Listings ? Atlantic Telephone Co. Cable _| Vision Cable of N.C. U ZJ a ?1 B1 2J LI JJ U EJ u u U ill a u u JJ U 2J LI u 23 iu C!J IU Zil 2J U ?| LI ZJ LI U LI WWAY, (ABC) Wilmington WECT. (NBC) Wilmington wsrw (CBS) Flotence WTVD (ABC) Durham WUNJ (PBS) Wilmington WJKA, (CBS) Wilmington CBN. Family. Va Beach FOX. Fox Broadcasting HBO (Pay) New York ARTS. ASE. New York ESPN. Sports. New York NICK. (Children's TV). NY TBS, (Ind ). Atlanta MAX, (Pay). Cinemax, NY SHOW, (Pay), Showtime WGN. (Ind ). Chicago TMC, (Pay). Movies. NY WWOR (Ind ). New York CNN. (ind ). News. Atlanta LIFE, lifetime. New York DISN (Pay). Disney. Calif TNN.lhe Nashville Network USA. Variety. New York TNT. (Ind ). Atlanta THU, JUN 18 - Weekdays - WED, JUN 24 6 AM 6:30 7 AM 7:30 8 AM 8:30 9 AM 9:30 10 AM 10:30 11 AM 11:30 WW AV O WBTW Caro'na r- !*<> Momnq Live W#h Regis & Katt*e Lee Je^ny Jones Today Donahue Sally Jessy Raphael Doctor Dean IConcentrat n W|TV KUN CBS Tfirs Morning Donahue Gr <** Mommg Carolina Good Mom?ng Amenta Omwio Women Donahue Family Feud Pnce K Right Salty Jessy Raphael Home AM Weather Var*?c Vaned Mr Rogers Sesame Street Reading Rambo* Books Vaned IVane Kenneth Copetand CBS This Morning GuKJng L?Q^t Designing [Family f^n SncK?is Snorks Bugs Bunny and Pais Pnce Is Right FNnk Panther Dallas Dallas THU, JUN 18 - Weekdays - WED, JUN 24 ^ 12 PM 12:30 1 PM 1:30 2 PM 2:30 3 PM 3:30 4 PM 4:30 5 PM 5:30 WWA1 -OJi One Lite to I've General Hospital 11_ W|TW \f?.v Ctoser look jDays o- Our Lrves Curent A? far Another World Santa Barbae Oprah W>nfrey Peoples Court News 3oid and trie Beaatfui As me World Turns Gi*dng Light Oprah Winfrey WJJJVD One Life to Lrve General Hospital Oprah Winfrey Peoples Court CED Sandtgo? Vaned Sesame Street JlL M Bold and the Beautiful As the World Turns Tale Spm Dartwing Duck N*tja Turtle Tmy Toons Advertt/es Vaned k?Si Vaned If 4C Vaned Vaned THURSDAY *** EVENING <*J 1992 TV Listing Inc Ft Worth. IX JUNE 18 6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 jgWAY FJew, Wheel ol Fortune Jeopardy' ABC s World of Discovery MacGyve* PnmeTcme Live New? US Open Update Cosby Sho* Whos me Boss7 Cosby Show I Different World Cheers Wngi LA Law < 35i Tof?gh! Show 3E CBS News Whee< of Forti/ie Jeopardy4 Top Cops Street Stones Bodies o* Evidence News Srfk Stalk Jeooard/ Wheel of Fortune ABC s World of Discovery MacGyver PnmeTime Lrve News tngs US Open Update Bus Report Statetme Producer Showcase Mystery' Mystery' Eastfnders FastEnders M. Love |CBS News Connection Ent Tonight Hard Copy Top Coos Street Stones Bodies of Evidence 'Best ol Love Connection S ik Stalk ^ Peyton Place I Peyton Place Simpsons IDrexeiis I Class Beverty wis. 90210 Judd tor the Defense Peyton Place Peyton Race I M. A David Letterrnan Eagle Come Home Wond at War Brute Force The History ol Weapons at War An Evening at the Improv Waltons That s My I You Asked Do, Scarecrow and Mrs King 700 Club W?tti Pat Robertson Batman Kid Fran Texas World Today Moneyime Crossfire Larry Kmg Live* World News Sports Tootci Moneytine W SoortsCenter IPGA Goll I PGA Goll (Cont) Baseball Tonr SportsCentet Supenra'ke! Sweep Shop Til You Drop ? na Bm * L A Law Mow A Cut ol On*! Fore* R Oerm An attorney tnes to clear Itie name ol a ?r ontf u ly MKfl rrwi ttwtysomethmg Vlfrar Wauid You Do7 WW A Cra/y Kids Looney Tunes Buiiwinkte F Troop I Superman [Get Smart Cjck Van | Dragnet | Hitchcock 1 Lucy Show I Green Acres ? ' ' I Lo.t Andy |{(- Beverfy | Hiiib?iiies ( 3' Maio' League Baseball ( 31> Mov* I T Curtis Be a Star Crook and Chase Nashville Now On Stage Te*as [Crook and Chase Connection ysA Giitigan s Isiand Bugs Bunny and Pais Mov* MurtKx by Dwne C Plimmei Sherlock HoIt*s and O Watson ye at the core of an involved piot |( 40 Mov>e Doati of a Centerfold The Dofiry Stattwi Story j Lee Curtis Scoohy Doo MacGyver Boxing "Tmovw Pldk-Up Aitst M Rmgwald A fast talking teen flunks he's a master at the *t of - [MacGyver J!_ WW0R 13 Base ban Now tt Can Be Told Nigh! Court Major l eague Baseball INews Dennis Miller Who s the Boss7 Gtnme a fFish Break' Mov* A Double Lite D fbmbo An affluent playboy seek*> revenge on the Qangsters who framed hm Nwrs lLove Boat W?n Lose |Mov>e StUl Not Quite Human A Th?*e Movie Aflk The Hiding of Anna Frank M Steenburgen Mov* wonten Thoroughly n go to New ?a J Andrews Two Yor> to fjfdi their ambitions M. T_ Mo v e Romancing the Slone M Douglas Movie Edward Scfcsortiamh J Depp A man made ?tumanoid struggles tor love and understanding [Movie Concrete War M Pre 1 Movie Doal Tel Her K*s I 5f Guttenbery Mov ? Coast to Coast D Carmor. I Movie Day* of Thunder J Cruise An antxtous race car prrver recovers from a near tatai crash Mow MS Hood: Mm ol INmt * Owner Rot>n Hood kwis a lira* or Mod ol aflaws lo lignt me Smnft ol totmgnari | Dan S^W Mov* Adam s Rib ? Hepburn Courtroom baffles leopardv it the marriage of two lawyers Movie ' et Wort E ? steve/ |(?0| Comedy lEIayne Boosler Lw Nude Gns' Mow Whit About Bob7 R Dreytuss TMC Mo. e Moon 44 M Part Computer technicians Dante ' aidced cowis dt a luna' inning base Mov* Rra Birds N Cage Movie MM My ol Vmgunct J SdmOe 1 05i Mov* Rarnbo III S Soltcne FRIDAY *" EVENING ? ^^99?TVUMin^n^^^^WortnTX JUNE 19 6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 ML Whee! of Fortrne Jeopardy4 Family Matters Step by Step Dmosaurs Baby Talk 20/20 US Open Update Cosby Show Who s the Boss7 Mav.ock Reasonable Doubts Law & Order News 1 3S> Toragfit Show MjflJV Wheel ol Fortune Jeoparc/ Hollywood Game Candid Cam Movie Age 0M Friends H Cronyn Two inends battle the fey and frustration ol growing old News Dark Justice Jeopardy* Wheel of Fortune Family Matters Step by Step Drosaurs iBaby Talk 120/20 News US Open Update |Bus Report This Week IDC Week [WaTstreeT [Movie Manen el 9m Sprtag Y TSSS Sneak Pre view Red Dwarf m. m. Love | CBS News Connection Ent Tonight Hard Copy Hollywood Game Candri Cam Movie Age Old Friends H Cronyn Two friends battle the fear and frustration of growing old Best of Love Connection Dark Justice Peyton Place I Peyton Place Amenca s Most Wanted Sqhtmgs V<Jeo Judd for ttie Defense Peyton Place Peyton Place Avenge' s David Letterman T*ne Machne With Jack Perkins Investigate Reports A& E Revue An Evening at ttie Improv I New Zorro Movie Gkf From Mars S SawafsAy A teased about being from another planet tnes to prove she is [Scarecrow and Mrs Kmg [700 Club With Pat Robertson Batman Border! own World Today Moneyiine Tennis Mag Up Close SportsCentef IPGA Go* Oossfire PnmeNews Larry Kng Uve* Worid News Sports Tonight Moneylme Major League Baseball [Supermarket Sweep I Shop Til You Drop | China Beach [LA Law Mowe A Bumy-I TaK * Mey m 1963. Gloria SWntni marts undercover as a_Pta?W?j)(?^ Reta?wig Laughter Wiat Wou'fi fou Do' 'Wrtd & Qui Ms Looney Tunes iBullwmWe F Troop ISooerman Gel Smart IBS Van f 2?*! I Dragnet Hitchcock Lucy Show I Green Acres I Of. >? I Love - r 3rii Andy Griffith ji 0', Beverly It 35> Maior League Baseball Hiiibiikes I ( 35) Mow P Duke Asttn OOt VideoPf/ Speedway Muse Concert Crook and Chase Nashville Now On Stage Austr Encore Crook and Chase j'iiigan s island Bugs Bunny and Pais I Mov* VMM M?I fl Slarmyc* A bmer cattle baron ' tnes to drive rwal iarx)o??iMfs away Movie Kn? (? Chant W Petersen A panter wtti creative bloc* return To hg Montana hotnaown Scnoby Doo MacGyvei Mirder. She Wrolf Beyond ^ Swamp Hitchhiker [Ray Brad iMovie J2L Cha'ies *1 Charge Now ft Can Be Told Night Court Major League Baseball News Dennis Miller y Show (Wtx) s the Boss7 Gimme a [Ma?or League Baseball Break' 1 Love Boat Mov* Goonies S Astm Mischievous kids search for pirate mot t d creepy undergroi^d maze [Movie Iron & SNk M Sa/Ur.w < 1 35i Martin & iew?s Their Golden Age of Comedy [Movie King Kong f Wray" M. J H Pin? Cadillac trip to l?eva to ?ads C (dstvnud A bounty .4jnler s to misadventure Mcrv* WMnM Warning. The tn&i Story fl Bnooes Movie MU R ttmer IS) Real Sex 14 : Wl * |V.? - Mummy'' Cashing High Water 1 Movie Fife T Slyier Mov* Far Out Maa r Chang Mov* J Lederc sr TMC i " Ctiarni Set K Pvtet f Witerman j( 40 1 Comedy jMov* Anwrtan Nhjaj Ttn |i 40, Boung Stjper Dave [Bnan Regan J Krull |Mo/ie K Marshall Spirit of '76 D Casudy "camp Slmo wSd*?v?TOW' Pnsoriwi "'""P"" breakout Irom a German Movie Cty B Crystal CONRAD'S ALL-SPORTS CARD SHOP BasebaU-Football-Basketball RACING BUY-TRADE-SELL Located next to Shallotte H Glass & Mirror Co Hwy. 1 7 & Red Bug Road L Mon.-Fri. 12-6, Sat. 10 3 754-8227 ^ Savings Are Springing Up AH Over Assortment of Potted Plants ? Bedding Plants ? Hanging Baskets One Table of Plants-Half Price Roy's Nursery Hwy. 179 at entrance to BentTree Plantation. One mile east ol Ocean Isle Beach ? 754-2933 ? Open Mon -Sat 9 5 30 m SI SATURDAY *" MORNING ?" JUNE 20 M. TEL jw &3 fox 6 AW low Af I Oft Air 6:30 [Hammerman I'4 0 Day I Super Forrr on Mare jF?gh' K Fnm [Of A 0 ? Air w *?? [Cnast F?sh q | Fugitive 7 AM 7:30 [Bugs Bimr^^Tweety 1 Show Amen !'? :? . [7oo Irf" | Mamas Famtfy Me Mermaid [Sesam* Street |Wknd Special Tojnc Dm |B<il>winkle aOers 1 I Barney *. friends ICmsadr Kabbfl AvpnQPft, I Crusader Rabbit 8 AM |Wnn* Pooh iSpacecats [Muppef Babes |Wme Pooh |Muppet Babes [Tomatoes |Nfw W.>de? ness 830 Land o< the I o^ | Vo Yo 9' |Molhe< Goose I Land o1 the Lost IShwwng Time [Mothf Goow J New Wtkler ness 9 AM Datowig Duck ICaptan N IProStJfS 9:30 [PeetieMt* [GartuHd and Fnends [Dartcwmg |Beetiem*e Duck | Heading Rainbow fliitibChw llap Ousting iGrea* Amer 1 1 "f. o*n [GarheW and Fnend* Tom 1 Jerry |TA/ MANIA KidS Fag*p Com# Home 10 AM Ghosthusters 10:30 [Prates o* Dart" Water [Op Peppe* Teenage Mutant Nmja Turtles [GV?stt*rs>'s I Prates of Dark Water Teenage Mutant Nmja Turtles [B<?> I Ted little Shop Trrie Marhne W ifh J ark Perluns 11 AM [Capt Planet Saved by the Befl [Back to the Future 11:30 IFamty Trs Saw) tr, the Bed | Where WUdo' Bugs Bwmy & Twr?t? 1 Show |Marcu Ad* ns ISoul Tram IN [><*ee [WCW FVo WrestVig |Wmdws I Queen I tk/abefr it M. T(gc Paid Program Pnpeye Ltties Aug* Doggw and Friends Mow PasMh s Inland (3 x,ngsley A spy and jr. d- f '.'f.) . 'reasurp fr>>? a [,-wj island rlmtstone KtfS [Pnnce [Backstage at VaHant I the Zoo Mcr^e Tr?H of fx? lorxrwme Pln? s S"t>% Move A Man SB Bp w sSngSr [Busrh Gardens S?-a W.*n Summer Satan DayBreak FiShn Hole JJ Houstor Correspond DayBreak News' floseUp DayBreak News/The [News iNews Biq Story I Heaftwefc [ Moneyweek ShowBi? SryV I Science Bob? [Baseball 9? ['?:? " ? '? [Outdoor Wrrters [Great Out doors [Am Out doors cly F ishinr tne World [Auto Rari'xj SportsCenter (4 ?>. Sett Improvement Gmde Set Impr o^ment Gude Baby Knows littl Bits Fueefcas Castle I Kids Court Count Ouckuia D*v Mouse G'owwig II;. |0*t Tngr-tty Yog> Superman Its Garry Attitudes Superman Troop |F Troop B*tWP*>n ?h#? Lines f 0*i Gimsmoke OS i Bonanza i f WCW Pnwer Ha# National Geograph* FKpV>e' JSL 0? Atr Backyard America Joy of Gardening Aleene Craft I Country |?xp! A me' I Kitchen I Going Our I Way Move California Mail O form r Move CaWomla Fronts << Jones | Northwest Passage Hondo How the West Was Won Move Quick Gun A Murphy Paid Program Pad Prog ran I Hollywood I insider Dance Party |Yoi/thquake USA [WBF BodysUfs Sister Paid Program 11 arry Jones (World To || I morrow [US Farm Report Baseless Rpt W*>ekend Morning Ne>A-. Dream Home Pari Program WCW Pro Wrestling J3E F*aid Program Paid Progra -i Mot fie' Goose Wt/ard o? 0/ Donald Duck |Vw k<1s Presents Goof Troop I K^s tnr Mckey |Wm Lose Mouse Qub [ Srfetocks I Danger Bav Ml <4^ 1(40. Mr Howl q VI | Bean ( H ? incredible Ida Farfy Jtckee Babar Wizard of 02 Move Side Out C Thorn* He *wv/ A student *orkmg for his uncle bey is pa^ig pro vVteybail Move M*A*S*H D SutherUiKJ Mo? Othei u Eleven yea <*) twir boy. i<e .ir.ii.jw: ?i snatrge nudes m 193S Conneclicul Mir.? [Mot Ftuman ftr D 'I Mov* Lk? (Pt 1 <* 2) P Carn A (amors Jrttess ?aichps io< iv mother she has never known Movi- Surrender S held author and an arts? uneasily beg?n a romance [Movie Come LNe Wlti Me H L*m*r [Mov* It's a C Co/ben Move Romandng tie Stone M Douglas SATURDAY SATURDAY EVENING 1992 TV Inr f i Wo-tl. 1 JUNE 20 Afseno Hafl Highway to Heaven . " Tort e* sons Nuses Saturday Mow^Pancho Barnes V Bm,nni, A CaMwm deh/tanre becomes an aviation fwtea |0n tN Strangers I Fulghum and Family .*omm?sh Hometime A: "?i ?, America New Country VOeo Ne* Court', Video Baywatch Movie Pancta Bames V BetoneU , A CaWomia Moneei debutante becomes One Attraction Journeys aed 0? i A Huston LoveiCy Comedy on tr* Road An Fvenmg at the Improv Bordenown Wiiiard Scon s Amateur Hour Oil wii firefighters and the wwmen jers that accompany the ucHxm News/ Pmnac?e P' f'.V. IWorid News Onshore Powerboat Rao Auto Racing I Checkered SpeedWeefc Doubfefake (P? t of 7) R CwZ DouWetake (Pi ? of ?) R 5 wS Rchard Lewis I m Doomed Adv of Pete Weicorne Looney Tunes Freshmen i or, Major League Basebai Scw*o WtKld (Speedway Muse Concert Connecton F Ftynn Paratroopers battle the Coufiterstnfce Mi Gynv WtS J Conkm Hitchhiker Honey mooners | Howard Stern |Mov* Mandrake A Herma The cor I comes lo Irfe to carr.bat a madman Vv,- iw.-t,, Prince Caspian Voya i* Dawn Treadei (I Mo/e Robin Hood Prtnte ol Thieves K Cast net (< ?!' Vice Dream Machine C Hum Vena | I Move Surrender S Field An author and an artist j**?|y_begnaroriunce Mov* A Private Matter S Spxx* fo^TK | Sand Mov* Anoner 48 Mrs ( Mnrty A detective needT to dear his name and seeks an e?-con s help Mov* V.I Warchawsld K lurrm |Mrw R < ' *)? Comedy Buu IMov* Manytng Man A Budmn a playboy s trie Irtrn arw ^ r*u fw IMov* What Atom | psychiatrist tnes to i? R freyfuss A vacation? a HAi *nt^ HEy DADS! Tired of Droppina Hints? ' Register your Father's Day wish list with us! We'll pass the word on to Mom! Choose from a full line of ^ great Makita power tools & more, WW HINT *Ak '**a FATHERS DAY JUNE 21 />? L /ft Register To Win FREE! Your Choice Makita ?andom Orbit Sander or Finishing Sander J.M. Parker & Sons Hwy. 17 and 211, Supply ? 754-4331 10 PM 11 PM Ads Get Results? Call 754-6890

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