video Power Saved t the Be Jetfersons Now It Can Be Told Bulls Eye INBA Basketball iwWS IKoiak W^OR "lis Who s tht> Boss' Whos the Boss' Gmme a Break' Cosby Show Wiseguy New York at Noht 1 Holmes Stamng Clirt \ News Love Boat Wm Lose IFuz/bucket [Valentine (Movie Vkeant and Ma N Pctmtwo A parter who adnvres van Gogn becomes the patsy of an forgers [Movie Thing K Tobey " lEivts 56 Movie Paper Chase J Bottoms An obsessed Harvard 'a* student ta'-s 'or a mystenous woman Movie Criminal Justce F Mitakr Movie Dream Trap K Swarson [Inside the NFL Movie Hospital G C Scott A doctor becomes discouraged by the incompetence of his medical staff Movie My Bl informant baffles boredom m a bny town S Marrm A transplanted mob | Movie Two Jakat J NicMson A private eye a murder m 1940s Los t investigates i \ Angeles sr TMC Movie Generation R Beymer An inventor n the year 1999 sees his aeations used to cause harm Movie Lack Up S S&lone A prisoner angers a sadistic warden shortty before his release Movie Communion C Watken E <ii C?9? ' Ftmgno Mow Secrete 01 ? Move Roim,w S Mmm A modern-day Cyrano de Mothw and Diogtuw Btfgerac secretly adores a beauWul woman Itone Dnorim Ceatoy M ailon A tragedy among iMovte Grm drug addicts rases questions I u Maine FRIDAY EVENING JtM992 TV Listing Inc Ft Worth TX JANUARY 31 6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 MAY Nw. ABC News Wheel of Fortune Jeopardy1 Famrfy Mailers Capitol Cntters Baby Talk B4ly 20/20 Ar?no Hail NBC News Cosby Show Who s the Boss7 Movie Mafock: The Wfoen Kttngs A Griffith In the Heat of the Night i . ? News ( 35) Tonight Show WBTW CBS News Wheef of Fortune Jeopardy4 Rescue 911 New, ABC New, Jeopardy* Whee) of Fortune F amrfy Matters Caprtoi Cntters Teouria & Bonetti Hearts Are Wnd News Dart Justce Baby Talk iBiify 20/20 news NflhtJine MacNeii Lehrer NewsHour Bus Report This Week 0C Week Wall Street Presidential Democrat* Debate [Sneak Previews S Holmes Love | CBS News Connection Ent Tonight Hard Copy Rescue 911 Tequla & Bonetti Hearts Are Wild iTwMght Zone Dart Justice Movin On Avengers Peyion Place I Peyton Place Movie Young Guns E E Steve/ Bitty the KkJ and h?s 9ar^ Irve up to then famous ?egends Judd for the Defense Peyton Place Peyton Place Dav>d letterman Tme Machne With Jack | Investigate Reports Pertuns |A & F Revue An Evenng at the Improv Rm Tin Tin K 9 Cop I New 7o.-o Movie Three Ring Ctrua D servicemen fom a arcus anc Martin Two ex cause total chaos Father Oowfcng Mystenes 700 Club Witt, Pat Robertson Bordertown iBordertown WurkJ Touay Mor?eyiine I Crossfire PnmeNews Larry Kmg Lrve" World News Sports Tonight Moneyiine HL ?Jd/is Cup Tennis SpoflsCenter |Sb World China Beacti World Cup Slang Top Rant Boxing Schaap Talk SportsCenta I Sjoern iHe! Sweep Shop T'l You -Drop I A .aw Movie OmM B Peters A sfigle motfwr s ex husoaid Ints lo bum the* ycuny son to deatr. Spenser For Hie What WoulO You Oo? Nek Hit List Dangei Mouse looney Tunes Mort & M'ndy Snietman Ock Van Dyke Oet Smart Dragnet Hitchcock Green Acres |Mr Ed TBS CP JNN Beverly I AiCy ~ Hiilbiibes | Gnlfitti i>'. Aaoams Fan my ( 3'. . Sanlorti & Son I Oil Movie Oratty Latum 0 Reed Beautiful coeds at a gats school are terroruefl by a Mler 06i Movie systen will I nothnq J Chnstie A computer to achieve tunan form VrteoPM Be a Stat On Stage Texas iNashvffe Now Connection Crook and Chase On Sage | Tens Connection JSA GJiigan ?, isiand Bugs Bunny and Pals NBA Basketball NBA Basketball Scooby Doti IMacGyver Muder She Wrote Beyond Reatty Ray Brad Swarrip Thing Hftchhiker PGA Go* WGN Saved by ;Bel Jefferson s Now ft Can Be ToW Movie Mfcedo 0 Mams The son of the Mikado exiles h*nsert because of hs love for another News N^ht Court |Ko*ak VOR (Who s the Boss7 Who s the Gmme a Boss7 Break' Cosby Show W.seguy New York at Nnht \ Holmes Starring Cfcnt * Love Boat [To Be | Movie I Announced Preview Show Wan Disney Co Presents American Teacher Awvds Movie Mr SmMi Goes to Hu n J Stewart M. Mom Dakota I Durnund Ptuilips A rebel faces up to ?s past ,n urflcr tu ?jtafl over Movie Yoi i M f f stew 1 1!. Movie Rock'n'Ro* High School Foravw 1 C fektian |( 45| Movie wages war Movie GrMm A HjsKti Three swindlers become I Mow Warlock J S*x)s rw^ed n a complex dygerous rBabonsnp 1 agarisl Mow C mjiffiers An honest cop ITales From . -- 1 the r a cornet ag-gfy machne 'Crypi (SOiFree Previews S^W TMC I Movie Eliminators A Pnne A makesnft team a I commandos tights to save the world Movie K taper at Ma C?y l Gossett Jr |(3SiMovn D Lundgren ItfciMw* FVoM at tPStrtuss iMovie ForlMWan Planal IV PxJgeor A crew is sent to a prolessor stranded on a strange planet Mowe Em gl Datkuclon G Hoes A govwnmwrt agent stalks a mwderous robot 1 Movie TaM to Mars ?i ; A Sctmornnemer A man travels ?084 to explore hs torgoBen past BINGO TRIP TO CHEROKEE, NC MARCH 20-21 Package includes: Round-trip bus transportation, two nighis lodging, taxes and transfers. LIMITED SPACE Call immediately to make reservations. For more inlormation call Kelly or Sharron at HSI. 1-800-866-1011 or (803)272-1011 Days NlghtS-Call (919)287-4665. SOUTH WIND SIGNS CUSTOM PAINTED SIGNS ANY SIZE SPECIALIZING IN CUSTOM ELECTRIC SIGNS AND INSTALLATION A REPAIR 754-8439 HOLDEN BLACH ROAD I SATURDAY r MORNING C 1992 TV L.Hirm Inc Ft Worth. TX FEBRUARY 1 m. 6 AM 01! E 6:30 7 AM 7:30 ftrvry A T*pe?y Show 8 AM 8:30 land ot rtw Los! 9 AM nahmoig Duck 9:30 Beetle*** .0 AM Ghostbusters 10:30 Pvates o* Dark Water 11 AM tapt Plain 11:30 Sd<um 0a? M Off Ak H00< Movte I Super Force Dudley Do Be Supetoy Abbot! and CosteNo Spacecats Yo. Yogi1 Cartas N iProStars MtaMGd Cfvp/Pepper SavecUry Saved by theBetf Litne Mippet Babes Mother Goose Garfdd and Fnends Teenage Mutant Nn ?a Turtles Back to the Futie [Where s WakJo7 JSL JEl LCt* Rascals 0? Air ABC Week ISupertwy end Special W***e Poofi Land o< the Lost Darkwing Duck Sesame Street 0W Air Rainbow ICoast Fish'g Toxic Oirs aders 0ft Aw Crusader Rabbit Fugrtivt Avenger BultwinkJe Long Aqo ^ Far Away GEO Moppet Babes Beetle*** Ghostbusters Business File Busmess Ffc [Pirates ot Dak Water lap* A Tweety Mother Goose Garfwk) and Fnends Business Mgt Teenage Mutant Nn^ Turtles Business Business Mgt L a* iSoui Tr?n Crusader Rabbrt Tomatoes Bobbys Work! [Tom & Jerry |TAZ MANIA Kids Global Affair ft i ? >w Ma# ness Brfi & Ted Kittle Shop WCW Pro Wresting Lrvmg Dangerously T*ne Machne With Jack Pertuns Bography Paul Prpgrar" 14 4?j, Midwest Angler Gerbeti kitties Aug* Dogge and Fnends F imtstone |New Archws Kids Popeye I Backstage at I the Zoo Bonanza Mov* Don Time on Planet Eanh N Struuse Movie Waduest Ship tn Vie Army J Lemmon Mcmc rummt K SurhaUnd Five medical students expenment wrth death and resuscitation M DayBreaK Correspond Up Close [Women s Pro Skiing DayBreak SportsCenter Yews/ CtoseOp DayBreak ESPN Out doors Spprtsmans News/The Big Story Great Out doors News/ Healthweek J Houston (News/ Moneyweek Newsmkj Sat Fishn Hole [Mark Sosm Style cly Fisfww the World Soence Sports Cent I <4 UOi Self Improvement (kade Sett Improvement Gude Baby Knows Growing Up Together Image Workshop Attitudes Lassie Littf Bits Eureekas Castle Kids Court Count Ouckuta Danger Moose Yo 9 Superman IScpennan F Troop IF Troop 0 Wilson Between the Lnes < Oil Gunsmoke OS i Bonanza (Of.. WCW Power Hoi* I O^i National Geographer Explorer Off Air Backyard Amenca Joy ot AJeenes I Country Crafts I Kitchen Sde by Side I Going Our Way Movie Lone Prajrte ft htayden |( 15) Mow RMers ot tie Mounted R fayx#n Norttrwest Passage Hondo How the West Was Won Mov* _ R Soort tSOOi Lou Grant Dug House Pad Program Larry Jones World To monow I _ S Farm Reoort [Business Rpt IWeekend Morning News Htftawod insider Dxxx Party USA Good Ftshng Youtivjuake Dog House Lone Ranger m Sister WCW F*ro Wresting OR Paid Program Pad Program Pooh Corner iTree I [(5 Movie Survival Quest L Hcmksen Mother Goose Fraggte Rock Best Hotel on Stud Row Donald Duck Presents Babar Jump. Flattie and Roll New Kids I Kris. Inc Wizard of Oz Mickey IWin Lose Mouse Dub I Mov* Awakening* R Whams A doctor revives people who have spent years a coma Movie Return to Snowy Wver t BuHnon Inside the NFL (5 20) S < SO i Mov* Bartarefta j H. mda A 41st -century woman battles monsters and robots m space V<we Hang Em High C I ishnod An mocwt man |Mow D Suttxftn) saved Irani a lyndwiQ. mwrte tof Im and onto Movie Roianne S Martin A modern-day Cyrano de ac secretly adores a Dea/Mui woman Paul Bunyan Mow Frandt 0 O Cunm (Oil Mow Mambo S Mmgarj 4 salw^n wrw5 a couii ??m her danoig at a tali SATURDAY "? AFTERNOON "? ft 199? TV Listing Inc F t Worth TX FEBRUARY 1 SATURDAY EVENING i^^99^|T\MjistiWjJnc^F^Wofth^n( FEBRUARY 1 6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 ECJ Capitol Outers Whos the Boss? NBC New, Hqhway to Heaven Golden Girls Wader and Eimty Perfect Strangers Empty Nest Growing Pans Commish News Nurses Jam Sisters Saturday T Movie Saa o< Low A Piano A selective tans in love with a suspected serial toller All m the Family Amen WjlT/D Wheel oi Fortixie Capitol Craters Who s the Boss' Perfect Strangers Commish i ? . ? news jOl fm A/nenca Ye*s The ( m. Star Trek The Next Generation Movie Saa ol Um A Piano A detective taUs in love with a suspected senal killer | All <i the Family Street Justice M. Around the Woild n 80 Days Class ol the 20th Century | COPS | America s Most Wanted IComic Strip Live IMuv* Matoraft C Cooper Staking coal miners have a violent" I jpnfrontation duwg the 1920s Mov* _ Mtmr Comedy on the Road Mam ' Tonne Rm Tin Tm K 9 Cop Black Stal km New On^nal Amateur Hour Movie Raid on Rommel H Burtai Bordernwm Bonarua News/ Pinnacle [Capital Gang, | Sports Sal News M. 14 ui, Davis Cup Tennis Idlarod Dog Sjed_Raar^ SportsCenter SportsCenter Special Both Sees INews/Tutiie Watch Otympwd World News Sports Nite NFL 1991 Al. Pro Tean Capital Gang/ I n iWWi Americas Cup 92 SportsCenter Movie Notorious J Shea A romantic tno ol lovers struggles lor happiness Mov* Bafrayal ol Silence M faster A dtttnet attorney rvestiqates a sinistyreiog^s Confessons iHdden o* Cnme I Room Veronca Clare Welcome _ Freshmen (IXi World Cran-.cnoiish? Wresting Ooug Looney lunes I 36i NBA Basketball jGei Smart j F Troop IMork & M22L Dragnet IGreen Aaes Superman I Hitchcock US Oymp? Gold Mov* __ R Morarns JUL Opry Back stage Grand Ole I Sutler Bros _0pr^_LM_ |Am#ncS iTexas Muse Shop | Corwecten Opry Back |Grand Ole ry Live Movie IroaUada A Hyde While The historic turtle between the Monilot and Mcmmac* is drammed Mo? Th"e 1""os ludnap a man s orandson n 1950s Tenrgssee Movie Oaaft Hurt C Bronson A Canadian poJcvnvi'" tracks a trapper who Wed in sett defense Htehlnker iBeyond fa_ Movie Fnl Food ' Vmey |Amer Giants Lifestyles ol the Rich & Famous College Basketball Gmme a Break! Newsworthy (College Basketball NBA Basketball JUl MOV1 Coog an ll 3b) Pre I view Show I Mane Kty . ,S Glem Mow King Kong F Wny Ml IMovie ft Mttams A doctor revives people who have spent years ?i a coma. [ Boxing > at) kv Sn?s 1 40i Fed Preview Movie Oaa1 Tel Her n Me S Gutt-nberg Movie Routine i Martin A modern-day Cyrano de Bergerac seuetly adores a beautiful woman Movie Hot Spot D Jjhnson A travekng salesman becomes nvolved with Kacfaral and mutter ( 15) Movie CMdi Murphy li 50i Yum Turn QMk ?c C Slater |Movie FMtoan K Sutherland Five medeal students experiment with death and resuscitation |Movie Um at Nn Yort C W*m A Bronx drug lord m a hospnai 1(05) Movie Nuneef Ottos r\j. Bookworrn Mon Sat 10 6, Closed Strdays at the bridge to Holden Beach 842-7380 We have a book to keep you warm! ISLAND DINING Adventure \ isii it - en I'nil, 1 1 le,hl hi, w J fci , i truly iiiii, /lie lint, li si , turner /vu L Yen II th'i'iiri I rem em iii,mil,iiitf jerry lerniiiitil , it I inline I'Lniitilicii Mtiriihi in Sciithfvrt. After it ?>, cun twenty Winnie Jerry ri.le yen II ,irriw en IviUitiful li,il,l I leti,l hi, in, I LUNC:H PACKA(.h S25 per couple DINNtR PAC.KAliK S45 per couple Package includes: Parking! icket. Round l erry I icket and l-.ntree. I riil,iy ,iii,I S,itnr,l,iy ( hilv lor reservations call 1-800-722-6450 ) l up

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