SENIORS CAN KEEP HEALTHY LUSTER WITH 'BIG THREE': Exercise, Nutrition, Hydration BY JAMES M. RIPPE, M.D. A recent report on aging esti mates that the United States already has more people over age 65 then it has teenagers? and the numbers of those living well beyond the "golden years" are growing. Of those reaching age 65, 80 percent arc living to age 80. The extension of average lifes pan has brought new challenges for die aging?one of which is paying renewed attention to leading a healthy lifestyle. For the elderly. that can make or break the chances of growing old "gracefully." 1 advise my senior patients, and young and middle-aged as well, to pay attention to the simple things, especially the "big three"?exer cise, nutrition and hydration. Exercise Important Exercise is important at any age. With my elderly patients, I general ly recommend a regular walking program. Studies have consistently shown that walking on a regular ba ARTHRITIC PAIN? For a FREE consultation can (803)249-9787 LABOD CHIROPRACTIC Hwy. 17, Little River, SC DR RObTn LABOD (Across from Hardees) CI993 THE BRUNSWICK B?ACOM J111 III III 11 III 111 III 1111111111111111 III 1111II111 III I 111 11 III 11111111111 FIT FOR LIFE Coastal Fitness has an excellent staff who can create specialized programs for the senior citizen's specific needs. Let Coastal Fitness help you stay healthy! Mickie Levandowski Three years ago Mickie suffered a stroke which paralyzed his left side. With a special exercise program, he has recovered the use of his left arm and leg. Mickie says, "lt"s been the toughest fight of my life, but I'm winning it." He will be 70 years old this year. Walter and Merle Goldsberry Walter, 67 and Merle, 63, have been with Coastal Fitness for the past 5 months. Both have diabetes and their doctors recommended exercise. Before, Merle was having foot problems. She says "Working out helps my circulation. By keeping fit, I can feel the difference." BE HEALTHY AND HAVE FUN! Nautilus ? Free Weights ? Aerobics ? Dry Sauna ? Treadmills Life Cycles ? Climb Max Stepper ? Massage Therapist ? CPR Classes COASTAL FITNESS At Scotchman on Bus. 17, take Hwy. 179 Fork right onto Sellers Rd (behind Resort Plaza) 754-A SPA (2772) C1STJJ 'ML UHUNtW'-ft Bt>L .t 111111111111111111111 111111111II1111111111111II111111111111 ll I r. sis can help lower the risk of heart disease and other chronic illnesses. Good eating habits are another key to overall health. No more than 30 percent of calories should come from fat, for instance, and only 55 percent should come from carbohy drates. Protein should make up the rest. Seniors, like many young people, often overlook the easiest part of leading a healthy lifestyle: staying hydrated, or meeting the body's constant need for water. As people age, they face special challenges when it comes to hydra tion. Their thirst mechanism be comcs less accuratc and their body's ability to rcact quickly to heat or cold rapidly diminishes. This means seniors arc more sus ceptible to illnesses such as heat stroke, cramps and exhaustion, which are caused by dehydration, often triggered by extreme temper ature conditions. Some of the wanting signs of heat-related illnesses and severe de hydration are involuntary muscle spasms, headache, dizziness, weak ness and loss of consciousness. The best way for seniors to avoid these often life-threatening condi tions is to drink ample amounts of water and limit time spent in ex treme climates. I recommend mak ing a conscious decision to lake in at least 2'A to 3 quarts of water a day from all sources (liquids, solid foods). Of this amount, at least 1-2 quarts should be water itself. To make sure my patients get this "minimum daily requirement" and to make sure they always have ac cess to water, I suggest they carry bottled water?Evian natural spring water is a good choice?with them, especially when temperatures pose a threat. As a precautionary measure, se niors should check with their doctor before they start any exercise, nutri tion or hydration program. Osteoarthritis Doesn't Have To Hurt Lifestyle Osteoarthritis affccts more Americans (about 15.8 million) than any other type of arthritis. Roccnt nrocress in arthritis A V research and treatments indi cates that the disease shouldn't stop you from living a produc tive and enjoyable life, reports the Arthritis Foundation. For instance, a recent study has shown that middle-aged and older women significantly can lower their risk for osteoarthritis by losing weight. Osteoarthritis can develop from several factors, including overuse or injury to somcjoints, being overweight or from re peated use. Other studies have indicated a genetic cause for some forms of osteoarthritis," said Arthur Gray/el, M.D., se nior vice president of medical affairs for the Arthritis Found ation. Osteoarthritis causes the breakdown of joint tissue, lead ing to joint pain and stiffness. As the smooth cartilage that protects the surface of a joint begins to wear away, the ends of bones rub together. Early symp toms of osteoarthritis usually arc stiffness and pain in certain joints, such as the fingers, knees, feet, hip and spine. Nutrition And Good Health We all know vitamins arc good for us, but as re search probes deeper into their benefits and our bodies, the news keeps getting better. Good nutrition in your 4()s and 5()s can help slow the aging process. Along with exercise, good nutrition and a diet that supplies a full com 44Count on me to prov ide the best Homeowners insurance value __ in town. ^ ^ CALL ME. k a DWIGHT r rM FLANAGAN ' f Phone 754-9923 Southpprt 457-4434 i 5011 Northside Dr & Hwy. 17 Bypass P.O. Box 2647 Shallotle. NC 28459 Male I arm l ire and < .inu.iIiv < o'.ipam I Ionic (>llii t' Kloonun^ion Illinois 11kt a u?kic1 neighbor. St .tic I .irin is there plcmcni of vitamins can help pre vent disease and keep us active. Vitamins arc such a big part of our lives that it's hard to believe they arc relatively recent discover ies. The word vitamin was actually coincd in 1912. Each year new ben efits of vitamins are discovered. In the past year alone, for example, re search has found that vitamins can lower cholesterol, reduce heart at tack risks and strengthen the body's immune system. The following in formation further explains these re cent discoveries. Niacin (Vitamin 113) ?Discovered in 1920s as a cure for pellagra. ?Recently found to be effective in the war against cholesterol. ?1 hgh doses can lower bkxxi levels of "bad" LDL cholesterol (the kind that causes buildup of plaque in ar teries). ?Can raise levels of the "good" HDL cholesterol that keeps arteries clear. ?People witli high cholesterol should use niacin only under med ical supervision. ?In small amounts, niacin can help the body convert carbohydrates, fats and proteins into energy and aid in hormone synthesis. ?Cuxxl sources of niacin: chicken, turkey, halibut, tuna, peanuts and salmon. Beta Carotene ?A form of Vitamin A. ?Preliminary research has shown beta carotene could potentially pre vent heart attacks and strokes. More data is to conic in future years. ?Vitamin A is neecssary for healthy skin, hair and bone growth, but can be toxic if taken in large quantities. ?Good sources of beta carotene: carrots, sweet potatoes, pumpkins, peachcs and cantaloupes. Vitamin C ?May reduce cellular buildup of sorbitol that is partly responsible for cataracts and neurological dam age in diabetics. ?May also prevent oilier complica tions of diabetes including clogged arteries. ?Good sources of Vitamin C: citrus fruits, cantaloupe and peppers. Vitamin K ?Vitamin E supplements can help improve immune system responses in men and women over the age of 60. ?As a normal part of the diet, vita min E promotes the formation of healthy red bkxxl cells and protects white bkxxl cells that help fight dis ease. ?Good sources for Vitamin E: whole-wheat Hour, almonds, wal nuts and com oil. You can easily obtain a day's worth of most of the important nu trients listed by eating the follow ing: one orange, one ounce of bran Hakes cereal, one apple, iwo slices of cracked wheat bread, one toma to, one cup of rice, one potato, one cup of axiked egg ncxxlles and one cup of spinach. If your eating habits are unavoid ably erratic, a daily vitamin supple ment may be helpful to your diet.