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She Wrote IWWF F"nme Tme Wrestl?ig MacGyver Saved by the Belt Star Srcti Designing Jettersons Movie Second SigN 8 ftntfw As a last resort, law enforcement offcate can ? a pautfac Nxjht Court iKoiak IVOR I Cosby Show [Who s me [Gmme a 1 Boss? Break? Gloria Ja ci* Mason ;Srw. and Srran New; Streets ol San Franasco Movie r N Batty Making ol Aladdin Avmlea Movie B stones i M Parts The Book ol Geneso relates many ol hunanty s oldest |4 4Sj Movie Ragfat SM S Snetord Seven men are seiceted to become Amenta s frst astronauts Move Into fw Sun A Mcturl hut An actor and an At Force paot are shot down behnd enemy Hies 115th Annual Yomg Com erians Special Movie WMOidM W Route Movie Sfcpsfream M HaritrlJ A boutty hwiter arid an androKl lace a planet where natje is awry Mow LMa' Large! I Orson Mov* Toys r Sogpns Move Hanlcase and Fist T Pru < 25) Movie Fal r ol tie E ? S Tracy Vow Fatter ol tie Bride S Marin Joan Ftoers Abroad ?i London Move Rambo ? 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'ABC News J'miMrdy1 [Wheel ol Fonuie Ful House |Hang>i With M< Cooper Hosaanne lack* Thomas Gong lo Extremes MacNNAehrer NewsHour Bus Report Aknrac N(Ma FrorAne Health m America In Search of a Cue Sorth Annual Report of the Secietanes of Defense WJK Designing Women CBS News Ent Tonqht INBA BasketM Rescue 911 love Connection Forever Kmgfrt Saved t Ihe Bel Throb Love Boat j In Search 01 Move Bad Ankatas R GilMand Skyiackns find themselves six) vnih a planeload ol kids Pnme Suspect f nap i v Cad Infatuation ISa^it J3L Rockford Files John Wayne Youv) (X4e I George Stevens A Ftnmafcer s janey Ue Goes On ^cott Ross No Place t*e Home Youig ftders Fvwwig at the Improv Father OwMmg Mystooes 700 Club With Pat Robertson rSrarfcrow and Mrs Kmg TUESDAY *" EVENING "? DECEMBER 29 6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11 30 World Today Moneyfcne Crossfire ST Larry King Live1 Sports TonloN Moneytme NBA Today Up Close SportsOntef li 45) Copper Bowl SUM I JL Stpemvirlu* Sweep Shop Til You Drop Unsolved Mysteries LA Law Move Monkey Man J dtghe A monkey s assorted [ifrlysorrrtwg to help a man dsatiled n an aoodert 1 What Would You Do? |W?& Crazy Kxte Looney Tunes | /,-? ? ?? 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The Preferred Serv ice will consist of Comedy Central, The Sci-Fi Channel, The Cartoon Network and Country Music Television. Vision Cable is presently testing these services, and they may be viewed on cable channels 39, 40, 41 and 42. On January 6, the test period will end and these services will be offered as part of the new Preferred Service Package that in cludes a remote control converter. After January 6, homes subscribing to our remote converter service will automati cally receive these new channels as part of their remote service at no additional cost. For Further information, subscribers may call 763-4638 during business hours. The Staff and Management of Vision Cable wishes everyone a safe and happy Holiday Season. 1-800-222-8921