SUNDAY "* AFTERNOON "? JUNE 28 12 PM 1230 1 PM 1 30 2 PM 230 3 PM 3:30 4 PM 4:30 5 PM 5 30 rt t Termis Pad Program Ths Week With Daw BnnWey Pad Program Southern Sportsman P*j If OCUS Three llrxJyC* Raong Program 1 1 US Ofy mpc Showcase TW L<g^ ?. Force Pad Program Johnny I Yankee ~ AppteMo d | Doodle CBS Spots Surtjy CGA (kyi U S Olympic Showcase <10 30) Mow This Week W?tt< Oawd BnnMey Wow Wit O **KS A shy schoolteacher hods hetseit ?, i), ^ mayal irtmi mxk <a from her native Hatem inrtyCar Raring Mr! MMjhb Group Tony Bmwn Cok* O* Money I f>?w Colta-tors iHome Front Homrtme Wrfson Cooks |GW>ew3tch | North Caro hna People M. .flhtrwng Force [Americas Top Ten CBS Spo ft* Sunday PGA Got Movie Outlaw s Daughter B WUliams Mow 107 Boulevard Hwnmann A Bates Pad Program CoNns/ Coward Mow Moon Over Miami D Amerfie I wo fortune hunting yts search for mrihonaee husbaids [Mow Unt of Iht 9??* G H??r M?m*? You Can! Have EveryWng A Faye Mo v* SpW of St Louti J Stewart Charles Lf^bpfgh is tn? first man to fty soto across the Attantic Mow WMd trouble f WM Pony M Lights fa* A wild pony caises for a ranching family Mow Away Al Boati J Chanter The crew of an untned vessel see combat m the Paohc Mow That Funny to impress a new acquaintance S Dee Two actresses try NewsDay (It 30) Sports Cilnr, Ogy| NewsDay I News/ Moneyweek News/Week m Review SCCA Ranng Oft Road Racixj N*ws, World Report Auto Raong Horse Ranng EartyPnme Secrets of Speed Newsmkr Sun Senior PGA Golf OB/GYN Update Internal Med Physiaai Radw?ogy Update Cardology Update Dentistry Update |F am I Practice Infectious Endocnne Disease 9? To Be Announced r come I Clarissa Fx Freshmen | plains It AJl Fifteen Nek News jO Jefcyfl and Mr Hyde Adventures of Tom Sawyer (to 35,i Mow Return to Maytxrry A Gnffitfi (05) Andy Griffith ( 35) Andy Gntfrth ( 15| Major league Baseball Get the Pctire Famtfy Double Dae ( 15) T & J Nek Arcade '(IS Plan* Cetebmy Outdoors B4i Oance Outdoors Bassmasters Hank Parker NHRA Today Wnston Cup |ASA Racing NHRA Ranng I 'imBeSTmiJdS ' MU"1" J Sl"*" " WTV"' ,own am""ey 10 ?* *! Amy orta* iMuvw Tan Rod* Together J Smart A Teras rrwshal *y- ?n Army 1 lieutenant attempt to fescue captives d the Comaiches MacGyver yon Me. - i ?l Command S H^tfcn J?n Row* leads g.i .<? ? i.i ln.f, me hat* ot the AJ?rm [Cme Attraction ICXitrtoor Trails Leave It to Beaver Mow Catkfythadi C Chase A caddy tnes *o wui a country club s college scholarship (?0i Major Baseball Swamp Thtig Double Trouble Just the Ten of Us Major league Baseball |Kners Komer My Two Dads Twiight Zone Gmme a Break' Rory Story Best of Waft Dis'iey Pre sents |Mew StowawayS Jennie SidekKks Mow Iron & SHk M Sa/ttman 1 35i Danger Bay M. T Movie A Prtrtte MjOtt S Soxrt Movie Hot to Tnd P (jriifitiwn! Mov? Pslofl (i C Scon Fcefy Ge<i Gewge S Patton launches military campagns m n?ii. Alnca. Scity ana hmpe durmg Walri Wai II |M<we AMu Summ mC Matepranr (4S; Movv Lena i HoMday / Wmiun V TMC V ? Prtvale lives V ,?hwf? lit r Mov? Spiff ol nnCMsidy Mow Lana ? Holiday ' rtsr-YTrnr Vjvie C*y Sictan B Crystal Tture men trom fjew Vurt Oty |Owi a modeni day cattle drive Charm School |( 15) Mow Long Walk Home S Spxr* n I95S fwwft and her -nad lace dittcuit choices Mov* Someone lo Watch Ore? Me T flwiviopr Mov* What About Bob7 ? Oreyluss Finny Videos |US Otympc Showcase |60 Minutes [Mijrde* Shr Wmtc |Mov* Stool ttw Motwr F Skrtqomety Funny Vrieos C Eastwood Dtfty Harry is on ts mystery woman Wonderworks Fanv ! Movie |Natijn?S/w I Aj>en*K [Masteqwce Theatre [Adventures of Rob?n Hood WXRP in Qncmnat. |Mov* Sim of the Mo 9m f Ator.'yurrwy [America s Most Wanted Married Hermans Head [Mamed One Attract on 1 ? T*wnt*tts Century [Lovepy [Carofcnes Comedy Hour |Ap Evenmq at the Improv Maniac Mansion VWlard Scott's Amateur Hour flews /Inside Business I News /"Week *1 Review Sports Owifp* I Baseball Tonight IMaw league Baseba'i [Internal Med Cardiology Update I Internal Med OB/GYN Update [Physician Clanssa Fx plants It Ail Looney Tunes iHftchcock IfOSl WCW M?m Ev*nt I (OS | National Geograpftc Explorer Tqjclon USA Road Test jVl ,.u . ? Speed World Bill Dance Outdoors Bassmasters Celebrity Outdoors iTnjcJon USA (15) Mov* Safe at Homel M Mantle A Little Leaguw pretends he knows Mckey Mantle and Ftoger Mans Beyond Reality H ' ' Mow Superman C fleev* An rtant from the doomed planet Krypton ?s sent to Earth, where he uses hts vast powers for good a ner he leaches maturity Movie Favorite F Murray Abraham A Frenchwoman becomes part of a Turiosh sultan s harem (40) Instant Replay Monsters Street Justice I Awn tea Legacy Tnbute by [Movie Adam's Rfc K Hepburn Movie Edward Sdssortiands J Depp A man made humanoid struggles lor love and ifiderstanrtag Move A Prfcrato Mov* Out on Bal R Gnty A small town >s gnpped n a web of drugs and corruption. I Par Jokers ***** Movie Mteary J Caan A romance novelist is c^tured Bob? H freytuss and tortured by a deranged fan Mov* Ct* SJfctari H Crystal Three men front New York Oy ;or a modem day cattle dnve '"?l!1.1 "m|||||?im '"11'iiiiiiniiiiiiiiiniiiniiiiiinniiinnininniiinmnnnninmiiiinnnnmnMmnimiiniinMnmM i . Batman Returns (PG-13) i 3o - 4 ? 7 ? 9:15 Adults $5 oo ? Matinees & Children $3.50 Alien III (R) 1:30 ? 4 ? 7 ? 9:15 ^ Housesitter (PG-13) 1:30 ? 4 ? 7 ? 9:15 #*1 II I II 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 H 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 H 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1? CINEMA III Madison Street Whiteville ? 919-642-6025 SUNDAY JUNE 28 7 PM 8 PM 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 Movie Sudden Impact C Fjshwod [)?1y Harry is on ttie trarl o* a murdcfous mystery wwnan (WlNews ? 50) Pan! Ptogratr Movie Empire Strikes Bact M Hm'l The iebe(s fml themselves daunted at evwy turn by the f mpire 1 40\ News ( 41. Rnqq^ Mverttjres of Rot>n Howl Movie Quk* Change ft Mirny MONDAY "* EVENING JUNE 29 6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 1:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 JjgMAV 10 Wheel ot Fortune Jeopardy FBI Stones American Detective Move PanKouu R Gntns A woman is tenorued by a diidhood tnend wtw holds he r hostage Nnrs Arsenw Hall gECT SL NBC News Cosby Show Who's the Boss7 Fresh Pmce ol Bel Air Movie Rain of ?h Ml M Hmll Luke Skywalker and his comrades reunite to combat a powerful new Death St* News ( 50) Toragfit Show w|rw wjrvo News CBS News Window/ Baby Jeopardy* Fverong Shade Major Dad Murphy Brown Grapevine I Northern Exposure Sweating Bullets ABC News Jeopardy1 Wheel of Fortme FBI Stones Amencan Detective Movie PanBtouu R Ovens A woman ts terrorized by a childhood fnend who holds her fiostage News Nghtfcne "jy MarNetl/lehret NewsHour Bus Report North Caro ima People People s Pharmacy Witti Joe Graedon Glory & the Power POV Afcve TV S Holmes m M Love |CBS News Connection Ent Toraght Hart) Copy Evening Shade Mai? Dad WkiDhy Grapevine Northern Exposim Best ol Love Connection Sweating Bullets Peyton Place I Peyton Place Movie HEALTH C Burnett Judd lor the Defense Peyton Place Peyton Place I Avengers David Lettemian Damd I Wotper Presents Sherlock Holmes Loveioy An Fvenmg at the Improv Batman New Zorro Waltons Pmce Vak** Black Stal Scarecrow and Mrs King 700 Club With Pat Robertson Batmm Bay World Today Moneylme NASCAR HM Crossfire PnmeNews Lany King Lrve1 World News Sports Tonight Moneyline Up Close Sports Center |NFt lards Super Bowl XXVI s Champwnsho XXVl M\ I Major League Baseball SportsCenter I Supermarket Sweep Shop Til You Drop Chtfia Beach LA La Movie Sacn* Ufa o I Katiy McCortnldi P fflfer: thtftysomethmg What Would You Do7 Wrtd & Crazy Kids Looney Tunes BiitwinWe [F Troop Superman Get Smart |Dek Van jOmgnet Hitchcock 'Lucy Show | Green Acres TBS gata (05) I Love If 3S) Andy p5i Lucy | Gnttlti Movie C Nam Maior League Baseball (500) V<JeoPM Be a Star .Crook and Chase I Nashville Now Buck Owens al B*y Bobs ICrook and Chase J*L a cd Bugs Bisiny and Pals Saobv Dm, [Movie Brant* Burt fl Butcn An incurably ill man asks hs boyhood tnend to marry his wite |( 15) Movie Panlsh J Donatve A man learns abort Me and love tram three dtferent women Smurfs MacGyver Mirder, She Wrote |WWF Prine T?ne Wresting New Mike Hanwrer Charles m Chaige Now It Can Be Told Nqht Cool League Baseball News I Dennis Miller VOR ICnsby Show IWhos the Boss' Ganme a Break! Gloria Jackie Mason Hqh School Football DISN B *0 Unr> v,*)i*> Disney s Return to Treasure Island ft Uesseti Movie CM ol l? Put fl Mrctvm A ir*i s serret past endangers he new relationsrn) Stmg at Hollywood #?. 00? WtmNedon 9? Wimbledon 92 Movie Fmn Farm C Oase A coupe me up the asphalt tnfc tor the Qiiet ol Itie county Mov* Clan ol 1999 M UtOowHI 140) w 1(4 30) Follow Mov* KM Galahad f Presley Mow Parted w?p on j Sa&m* Mov* Under Via Gun 5 Junes Movie Another 4S Hrc ? Murphy SHOW [(05) Movie Woman ol tie Year K Hepburn A importer ano a sportswntei make a hery mamed couple Movie look Who's Taking Too K Alley Movie Std School A fat**, Mov? V I WarthawskJ K Turner i'> 00 1 Man iMcr-v Th M Big O rW Movie Stall of Grace S Perm A man joins a enrne organization tn a New York City ghetto Movie Narrow Margin G Hxiuiun IN CALABASH BRING HOME THE6BEAC0N On Sale At CALABASH BEVERAGE MART CVD SHIPPING SERVICE JIMMY'S PANTRY MARSH HARBOUR YACHT CLUB MIKE'S KWIK MARKET MINUTE-MAN MOORE'S GROCERY SEASHORE DRUGS SIMMONS' BEVERAGE MART zcnqs qxiroeN Chinese jicsranranr I"""*"] ''ii. ?>??? l??i Hvv* 1 1 If I I i t % opeN t>/uLy 11 AM-9PM (Closed 3-4:30 PM) 754-5280 East Gate Square, Holden Beach Road ? Shallotte [BimumuMeffluJ&iemmizMSUMUicmmMzmKmsmmmmfm} TUESDAY EVENING O 199? TV Living In JUNE 30 6 PM 6 30 7 PM 7 30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 Wheel & Fortire Jenoany FJt House Home imcrwe Oacfi Jack s Plare AfVfuo H*I ffi' v NBC News Cosby Show |Wh0S The Boss' Mann & Machne Quantum leap Dtfefcne NBC < 50) Tor*ght Show N?pws CBS Nr-ws Wheel of Fortune Jeopardy* Rescue 911 Mov*? Crowing to Freedom fl 0 Jaute News Forever Knight ABC News Jeopardy* Wheel ol Fortune Mouse Home Improve FViseann* Jack s Pi ,xe NqhTW MacNerf/lehrpr NewsHoi* Bus Repryt StatH'f* Nova Frtjrt!?ne Listening to America vV<th B'i! Moyers States of M**J love Connection 1 cas News Fnl Tomght HanJ Copy ftescue 911 Mov?e Crowing to Freedom r 0 Best ol love Forever Connection Knight Jane Pey*on Plate iFVyton llace Movie yearns to succeed m London s cnmnaT A the CJty R A ,^?f 'n/stJe* Judd 'or me Defense Peyton Ptace Peyton Place I A"JS Avenge David lettemvm Batman Rita Hayvwrth Danong into the Dream t /orro Waftorv, Ffcn Tin Tn |Witness to K 9 Cop I Survival G*Ja? Scarecrow and Mrs Krg Women ? Jazz An Evenmg at the Improv 700 Club Wth Pat Robertson Raiders WorVj Today Moneytine Crossfire F?nmeNews Larry King Live" World Ne ws Sports Tomght Mooeyli.'* M. life Running and Racrig Up Close SportsCenter Schaap Talk F*ro Water Skjing jFVo Surfing |Pro Jet Skiing Baseta'i Tprwqht IMaior League Baseball Supermarket Sweep Shop Til You Qrpp Chrna Beach LA Law What Woi*1 You Do7 w>id * Cra/y Kids Looney Tunes flul twinkle F Troop Movie After Hours G Djme Whtfe trying to find his drean yr a mar enter-, * -gftrnarsh worid Supennan Get Smart DO Van Dyke Dragnet Hitchcock thKTysomettxng Lucy Show | Green Acres M. ?3 30* Bav ball ( 35i Andy Griffith ' OSi Beverty Hiilwiies I 35) Sanford & Son 1(05) Gambler ill The legtfvt Conhrxjes (PI 1 of 2) AT fkxjen is nr. v<1*oPM Be a Star Crook and Chase NashvHe Now On Stage I Crook and Chase luSigans island Bugs Bunny and Pals M<nie 13 Cry Tomormw S myward Actress L?Mian Rorh s life s plagued by troubles and alcoholism Mov? Bac* Street S Haywara Smurfs Scooby Don IChartes * harge MacGyver Muder. She Wrote Bonng Now Mike Hammer V0R f>ishv Sf>ow Now It Can Be Told N<jht Court Who s tN? Boss' Gmme a Break' Andy Griffith Manx League Baseball News Fish Maior t eag^? Baseball News Wn Lose |S?np?y Mad [(OSiDsneys Retwn To Treasure KiaxJ B Blessed Dennis Miller Fish iMedai of Honor World War H fwerty Brother Reuro" |(Q5)fvertv Brother Rork h Roll 0dyss< Concert (500) fflmtfcdon 9? ?5 3)? M nvw? Robin Hood Prince ol TNtm ? Costncr Wimbledon 92 Mow Onfy (he Lonely J C#xty A policeman farss opposition from his mother after he tils love Mov* Mannequin Two On The Move w RajjsMe < 35) Howl g VI " Movie What About Bob? R Dreyfuss A vacationing psychiatnst tries to escape a neurobc patent Movie Ftat* ol Fury B Ltc A famous kung fu expert travels to Bangkok to fend oft evil forces Mosne B Let (500) Adventures Mov?e V I WirshawsJd K Turner Movie H**y SEALS C Sheen Navy SEALs are sent to Bemit to retneve stolen Amencar weapon"/ (Movie Down and Out In Beverly HMh~ 1 H Ho/te [(45) Return of Oregon Movie Rnal D Htsseim/r .145) Clfy Slickers ( 35) I1 ol th I Movie J Sctweien Spaced In WEDNESDAY "? EVENING "* 'j 199? TV Listing Inc Ft Worth TX JULY 1 6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 B PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 WWAY Oi WECT OjL ABr New, [Wheel 0* Fortwe Jeopartfy" Portraits ot fmoon Growing Pans Whos The Boss7 Or' Wars Arseno Hall NBC 'tews Cosby Show Whos the Boss7 Unsolved Mystenes SewifekJ Night uxr* Oartum Leap [( 50) Tor*ght S^ow WBTW CBS News WVef of Fortime Jeopardy* Davis F*j?es Raven 4a Hours News Oangerous Curves ABC News Jeopardy4 When of Fortuie Wonder Years Growing P?ns Doog* WO Whos the Boss' Ovrl Wars N^htl^w lox MarNe?' 1 *hrpr NpwsMoi Bus Report Love | CBS News Connection Legislative Report Statue o i Liberty Key Long Ent Tonight Hard Copy Oavts ftjies Raver Of Monuments Bang Served S Holmes 46 Hours Best of Love Connection Dangerous Curves Jai e Peyton Pace I Peyton Place Mov* Stwt WHh No Name M Stevens An FBI age*'' attempts to uncover a mob and its leader Judd for the Defense Peyton P^ace F*eyton Place I Avenges DavnJ Letterman Combat at Sea BaTtr F*st Ftaghts [Classic Ad venture In Search of lln Search of An Evening at the improv I New 7orro Waltons B?j B't*^ INMC Jake Marsor Scarecrow and Mrs Kmg 700 Club Wih Pat Robertson Batman Cimarron Kid ??* ? World Today Moneylme Inside the PGA Tour Up Dos* SportsCenter Cross! ire F^vneNews Larry Kmg Live" World News Sports jMoneybne Major leag^? Baseball Baseball Tomght SportsCentei A. onl Supermarket Sweep Shop T?l You Drop China Beach What Woi*! You Do7 WHd & Crazy KxJs Looney Times BdfwmkJe Nans TV Heritage Day Movie Roe n. Wade H Hjnter Ellen FVjsseti s desire to have an abortion '-jds to controversy tturtysomething Dragnet Hitchcock Nan s TV Heritage Day (Com.) (3 30 1 Base It 35) Andy f05>Beverty ball I Griffith H.litnihes 35 1 Sanford & Son [(05) Movie LMe House on tie Prairie M Union A rorfter famrfy struggles to survrve m the wilderness 1 05i Mov?? utte House on the Prairie The Last M Landon (5001 VdeoPM Be a Star Crook and Chase Nasbvute Now On Stage Crook and Chase J? GiH^jan s Island [Bugs Bunny and Pa's Movie A of Drums G narration Basketball Smurts Srooby Ooo Charles m Cf^arge Now ft Can Be Told MacGyver Murder She Wrote Court lAndv G Movie Into L Old West are revealed B Dem Three tales of the New Mike Hammer Movie Ftotefi C Chase A reoortpr unravels a mystery mvotonq a dymg iraHpna^e News Honey mooners Dennis Miller V0R Cosby Show Who s the Boss7 G*nme a Break! Gtona Movie News Love Boat Win. Lose I Brown Bear I Disney s Retwn to Treasue islaid B Btessed Martin & Lewis The* GokJen Age of Comedy Mow Diary of A ma Frank M Gilbert JlL w (500! WfT Wedon 32 Highlights ?v ? bddon 92 | Movie Nlgpil Shift H Winkle* Two enterpnsmg men open a prostitution operabor m a morgue iFrst Look I Dream On I Movie A Private Matter " S Spaas* Movie Freshman M Bivxto An agmg Mafca don takes a college freshman mder r?s wng little Prmre |M nw Shrimp on Vie Barbie C Hrir |Movie Cage L Femano Two buddes hght tor the?r lives r the wayid ot cage bowng Movie J Metzier I Movie i B mis 1(45) Comedy 1 Buzz Movie I J faftey ( 40> I Sanctum 500- Movie Total . A Schwarzenegger Movie Htaribiaafc HoM C Schlatter A small town boy kidnaps ENis as a surpnse for he mother Movie WMd OrcMd M Rourte A naive woman becomes erobcaliy obsessed with a man m Brazil 1 15th Phase Drive COMPLETE INTERIOR DECORATING SERVICE ? Carpet ? Vinyl ? Ceramic Tile ? Window Treatments ? Wallcoverings Ruby Floyd *}tttencona, Hwy. 904. #3 Seaside North 579-6091 cieoAim mtuwwCKMACON A check every long as you live? Assured retirement income from Modern Woodmen Just one of the many MODERN WOODMEN SOLUTIONS Glenda J. Barefoot, FIC P O Box 2963, Shallotte, NC 28459 919-579-1550 MODFRN WOODMFN OF AMERICA A f R All RN Al ilfl INMlRASd MKlflV IK >MI Of IK I ? KINK IM AN|> ittiNois LIFE ? ANNUITIES ? IRA'S FRATERNAL PROGRAMS We Salute the N.C. Baptist Assembly! We're proud to lume provided paving services for your renovations. Helping Brunswick County Grow! Grading And * Paving Contractor 754-7177 Asphalt Plant-2 miles north of Shallotte on Hwy. 17 STEVE MARTIN DIANE KEATOS "ONE OF THK VKVR'SlUHKSTr Tcomtdx Jfwurietlinjnio^^ rcnind raoawoKwrrw svv* f.uu> ? ? nvno vr>?*scwuoi>>H>Ti . \m ?um\ itnenr wnr nwilm* I M .wmuumfeAMMnivi ? nrnmum -? tuttwni . ?mnmvb ^untiiii ~.>W*M?*(UHMUHO?J>ingVUN J

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