MORNING ^!_I992 TV L'St'f.q Inc Ft Wort FEBRUARY 2 6 AM 6:30 7 AM 7:30 8 AM 8:30 9 AM 9:30 10 AM 10:30 11 AM 11:30 Claimed Aib Southern Sportsman In America Pad ""y"1 Worshp His Day of Discovery D Jamas Kenned* [World To MMIUN Robert Sctutier With the Charles Stanley M?aci*i Today Jtnmy Swaggart [M?nas Family Pad Frograrn Movie Young M R Roger, McacK* Today Chnst Is the Answer Peispectrves iCBS Sunday M<yr*ng Black Forum |D James Kennedy Whee< of Fortune w little Rascals f "Qf*! Is Fnough jFa.nly In Amenca m 0? A* Oft A* Dub Golf Sesame Street Kenneth Copetand Sesame Street Voce of Safvabon Yol* Hour of Deliverance Dean South |M*e iTrav Uodate Krzyrewskj Ths Old iNew Yankee I Frugal House | Workshop " ? CBS Sunday Mcrmng Movk? Run RabM Run H Anders Julia Child Face the Nation Collectors lAdam Smith American Gladiators Crusader Rabbrt (4UU) Movie LAN Dnmwner Gfcl 0 Kcjfun Cad to Glory Crusader RabM Pursurt of Happness Cades Coirty I Custer NewSoht 92 Ail Creatures Great and Small Movie Two I L Oameil | James Robtson 0 James Kennedy Swiss Fam iGerbert iL. Vwc tiung HOI H scon A groc <y I traned tor an invasion r World Wa II Class ol the 20th Centuy Mano |Captan N jPopeye ~J Prince Valiant Mamac Manson Brahei Jake Hi Wacfc ml SHp Movie PlkMv M Gtuc I Style Healthweek ESPN wl Bass and Golt Celehnly Tournament DayBreak SoortsCentt< Movie of 9m KJ C Starreti Evans and Novak DavBreak BodyShapng Nuscie Mag Short Film Showcase News/Travel Guide Momtng News Mane Hclo Again S Long A dead woman is brought back to Me by her sister s mag*. spell SIq World Inside the PGA Tour News /Your Money School Sport Newsmaker On the Sunday Menu SportsWeekfy cSUs toll Spirt HSL_ Tt*s the NBA Sports Hetx/v Sports Center (4 0U< SeM Improvement Gu?de Serf Improvement Gude Lassie L?tt1 Bits Eureekas Castle tods Court | Count Ducktfa twng WUh Diabetes F*hysioari Fam Practice Danger Mouse Yo 9 Doug Internal Med Cardiology Update Fam Practice Rugrats Rer. & Stmpy Salute Vex* Shorts TBS World To morrow It Is Written IT & J ( 351 Fhnt stones fOS> FNnt stones |< 35i Planet (05l Andy Griffith 1 35/ Happy Days 1 05f Happy Days ( 3S Movie U SA C fonts Speed World Truckm USA Truck Power Wmners jWmston Cup |Motorsports Magazine jflL Fiavgle Roc* Pink Panther Popeye s Hour Bugs Bunny and Pals M ovie 7th Voyago of K Matttews >55) Captain SMbad land of the Giants Calliope Jem Smurfs Smurfs Denver Fhntstones IScooby Doo Magnum pi Miracles Today R Schuller Chartando People to People Weekend Morning News Movie Dragoon Wets Massacre 8 Sullivan Rene jades and lawmen team up to f?ght the Apaches V0R |4 oo, Paid Program Pomt of View Sunday Mass Pa?d Program Steampce Alley Paid Program Mousercise Dumbos &rcus Tree Pooh Comer Mother Goose Wizard o' Oz Fraggle Rock I Donald Duck Presents Dragon That Wasn t Or Was He7 Blood lOque du SoM II A New ol Heroes I bnpenence Adventures ol T?itii Babar WtfaU ol Ol Wove Almost an Aagel P Oeam on the Job M Gibson "*L 1(05, Mov* OurMacFH j CMtm A swspy Mq, J MMwKii | battles mad scientists out to control the weattiet Ol Fu Manchu C iee Mow Jo* Venus la Volcano 1 Harts SHOW Mowe A Night al fts Open G Van I' I'.'f Jjy OWl/ If 05i Movie Animal ( 35 1 Tr Solder Movie Dad J Lemmon A middle man s called on to care for tw ating eiderty father SUNDAY AFTERNOON "* -^Jiit99^rj^Ustin^n^^^^WorlhTX FEBRUARY 2 12 PM Les Rot>n son 12:30 Kevin Eastman 1 PM Pad Program 1:30 2 PM College Basketball 2:30 3 PM 3:30 4 PM 4:30 5 PM 5:30 I '' College Basnetbali NBA Show lime NBA Basketball NBA Basketbai! Hornet s Vagaon Part Proqran, College Basketball I PGA Golt Firing Lme Th,s Week Win David Bnnkley Mel aughhn IThis Week Group College ISM |< 45 Coflege Basketball Tony Bro*m ITaxbreak 92 Raismg Your 1 Tax 10 North Carolina Taxbreak 92 Wilson Cooks Stateime North Caro ?ma People jghtntng | Super Force College Basketball PGA Gort To Be Announced Ml. IV,?* Musk Is M*gk A Fiyr~ West L Oamell 1 ^ Mo? nse is spoBghted I r ftmer A ragtime bard on ihe Iwjwgrk Kennedy Cenier Honors IMovie ?Mnn H Wahl Memtws o< a Bronx jano light ther parents, loyers and rivals | Movie F; to have one K Costner Five college pals deode J*fl fv-ovie Fnva? Navy 01 bgi u>anat b htpe NewsDay Movie Seaet War of Harry Frlgg P Newman NewsDay Science 1 Moneywee* News/Week m Review Movie i d Ravtar Be mt\ 5 uee An newess [ off a man as ner hance lo tier c News/World Report fee *n newess passes dywig godfather EartyPnme TNs Week m the NBA M. (11 30> Con tinued Physician Cross Country Skj Senior PGA Golf Fam Prart*-* internal Med 0B/GYN Inrlatr Physoan Cardology llralat* Dentistjy Undate Davis Cup Internal Med Davis Cup Tenots Infectious lEndocnne Disease 92 r Anxiety To Be Announced Fifteen Fifteen Fifteen Fifteen Fifteen Fifteen Fifteen Fifteen Fifteen Fifteen Fifteen <p"? [l 35 1 Movie Cm Hand Lite P Hnmv A man m a Southern chan Ihe tough guards 1 201 Mowe Gkt In tlw Empty Gram A Gnffitn An investigation begais after a com* is lound c I Oil T & J 1 35i Planet isherman [Bill Dance Outdoors JL HL III bi Mov* lams Bassrnasters G mi Hank Parte. lAmencan Sooos Cavalcade NHRA Today IWnston Cio IWinners 1 45| Mow Ice Castas L Johnson An accident forces an ee skater to come to terms with herselt Champonshe Rodeo Mowe MempMs C Shepheto Thr? drifters kdn? a wealthy man s grandson in 1950s Tenressee I s Your I Just the Ten IMy Two Move I ol Us | Dads All American Wrestling iMacGyver | Movie acts as a human W hhn An obsessed scienttst " m pnmal research ng Back A GN O Movie Mnc town J iinan A mat . u utiiJ American town [M=v=! Orssr; ^ n u?mi>rm The life and loves d composer Stephen Foster are porjayed Mow Cyrano da heaiuu J Perm * poet decides u> mi' 1 "c c! t:z2T"z Cme Attraction 1 Outdoor Tratls Mom Oaciwy al a Wwn A Own A medical student is sued after porfomwg a tiacfieotomy Mowe MM 1975 C Hesfon A prrvate piaie crashes T ?ito a 747 nt lofcig the erttre crew | Movie C Smnson Movie Fun and Fancy Fr?# f Bergen Walt Disney World Past Present and Fubre Prevww Show Movie llamtat IMomln F UKMjmy The eccentnc Biddle tamrfy lives ? a ? realm ol thee own ?88& ill 1 30? Mo determined to avenne J?_ M GtQson A Dantsh pnnce rs IMovie Hodry V S SWfcne Retired bonr Rocky [m?? thp rmrrW nl fatter I Raihna takes a ynuin fwhMr xc 2 n rrtfwv | ? ^ A# Modme A bombers crew the realities of war dimo a WWII mission Sdt ^AUS |M "" *? ' ** G Fuany About Low 6 m* sr T(BC lovie new York. New Yorti L Mm e* An arog? saxophone player meets Cepenoent vocalist, and the two embark on a termus Movie Atfvankns ol Mfc aad Ms Movie O Cameron (11 30> Movie In tM SpH [ May Move AinHmlnp R AV lams A doctor revives people who have spert years a coma IMone FamCy tualRra O onlsti hs son and grandson tor an A rogush >boid> thef I SUNDAY "* EVENING ? ^M99^n^i5tjn^n<^F^Wofth^^< FEBRUARY 2 6 PM 6:30 7PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 News wrw Up tn i Town Meetng Fuvry Videos M?e Mm Jmh and to Temple d Drni H Ford A dasfwig 1930s archaeoiopst tattles an Indun death-git news Current A I tar ECT Mama's Family Eene Indiana Torkelsons Hoi Country Nghts Move: S Reynolds Oaadfy Betayal The Bruce Curls Story News Night Court WjJW Family Ties CBS News 60 Minutes Muder. She Wrote Movie 0 Woaiwtl J Unge A woman of Swedish descent is determred to mate her We better News 45i Heroes WjjVO News Growmo Up ?i the Age of AJOS An ABC Town Meeting Fumy Videos Mm* Mm Jem* m i ?? Tan** ?* Own H Fa n) A dasfwig 1930s archaeaopst tattles ao Imfcan deam-gjlt News Scorts M*h Ock Carttt With Gore Vltt NatureScene I Annuls WKRP m Gnanruti Americas Top Ten 6C1 Minutes Legacy Muder. She Wrote Legacy Adventres oi Rot*i Hood Bemg Served S Holmes Mwie 0 PI J Lange A womai o I Swedish descent a djjgmmed to mate her Me belief John An kefOerg Mke Knyawslu Working Gut | Charlie & Company Tnie Colors | Parka Lews In L/vng Color I Roc Mamed I Hermans Get a Lilt ChartK Hoover Heart ot me Crty M. In Search ol A t Combat Movie trtakar Mora* E Woafwart Three officers are unjusfly court marfcaled [Carohres Comedy Hour I An Everwig at the Improv Big Brother Jake Maniac Manscn That's My ??S Prmce Vakant i Zona Black Stal Inn New Original Amateur Hour Charles Stanley Ben Haden John An terperg Games o' 92 ?Jews Inside Busness World Today [Sports Sun PnmeNews Peoples Agenda News/Spots Tonght NFL 1991 All Pro Team SportsCenter NFL Football SpodsCenter Thrombol ys;s_ Thrombol J?L Jml Watch Miestones m ft Interna] Med Fam Pracbce Carddogy Update IntemaJ Med I0B/GYN Update Fam Pracbce Physiaan Prescribing Info Fifteen Fifteen looney Tunes Looney Tuies Looney Tunes Get Smart F Troop Mort & Mndy Dragnet Greer Acres Hi Honey, m Home Hitchcock IO61WCW Mam Event Movie Dirty Don* TlM Nut Watn L Mnvin Mai Reisman leads another band of criminal Gls National Geographic Explorer network Earth Pad Projram JUL True kin USA |Mo<o^pyts jAmencan Sports Cavalcade INHRA Today IWnston Cup l&il Dance Outdoors IBassmasters iDaytona I Celebrity Outdoors [Truckjn USA Bugs Bunny and Pals I Movie Man VMhwl a Star K Douglas I Movie Chid of Dartown. CWU of U*M Dense* A Vabcan pnest mv^sbgates two vrqr preonances Movie Maa Fram Laramie J Stewart A m*i seeks evenpe agaret his brother s lolers Swamp Thing Gonzo Games S4k Stal kings Counterstnke Sik Stal hjngs MOR Movie solves everyone s problems C Snodgress A social worker is but her own I Star Search (5CXJ? Movie C Bronson [Lifestyles of the ftch & Famous News Move TmMI Wemea B Vaccaro A schoolteacher helps two troubled mothers n Colorado Koiak 1 40 1 Instant News tapuy Monsters I Street Justice Pad Program [Avonlea Movie Treaoea M B Dnscoil A boy hnds a treasure map and fate r\ with a band of p.rates I Gloria E Stefan Gomg Home |Move MyFa*Latfy4 Hepburn [Movie Edward <1 tin etna* J Oeop A nwwnade humanod struggles for love and >olerstan<fr>Q I Move. J Roberts 1(40) Pre IDnsam On I Movie R Lena JEL SHOW ( Ifii Mov? Men at Wert I Fstevej Two garbagemen encomiet crmntals after they (tscover a corpse Movie Me Mm m hunchbaoed teen A *at? A withdrawn teen Irves m a unversHy s ben tower Movie I B Shtetds (45 if |Mov* Dad J Lcrnmon A middle-age man is caied on jocarejo^K^Minj^eldwt^ |Mwie ItanM Heae S Corny A publsher seeks a pol?calty sensitive manusenpt m Fkssa (05i Move Eve oi G Hms ISO] TMC j J 0i Movie Maa/? morns |( 2i) Mowe Hell ?pM S Lena A dead woman s brag* back to ide by he? sister s mage spell Movie tMM OnMd U Fbuna A naive woman becomes eroacally obsessed with a man ?i Brazil 'Movie Famiy I Of ? MONDAY EVENING ^^J992^>^stin^r^^F^^orth^n< FEBRUARY 3 6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 News ABC News Wheel ol Fortine Jeopardy" FBI Stones OetectMe Movie Man Cart J Smts A man leans his adopted son was harmed by fetal alcohol sy^idrome Arseno Hal T ITW Nrvn NBC News Cosby Show Who's th Boss? Fresh Pnnce ol Be! A? M kMa Qaai Meratof. Vietnam R mams A raucous Army DJ * Sagy rases troop morale but steams the brass - news 3S)Tor?gm Show News CBS News [Wheel ol Fortuie Jeopardy" Evenng Shade Major Dad Murphy Broum IDesignmg |l _ _Womer^__ Northern Exposure MM Bullets News ABC News Jeopardy" ! Wheel ol Fortune FBI Stones American Detective Movie Intee Cert J Sims A man teams he adopted son was harmed by lett alcohol syndrome MacNeil/Lehrer NewsHou Bus Report [North Caro kna People Legacy legacy iyrnphony ai Soweto King ol fire Beng Served S Holmes Love | CBS News Connection Ent Tonight Hard Copy Everwig Shade Maior Dad Mupby Brown Desqnng Northern Exposure Twikght Zone Sneating Btilets M. Movri On Peyton Place Peyton Place Movie Trite Marine dmi Avengers David Letterman D McGemF sergeanl md a 1970s flower ctdd Judd for the Defense Peyion dace iPeyton Place Daw) L Wotper Presents Sherlock Holmes Lovepy An Everwig at the Improv Rm Tin Tin lNew Zorro K 9 Cop I Waltons Pnnce Vakant I Black Stal Hon Father OowtKiQ Mystenes 700 Club With Pat Robertson Bordertown A W cx '(5 Today Monpylir* PnmeNews I any King l iW Sonrts Tonght Monftlir* li lt Sjpo-is Report Up Close SportsCenter College Basketball College Basketball SportsCenter Supennarket Sweep Shop Th You Prop China Beach What Woukl You Do7 [WiW I Cra/y Kids looney Tunes Looney Tunes IMokA T I S<jpeniian Move Get Smart Impaln M My The residents of a small QobtrcuKai acbng on the* npulses Dck Van Dyke Dragnei I Hitchcock Spenser For H*e Green Acres IMr Ed lO1 Beverly It ?'? Andy Hiiibiihes I Griffith f W.j Addams Famiy I .IS) NBA Basketball Movie MP* Saaiay R" Sim* A terrorist aid a Vwtnam veteran plan to tenwe the S^ Bow< M. I'i Oli. VdeoPM Be j Star I On stage j(Vi Stage Nashville Now Crook and Chase On Stage lOn Stage MOM DAY ?" EVENING "* C > 199? T V 1 -.1 . 1 I.* FlWt'ilh T* FEBRUARY 3 A JjL ji'igan s island Bugs Bunny ara PaJs Mov* Itorou of Talemart K Douglas Resistance to fod German development of atom bombs attem? IfbO^VSSirBSSnSSCaT'Sringer Smurfs Srooby Doo IMacGyver M?*de* She Wrn*i? WWF Pnme T?r* Wresthng MacGyve* WGN <?jg_ hv the Beti' N*^r ? Car Be TokJ Bulls Eye NBA Basl-etba" W^JCR DISH Who $ thP Boss7 WN) s th*> Boss7 Gimme a Break' Cosby Show Quncy. M E New Yo* a! Nch! t wmes Starry on > lovt Boat V-; . " Sword m tie Stone Prince and the Pauper lAwiea f Mcr/* t a Yd J Htiyne [Gamson Ke?tk* A/r*r?ca s Home Companion (4 4 :,i Mov* Awakenings R Williams Play by Play A History of Sports Television Mov* Ghost P Snqtvtv A mi*dered man s ghost tnes to protect his lover from r* s W*r Movie Take a Hard Ride J Bnxrn A cowboy a gambler and a mute Indian ? ave' the Movie Sam* Toutfi B Reynold s T*o pro-football players fail ?i tove with the team owner s daughter ( lOiPr* Mov* Mart ad lor Death S Seagal Mov* Wwnljrii of Ford Faktane 4 Okx Qay |t 4*1, Outtand SHOW V ? - Grou Anatomy V Mudtne A student s attitude ?n inedcal school .juckly brands turn a rebel Mov* Navy SEALS C Shewn Navy SEAls are sent to Beirut to rctneve stolen Amencan weaponry Mwe Haro and N Terror C \bm^ | 4( i. Parr Jokers (4 i Cage L femgno Mov e Aimed and Dangerous J />?* Mov*e AJfca V Harrow A woman learns new truths atom kte from a Chmatwn acupuncturist Mov* Ptrti Trout 0 Hopper TUESDAY EVENING *" ^l^Sy^rv^stjnalnc^F^Worthnt FEBRUARY 4 6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 News ABC Now*. Wheel o' Fortune Jeopard/ Full House Home Improve Rosearv* Coach Ane^o Mai JESL News NBC News Cosby Show Whos the Boss7 In the Heat of the Nqht Law & Oder Reasonable Doubts News f 31' Tonqht Show CBS News Wheel of Fortune Jeopardy* Rescue 9n Mov* FugMva Among U* p Strauss A detective devotes his energy to 'rachmq a man accused of ?*&> News Urt#an Aj?ge< News ABr 'Jpwr, Jeopardy1 Whe* of Fortwe Full House | Home improve Roseanne I Coach N<?ws N<jht1me Mar.Ne'i Lehrer NewsHou? B?rs Report Search Legacy legacy That Deicate Balance li Our B<n of Rights 90s JML lov* |C8S News Confection Fnt Tonight Hard Copy Mov* RigUM Among I h P Stress A detects devotes his energy to tracking a my accused of '** Twrt^Jht Zone Urtiar Arxje1 M. Movm On Peyton Place I Peyton Pace Move Rhrer of No Relum undertake an adventurous R Mitcfcfv Three peop*e nver ?oumev Judd 'or the Defense Peytor- Pi**? |Pey*on Ptare m . Avengers DavnJ Letterman Fer(?e. the Duchess of York Andrew lk>yd Webber Story | Women m Jui At Evening at the Improv Rn Tin T?n |New /orro K 9 Cop Wattons R*i Tm Tm Wmess to K 9 Cop Survival Father Dowting Mystenes 700 Ciub With Pat Robetson Bordertown Arrow In the Dual Wor'd Today Moneytme Crossfire PnmeNews Larry King I've1 WoVj News Sports Tonight Moneyi?ne NBA Today |Uo Close SportsCenter College Basketball College Baskets SportsCenter Sweep Shoe Tt! You Drop Ch?na Beach I A taw Movie A dream c i G iXj* kie Whrie 3y?<g ?o f?xJ his a man enters a n^htnansh norid Suenset For Hire What Woukt You Do7 [Wild t. Crazy Kwjs 'looney Tunes i 1 Beveny j ?? Andy Hillbillies | Gnffrth (O1^, Addams Family Looney Tunes Mork & M:ndy < i' Sanforn and Son Superman Get Smart |D<k Van Dy^e Dragnet Hitchcock Green Acres |Mr Ed I ? Mov? Francat I tjnge A 1930s mov* queen Mys for her success wrth her spmt (0^. Mm*1 Night of t lana R Burton VideoPM Be a Star On Stage jClwtfi 51 "ji Nashville Now Crook and Chase On Stage IChurch St G'M?gan s Island Bugs Bunny *?d Pais Mov* Sabata L Van Cf eef Three men h?re a sharp eyed marksman to steal SiQO.OOO ( Mov* Adtoa. Sabata v Bryrtnef An Amencan garnwer ons Me?can rebels m a freedom fig*i Smurls Scooby Doo IMacGyver V>d eo P"*w Savd hy the Beir Murder She Wrote U?fferv>n?; Nnw ft Can Be Told Tuesday N<jht F^hts |Mnv* MfttJo*Be9???e?d Wtf J Heart a my 1 stands up to the iocai law and greedy developers I N>ght Court [Xc-tak MacGyver VOR Whos the Boss7 Whos the Boss7 Gimme a Break' Cosby Show lOumcy ME New York at Ncht t Holmes .Starnng^ClirtF News love Roat Movie Ewoks The E ? for Endor IV Bnmley I Disney s DTV Valentine ~ I Mov* Words by Haarl R *x*s A wack fami?y i t0 s^rwe m a bpoted rural town struggles t [Achievers | Abbot f, Costdio ( r Mov^ National Lamooon s Christmas C Chase Mov* J Ledert I Mov* Detperate Hour* V Rourtce A merciless I criminal takes a st i suOurtar family nostaQe K?Js m tt* Hall I It. Mov* Shag, the Mov* P Cafes in 1963. foix giris head for a final flmg at a beach before cm*ge Mov* Night Shift H Winkfef Two enterpnsng men open a prostitution operation r a rxygue Mov* Down by Law J Lune An unbkety tno flees from the law on the Loi>s>ana bayou SHOW 15 Wj Mov* Son of Lassie P Lawioid My Past Is My Own W Goldberg Mov* No Way Out K Costner A naval office' becomes m/oived m Pentagon irtngue Mov* cf tha City l Gassen jr Zc i 'Aiv. Pnry Mason Tt* Cau ol Iw Litiai ' RBirr "sac** Frem %: CJga M Sm sec Wov* 4% En ol Onkucton r IWEDNESDA \# T *** EVENING C/ 1952 7 V Listing tnc H Worth T x FEBRUARY * I I LUI 1 Will ? ? sj | 6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 JEfiL KECT ABC News (Wheel of Fotix* Jeopard/ Dinosaurs Wonder Years College Basketball Cosby briow Whos me Boss7 Unsolved Mystenes SemfekJ I^Ght Court |Quantum Leap ii 3b< Tonight Show wpw News CBS News Wheel of Fortune Jeopardy4 Daws Rules Brooklyn Brvtige Jake and the Fatman 4fl Hours News Scene of the Crime wjjp0 News ABC News Jeopard/ Wheel of ortune Dmosaurs Wonder Years Ooog* MO Anything But Love Ovti Wars News N^htline MacNe?i Letver NewsHour Bus Report Newt or s Moyers/Hate on Tnal Bewig Served S Holmes m. love |CBS News Cormecton Ent Tonight Hard Copy Davs Ru*es I Brooklyn Bndge Jake and the Fatman 48 Hours TwifcgtTt Zone Scene of the Cnme Movtn On Peytor Plxe jPeyicm Place Avengers David Letterman Movie WNto W?ch Doctor S htiy*an! Nurse persuades a hunter to accompany her on a tnp Judd for the Defense Peyton Place I Peyton Place Our Century The W* Years F*st Flights I Disaster Chromctes In Search of An Evening at the Ittprov A. R*i Tin Tn. INew Zono K-9 Cop 1 Waltons B?g Brother I Maniac Jake [ Mans?n Father DowWtq Mystenes 700 Club Wlh Pat Robertson IBordertown GunsmoAfl I r. Tucson World Today Moneyfne ICrossVe F^meNews Larry King Live1 World News Sports Tonight (Money!** ESPN tnsioe if* lapuriscenier PGA Tou 1 OAReiiMi; SrmrtsOnter JL Supermarket Sweep Shop Til You Drop China Beach Movie WMnnr B Bndges A young prl is banished to a dmqy shed because she has epilepsy Spenser For Hre JSL Wiat Would You Do' Wild S Craty KjOS Looney Tunes looney Tunes Mork & ISuxmun IGel Smart Mmdy Ckck Van Dyke Dragnet Hitchcock Greer Acres |Mt Ed I - Beverty l{ Andy iiuSjAddyTS Mil lones | Griffith | Family I 35 1 Saiitont and Son [i 05. Movie MhaUa on lc* K Makxn A tenacious U S hockey team wins the gold medajJJJheJMOJAJn^ 05 Move DownM ft** R fb&crti M. Ut> voeoPM Be a Star Fairs and festvais Nebraska State Fa> Nashville New Crook and Chase Firs and Festnals Nebraska State F? (JHl Gdhgans Island Bugs Bunny and Pals NBA Basketball 1 20 Road to AJbemmie 1 50i Movw HN Man B Casey Smurts Scooby Doo MacGyver Murder She Wrote Movie Hktor In ?? Houm G Busey A couple te*ns a |MacG??er psychopath is hwfrng somewhere tn their house V<Jeo Power Saved^y Jeffersons Now it Can Be Told Movie Sir Cmy G Wider Tw men are framed for a robbery and sent to pnson News Ngnt Court iKoiak VOR Who s the Boss' Who's the iGtfnme a Boss7 1 Break' Cosby Show Quncy ME New York at Nnht Starring Cknt Holmes ^rri Love Boat W*i lose I Move Stone Foi B Sbsen < Of- Movie Se Dear to My Henri B bes ISuper Sense Movie encounters great m O Wc$ A newspaper publisher wealth and a personal enss JSL II Aaam1 G Bums An 8' year old entreprenev gets his wish to be IS agayi |Mov* Awafcanmes H tVWiams A doctor revives people who have spent years ?i a coma Tales From IDream On the r - Crypl I Movie SlMpMg W* HT _ Foamy J fotxrts w |( iSt Movie Duchess and ft> Dwtuntor Hi G Sea* Mov<e R Starr Movie AJtont S Utewsr A woman leads the bame |< 50) against a fwe of deadly extraanestnais | Jacfc Cty SHOW wiuvie Tiaum|| nMb i 1 iakg Wolves tone ask if F. irw A woman tams new trams atom We from a Cfknatown aapjncttftst Mve A?am*m? O Williams A doctor revives people wtio have spent years n a coma TJSC Mov? Gueu WTio's Coithmq Is Otmm 5 Tracy Muvw ki I* Haal ot fta NlgM S Putic I Movie uyniiMi o ruwer DUl destroy an aitemabonai dope nng S Patier Street people try to Get Fast Answers To Tax Queries From Special To Air On Public TV A two-part "tax clinic " airing over North Carolina Public TV sta tions will give North Carolina tax payers an opportunity to get an swers to their questions about Tiling federal income tax returns. The program will air Feb. 2 from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m., with the segment dealing with North Carolina sched uled from 3 p.m. to 4 p.m. A panel of tax specialists from the IRS, the N.C. Department of Revenue and the North Carolina Association of CPAs will answer questions called in by taxpayers from across the state. Taxbreak '92: Making Your Tax Preparation Easlier, will air in the First hour. Specialists will highlight what's new this year, tax savings from owning a home and other top ics of specific interest to married ALL STAR FLAGS 1-800-868-FLAG ?Flags 'Banners ?Flagpoles 'Pennants A Variety Of Flags Desert Storm ? Yellow Ribbon POW-MIA P*g?s Mail Orders FREE Catalog & Delivery 101 Aviators Lane Burgaw, NC 28425 Catherine Moore, Owner taxpayers with children, single par ents and older taxpayers. Taxpayers in North Carolina can phone in tax questions and have them answered during each of the programs by dialing toll-free 1-800 829-1040. WUNJ, Channel 39, can been seen on Atlantic Telephone Co. Cable on Channel 12 and on Vision Cable of North Carolina on Channel 13. Julia Roberts Campbell Scott Dying Young RIPTIDE VIDEO Pelican Square Center (Food Lion) Hwy 904, Seaside ? 579 5209 LASER DISCS AND AUDIO CASSETTES FAX & COPIER SERVICE AVAILABLE FOR TAX SEASON

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