Mine Will Bring Jobs, Money, EDC Impact Study Estimates (Continued From Page 1-A) with an additional 40 spin-off jobs expected, the report says. Monks said he prepared the report as "nothing more than a comparison of benefits to cost" using figures provided by the company, local and federal statistics and the "standard multipliers" used to compute eco nomic impacts. The report includes five pages of benefit analysis and one line listing the liKal costs as zero. "We have not identified any cost to the county or any incentives given to Martin Marietta." Monks told the board. Robert Quinn. a leader of the op position to Martin Marietta, asked the commissioners to inform state agencies that the county's zoning or dinance is under review and to post pone consideration of any permits for mining, animal slaughtering and processing, above- and below ground storage tanks, hazardous waste storage and junk yards. Ouinn has asked the Brunswick County Planning Board to amend the zoning ordinance to prohibit those land uses throughout the coun ty. They are now permitted in the county's only "Heavy Manu facturing" zone, located near South port and encompassing the Martin Marietta site. A public hearing on the proposed zoning law change was scheduled for Wednesday night (Nov. 17) at 6:30 in Bolivia. The zoning law was in effect for less than a day when the commis sioners at their last meeting voted to suspend its enforcement after sever al hundred mining opponents asked the board to take action against Martin Marietta. The board made no comment and took no action on Quinn's request Monday night. Earlier in the meet ing. the commissioners voted unani mously to reinstate the zoning law on jan. i. Commissioners Chairman Don Warren saiil more time was needed to explain the impact of the law to local builders, real estate brokers and town permitting agents. In other business the board: ? Heard an announcement from Ann Duncan, chairman of the N.C. Employment Security Commission, about the agency's plan to have a full-service office in Brunswick County. State Senator R.C. Soles and representatives David Redwine and Dewey Hill joined Duncan in making the announcement. ? Re-appointed Maliston Stanley and Patrick Newton to three-year terms on the Brunswick County Board of Health. Stanley is an at large representative and chairman of the board. Newton was recently named to fill an unexpired term as the board's engineer member. ? Appointed Bob Williamson of Ocean Isle Beach as an alternate to the zoning board of adjustments. ? Approved a change in the coun ty's personnel policy allowing em ployees who accumulate more than 240 hours of vacation leave to con vert the additional hours to sick leave, with approval of the county manager. ? Awarded a $34,998 contract for water main extensions along Mt. Misery Road in Leland to Carmichael Construction Co.. w hich submitted the lowest of three bids on the project. ? Heard a presentation by Scott Reding of Wilmington Housing Finance and Development Inc. about the organization's plan to create a regional non-profit housing corpora tion that would work with banks and granting agencies to huild affordable housing for low-income families. Martin Marietta Issues Stem Warning After Well Damaged Martin Marietta Aggregates said in a statement last week that it will prosecute trespassers at the site of its test well off N.C. 133 after "sabo tage and vandalism" was discovered there. A company news release said the cap of a test well was broken off and removed, which "allowed a small amount of ground water to escape" and says "pictures were taken and distributed to the news media by persons bent upon making our com pany appear to be careless and indif ferent to the environment." The Beacon received no such photographs, but videotape of the damaged well cap was aired on area television newscasts. "The test well was drilled to al low us to conduct required hydro logical studies for a mining permit and to determine if local wells would he affected by our proposed mining operations. The well pipe was capped and welded in place at the completion of studies." the state ment said. "Martin Marietta has a good envi ronmental record at its mine sites and intends to maintain this pos ture." leaders of the Brunswick County Anti-Mining Alliance, leading the opposition to Martin Marietta's plans, has stringently denied any in volvement in the test well damage, saying its purpose is to protect the property. STAFF PHOTO BY ERIC CARLSON STATE REPRESENTATIVES (from left) Dewey Hill, David Redwine and Sen. R.C. Soles join Ann Duncan, Chairman of N.C. Employment Security Commission in announcing to the Brunswick County Commissioners that the ESC plans to upgrade its Shallotte facility into a full-service office be ginning Jan. 1. Land Clean-Up Necessary Exception, Manager Says (Continued From Page 1-A) of the landowner to prevent the ac cumulation of waste on his or her property. McCarley said her department re ceived a complaint from Ludlum last August about illegal dumping on his property. She said an enforce ment officer inspected the site and found the name of one suspected dumper in a hag of trash. That per son was notified and willingly came in to talk with investigators, who were convinced that she was not the More Warm Temps Are In Forecast More warm temperatures are in the forecast for the South Brunswick Islands area. Shallolte Point meteorologist Jackson Canady said Tuesday he ex pects temperatures to continue above average, ranging from around 50 degrees at night to around 70 de grees during the daytime. He antici pates about three-quarters inch of rain, also above average. For the period of Nov. 9 through 15 Canady recorded a high of 80 de grees on Nov. 14 and a low of 33 de grees the night of Nov. 1 1 . '['lie average daily temperature was 59 degrees, with the daily aver age high 70 degrees and the nightly average low 48 degrees. Canady recorded two-tenths inch of rain. one who did the dumping. The investigation was "proceed ing at a normal pace" when Yelton's memo arrived, McCarley said. Still, she doubts that it would he possible to target a single offender. '"There's no way to tie it to one person and no evidence whatsoever to suggest that it was all one person that did the dumping," she said. Yelton said his decision to autho rize the clean-up was due to his be lief that the investigation had gone on long enough. "This is not to be considered a normal procedure for the future but is purely related to this three-month situation," Yelton's memo said. THE BRUNSWICK^BEACON Established Nov. 1, 1962 Telephone 754-6890 Published Every Thursday At 4709 Main Street Shallotte. N.C. 28459 SUBSCRIPTION RATES IN BRUNSWICK COUNTY One Year SI 0.36 Six Months $5.55 ELSEWHERE IN NORTH CAROLINA One Year $14.86 Six Months $7.90 ELSEWHERE IN U.S.A. One Year $15.95 Six Months $8.35 Second class postage paid at Shallotte. N.C. 28459. USPS 777 780. Postmaster, send address changes to: P.O. Box 2558, Shallotte, N.C. 28459-2558 \ \T imm STAFF PHOTOS BY ERIC CAMSON DETECTIVE Billy Hughes examines an SKS assault rifle with a 50-round clip he found partially con cealed in the hack seat of a car during a drug raid on Turkey Trap Road Friday night. The weapon, loaded with 31 rounds of high powered ammunition, was returned to its legal owner. Septic Permit By The Book, Officials Say (Continued From Page 1-A) Withrow said he recommended thai the company relocate parts of the septic system to higher ground in an area that would be away from the main flow of traffic around the mine site. He said he also asked that an effluent line he buried three feel un derground. instead of the normal two feet, to better protect it from traffic. He said the company's hired engi neer complied with the requests and re-drew the site plan. The final per mit was issued the next day. The anti-mining committee also charged that parts of the septic sys tem were to be located in a designat ed wetland area. Withrow said the system's force main runs through some "marginal" low areas, but none that have been officially desig nated as wetlands. He said the drain field will be located in a "very suit able" area of deep yellow sand. "My rules for considering appli cations don't address wetlands," Withrow said. "That's regulated by the (U.S. Army) Corps of Engin eers." On the company's application for a septic permit, Martin Marietta's engineer Arlen Carpenter noted. "This property will have no con struction on wetlands." Don't Get Left Out... Remember the Beacon's early deadlines next issue for the Thanksgiving holiday: ? Real estate advertising, Thursday, 5 p.m. ? Classified advertising, Monday noon ? Letters to the editor, Monday noon ? Weddings, births, clubs and church news, Friday noon HOW TO SUBSCRIBE TO THE BRUNSWICK?KAC0N POS i GFi-iCE tnjX 2556 SHALLOTTE. NORTH CAROLINA 28459 NOTICE : Reliable or consistent delivery cannot be guaranteed since this newspaper must rely on the U.S. Postal Service for delivery. We can only guarantee that \your newspaper will be submitted to the post office in Shallotte on Wednesday of the week of publication, in f/me for dispatch to out-of-town addresses that day. ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION RATES BY MAIL: Sr. Citizen In Brunswick County ;_)6.30 ?S.SO N.C. 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