SUNDAY TRYON-C?), ATLANTIC-O, VISION-[0] JANUARY 30 12 PM 12:30 1 PM 1:30 2 PM 2:30 3 PM 3:30 4 PM 4:30 5 PM 5:30 WWAY 4 o ;io; Kevin Last" Paid Pro-ura Senior PGA GoH Skins Game Final Hound From Maun3 L.ipi Resort in Ki'h.t'.t Coast (( .yeiif ( i College Basketball Wake F< rest at N' Car pitna (Live) WECT * O [*] Dean mth NBA Bashetha'i PhtMrax Suns at Boston Celtics From the Boston Garden (Live! Sir Charts I Atlanta 96 Super Bowl live (S) (CC) WBTW '3 'M hasketba"\l<nn?*sota at St John s I Ski mg T our. lamentof C) | Champs Cotiege Baskatl Indiana at An (Ina) (CC) lEddia IAmIn Fogler | USA WTVD (10 30) Class 44 fn.s Week With David Bnnkley (CC) Senior PGA Golf Skins Gamo Final Round From Maun a Lam Resort in Kohala Coast Hawan (Live) yCC) College Basketball Wake Forest at No Carolina (live) WUNJ " C9 :e: I o the I No Contrary |Ca?( Tony Brown Frugal IMaster [Collectors iDupree Floyd on C NC People WJK A 76 'J' 10 00) Stat-athon 94 Continues Star athon 94 A Weekend With the Stars Star athon CvrnnHW) FAM ' O 42: ? ? Captain January Movie **". Curly Top (1935 Movie Bright Eyes ?1934) Three people ? -f thr f'jht ? ' : ? V . .r;.V.;r Move ? ?? Wee Willie Winkie (tQ37 Drama) IPa-d FOX 90s; tt 00) Red River Pa.d Prtxjra Black Sheep Sguadron lOutiaws A Day to Kill Alias Smith and Jones IVirginian The Runaway HBO '? o t0 4S) Don t Tell M< .te Raiders of the Lost Ark 11981 I Educating ^venture) Harrison for J haren Allen ^S) (CC) | Peter (S) Movie *?' Leap of Faith M992) A phony faith healerjakes^^^scheming^sho^ Family Playhouse The Perfect Dale (R) AAE 19 O X 11 00) Mov.? Impact 11949) Movie Nightmares 11983) Commonplat e items Ul^e^on^ma|evolenMnean^n2^_i21JII?2!Lli?^1__1? Movie The Outsiders ' 1983 Drama) Gang rival'y explodes as .1 grease' >a"s fot a ?" M tjir' Civil War Jourria> John Brown s War ESPN 3 O 33: NFL Gameday Super Bowl Edition Sportscen Super I Super Bowl 16 I Bowl XXIII Super I Super Bowl XXV IBow' 27 PGA Golf Phoeni* Open Final Round Fror Tournament Piay'S Out' m s ttsdale An/ NICK 2* O X Clanss plair Pete & Pete Tomorrow People Welcome f rasftman Weinerville With comic Marc Werner Double Dare Rocko s Life TBS CD 11035) Movie ??? Bite the Bullet 1975) Andy Griffith Andy Griffith Andy IAndy ? Griffith Andy I Andy Griffith I Griffith Andy Griffith Andy Griffith Andy Griffith Andy Griffith MAX 3oi??; Niagara t 1953 Drama) "po Joseph Cotten ? ? Landslide (199? Suspense) Anthony Edwards (S) Movie ??? Rocky II (1979) Rocky marries idrianandsta^esa^*ma^ vi?? ?* Young Einste.n 11'>88. i( ( i SHOW 29 M (10 301 Ol Mice-Men Move ??? Chaplin (1992 Biography) Robert Downey jr Richard Attenborough s epic portrait of the comic genius ( 05) Mov.e * Breaking the Rules (1989 Drama) Jason Batemjn (S) Wst Pnt Behind Ready or IChr Not (S) |Cro WGN 3? O Andy Andy Griffith Movie In Old Chicago 11938) The O Learys ow kicks off the Chicago Fire of 1871 Movie Airport 1975 (1974) A mwla.r collision leaves the crew of a 747 incapacitated ? ? F ire and Ram (1989 Drama* TMC 16 CD . The |( 20) Movie ** The Gun in Betty (2 50) Movie The Red Shoes 11948 Distinguished Gentleman i1992) (S) |Lqu's Handbag (1992 Drama) iCCi Dramai */<>.'.? Shej'rr Anwn Wait>' * 051 Mov e The Buddy Holly Story .197B) WWOR ? ? The Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders (1979 Drama) jjnp Seymour Laraine Stephens Movie *'. Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders II (1980. Drama) John Davidson CNN 9 CD [38] Tech Week in Review (CC) Mone I Earth yweek )R) |Matters Worki Report Late Edition (CC) LIFE 17 >3; Lifetime Maga/ine Super mar ket Sweep You Drop Shop T il L A Law Rohner vs Gradinger (CCi Unsolved Mys Mcvic Great Balls of Fire' < 19891 the lite and career of 50s rock n rotter Jerry Lee Lewis DISN m 63 |20". Mickey Mouse Teen T^ei Tor kelsons Danger I Zorro (CC) Bay (S) Day m the Life of Donald Duck |H> (CCi Movie *? Dark Horse 1992) A troubled teen 1 ? ? ' .v " i 'i"; ' 1 TNN 12 ffi [U] Bill Dance Outdoors Bassmas Hank ters (R) (S) Parker American Sports Cavalcade IWinners Western Auto Nat Is (R) (S) |(R) (Si Championship Rodeo Brone and bullridmg Remodel j T< cl.i j Shadetree Met iian.c USA 2 ffi >0" WW' Wrest! Movie The Terminator (1984 Science ( liprw Arnold Schwarzenegger (S) Movie Buried Alive (1990) A man < revenge atter sury.yifig hi;, Aife s murder plot Major Dad (CC) Maii?' Dad (CC) TNT is CD [is; ; vie ??? Semi Tough (1977) Two football a^or^Compet^oMh^ciut^wners Movie Funny Girl '968 Musical) Bjrt>r.i Stremjnd. Omar Sharif Kj^Medtord^^nn^3no^se^rorT^>bsujM^^eMte^ 15) Calamity 6 PM 6:30 r PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 WWAY ' o :io: Home Videos Am Funniest Lois & Clark Superman Move Dirty Rotten Scoundrels i1988i Sfeve M.trtm A British i on man < hallenges h s American rival tn ,i i ontest man r 'Miu-ngps lii)ai xxviii Buttalo Bills or Kansas City Chiefs vs Dallas Cowboys or San ISuper iGood Life ' 49?f. From the Georgia Dome in Atlanta (S Live) (CC) |Bowl ||S) (CC) WECT ? O [7 Larro quette Jack Van (mpe WBTW t3 [W] Outdo I rail 60 Mmutcs (S) (CC) Murder She Wrote Death in Hpny Kong Movie Mrs Arris Goes to Pans (199? D'. Coach Cii? Ellis WTVD '4* Home Videos Am Funniest Lois & Clark Superman Movie *** Dirly Rotten Scoundrels (1988) Steve Martm / British con man challenges his American rival to a contest ( 22) News (CC) WUNJ " ?9 Ml Creatures Great and Small Out ot Practice Wild America Wild America Natu'e One Man s nya (R) (S) (CC) Masterpiece Theatre IMystery" Poirot V To Play the K-fi-j I Death in the Clouds Being Served EastEr ders WJKA 26 CD [2] |b 00) Star athon 94 Continues 60 Minutes (S) (CC) Murder She Wrote Death in Honq Kona Movie Mrs. Arris Goes to Pans (1992 Drama) Anaela Lansbury. Omar Shout i$i tC.C.\ , . ? ? ? Wee (iHki* . lOI ' > Heidi (1937 Dramat A girl must Snowy River The -2. 2^2 Ben Hduen FOX 9 O .9] i?nca s Most Wanted (S) (CC) Code 3 (F4I Code 3 (R) (Si (CC) (S) (CC) Martin I Living Bent It ISmgip (S) Marned I Herman s With | Head (S) Highway I America * Pa''- ' |C j- '?. Runaway Rich Lifestyles Rich HBO i< o :s: \ vie * * * Curly Sue (1991) A girl and her 'lenv.T c.h> the" .%ay into a lawyer s heart (CC) Movie ? ? Don't Tell Mom the Babysitter s Dead |H>?1 C'r 4;y,e_;jfe 'Cli Movie The Last Boy Scout . I99li A stripp#?r s murt1?'f turns up .1 hotbed of corrupt','!' (Si iCC) A&E 19 O [32' Re.ii West Myths A IHouse of Eliott (R) * ilpre (R) l_ Movie ??? Don't Look Now 11973) An English :ouple in Venice meets a blind psychi Miss Marple Murder at t^e Vicarage Caroline s Comedy Hour (R) ESPN 3 O 33] PGA Golf PhoeniM World Cup Skiing Freestyle Skunq U S Men s Pro Tour* Billiards Women s 9 Ba? Bodybuilding Fitness Paqe >' t (R> Swimsuit Barbados Sportscenter Super Bowl Edition NICK 24 O M! Legends of 1 Are You Afraid7 Round house |R) Mork A Mmdy Lucy Show Dick Van Dyk Mary Tyler Moore Bob Newhart Dragnet A HitChCOCk TBS (D ;ie; Andy ffith Andy Andy Griffith Andy Griffith Andy Griffith Andy Griffith National Geographic Explorer Sea Trek (CC) Network Earth Paid Program MAX 30 ;2i; (5 00) Mov ?? ? Buffy the Vampire Slayer Young Ein (1992 Comedy) Knsty Swanson (S) Movie *?'. Enchanted April (1991) Miranda Rtchardson (S) (CC) ( 35) Movie ??? Knight Moves 11992 ??uspense) cry Vspnor Lambert (S) iCCl Passenger 57 ,1992) SHOW 29 \27\ i\" . ? Return to the Blue Lagoon it99i Adventure) Miiia Jovovch. Brian Krause Movie ?? tncino Man (1*#92 Cornedyl Sean Astm (S) (CC) Drew Carey Movie *? Oelta force 2 (1990) U S Marines nvacle bouth America to capture a drug 'prd ?S> News (CC) I Instant I Night I Lifestyles WGN 28 Q ^ (b u'l) M ?..? ? ? Fire and Ram . 1989) Star Search (S) Movie ?? Distant Thunder d988i A Vietnam vet tries to nvo'vilf >vth h<-, e-.ttan.yM sr n Rep'ay I Court | TMC 16 O lb Obi Mi ? ? ? ? ? The Buddy Holly Story Movie ** Ernest Scared Stupid |( 35) Movie ?? Bloodstone 1991 Con i i y) J in Vamey (CC) | Subspecies II d99j> A rulers h.hc* ( OSi Movie ?*' The Distinguished Gentleman 1992 Comedy i Lddie Murphy (S) (CC) WWOR ?1< Charles Dharge Don t Eat Daisies Eddie s Father That Girl Movie . Perry Mason The Case of the Fatal Framing (1992 Mystery) Raymond Burr News (CC) iCharles in | Charge Paid Program Paid Pro^ram^ CNN CD [38] World Today Reliable ^ourccs Pinnacle Earth Mdilei s Pnmenews (CC) |CNN Presents lieitfclixr* Workl News Sports ' > I uiiHdLinr itrirr* :, . The Color Purple <1985 Drama) Whoopi Goldberg Danny Cover ? h i .?-i! A ?? p rtrait .1 ? .1 ? 1 ? .? Inside LIFE 17 '43' j 4 00. Great BUS MOV If: Oprah U nitre Lifetime Maga/me He- an.; Ive Escapc to Witch Mountain (1975) A I ; '' ' ; ' Ciapprood l.iye (11 ye) Unsolved Mysteries DISN ts 6D *20; For An Mankind (R) Incred ble Voyage ot Bill P.nkr.ey tR> |CCi ??? The Final Days TNN 12 ? ;3< 1 ports Cavalcade Spruit cars (S) NHRA I Inside Ttxfay (Si |Racmg Raceday Li Orlando I Roland Wilson ! Mart.ri Bassmas Great tefs |R) (S) Outdoors f^i>ad Test Maga/me Truck Power USA 2 ? 'M Wings (S) W.IHSS (CC) M >v e Invasion of Privacy (I992t A parolee has Case Closed iR> (CC) dH??;iy des ijns Q" a ws' ter wvhp interviewed him Siih Statkings Star Signs (RnSllCC) Silk Staikmgs Hot Rocks tR) (S) (CC) TNT is o ;is; (b 4b) M 'vie ??? Calamity Jane (1953 Movie Man of La Mancha (1972 Musu aD Peter 0 Toole Sophia lort-rt An y K r nj'it sets > nt to battle >?. .1 w%,;er.-<.-' r .> t.' ?!-, ! Movie ? *'. The Last Voyage MONDAY TRYON-QD, ATLANTIC-O, VISION-^ JANUARY 31 6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 WWAY * o :<o: Full House (CO Cheers (CC) Day One (CC) Movie Lies of the Heart: The Story of Laurie Kellogg , ?: L'" ? ? ? ? l ( 351 N'tjht-ne WECT 6 O ! f Wheel of F ortune Jeopardy* (CC) Fresh Pnnce Biossom Si (CC) Movie The Cosby Mysteries (1994) Murder lures a torensics expert out of retirement (CCi Murpny ILove & INorthern Exposure Brown (S> [War (S) | M. l i I Love You T onight Show (S) WBTW i3 rws Wheel of Fortune Jeopardy' (CC) Evening Shade (S) Dave s World iSi (S) I 35) Late Show (S) WTVD Jeopardy' (CC| Wheel of Fortune Day One (CC) Movie Lies of the Heart The Story of Laurie Kellogg 1 -t: , i > News(CC) ( 35) WUNJ " ?0 '6] Mac Neil Lehrer Newshour (CC) Business Report North Carolina National Geographic on Assignment George Lucas Heroes Myth* and Magic (Si Grateful and the Dead (S) Being Served Charlie Rose (S) WJKA 2t> ?9 [2' ^BS News Ent I on-ghl Hard Copy (CC) Evening iDave s Shade (S) | World (S) Murphy ILove A Brown (S) |War iS) Northern Exposure Hello I Love You (S) Cops (S) (CC) ( 35) Late Show <S) FAM 7 O K 9 Cop I'uuinj Riiieii i*e (S) (CC) n?f??.ur 311 (Si (CCi Bonanza Tne Lobt Episodes FOX 9 O 9] ,ed by the Beli (S) Munster s Emergency IHighway Cali (CC) |Fa>ro> Movie Working Girl 11988) Melante Griffith An Home ambitious Staten Island secretary moves up the ranws (CC) Videos Highway Patrol Simon & Simon HBO o Mi,. ?*? Irreconcilable Differences 1984 t edy) Hyqn O Neql Shelley Long (CC) Movie ?? Deadlock (1991 |( 45) Movie Unlawful Entry (1992) A d-sturbed Adventure) Rutger Hauer (S) (CC) |poht -man terrorizes a happily married i ouple ( 40)The Bodyguard A&E i9 Ci x RocKford Files Dark and Blo< u1y Ground In Search Of (R) David L Wolper Presents Crisis Sherlock Holmes |Love|Oy Mysteries |To Be Announced M^ster^e^ ESPN 3 O [33] Rjcefi.i D ij-.t Up Close (R) Sport seen College Basketball Georgetown at Boston College (Live) College Basketball Kansas at Missouri (Live) Sportsc ter NICK 2d CD fM. Looney Tunes Loot ley Tunes Buiiwinkie Partridge family Get Smart Dragnet Bob Newhart Mat / Tyler |Ma>y Tyler Moore I Moore Dick Van Dyke Lucy Sho TBS CD lie] Grow" Pains Growing Pams I 05) Andy Beverly Griffith HiHbillieS ( 05) Movie *?'. The Stone Killer (1973 Drama) Charles Br on son Martm Baisam I 05) Movie * Assassination 11987) An agent uncovers a plot to assassinate the t.rst lady MAX 30 '21' * ? * Defending Your Life (1991 Movie My Cousin Vmny '992) An inept lawy'' tries to spiing fus < ousm from a Dun- iaii ((JL) Mov?e ? SnakeEater III His Law i iw^i Lorenzo I.??us (S) Best of tne Best II SHOW 29 '22' ( 1 i Vi;. ? ??? Passed Away (1992) Eccenh.. atives gather i->< their patr.areh s funeral (CC) Movie The Hit List (1992 Drama) Jt'ff f ghfy Ygney Duto: ( 40) Movie The [Movie ?? Waxwork II Lost in Public Eye J992) (CC) |Time t'992 Hjrror) Zach Cianxjan WGN 28 O M Saved by the Be" (S) Fame Designing iJeftersons Women (S) |(CC) Movie *? She's Out of Control (1989 Comedy) News iCC' fony Dan/.i Catherine ticks Am, Doion; N>ght I Emergency Court I Call (CC) TMC 16 (D i 1 v<e The Burbs (1989) A suburb.i' te s v.i it,, is ru"i?'d b^j^eiri^jien^e^nboM^^S^ Movie ? ? Hugh Hefner Once Upon a Time (199^ Documentary) ( 35) Movie ?? Death Warrant (19VHJ) Jean-Claude Van Damme (S) ( 05) Movie ? The Hitman (1991 Drama) WWOR Charge Don t Eat Daisies Eddie' Father T hat Girt Mod Squad F ugitive News (CC) Kojak CNN 8 O [38; Moneyime Crossfire Pnmenews (CC) Larry King Live (CC) Sports T onight Money line |R| LIFE 17 >3' DISN 18 fTO W. rujjx?rmar ket Swee; Charlie Brown Shop T il You Drop Unsolved Myslern Sisters Working Girls irr? Movie ? ? ? Clean and Sober 11988) Michael Keaton n.ith* R*kf*r A fugitive substance abuser must face his addictions Unsolved Mvster?es Torke (CO f aer ie I aie T heatre Sleeping Be.luty Avonlea Hearts and Flowers (R) (S) (CC) Movie ??? Blue Skies (1946? Two song and dance men fall in love with the same woman I Home iR) (CCi I Tom Petty Going Home (R) (CC) TNN 12 ? 'Ml (3 00) VideoPM Club Dance (S) Country News (S) Path to I Texas Stardom [Conn Music City Tonight Exile (S) Club Dance <R) (S) Country News (S) USA 2 fD >o: N.nja Turtles Ninja Turtles Major Dad (CC) Wings (S) (CO Murder She Wrote I i ,t.;f i', i i WWF Monday Night Raw (Live) Silk Stalkings Crime (Wings of Love (R) (S) (CC) I Lifeboat Wings (S) (CC) TNT is o ;i?; Adventu Quest Yogi Bear Bunch Bugs Bunny s All Stars NBA Basketball Cleveland Cavaliers at Detroit Pistons From the Palace at Auburn Hills (Live) ( 20) Movie ?** The Wackiest Ship in the Army 1961 ? -. TRADE IN YOUR TRAILER FOR A CUSTOM BUILT HOME WE BUILD & FINANCE Your Plan or Ours 100% FINANCING (ON YOUR LOT) NO DOWN PAYMENT NO CLOSING COST Paul Grant 1-800-331-7053 EASTERN BUILDERS, INC. A Dairy Queen WELCOME TO THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF "DAIRY QUEEN*" SPECIAL Banana Split $2.39 (Good January 27-February 2) Serving real ice cream and fresh fruit topping since 1950. Shallotte Plaza ? Main St. ? Shallotte ? 754-2545 * TUESDAY TRYON- 0 . ATLANTIC-O. VISION-lO] FEBRUARY 1 8 PM 6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 WWAY 4 o -*o; WECT S O X. WBTW 13 [%2] WTVO ? opardy' (CC) V ? ?? Cries Unheard The Donna Y.thltch storr NVPt Hoy ' 35? Mighti.i WUNJ u ID '*] M i *.? Busmes B*? WJKA -?? <n ' t f timily ? Cries Unheard The Donna Yaklich FAM 7 o <?; Rm T-n Tin * 9 Cop N??a lassw Bonanza Th?j I p'M ?*<J by the B^ii <Si ' niiCCi' i Page f HBO 14 O [i] |5C ? ? Ho* I Got Into College Miracle B ? ?? i ? '*?> f\<"> ? ? Jennifer Eight III D Ar.yV ? ? Kickboier 19H'1' e Damrrw iS) (CC A4E >9 o HocMord F i'?>s Ih*? Countess tCCi Biography Ghost in the Machine ? i ' To B?* An ESPN 3 o ;33; Desig Hitter Co!|* q?* Basfeotb.i (Live) NICK < CD > '44* Do Loone Tunes Looney T i.nes Parti fam Dragn Bot N??Ahart i Die* Ihl TBS (D 16' GroAir CJ Pains Arjy ((??*?" , H lb' I es i Ob ?? Forced Vengeance 1982 Adventure? O'uch Norr>s KU'y Lou WM ( 05) V . The Octagon t1980? < ? ? MAX 30 ;2f. I985i A p?chpor>? tu'y 'overs (S> iCCl ? ? Betrayal of the Dove 199? Sus;*"H*?-n S'.l'?" ,< V . ? ? Bloodstone Subspecies 11(1993 Horror) An;*??r?, Hovp iCC) ? ? Liquid Dreams (199?i iSi SHOW 29 [22] ? New Adv Pippi V. ? ? We re Talhin Serious Money 11993 Co" ?? ? ? Children of the Corn II The Final Sacrifice 199? H< ? ? ? Christine 19R'( ' K^ th Gi<.' ?, r S? (CCl WGN 28 O Designing Women (Si ' rago Bui , Aren.i (I iv TMC ife O (b l5i V . ? ??? WarGames 1983 Dramai L3roder,ch > Pope Must Diet ? ? Sins of Desire 19'* ? s - r.rty.9 Rotwts IS ? House IV 1? WWOR ''8* D<- ? t< Daisies Lddio s F ather CNN 8 CD [38; il LIFE 17 >3! ??- iiwed My. and Georg Other Women's Children i, , ? ? ? DISN is gp ;2o: Chart* BfOi<vn ? ? The Wind in the Willows *985 I I'M . TNN n fs USA 7 ED ;<o: TNT 15 O '.15; Ni"|a Turtle Be Did M< The Adventures of tfe Wilderness Family Advent km ty T, night Jeff Dunh.i' Wmi (CCi WEDNESDAY TRYON- 0 , ATLANTIC-O. VISION-? FEBRUARY 2 9 PM 1 9:30 1 10 PM ] 10:30 6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 11 PM 11:30 WWAY ? o ;ie: I HouS' tCC> Cw* ca WECT s O L.1WV N Censu Sh '.v |S WRTW <3 x iCCi In the Heat f the Night . ' ? " ' ? 48 H i? WaiK-, ? f * 3f?i Lato Sho.v ?3> Riffl ? D#?lu?: WUNJ n o ;s; ;Ne?i letter NeAShOu* ICC Bus-nes . ? Care > Govern V< . Simple Justice -199? Dm" i Pprer F>.\- J,imps The Bronvn vs Board of Educate" t Topefca court case o Charlie Hose jSi WJKA 2fe O [2] Family Matters tnt Hare < <CCt ^anny > iCCi Hearts 48 H .'s A K'Hef Walk rr?*? ?S?(CC| Cops Jbi Late Snpy, iSt FAM ' O >2: R,r> Tin T. K 9 Cop Waitons The MeartDreaher Young Rulers Hard Tme iSmCC. Bonan/a The Lost FOX 9 O .9 .?hi b, ? Be'i |S ,? Can1CC1 Beverly Hills 90210 The Labors >' Love HCC)* HBO i? O 'S! ? White Hunter Black Heart ' ? ? nt Easfn.i\->d Jeff fjnev (SHCC* Mistress 199J1 f ? , Ulterior Motives A&E 19 o 132; 'd Files Exit i tarr iCC> n Sear n O' Dan Star Moon Vadf,e American JuStic rucj.tiv?>s Our Centu ot W.i< ESPN 3 a > *g?? Basketball College Ba iLr.ei NICK 2? O >< Looney Tunes Partridge Family Dragnet Bob Newhart TBS CD X Growir PftlftS Growing Pams . Obi Andy Gnftith 35 NBA Basketball Orlando Mag< at Atlanta HaA*s Fror ne Omn, ,> 19 50 V ? ?? Enter the Ninia *981 Advent ? ' e Ap{ MAX 30 ;2i; I 1 > V . ? Loverboy I969i A p./^a t)uw sa!i'.,'?". the crav 'i js of f"'j env The Last Days ot Che/ Nous 1992 Dramat L'SJ Harrow Kerry To* ? S? iCCi Mov Relentless 3 1993 Sorority Hse 2 SHOW 29 .22: |t> ? V . ?? Spaced Invaders ? ??"'J iO ?ri the B*' i 1S11 15i V . ?? The Man in the Moon '991 lv. . ? The Banker 1989 I 40 . ? ? 976-Evil II <1Q9t Di>r" i v*afer-.\'n Te-.s H.i'-y |S..';i?,i's?>i f?o.' Fo'Sfe* ?Si |m if?.? *? .> Or?.< WGN 28 O Il7; I T TMC 16 O i-> tOi The Russians Are Coming Coming' Return to the Blue Lagoon IV ??? S'ster Act '99.'' |i 10 V ?? Lonely Hearts WWOR [is] CNN s o ;je; ?g L've iCCs T on*gh LIFE 1? '43] Elements Money on the Side i19S?' T /Dai' Mouse/ a. '** i> OISN 18 ? So; Charke Brown Rock N Toon low Disney s DTV Doggon Va^i'nt ?'?? .R> tSt iCC i The Absent Minded Professor iHarry ? Jr Q .; lyi Fred itii Murray iCCi iBsnd Ci m?ft Martin & Ll*A -> Their le A , ? ' ? ?. TNN 12 ? 3 3 00) V dfi PM Country News iS) Mountai' Janjborn Music C ty 11 ? jh' Lorrie Mo Country *4ewvs i USA 2 ? >0] N-nia T u?t?es Ma,or Dad iCC? W?ngs lb' ICCi ?? ?? : ?? ? I Mrt . in I W?ngs iSi ICCI TNT is ID lis; Lonesome Dove iPart 3 ot 4i Lonesome Dove (Part 4 of 4i 5 GOOD REASONS PEOPLE BUY THEIR MATTRESSES AT ED 1. Our ownei has been satisfying his customers all over the 2 Carolines for 42 yean 2. We guarantee to hove the lowest price on the east coast. 3. We only sen 1 st quality & names you can trust. 4. You don't have to negotiate a lower price with us. We give a price lower than our competitors automatically. 5 We hove in stocLand will sell what we advertise..NO GIMMICKSII! V' \\ v ,A N CHOOSE YOUR FIRMNESS, CHOOSE YOUR PRICE. YOU'LL FIND ND ;Tcj a ? aw ? [?]: W* 11 ?1 W\\U ? d :uw zWi\ * =1 =l t] PRICED TO SELL AS SETS-INDIVIDUAL PIECES AVAILABLE AT SLIGHT INCREASE FIRM BUDGET FIRM twin SOQ95 Ea. Pc vJ %y Full, ea. pc $49.95 Queen, Sets....$149.95 King Sets $249.95 MEDIUM FIRM INNERSPRING 5 YEAR WARRANTY twin S/IQ95 Ea. Pc. '"T *7 Full, ea. pc $69.95 Queen, Sets $199.95 King, Sets $289.95 SEALY or SLEEPWORTHY EXTRA FIRM twin $CQ95 Ea. Pc. U <7 Full, ea. pc $99.95 Queen, Sets $249.95 King, Sets $329.95 SEALY PLUSH OR FIRM TWIN S1199S Full, ea. pc $174.95 Queen, Sets....$429.95 King, Sets $549.95 BRASS & WHITE IRON BEDS & HEADBOARDS, DAY BEDS, POP-UPS, AND BUNK BEDS ALSO IN STOCK /.A yy - ?I V1 ' DuUnUUIVl UnUUr o I U vi tvjl ? Black. Oak. Pecan. Walnut, White ? Wk t?i ail ?i-;.>V^.others Contemporary. Modem, T i; ?.! m." .*???? ^American W 14 BEDROOM GROUPS TO CHOOSE FROM... ?Wash & Traditional or Early vfc '" t' iVwAmerican. ^ h&Srt : |4 PIECES start as low as $1 99 t ] 1 r J- ^.Dresser, mirror, headboard & frame, chest only $59 MATTRESS DISCOUNTERS ihallotte, Across from Hardee Open Mon-Sat 9-5 754-2370 ?,

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