Longwood Man Jailed 45 Days For Slashing Wife With Knife A 35-year-old l.ongwood man was sentenced to 45 days in jail last week alter pleading guilty in Bruns wick County District Court to a charge of assault inflicting serious injury. Johnnie Mack Brown of Ward Road admitted using a knife to as sault Frances Brown "by cutting her on the arm, causing a deep lacera tion" requiring emergency room treatment, according to the arrest warrant. Brown was also given a two-year prison sentence, suspended on the condition that he pay SW) court costs and $503.75 to the Brunswick Hospital for his victim's medical bills. He was ordered not to violate any laws for two years and to "not go back around, have any contact with, assault, harass, threaten or communi cate w ith the prosecuting witness for two years." He was also put on su pers ised probation for two years. Judge Napoleon B. Barefoot Jr. presided over four days of district court in Bolivia last week. Assistant District Attorney Rick Green prose cuted. while Marie Jordan and Lisa \v cock serv ed as courtroom clerks. Other defendants who appeared in court hist week with their charges, p c.is and judgments include: Pern \rrington. simple worthless , -i. s : Wilsons #8 for $20. Bruns - vs ( >jnt\ Jail 30 days, suspend ed sentence two years, unsupervised rr> "ation. restitution S20, costs, $15 Si ice fee. not v iolate any criminal Keith Bowen. contributing to the delinquency of a minor, two years, sappended sentence, unsupervised probation. 24 hours of community service within 30 days, pay fee. not Violate any criminal laws for two years, not associate with plaintiff or Jerry Robbins. Glenna G. C'lemmons, simple worthless check to Carolina Security for S55./4. Brunswick Cuuiiiy Jail 30 days, suspended sentence one year, restitution. SI5 service fee, costs, not \ iolate any criminal laws. not issue any worthless checks. n:.? c.i... I IX11U i-urxu, iuiiuiv IU tvtutTi .CT.U. property rented with opportunity to purchase. Brunswick County Jail six months, suspended sentence one year, costs, not violate any criminal iaws. $50 fine. Margaret Frazier. simple worth less check to Maxway #819 for $50.97, Br.->-w:dt Co.nty Jail 30 da'-? -..:icenia?: r-o: ~~ sirs - t |r r.m.i.n -v ??t+ts iinimi. ?-?".si!:, i r..t ~ at ' ? "iimus hi" aaminai ;wi . ii..aic!.in'. v-'.unn. i.rspte -.ra check i'. "'Imn i< r S5 Br.- 'i-ici .lu try . I.. ;? iajti lus pendc : KMKi J?Riioesv :uid pr o bation re-.r.rurw.r. i^cr. .necx. cmts. S1 ^ ser. fse sacr. cf.ectc. nr.t < a> late an. criminal laws iirr.pie worthless _neck for S2o to W.sons #8. Brunsw.ck County Jad Vi days suspended sentence, to run at expira tion of previous sentence simple worthless check for S35 to Wilson s#8. Brunswick County Jail 30 days suspended sentence to run .it expira tion of previous sentences. Sandra B. Milliken, worthless check/closed account to Ocean Isle IGA for $78, to Food Folks for $57.75. worthless check/closed ac count to Minuteman #14 for $25, worthless check/closed account to Jones #5 for $29.65. each count N.C. Department of Corrections five months to run at the expiration of each other, suspended sentence, un supervised probation, restitution each check. S15 service fee each check, one costs, not v iolate any Criminal laws, not issue any worth ier checks: one count of simple worthless check to Quick <& Easy ?5. 30 da>s. suspended, to run at ex piratiun of previous sentences. ( ..thy Watkins. simple worthless check to Wilsons #8 for $35. $15. S25 Jones #40 for $10.63. Wilsons #6 for $40. Maxway #828 for $16.60, Wilsons #12 for $40 and SI5, Brunswick County Jail 30 days each to run at the expiration of each other, suspended sentence, unsuper vised probation, restitution each check, $15 service fee each case. one costs, not vioiaie any criminal laws, not issue any worthless checks kimberly Wiklinson. simple worthless check to Jones #5 for $(>.95, Brunswick County Jail 30 days, suspended sentence one year, restitution. $15 service fee. not vio late any criminal laws, not issue any worthless checks. William Sauls, improper equip ment. $20 and costs. Perry Randolph Bryant, assault with a deadly weapon with intent to kill/serious injury, voluntarily dis missed. Sue Ellen Chandler. DWI, Level 5. Brunswick County Jail (>0 days, suspended sentence two years. $100 and costs, assessment to Columbus County, surrender license, submit to test. 24 hours of community service within 30 days to Brunswick County. I uis Alberto Cortes Jr.. larceny. N.C. Department of Corrections two years, suspended sentence two years, supervised probation two years. $50 and costs. 24 hours of community service within 30 days pay fee, not violate any laws for two years, not operate motor vehicle un less properly insured: owning and operating vehicle with no insurance. N.C. Department of Corrections two years to run at expiration of previous sentence. Michael Byron Udens, probation violation, continue on probation, all monies are to be paid in full by 3 30-^4, have assessment completed within 30 davs from today, review on 5-9-94. l-awrence R. Fulford. dumping violation. Brunswick County Jail 30 days, suspended sentence two years, within 30 days from today with per mission of Mr. and Mrs. Kirbv and Mr and Mrs. Iuidson remove all de bris, costs, not violate any laws for two years. Appealed. rv - r - r?r -n-r r1 -??:.. r\\iit I'idiiiie Diuwn Udiib, i, Level 5, Brunswick County Jail 60 days, suspended sentence two years. $100 and costs, assessment, surren der license. 24 hours of jail to begin 3 22 ^'1 2! ^ u.rp.. submit Fate Johnson, failure to return rental property rented within oppor tunity to purchase, Brunswick County Jail six months, suspended sentence two years, intensive proba tion two years, $500 restitution to plaintiff, costs, 48 hours of commu nity service within 60 dav-pay fee, not violate any laws for two years, r*A to be used as a violation. Ollis Johnson, driving while li csnse suspended revoked-not per -..i.Tent. voluntarily dismissed. Robert Larl Sampson, DWI. 5. Brunswick County Jail 60 suspended sentence two years, $ *i and costs, assessment to /..cevjn County, 24 hours of com r.unitv service within 60 days to >.r,evin County, surrender license, to test. Steven Mark Starnes, speeding 64 a 55 zone, $10 and costs. Ijtrr, ft. Suggs, driving while li cense suspended/revoked-not per manent. N.C. Department of Correc tions two years, suspended sentence two years, supervised probation two years, S2(H) and costs, not violate any laws tor two years, not operate motor vehicle until valid license to do so. Johnny Vereen, simple worthless check for $X(), Brunswick County Jail 30 days, suspended sentence one year, restitution. $15 service charge, costs, not violate any laws for one year. Clay L. Andrews, registration documents fictitious/canccllcd/etc., inspection violation, both voluntari ly dismissed. Patrick li. Bordeaux, probation violation, willful violation, continue on probation upon the following modifications: 48 hours of commu nity service w ithin 60 days-pay fee. obtain his GliD or high school diploma. report as ordered bv his probation officer if he fails to ap pear, report hack before presiding judge. Evaglenn G Clemmons. two counts of failure to file sales tax. prayer for judgment continued until 5-9-^4 for sentencing. Ix'slic Collier, election law viola tion. dismissed at the close of state's evidence. Patsv R. Larnhardt. DWI, level 5. Brunswick County Jail 60 days, suspended sentence two years. $1(X) and costs, assessment, surrender li cense, 24 hour?; of community ser vice within 30 days, submit to test;, hit/run/ failure to stop/ property damage. Brunswick County Jail three months to run at the expiration of DWI, suspended sentence two years, not violate any laws for two years, not operate motor vehicle un til properly licensed to do so. Ap pealed l.uther H. Kdwards. probation vi olation, probation revoked, Bruns wick County Jai! 120 days Willia Bunting Krvin, speeding 64 in a 55 zone, $10 and costs. Jacinda K. Gardner, simple affray, voluntarily dismissed, juvenile mat ti?r Christopher B. Gilbert, possession drug paraphernalia, voluntarily dis missed. Corbett W. Godwin, speeding 64 in a 55 zone, S10 and costs. lennie Wayne Gordon, driving while license suspended/revoked not permanent, voluntarily dismis sed, valid license. Willard W. Hammond. DWI. Le vel 5, Brunswick County Jail 60 days, suspended sentence two years, Sl(K) and costs, assessment, surren der license, Brunswick County Jail 24 hours to begin 6 p.m. on 3-18-'M in lieu of community service, submit to test; driving left of center, volun tarily dismissed. Johnnie I lemmingway, assault with a deadly weapon, N.C. De partment of Corrections two years, suspended sentence two years, su pervised probation two years, Brunswick County Jail 27 days credit for time served. $156 to plain tiff, costs. $120 attorney fees, not vi olate any laws for two years. Scott Jess, two counts of injury to personal property, both dismissed at the close of state's evidence. Robert Wayne Joiner, improper use of gill net, 30 days, suspended sentence one year. S25 and costs. Bob Edward Jordan, using nets from beach with metal stakes, $15 and costs, not violate any laws for one year, specifically Mdiine Fish eries Laws. Joel S. Kuhncmann, simple pos session Schedule VI Controlled Substance, Brunswick County Jail 15 days, suspended sentence one year. $50 and costs, substance abuse assessment, 24 hours of community service within 30 days-pay fee. not associate with any known users, possessors or sellers, submit to war rantless searches, not violate any laws for one year. Joseph I.indy l^enins, no drivers license, voluntarily dismissed, com plied. Michael Paul l>ewis. hunting on registered/property without permit. Brunswick County Jail 30 days, sus pended sentence one year, not vio late any laws for one year including hunting on registered property with out a permit, $25 and costs, not go back on those premises located three miles north of Orton Plantation for one year. Sabrina Lewis, possession of stolen goods, voluntarily dismissed, no plaintiff. Joy Masouras, simple assault, voluntarily dismissed, no plaintiff. Marion McDonald, taking shrimp with a trawl net, resisting/obstruct ing public officer, consolidated jud gment. Brunswick County Jail 37 days credit, net to be disposed of by law provided; aiding and abetting DWI, voluntarily dismissed. Ruth McKinney, assault by point inu a gun. voluntarily dismissed at request of plaintiff. Anthony Wade Murdock, no hunting license, voluntarily dismis sed. Dannie E. Pieotte. misrepresenta tion to obtain Employment Security Commission benefits, N.C. Depart ment of Corrections two years, sus pended sentence two years, super vised probation two years. $567 restitution, costs. 24 hours of com munity service within 60 days, not violate any laws for two years, not apply for or receive any unemploy ment benefits unless he qualifies for same: one count of misrepresenta tion to ohtain Employment Security Commission benefits, N.C. Depart ment of Corrections two years to run at expiration of previous sentence; one count of misrepresentation to obtain Employment Security Com mission benefits, N.C. Department of Corrections two years to run at expiration of previous sentences. Pansy Smith Pollard, obtaining property/false pretense, voluntarily dismissed. Michael F. Semancik, larceny, voluntarily dismissed. Daniel Kelly Shane, taking under sized clams, Brunswick County Jail 30 days, suspended sentence for one year, costs, not violate any laws tor one year, including Marine Fisheries violations; possession/undersized clams. $50 and costs. Tracy Simmons, two counts of extradition/fugitive other state, both voluntarily dismissed, no govern ment warrant. Victor L. Simmons, breaking and/ or entering, voluntarily dismissed, no plaintiff; breaking and/or enter ing. voluntarily dismissed. Lee Skipper, two counts of injury to personal property, both dismissed at the close of state's evidence. Ronnie Earl Steen, speeding 64 in a 55 zone, $10 and costs. Darryl C. Truesdell, registration documents fictitious/cancel led/etc., voluntarily dismissed, complied; owning and operating vehicle with no insurance, voluntarily dismissed. Nancy l.ynn Walsh. DWI. Ixvcl 5, Brunswick County Jail (>0 days, suspended sentence two years, $100 and costs, surrender license, assess ment, submit to test, 24 hours of community service within 30 days, $ 110 attorney fees. Robert T. Williams, assault on a female, voluntarily dismissed at re quest of plaintiff. Derek Shcehan, speeding 70 in a 55 zone, costs. Donald Keith Bridges, unsafe passing-intersection/railroad cros sing, voluntarily dismissed, insur ance accepted. John Bartlett Dalton, speeding 64 in a 55 zone. $10 and costs. Juanita Ward Davis, probation vi olation, transterred to unsupervised probation, she is to continue with her treatment through Southeastern Mental Health, this matter is to be brought back before presiding Judge by Mental Health for failure to com ply with her treatment. Claude D. Hollifield, communi cating threats, voluntarily dismissed. Pacia D. Long, probation viola tion, willful violation, suspended sentence activated, regular youthful offender, receive benefit of the GED program. DART program. Ap pealed. Wade Allen Maggard. DWI. l e vel 2. N.C. Department of Correc tions one year, suspended sentence two years, supervised probation two years. SI50 and costs, assessment, surrender license, submit to test, submit to warrantless searches of his person and premises. Hrunswick County Jail eight days to begin 3-19 7 p.m. to 3-20 at 7 p.m. for next sev en weekends. Pat J. Sherlock, owning and oper ating vehicle with no insurance. Hrunswick County Jail six months, suspended sentence tine year. $25 and costs, not violate any laws for one year, not operate motor vehicle until properly registered and insured. Tommy Sherlock, inspection vio lation. registration diKuments ficti tious/cancclled/ctc, consol idated judgment. Brunswick County Jail (>0 days, suspended sentence one year, $25 and costs, not violate any laws for one year. Bill Waldron. assault on a female, voluntarily dismissed, no plaintiff. Thurman Tyrone Walker, driving while license suspended/revoked not permanent, N.C. Department of Corrections two years, suspended sentence two years, supervised pro bation two years. $2(M) and costs, credit for 12 days, not operate motor vehicle until valid license. Troy A. Picllucci, DWI, Ixvel 5, Brunswick County Jail 60 days, sus pended sentence two years, $100 and costs, assessment to Gaston County, surrender license, submit to test, 30 days of non-operation in lieu of community service. Carlos McKoy, probation viola tion, credit 28 days, N.C. Depart ment of Corrections two years as a Regular Youthful Offender. Clarification The Donnie Long listed in last week's court docket is not Donnie R. Long who operates Long's Gen eral Store in Ash. ^ SHELTON HERB FARM ? Herb Plsnts (mory are ready no#) Over 350 Varieties Goodman Rd offHwy 17 3 Miles N of Wmnabow Sat 8-5 253-5964 A.S.I. Services, Inc. (formerly Oak Island) INVESTIGATIONS & SECURITY SERVICES A PRIVATE DETECTIVE AGENCY SECURITY GUARD & PATROL SERVICE Handling all types of cases-civil, criminal, Serving both residential and businesses. Call divorce, domestic, missing persons, for more complete details of the services background checks, etc. offered. Long Beach 1-800-675-7804 Security Systems Free Estimates Call John Schwab (910)754-5333 or (803)399-9999 Licensed in North & South Carolina Professional Sound & Security ?Burglar Alarms ?Fire Alarms ?Medical Alert -Sound & Intercom PELEN, inc. 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