When it comes time to buy a car six out of ten people kick back with a newspaper before they ever When North Carolinians are out to buy a car, they won't trust just anybody. In fact, over 60% of them know the best place for information is their newspaper. That really shouldn't surprise anyone, considering the fact that more people trust the news paper for news on local affairs, on shopping, on real estate, and on entertainment for advertising information than any other medium. When your business depends on reaching and influencing those individuals who have the money to buy your products, think about it: Wouldn't you rather advertise where people go for the news than where they go to get away from the news? Get the facts. Get them on paper. THE BRUNSWICK* POST OFFICE BOX 2558 TELEPHONE (919) 754-6890*FAX (919) 754-5407 SHALLOTTE, NC 28459 Source: NC Press Services, Inc. State Survey of 1017 people, November 1989. ?