Legal Notices STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OK BRUNSWICK IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION BEFORE THE CLERK FILE NO. 92 SP 26 IN RE: Deed of Trust dated July 14, 1983, executed by Ted R. Pulhamus nd wife, Phyllis G. Pulhamus, to Mason H. Ander son, TVustee, securing indebtedness pay able to Federal Land Bank uf Columbia in the original principal amount of $36,000.00 registered in Deed of Trust Book 536, Page 674, ?t th? Register of Deeds of Brunswick County, N.C.; C. Greg Williamson being appointed as substitute trustee by instru ment registered in Book 870, Page 397, said office NOTICE OF SALE TIME OF SALE-April 2, 1992, 12:00 Noon. PLACE OF SALE-Brunssvick County Courthouse Door, Bolivia, North Carolina. PURSUANT to an Order entered by DI ANA MORGAN, Clerk of Superior Court of Brunswick County on March 5, 1992, after a hearing, which hearing was held pursuant to Chapter 45 of the General Statutes of North Carolina, providing for notice and hearing prior to foreclosure sales; and UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of the power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust executed by Ted R. Pulhamus and wife, Phyl lis G Pulhamus, to Mason H. Anderson, Trustee (C. Greg Williamson now acting as Substitute Trustee) for Federal I -and Bank of Columbia (Cape I;car Farm Credit, ACA, pre sent owner and holder of Note and Deed of Trust), dated July 14, 1983 and recorded in Deed of Trust Book 536. page 674, Bruns wick County Rcgistty, and default having been made in the payment of the indebted ness thereby secured, and the said Deed of Trust being by the terms thereof, subject to foreclosure, and the holder of the indebted ness thereby securing, having demanded a foreclosure thereof for the purpose of satisfy ing said indebtedness, the undersigned Sub stitute Trustee will offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash at the Brunswick County Courthouse door in Bo livia, North Carolina, at 12:00 Noon on April 2, 1992, the land conveyed in said Deed of Trust, the same lying and being in Brunswick County. North Carolina, and being more par ticularly described as follows: That certain property located in Lock wood FoUy Township, Brunswick Coun ty, North Carolina, bounded now or for merly as follows: South by Pelican Roost Drive, on the West by Lot 43. on the North by Gary Dean Reaves, and on the cast by County Road #1127, an be ing more particularly described as fol lows: BEING ALL of Lots 44 and 45 of Peli can Roost Subdivision as shown on a map recorded in the Office of the Reg ister of Deeds of Brunswick County in Legal Notices Map Cabinet M al Page 150 and being the same property described in deeds recorded in the office of the Register Deeds of Brunswick County in Book 519 at Page 500 and Book 519 at Page 511, both deeds being dated January 25, 1983. THIS FORECLOSURE SALE is being made subject to all prior recorded liens, out standing taxes and special assessments, if any, and the purchaser will lie required to make a deposit in the amount as required by General Statute 45 -2 1.1 0(b) This the 5th day of March, 1992 C. GRF.G WILLIAMSON, SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE WILLIAMSON & WALTON. Attorneys at Uw Publication Dates. March 19 and 26. 1992. Mar. 26 STATE OF NORrH CAROLINA COUNTY OF BRUNSWICK IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION Bt-KORE THE CLERK 90-E-337 RE: THE ESTATE OF GROVER BURNEY NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY Under and by virtue of an Order of the Clerk of Superior Court of Brunswick Coun ty, North Carolina, the undersigned Commis sioner will offer for sale to the highest bidder or bidders for cash the properties described below on the 29th day of April 1992, at 12:00 o'clock Noon at the front door of the Brunswick County Courthouse, Brunswick County Government Complex, Bolivia, N.C. The properties will be sold subject to the following terms and conditions: 1) The properties will be offered for sale in the following manner at time of sale: a) Fint Alemalive. All properties will be offered for sale as a whole (i.e., all Six Tracts); b)Secand Alternative. Tracts First through Fourth (the Lockwood Folly Township Tracts) will be offered for sale as a whole (but not including Tracts Fifth and Sixth) and. Tracts Fifth and Sixth (the Town Creek Township Tracts) will be offered separately for sale as a whole; c)Third Alternative, liach of the Six Tracts will be offered for sale individual ly The alternative method of sale listed above which produces the highest combined bid or bids will be accepted, subject to confirmation by the Clerk of Court. 2) The highest bidder or bidders will be re quired to deposit with the Commissioner on the day of sale a deposit by cash, cashier's or certified bank check of 10% of the amount of the bid up to and including $1,000.00 plus 5% of the amount of the bid over SI ,000.00; 3) The sale or sales wiU be held open for ten (10) days for upset bids, and if an upset Legal Notices hid or bids ?re filed within ihe ten (10) days the properly will he readvertised and resold; 4) All sales are subject to confirmation by the Clerk of Supenor Court; and 5) The properties will be sold subject to liens of record and social assessments, if any. Ad valorem property lanes and inhcntance and estate taxes, if any, will he satisfied from the proceeds of sale. Title will be convcycd upon confirmation of the Clerk of Court by Commissioner's Deed of Deeds, without war ranlics of title. The properties included in this sale are as follows: i'lRST TRACT; All right, title and interest of the Estate of Grover Bumey in and to thai certain tract or parcel located in Lockwood Folly Township, Brunswick Counly, North Carolina described as Tract 12 (containing 22.98 acres, more or less), and shown on a map entitled "Survey of Part of W W. Bryant Estate," by Tide Water Engineering & Surveying, dalcxl April 16, 1990, and recorded in Map Cabinet V at Page 4 in the office of the Register of Deeds for Brunswick Coun ty, North Carolina, said tracts having the metes, bounds and locations as shown on said map. (Tax Parcel 200 000 1216). SEWN P TRACT; All right, title and interest of the Estate of Grover Bumey in and to that certain tract or parcel located in l^ockwood Fol ly Township, Brunswick County, North Carolina described as Trad 13 (contain ing 19.21 acres, more or less) and shown on a map entitled "Survey of Part of W W. Bryant Estate," by Tide Water En gineering & Surveying, dated Apnl 16, 1990, and recorded in Map Cabinet V at Page 4 in the office of the Register of Deeds for Brunswick County, North Carolina, said tracts having the metes, bounds and locations as shown upon Legal Notices said map. (Tax Parcel 216 000 30). THIRD I KACl , All right, title and interest of the Estate of C rover Bumey in and to that certain tract or parcel located in l>ockwood l ol ly Township, Brunswick County, North Carolina, described as Tract 14 (contain ing 1.63 acres, more or less), and shown on a map entitled "Survey of Part of W.W. Bryant Esutc." by Tide Water En gineering & Surveying, dated Apnl 16, 1990, and recorded in Map Cabinet V at Page 4 in the office of the Register of Deeds for Brunswick County, North Carolina, said tracts having the metes, bounds and location 5 as shown upon said map. (Tax Parcel 200000 7402). FOURTH TRACT; All right, title and interest of the Estate of Grover Bumey in and to that ceitain tract or parcel located in Lock wood l-'ol ly Township, Brunswick County, North Carolina, being 232.0 feet in width on SR. 1125 by 189.24 feet in depth bounded on the northeast and west by Tract Four and on the south by SR. 1125 as more particularly desenbed in a survey plat dated 16 April 1990 cnutlcd "Survey of Pan of W. W. Bryant Esutc by Tide Water Engineering & Survey ing, and recorded in Map Cabinet V at Page 4 in the ofTtce of the Register of Deeds for Brunswick County, North Carolina, said ira a having the metes, bounds and locations as shown upon said map. (Tax Parcel 200 000 12). FIFTH TRACT: AU right, title and interest of the Estate of Grover Bumey in and to that certain tract or parcel located in Town Creek Township, Brunswick County, North Carolina, containing nine acres, more or less, as more particularly described in a deed dated 6 June 1953 from J.J McKay NOTICE OF CONFIRMATION OF ASSESSMENT ROLL AND LEVYING OF ASSESSMENTS The public will take notice that the Assessment Rolls for the SAD IX, XVI and XVIII water extension was duly confirmed by the Brunswick County Com missioners and the assessments shown thereon duly levied, on the 17 day of February 1992 at 6:35 PM. Assessments shown on the Assessment Rolls may be paid to the Tax Collector of Brunswick County and are due sixty (60) days from the date of this notice. Nancy L. Moore Brunswick County Tax Collector Legal Notices lo Graver N. Burney, recorded in Hook 113 at Page 497, Brunswick County Register. (Tax Parcel 139 000 42 01) SIXTH TRACT: Being all nght, title and interest of the estate of Grove r N. Bumey in and to that certain tract of parcel containing six acres, more or less, described in a deed from Mary K. Brown lo Pinckney Bumey dated 9 March 1911. recorded in Book 16 at Page 535. Brunswick Reg islry. As an additional reference, see survey plat recorded in Map Cabinet R at Page 224, Brunswick Registry. (Tax Parcel 139 000 46). Any iik{uiiic? csaiccmuig this sale r.hal! be directed to the undersigned. This ihc 24th day of March, 1992. Douglas W Baxlcy. Commissioner BAXl.EY and TRUST. Attorneys at 1-aw P. O Box 36 Shallotte. N.C. 28459 919 7 54 6582 Apr. 23 Legal Notices ESTATE NOTICE The undersigned, having qualified as Kx ecutrix of (he Estate of Gerald |x>y, deceased, late of Brunswick County, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the 5th day of June, 1992, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery All per sons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned Ihis the 2nd day ol March, 1992. Mary Lou Ix>y, Executrix of the Ustate of Gerald Loy 403 Deer Path, Saltaire Village Calabash, N.C. 28467 Mar. 26 pd. SURPLUS EQUIPMENT SALE Brunswick County Schools is selling the following items. Anyone interested in placing a bid should contact: William Turner, Assistant Superintendent Brunswick County Schools Star Route, Highway 133 Southport, NC 28461 Deadline for acceptance of bids is Friday, March 27, 1992. All surplus properties are at the Brunswick County Schools Maintenance Department in Bolivia. 1 Burroughs System, includes the following: 1 8930 System-1984 1 64KB 3 MHZ Memory 4 3MHZ additional memory 1 1MB Disk Loader CBL 1 89246 600 Line Printer (64 Character) 1 B9498 Mag Tape Streamer 9 L11100 Display ODT Appropriate Cabling for the above equipment Chest Type Milk Boxes 11 Ovens 1 Deep Fat Fryer 2 Ice Cream Boxes 1 Chest type Freezer 4 Ice Machines 2 Floor Fans 1 Mop Cart 1 Electric Grill 1 Refrigerator PUBLIC NOTICE The Brunswick County Board of Commissioners shall conduct a public hearing on the naming and/or renaming of the following roads on April 6, 1992 at 6:00 p.m. in the Commissioners Chambers, Administration Building, Government Center, Bolivia, North Carolina. The hearing is called pursuant to Brunswick County Code Section 2-7-2 and the subject matter fo the hearing is as follows: rrouoanxi Nanw Acres Lane SE Al Haynes Road S.W. Allen Way S.W. Almond Drive S.W Alton Loop N W Amberjack Street S.W. Anchor Village Lane S.E. Angler Drive S.W. Ashley Trail S.W Ashlong Trail N W Backhoe Road N.E. Bald Cypress Street S.E. Bar bee Lane N.W Batttestar Court S.W. Bay Point Lane S E Bay Village Street N.W. Bayfield Lane N W Bear Branch Trail N E. Blue Fish Street S.W Bogie Court S W Boiling Street S.E. Bowden Way N.W Branch Way S E. Brierwood Road S W Britt Way N W Bnxley Way S.W Brookshire Loop N W Bryant Way S W Bryants Way N E. Burris Way S.W Callen Way S.W. Canterbury Court S.E. Cape Fear Path N.E. Cardinal Drive S.W. Carney's Branch Trail S.E. Caroline Avenue S W Carrie Way N W. Carstens Way S.W Cattail Way S.W. Cedar Street S.E. Cedarside Street N.W Cemetery Way S W Center Court S.E. Cephus Trail N W Chadwick Way S.W. Chapel Trail S.E. Chickadee Place S.W Chimney Way S.W. Churchside Trail N.W. Clark Way S.E. Clifton Drive S.W. Coastal Drive S.W. Connie Place S.W. Cooks Way S.E. Copse Road S.W. Cordis Trail S.W. County Club Drive S.W. Country Loft Way S.W. Cove Court N.W. Crystal Shores Road S.W Cumbee Loop S.W. Davis Street S.E. Deerview Way N.E Dennis Street S W. Diamond Loop Way N.W. Dixie Lane S.W. Dobbs Drive N.W. Dora's Way S.E. Downing Court S E Dun/is Way S W E Egret Court S W E. Lakeview Dnve S W E. River Road S W E Sea Aire Canal S W Eastwind Drive S.W Ellen Lane N E Ellis Road S E. Ellis Way N W Evergreen Lane S W Everview Street N W Fairway 14 Circle S W Fairway 9 Court S W Fairway Drive S.W Farm Meadows Drive N E Federal Road N.W Field Loop Road N E Fieldcrest Trail S E Fieldview Lane S W Fieldview Trail N W Fieldview Way S W Flat Path N E Flowers Way N W Forever Place S W Four Seasons Trail S W Fox Squirrel Lane S W Foxtrot Way N W bxistlng Name t-oxtrot Way N W Friendship Loop S I None Outlaw Trail S.W None Almond Drive S.W. None Mullet Street S.W. None Sea Plaza Drive S.W None None Poole Road N.E. (Part) Maple Street S.E. None None None Bay Street None Randolph Road N.E. Blue Fish Street SW Bogie Court None None None Willow Run Drive S.W None None None None None None None Canterbury Court None None None Lakeview Court S W None None None Holly Street S.E. Cedar Street None None None Shallotte Point Road S.W. None None None None None Eyota Drive S.W. (Parfl Coastal Homes Drive S.W None None Copas Road S.W. None Esolinda Drive S W None Maple Street N.W. Coastal Shores Road S.W None None None Dennie Street S W None None Twin Oaks Drive N.W (Part) None Downing Court None Egret Court Lake Folly Court S W River Road None None Judy Lane N E (Part) Ellis Road None Evergreen Lane Evergreen Street N W Fairway Circle Fairway 9 Court RqnrvUwad Rnart S W Baldwin Road N E. None None None None None None None None None Summer Trail S W Fox Squirrel Lane None None Township Smithville Lockwood Folly Lockwood Folly Lockwood Folly Shallotte Lockwood Folly Smithville Lockwood Folly Shallotte Shallotte Town Creek Smithville Shallotte Lockwood Folly Lockwood Folly Shallotte Waccamaw Town Creek Lockwood Folly Lockwood Folly Lockwood Folly Lockwood Folly Town Creek Shallotte Waccamaw Lockwood Folly Lockwood Folly Lockwood Folly Northwest Shallotte Lockwood Folly Smithville Northwest Shallotte Town Creek Shallotte Lockwood Folly Lockwood Folly Lockwood Folly Smithville Shallotte Lockwood Folly Town Creek Waccamaw Shallotte Town Creek Lockwood Folly Lockwood Folly Waccamaw Town Creek Shallotte Lockwood Folly Lockwood Folly Town Creek Shallotte Lockwood Folly Shallotte Lockwood Folly Shallotte Lockwood Folly Lockwood Folly Town Creek Lockwood Folly Lockwood Folly Waccamaw Lockwood Folly Shallotte Town Creek Smithville Lockwood Folly Lockwood Folly Lockwood Folly Lockwood Folly Lockwood Folly Lockwood Folly Northwest Town Creek Lockwood Folly Lockwood Folly Shallotte Lockwood Folly Lockwood Folly Shallotte Town Creek Waccamaw Lockwood Folly Town Creek Lockwood Folly Waccamaw Shallotte Town Creek Waccamaw Lockwood Folly Lockwood Folly Lockwood Folly Lockwood Folly Town Creek Proposed Name Frontage Road N W Gannon Court S.W Gaston Street S W Gazebo Way S W Genoe's Point Road S.W. Gibson Trail S.W Golden Lane N.W Grabee Way N.W Grant Way N.E. Grayson Avenue S W Green Pine Driver S.W Gregoiy Road S.W Grove Trail S.W Gum Tree Hole Road S.W Hall Street S.W Hankins Way N.W Harniony Street S.W. Harold Way S.W Harris Swamp Drive S.E Harvey Way S.W Hazelnut Trail S.E. Hickory Point Court S W Hidden Way S W Hideaway Trail S E Highfield Court N W Hildebran Street S W Hillside Trail N.W Hollins Way N.E Homes Drive S.W Ibis Circle S W Iron Horse Trail S.W Jartey Court S.W. Jim Street S W Johnson Way S W Joy Avenue S W Junction Way N.E. Lake Drive S.W. Lakesedge Dnve S W Lakeside Avenue S.W Landis Way S.W Lansan Lane N.E. Layton Way N W. Lehue Trail S.W. Lighterwood Lane S.W. Lina Way S.W Lion's Paw Dnve S.W Long Gates Way N.W. Luna Lane S.W. Lyndon Lane S.W Main Street Maple Tree Court S.W. Marina Drive S.W. Martin Lane S.W Martin Way N W Marvin Taril S W Mayo Court S W McCumbee Trail N.W Melanie Way N.W, Mercers Mill Trail S.E. Meredeth Lane N.W Merk's Place N E Mistletoe Lane SW Mooney Way S W Morris Trail S W Moss Way S.W Mossy Loop S W Mullet Creek Place S W N Boonesboro Road S W. N Mulberry Road N W Nash Lane N E Nelson Way S E Newton Street S W Nichols Avenue S E Oakdale Street S W Oakey Trail N E Oakshore Drive S W Oakwest Street N W Ocean Breeze Avenue S W Ocean Crest Court S W Ocean Highway W Old New Button Road N W Old Sound Creek Circle S W Osorev Court S W Outlaw Trail S W Pacific Drive S W Paddlewheel Trail S W Paden Way S W Patrick Drive N W Peakwood Lane S W Pearl Way N E Peg Leg Lane SW Pheasant Avenue S W Pheasant Way S W Pin Fish Street S W Pine Hill Drive S W Pinecrest Street N W Pinewood Place N W Existing Name None None Gaston Street None None None None None None Dilbert Trails. W Evergreen Drive S.W None None None None None None None Harris Swamp Road None None None None Hideway Trail S.E. Highland Drive N W Hildebran Street None None Walnut Drive S W None None None Jeremy Street S W None None None Carrboro Drive S.W Lake Drive S.W. Lakes Avenue S W None None None None Lighterwood Lane S W None Lion's Paw Drive S.W None None None Ocean Highway W. (Part) Maple Court S W. None None None Wiggins Trail S.W. Meron Court S.W. None None None Airway Court N W None None None None None None Folly Court E 4W. Davis Drive S.W Mulberry Road N W School House Road N E (Part) None Second Street S.W None Sixth Street S W (Part) None Oakwood Drive S W Oak Street Ocean Blvd S W None None None Old Sound Circle S W Ospcey Court None Sunset Drive None None None None None None None None Blue Fish Street S W Pine Drive S W Pine Street None township Lockwood Folly Lockwood Folly Shallotte Lockwood Folly Lockwood Folly Lockwood Folly Lockwood Folly Lockwood Folly Lockwood Folly Shallotte Lockwood Folly Lockwood Folly Lockwood Folly Lockwood Folly Lockwood Folly Lockwood Folly Lockwood Folly Lockwood Folly Town Creek Lockwood Folly Lockwood Foliy Shallotte Lockwood Folly Town Creek Shallotte Shallotte Shallotte Lockwood Folly Lockwood Folly Lockwood Folly Lockwood Folly Lockwood Folly Shallotte Lockwood Folly Lockwood Folly Lockwood Folly Lockwood Folly Lockwood Folly Lockwood Folly Lockwood Folly Town Creek Waccamaw Lockwood Folly Shallotte Lockwood Folly Shallotte Waccamaw Lockwood Folly Lockwood Folly Shallotte Lockwood Folly Lockwood Folly Lockwood Follly Shallotte Shallotte Lockwood Folly Waccamaw Waccamaw Lockwood Folly Shallotte Northwest Lockwood Folly Lockwood Folly Lockwood Folly Lockwood Folly Lockwood Folly Lockwood Folly Lockwood Folly Shallotte Northwest Town Creek Shallotte Smithville Lockwood Folly Town Creek Lockwood Folly Shallotte Shallotte Lockwood Folly Shallotte Lockwood Folly Shallotte Lockwood Folly Lockwouo roily Lockwood Folly Lockwood Folly Lockwood Folly Town Creek Shallotte Lockwood Folly l ockwood Folly Lockwood Folly Lockwood Folly Lockwood Folly Lockwood Folly Shallotte Waccamaw rroumtevi No.Tia Pirate Lane S.W. Plainfield Lane N W Plainview Way N W Pond Way S.W. Quail Haven Avenue S.W. Ouida Trail S.W. Radford Way S W Ralshore Street S.W Ready Branch Way N W Rebel Trail N W Redgray Way S.W Redwood Street S W Ridge Way S W River Blun Trail S.W Robinson Trail N E Flosa Trail S E. Ruby Way N.W. Ruby Way N.W Running Brook Trail N.E Rustic Trail N W Rusty Circle S.W. S. Boonesboro Road S.W Sand Winds Avenue S W Sandcastle Lane N.W Sandy Meadows S W, Sasser Lane S W Scotch Castle Drive S.W Scotch Sea Lane S W Scott Lane S.W Sea Lane S.W Sea Shrimp Street S.W Seacoast Street S.W Seago Lane S W Sea hawk Lane S.W Seamae Street S.W. Second Avenue S.W Setter Circle S.W Seventh Street S.W Shady Loop Lane N.E. Shadycreek Way S E Silktree Lane S.E. Silver Grove Way S.W Sims Trail S.W Sixth Avenue N.W Skeet Trail S.W. Skyview Lane N.E. Skyview Lane S.E. Sleepy Trail S W Smith Trail N.E. Squirrel Avenue N.W Stanley Cove Way S.W Starboard Lane S.E. Stars Place S.W. Steeple View Way S.E. Stocks Way N W. Stone Trail S E. Strawberry Way N.W. Stripes Place S.W. Sugar Sand Drive S E. Swain Lane S W Sweet Gum Road N.W Sword Street S.W. Tarhell Trail N E Tidewater Court S W Town Way S W Trent Avenue S.W Trestle Way N E Tripp Trail N.W Vaught Way S E Vereen Road N W Village Creek Drive S W Village Point Road S W Villanova Loop S E W Tanglewod Drive S W Walker Road S E Walker Street S W Water Oak Drive S W White Cap Lane S W Wildwood Street N W Willard Trail S W Willow Place S W Willow Run Street S W Wilson Way N W Wilson Way S.W Winding Way N W Windsor Lane S W Windy Terrace S W Winfree Way S W Woodrow Street S W Young Trail N W Zane Way N.E C wiatinn Nair None None None None Quail Avenue S,W None None Raleigh Street S.W None None None Oak Street S.W None None Munn Trail N E None None None None None None Boonesboro Road S.W Sand Dune Drive S.W None Sandy Meadows Fisherman Trail S.W Scotch Bonnet Drive S W Scotch Bonnet Lane S.W None None Shrimp Street S.W Fayetteville Street S.W. None Sandpiper Lane S W Seamae Street None None Sixth StreetS W (Part) None None None None None None None None None None None Fox Street None None None None None None None None Sugar Sand Drive Swain Lane Woods Road N.W Swordhsh Street S.W Carolina Trail N.E. Ships Harbor Point S.W None Lake Avenue S W None None None None Village Creek Drive Shallotte Point Road S W None Bayshore Drive S W (Part) None Walker Street None None Village Street N W Sharon Creek Lane S W Willow Place Pine Street (2nd in S/D) None None None None None None None None Shady Lane N E Township Lockwood Folly Shallotte Waccamaw Lockwood Folly Lockwood Folly Lockwood Folly Lockwood Folly Lockwood Folly Waccamaw Lockwood Folly Lockwood Folly Shallotte Lockwood Folly Lockwood Folly Northwest Town Creek Waccamaw Lockwood Folly Lockwood Folly Waccamaw Lockwood Folly Lockwood Folly Lockwood Folly Waccamaw Lockwood Folly Lockwood Folly Lockwood Folly Lockwood Folly Lockwoood Folly Shallotte Lockwood Folly Lockwood Folly Lockwood Folly Lockwood Folly Lockwood Folly Lockwood Folly Lockwood Folly Lockwood Folly Town Creek Town Creek Town Creek Shallotte Lockwood Folly Lockwood Folly Lockwood Folly Lockwood Folly Smithville Lockwood Folly Northwest Shallotte Lockwood Folly Lockwood Folly Lockwood Folly Lockwood Folly Waccamaw Town Creek Lockwood Folly Lockwood Folly Lockwood Folly Lockwood Folly Shallotte Lockwood Folly Northwest Shallotte Lockwood Folly Shallotte Town Creek Waccamaw Town Creek Waccamaw Lockwood Folly Shallotte Smithville Lockwood Folly Town Creek Lockwood Folly Lockwood Folly Lockwood Folly Shallotte Lockwood Folly Shallotte Shallotte Shallotte Lockwood Folly Lockwood Folly Lockwood Folly Lockwood Folly Lockwood Folly Lockwood Folly Waccamaw Town Creek This the 16th day of March, 1992. Brunswick County Board Of Commissioners By: Kelly S. Barefoot, Clerk