BEACON Listings ? Atlantic Telephone Co. Cable _) Vision Cable of N.C. Q Til WWAV. (ABC) Wilmington a H5 WECT, (NBC) Wilmington ? I WBTW (CBS) Florence WTVD (ABC) Duitiam in m WUNJ (PBS) Wilmington E Tj u/JKA. (CBS) WKrrtngior. Q ?| CBN. Fomily. va Beach a FOX. Fox Broadcasting a TJ HBO. (Pay) New York K1 ARTS. A&E. New York a 25 ESPN. Sports, New York o a NICK (Children's TV). NY DJ J TBS. (Ind ). Atlanta ??) MAX (Pay). Cmema*. NY it) SHOW. (Pay). Showtime Q _il WGN. (Ind.). Chicago HI TMC. (Pay). Movies. NY 22 WWOR (Ind ). New York BJ y CNN (Ind ). News. Atlanta '?] LIFE, lifetime. New York a iD DISN (Pay). Disney. Calif ? TNN.The Nashville Network Q 2il USA. Variety. New York a 3 TNT. (Ind ). Atlanta THU, FEB 13 - Weekdays ? WED, FEB 19 ^^_^_Oj992_TVUsiinajnc_ Ft Wonh, TX 6 AM 6:30 7 AM 730 8 AM 8:30 9 AM 9:30 10 AM 10:30 11 AM | 11:30 WWA> _ftk WBTW Apr Npws | Good Momra larplina m the Morr Today Lw Wftti Regrs & Kath* Lee Jenny Jones Sally Jessv Raphael One on One IConcentrat CBS News News XVI Olympic Winte* ?>ames Donahue Desigm-v Women famity Feud Pnce Is Right 3l_ 0*t A<r | Good '.'oTvog Good Moaning Amenr^ Donahue Salfy Jessy Raphael Home i', AM Weathe Vaned Vanec Lamb Chop |Mr Rogers Sesame Street Readng RarntJOW STVPro yammmg 3-2-1 Contact IS TV Pro 2<nijmE Kenneth |CBS News Copetamj XVI Olympic Winter Games Bugs Bunny and Pal Vaned Pnk Panthe' Des"gn'%' Women Famtfy Feud Pnce Is Right Popeye Knots Landing THU, FEB 13 - Weekdays - WED. FEB 19 ft' 199? TV L'St'no Inc ft Worth TX 12 PM 12:30 1 PM 1:30 2 PM 2:30 3 PM 3:30 4 PM 4:30 5 PM 5:30 WWAY oia Varied Lovmg All My Children One Lite to Lrve Gener Hospital ESL TW News Ct/rmt Af fair Cheers Mamed News A Closer Loom Days of Oir Lves Another World Santa Barbae Oprah Winfrey Peoples Court News Va'?ed Vaned Bo?d a*** the Beautiful As the World Turns Gi*dmg Lght Vaned News loving Al" My Children One L<4e to Lve Genera' Hospital Oprah Winfrey Peoples Court iNews STV Programming Vanec Vaned Vaned SingiMo 7 \^r One Sesame Street JUL Vanec Varied Vanff! IBCd aid the I BeauTu As the World Turns Tale Sp*i Darttwing Duck M Vaned THURSDAY EVENING * 1992 TV Lismp Inc H Worth TX FEBRUARY 13 SSL ?ECT 6 PM 6:30 7 PM mw o' Fortvw 7:30 Jeopardy1 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 PnmcTime Live 11 PM 11:30 A rs?w Hall toby Snow Wc s tt? Boss' Co- by Show Wortd Cheers Wings L.A law (? Toragrt Show wgw W^VD Wrwe o< Fortune Jeoparcy XVI 0yip< Wintr Games ii - O^mpc Jeopard/ Whee g' Fortune Colombo PnmeTime Lrve Nghtlme Bus Report Stateiirv Armada Mystery4 Grw' ^Vcxmances LasttrxJers Eastfnders Love Connection Em Tooiqht Hard Copy XVI Otympc W?nt* Games TwiigM Zone (Mrnpc Peyton Place I Peyton P>ace Simpsons Drexdls Dass Beverly H.'ls 90210 Judd tor the Defense Peyton Place Peytc* Ptace I David Lettenran Lens o I Etosha Class & me 20m Century Brute Fcyce The History ol Weapons at Wa' An Everwig at the Improv Rm Tm Tin. iZf/ro *?9 Cop Wanons That s My You Asked Dog _____ Father Denying Mystenes 700 Club With Pat Robertson Bortotcrwi Column Sotfh ; World Sports SponsCenter I College Basketba: College Baskettwi SpmtsCenter I NICK _?22_ Superman! Sweep Shop Tii You Drop Chtna Beach What Wou-c rou uo' Wrid & C'?uy Looney Looney LA Law Mork & |Sn*rr>i Mow Low Boat A Vatentne' ? (toy Voyage G MK19X Gel Sman JDckVan Ifcgnet jHitcftcock ? ~ 1 ! Spenser for Here iG'ee- Acres |Mr Ed j ?L 1 Beverly I i Andy HiilMtes Gritwn lOVAddams famr, I 35 NBA BaskeM Mow PotamaU J Mhirns Supernal** forces a peacef jihon* nto a scene ot terror Jk. Be a Star Bugs Bunny and Pais On Stage American Muse Shop Nash* lie Now Movie Thtof ol BtfiMl Satxj A deposed kjng and a young th?ef battle an evu vine Crook and Chase (On Stage ( 11 Movie Valley of lw Kings R Taylor lAmencan 1 Music Shop | Scooby Doo MacGyver Murder She Wrote Mow Airizhg Slgriaa The Movie (V P Swayn A iMartyve' convicted krfter develops the pc.ver to heal Saved the Jetfersons NBA Basketball N^jht Court iKopk M?v-> i M' o Boss' iWHn t th*. Boss' Gimme a Break' Cosbv Show W:seg try I New York at Nflht | Stamog Unt ho?mes News Love Boat Movie Purple People Eater /V Baatty Movie Bugs Bunny Hoed Runner Movie Giona Estetan Going Home Super Sense Bee Gees Going home V SHOW ( '? Mo.. Whan Hell Was in Session H Ho/Dm* A j ei l- i .-./e j- a v?.-;fiamese rmsoner of war i4 ? Irma la Douca Mow Campus Man M furctuia Mow Loose Cannons G htoacnar A tough cop s new partner las a nuftpie-pOTonality daorOer Move Don't Ta* Har ITs Mo S GuTtenOefji Mow Awaaaolnga R tWIunu s dotlor revives people wno have seem years m a coma IQ^ ? Gnwywl SI* O Antrws ? IS) Mow Hani It HI S SaacB/ Movie Danros WWi Wolves K Uatner A Utnon soldier stationed ?i the West _Ceve_up^a .i1 tjo-c wiir- a Sou/ Indian tnDe a /irq the 1B60s Mow poi.tcaliy ? Canary A publisher seens a sensitive manuscript m Russu IiOSi Mow Gran Anatomy U Maine T(BC |( Movie Johnny Handsome M flourte A disfiguec _cy^ai underqtfcs plastic surgery whtie m pnson iVo,^- Ski School A faa*r I Movie No Man's Land C Sheen A car th*f tnes to steer an honest poiceman into a We of enme iSldt Out FRIDAY EVENING 1992 TV Listing Inc Ft Worth TX FEBRUARY 14 6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 M. M. _ Wheel o* Fortune Jeopardy* Family Matters Step by Step Baby Talk B . 20/20 News Aiseno Hall Cosby Show Who's the Boss7 Toonces Mcwe Klndergarto Cop * Stfiwarnnewr A poker -Mm ?orki ufxVHcnyf>f as a kindergarten teacfter ^ I ? . -f iXfnwS il 3b i Ttx?ght Show T Wheel of Fortune Jeopard/ XVI Ofympc Winter Games News ABC News Jeopard/ Wheel o* Forttfx Family Matters Step by Step Baby TaJk |B% 20/20 r?ews Bus Repof This Weet DC Wee* Wan Street Wa* Ganson Keillors Helio love Movie To Han am) H?? Not H Bogn S Holmes m. Love Connection Ent Tonight Hard Copy XVI Otympc Winter Games Twilght Zone tr M. 1RI Peyton Place I Peyton Place Amenca s Most Wanted F rehouse Hdden Video Judd for me Defense Peyton Place Peyton Place Tune Macnne With Jack Perkins Invesbgatve Reports A A E Revue A r Evening at the Improv Rt' T;n Tin. |New 7 otto K 9 Cop Prtyato History ol a Campaign That Fal PH2 2?_ Father DoMmg Mystenes 700 Clue With Pat Robertson Bordertuwn iBordertown Moneytine PnmeNews Larry Kmg Live1 Wortd News Sports Tomgf Moneytme m. UfE Pro Snow Ladies Fgure Skabng Amenca s Cup 92 Snowmobde Schaap Talk TSportsCenter Sjperr-j'ket |Sh0D T.1 |Ch-na Beach Sweep | You Dmp |<500i Valentines Day m the OZone Pete & Pet* Mork & M'fidy Comedy Baffle of the Sexes Superman Etayne Boosle* Top Tomata Spenser For Hre When We First Met Green Acres |Mr Ed Beverly ( J'j, Andy ( 05) Addams Hillbillies Griffith Farmfy \( 36) Sanford & Son Be a Sta' 05, Mov* Casablanca h Boon s gambfcng casino heats up when an ok3 W walks m ?2i Movie 201& The Yew \ R Scfiader JSL Bugs Bunny and Pals ?? Sta* | Texas I Nashville Now Comecbor NBA BaskeDai 1 20. inside the NBA Crook and Chase |0n Stage Texas Connection I 50) Movie ngN From JUMya Y Orvnrn JSL W^OR Video Power Saved &y trie Beii MacGyver Muder She Wrote Jeflersons Now It Cat Be Tow BeywKi Reality May Brad bury Movie Dwffi WW, 3 C tkvnsan An angry man seeks vengeance aoarei a ne^oyt.^ pno Swamp Thrfir HitchKker Hew, M<Me Hoi I M 2a* Night CM iKofafc Who s ttie |Who s ttie Boss' I Boss' G*nme a Break1 Cosby Show Wsep/y New York at NgM ? Holmes Starring Clin! > 'Love Boa! Diyiey <, DTV Valentine * Movw My Herat Ham S Glenn Al?lyi Been Cowtoyt Movie So Daw to My Hanfi /ves 14 40) Movie KruK K Marshall Mow F?gM oi mtnxiar O Omv Movie 5 Comery JL SHOW Devd t Brigade * Holder I Move Tail Btooi P c^y dnver ?s cheated au ol TO rubles by a dnV^.^T* Movie Naw Jack C?y tV Snf?s 4S/I Movie May We Wen B Strnsanl k\ unlikely love ^'ows betmn Two complete/ ditterent people ?* C"* G OsprtMj * Fiendiman mines an American wotnar so he can slay n the comtiy Movie PratyW jnyWved wifti a ndi R Gere A prosorute gas corporate rader ' 'JO, Movx ynl MtMti Youn U Muue V Fatmw A woman burnt wt Iu?m> Pi a^_Me_frog^awatowti aagmrei | pealer ,s Man hoaaoe by ?sc-r-jig car a itaious husband Movk I I rm? Yau to Duk K Khne Support research. American Heart Association WtRE FIGHTING FOR KXJR LIFE SOUTH WIND; SIGNS CUSTQM PAINTED SIGNS ? \ANY size SPECIALIZING IN CUSTOM ECfcCTRIC SIGNS AND INSTALLATION A Rf PAIR 754-8439 HOLDEN BEACH ROAD Davis Jewelry and Gifts Sweetheart I For Your Valentine! Take advantage of our 1/2 PRICE 3T0REWIDE REDUCTIONS Including Pink Ice 117 CtuMwiy Dr., Octan Isle Beich-579-8800 V^^Thurt.,Fri,Sat11-5; SATURDAY FEBRUARY 15 H Worth. TX iDarkwwig [WtshKld Supefbuy L?tte Mermaid IGarfwW and Fnencis Hammerman ISuperbov iBultwmkte Kfcppet Babes Teenage Mutant N*i?a Turtles Oustfe Rab t* I Tomatoes |BHI ft Ted llftile Shop |WCW Pro Wresttag I Avengers Together We Can llvng Dangerous*-* T*t* Mactwe With Jack Pertuns |AI Capone/Ekrt Ness |M?Jwest iGerbert Atgie Dogg* and Fnends |Fhnts*one hods I Bonanza |< 3fj> Movie Cagt L Femgno iDavBri'ah |Conespond |DaY^i?3fc News/ QomUd [OavBrpah News/ Vooeyvwv*. Showfl./ [J Houston [Wafker s (4 (X)/ Sett Improvement Guide I Self Improvement Gude IBaby Knows Growing Up Together I Image Workshop Ei/eekas Castle Count Duckula Hwthclrft 0*v Mouse I Superman I Superman 10 Wilson Between the Lmes If 05) Gunsmoke I' 05> Bonanza |( 05) WCW Power Ho km 1(0* i National Geographic Exp'orer Country Kitchen Northwest Passage Movie Cripple Creek G Montgomery I Part Program Hollywood Insder ^outhquake Larry Jones IWorld To I morrow I Weekend Morning News [WCW Pro Wresting |Pa?d Program [Pari Program I Pooh Comer Goose DonaW Duck Presents Kids, Inc iMckey | Mouse Club [v.-. i? Movie Bulch Catifcty and tie KM P Nemnan |Mov* A Night at fce Open G Man [Mow Funny About Love G Wik1e< uthonty on brds wfute m pnson SATURDAY AFTERNOON "* FEBRUARY 15 WWAY pa 12 PM 12:30 1 PM >iev Basketball 1:30 2 PM 2:30 3 PM 3:30 Consge B^skptbai 4 PM 4:30 5 PM 5:30 'Pro Boiong NBA iisioe iMarr.a s Stud I Family Mov* HeUnoer's Lnr T Savatas A ftamboy?it lawyer ooes to Teas lo deteoc a Mala accomtan; NBC SportsWorK) College Basketball i CBS Spons Speoai XVI Olympic Winter Games XVI Olympic Winter Games (Cont ) *jyo ?HI? Amencas Top Ten Uuanirij Law 12 Super Force Psychology . <T" Force fWiw?ww In Amenca Snm*ttunn Ventired" PBT Bowl mo .Somethmo iTravei Venft/ed I r^JdUjne Vctorv Garden Pro Bonng Ne w Garter iWoodwnoht flheUW I I House <p3d CBS Sports Special XVI Olympic Winter Games XVI Otympc Winter Games (Cont ) GWf Wrestling Athletes n iClub Gotf Mobon Investigative Reports 10m Frame Roil Out' Virgm-an Movie Tulsa S Hayward A woman s newfound we? rh jeopardises her chances for happiness Wagon Tram Movie S Launtf Have Faith Movie Hired Hand P Fonda A dnfter returns to his wife and daughter after seven yeas Big Valley Gimsmoke Haff -Nelson Carohne's Comedy Hoi Bonanza NewsOay Evans and Novak NewsDay Newsmkr Sat News/ [Style Heafthweek News /On the Menu News'Your Money News, CtoseUp News future Watch EartyPnme iNewsmkj Sat Wrtww XXV Ctempmnship XXVI Bilhtfd College Basketball PGA Golf Movie Bare G Frnas Wealth, power and romance flourish m the busmess world of cosmetics Movie Rosea A/? lor to Rfcfi L Hvvnan A woman is anested lor kjllmg a man she accused ol murder M. JSL Oenms the I Dennis the Menace I Menace OS? Little House on the Prame Fkpper Flipper Flapunzel Brave Little Tailor < 0'. Movie Valentine Magic on Low (stand J Paige Wren and the Bear Can t on TV 1(05} Mow: Low Illy Get the Pictue J Ritter Family Double Dare <05iR Martm Nek Arcade 'S? Remodeling Great (XJdrs ISpeed World ICeiebnry IChamoKxishc Rodeo Outdoors 1 Remodetaig lln-Fisherman |0re Lao of Anienca Country Beat JiJIL M ( 45) Movie F*ght o< tie Lost BaSoon M Ukxik^t house try to tool me Happy G Fa >e Pentagon Maya a. Movt Fraternity Veca* on S Cnfrrys l*c fraternity guys and a nero seek hxi n the ski Soul Tra?n Mov* GoIrq Undercover C Lcmmon An mept private eye is involved m a tale of kidnaping and romance I" ?" H""? c Busty A cat* warm a I Welcome Ijust trie Ten psychopath s t?drig swiewtiere in tfreir house [Back 1 o I Ills Wwic MfMay 5 T-J2 >*w p.n Foreyi Legion 3x1 get into irouKe al evwy turn" M> Two OadS Goruo Games St?* l?J? M ovie Crime Knox No A ge /W flyar; AnW A Team Knight Rider Mane SNpwncfced S Smesad (35iPre historic Mow Return to Snowy Rfcer T Burlinsor Movie Horih Avenue Irregiiara f Hermann unn tfl) I I Into Madness _L Movie Aimed end Dangerous J Cancy Mm* Big Shots ? Buster Movie House on Carrel Street A TlVUrl'lJ Ittt 30 ! Movie Scsrpto B Lmaster A hired falter anenipts 10 90 straight |Mov* WIcMte J McCna wyatt Earp accepts a dangerou, 10b n Wictta Mov? When He Whilst Came P Scotod 145, Mow Vka Vena J Reinfutd sr t?bc Movie Dad J lemmon A rrvodle age man is called on IVkroe 10 care toi t .s ailJig. elderly tattler 1 O Mills < 351 Movie Adventora ol M*o end 0*1 Movie Roctjla 0 Carrwtr (tOJ5,Cafle I Movie In tie Heet ol tie NtgM S Paner L Ferngno [Movie HeAo Again S Long A dead woman is brought back to We by her sister s may: spell | Movie Look Who's Tafttag J Tnwtta I SATURDAY EVENING ?" ^[^992^ J^UStinqln^^^^WonhTX FEBRUARY 15 MAY wgw 6 PM News News 6:30 ABC News NBC News 7 PM 7:30 Hghway lo Heaver 8 PM Capitol Cntters Golden Girls 1:30 Who s the Boss' Walter and Ertaly 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 Mov*e Bovwty Hilt Cop t Murphy A brasfi coo goes underground in Beverly Hills to hunt down kilters Cmpty Nest iNissas S?sters 11 PM Ne*s News 11:30 Arserio Hail Saturday NiQfTt Live W News CBS News ABC News XVI Otympc Winter Games Reflectwns |Whed of Fortune Capitol Cntters Who s the Boss? XVI Otympc Winter Games (Com.) Movie Bovorty HUt Cop E Murphy A brasifcop goes undergrgjnd In Beverly Hills to toot down killers Olympic Gm News lSL Frugal Gourmet |WW Amenca Animals Lawrence Weik Glenn Milter Band Reunion Austin City Limits Red Dwarf *26. XVI Grympc Winter Games Masquerade Strike Force COPS XVI Otympc Writer Games (Hornets Comic Stnp Live Magaane r Movie of Im Boyood Dob D A/ound the Work) ki 80 Days Class ol the 20th Century Mowe Jesse Owns Story (PI 1 ol 2) 0 ttnxvoD Comedy on the Road [An Evenng at the Improv New Zorro R?i Tt Tin K3Cc= Black Stai ion New Ongyial Amateur Hour Movie Enemy Mow ft Mr rcftun But Wolt Eating Well in Hawa? ii JUL Today |t#evr, Pinnacle Capital Gang/ News Sports Sat Economic Issues Debate Senior PGA Gott SportsCenter <4 oui Movie Rous An lor tw DM I Hrtnw ESPVs I NASCAR Raoog SpeetTWeek | News/FutLre I World News Witch Sports Nrte Track and Fold SportsCenter Capital Gang/ 1 News More Harts cl > Skmgar A Assanle An amtxmjs New York Cfly pokoman nearly destroys Us caeer when he becomes obsessed with finding out the truth about ha Mle irj( Track and Feld M Salute Your Shorts I Welcome iRugrats iDoug Freshmen | Looney Tunes I Get Smart |F Troop IMorfc & I I U?xiy I Romeo and Jul M L Mli'inn Two vninn rwnnii [Dragnet Green Acres I Superman Hrtchcock T6 qp ( 05/ World Champions!** Wresting |(06i Move is threatened by the* I Muting Two young people s tow tamtas 'o US Otympc Gold <50; & tMm (5 Orj Country Bear Cfuch St Opry Back staje_ Grand Ole Opry Live Sutler Bros American Music Shop Texas lOpry Back Connection | stage Grand Ole Opry Live BuQS Bunny and Pas Movie A Time lor t I G Fort |!"| ^?SM?e Mtaa V Matin A colonel s stubbornness |_almostjx)sts i*m the outpost he commands MacGyver Movie A Schwarzenegger " Hitchhiker Beyond (Movie Welcome lo Sprtag nifci | areas J mot Lifestyles ot the Rich & Famous MM) $100,000 BJ's Eye I NBA Basketball News Ouncy ME G-'irne a I Newsworthy^ Break' 1 NBA Basketball Howard Slern Absent Minded Professor I Movie H Anderson Sebastian IMovie Hot Outa Hwa* A Jhdo~ Super Sense Carol. Cart 'Whoop and RoUn JL SHOW 1 15) Movie: C Cruse (4 45, vice Mone TIM Mg M My/ Movie NoMao Bui Ti C Chase Movie Fak Gem T Sly* r Mom Atom (n Lew S Sugar Movie Maital Law c McQueen ( 15> Movie B ft Scheifa 1 10) Movie I u nt-u n winner L Oar Mov* Here and Im T arret C Horns 1 35i Boxing Bpt Boxing ( Qij Mov* Cage L fernm T*n t?md<K twjfn fnr then lives m the world of cage boxng Mrwe Cancel With Wolves K Costner A Uraon soldier stationed n the West develops a special bond with a Saux Indian tnbe (Xmc the 1860s 105: Movie Y? J I " X. Bookworm^ Hon Sat 106, Closed Sundays at the bridge to Holden Beach 842-7380 | Buy your Valentine a book! New arrivals for February: Rising Sun by Michael Criehton Fugitive Nights by Joseph Wambaugh and only 2 left Scarlett at 20% off retail m We've Got A ear t-v Selection W of beautiful double and singlewide honied at rcduced prices. Now'a the time to save big! CHOiCENTER HOMES BY ANN Bus. Hwy. 17, Shallotte. 754-5147 Wayne Culbertson, RHS Ann Brown, RHS

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