SUNDAY TRYON-?, ATLANTIC-?, VISION-? SEPTEMBER I * CD 111 FAM jNR^FootbaH Philadelphia Eaglet at New York Giants From Giants Stadium NFLFootoall Dallas Cowtwys at Pittsburgh SlPjWPCt r rpm Three Rivers Stadium (Live) I ? OM FOX ??L ? ? . Soppon Your Local sr~nm ,1969" 11 y 0""? IComady) James Gamer. josn Hacnen L Sunday (S) (CO I NFL Fnr*tt\^l^ Movie ??? Support Your Local Ountlghter JiOCJI V*,ng* ** G"*? *** P**?" F,om Lamt^u |NFL Football Dail at Cowboys at Pittsburgh JLSLili ul aXa EWN * Q :>r. NICK (II IS) Movie * a Tha Plutonium Incident Educasng" [Peter (S) (Movie lamarthi iTO)*?! y?mi |cgd aatt out to aoiva hsr identifier tsi* |( IS) Family Playhouse I Stood Up1 (R) (S) Stamars Fiom Three Rivera Stadum (Uve) (CC) IMovia a a . Twilight Zona Tha Movie ( 1 983. s^n NFL Gameday Mov?e ?** The Jericho Mile ,1979) A prison | inmate competes tor a spot on Oynpc iw. |A*o Racing NASCAR WWietor Cup (Lrva) (CC) I***"* ?**' ? *fxx*, >g Ufa (1963) Richard Hmmt A |rugby player becomes involved with an introverted widow Mountain Dew Southern 500 From Darlington Raceway S C | Real West Garonimo The Last Renegade (R) I NASCAR | Checkered Flag 1 a 9 -m: TBS [Ciarrasa E?ple.oa I Pete & Pat* Tomorrow IWelcome Twe "?OP" (B) |F ra^K^*2_j___ Arcade Double Dare Shop Talk I Side Rocfco s Ufa m a MAX [ra Hand LukV(*967) l86?' * I'.?5' Mov" ?*'? Mara ot tha (1966 .. 1 V **"9 *** **? *>ytrvee lAOvemure) Adam Wmt tmda Sjxjndtts (OS) Bugs Bunny Captain Planet ? ac SHOW Kami X mJiZZil .12 *"*??? Von Sydow WcftenJ "^"o ary sets out to change native iWin custom. (S) 111 14i Mo? . . I.. V. . Moy** |Wov,B Eacape From AJci?rai ( 1979) A convict v*?nt tastwood [plots to escape from the notorious tsland prison JL2L WON (11 IS) Mov* ?e Ntckal I Dime (1 98?) Movie a a Opportunity Knocks ('990 Comedy; Dene Carvey ,S| '?? i mm. U ' Common Mmna ThaBlB Sleep (19e ? ? 1 1 Leether Jackets (199C) A |For a Few wwo. . CNN Baywato-. Mua*c Fael (K I ID ><: ?lewsdey (CC) ISoenca Tacfi Pa?J Pri ?y^ (CC) P?d Program Mone (?) Paid Program Earv> Matters P?d Prograi Wond Report Paid Program D**3 Pf?y Pa?d Program late Edition (CC) UFE ft I IT, D; J" Other Women a ChMifcen (1983 Drama) A pedatroan Waa lo balance Mer tensty KkN ifKOrp iMasc^pcs' iM ui nelsons Mouae |(R) (CC) ^ICC) ^?Toncetsorn ICC) iBucfcmaa i) I'xri Mov^e ?? - Sham* ( 1 ?92) A woman urges a ra v*ct>m m a town k> press charges (CC) p: IZorro (CC) |^Vntu/e) Guy W**mi S^mn So,^ ? * "> T>?e Prince end the Pauper (1962 Move ? * ' j Ratbed Annis & Sweetispie Lady Trucfcers 1979 Adventure; Ports Musioanc 'ouno Mus yyTTykcmy >: i Dance Fisherman | Outdoors V%A I id TNT Baasmas Iters (R) (S) WWF All Ar^encan Wre*?ng Han* Pariier Wooers (^) (S) **'? ?"?y L?iflu^ 1198?, Apeychoec sacretary tnaa IP fcan Sports Cavalcade or C (CC) IfCC) |Mo>ne ?* Dodge r?tor?P? ce and Cmr (193 dgrwty (1939) A cattlemen denies |Mov>e ??? . ^ , , 9 to a town 1 935 AdventU'e) fric^ Ftynn ' ' ~~ Cokan/i Mov*e Adventures of Don Juan J194^ 6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 I 8 PM | 8:30 9 PM I 9:30 I 10 PM 10:30 11 PM WWAV WtCT i o :t: WBTW ti :tt *rrvo Mens Videos NBC News Movie a as Dwell Teles the MovM - Tr? ?*e of the Lot Lamp M990) o*e ae Police Academy ? Clr, Un a?v Comedy flutlOa Smun S) *CC) Move Look Who a Talking Too '99C A !Mc?er [mu< deel ??f porry trei>-?q ar^l a -^??? fster (CC) (35) Paid Proor am Move Con teas! one Two Fecee o? E.l! ? ** Drama; Jaaon Bafsman Jamas tVJder ;S) (CC) ( 35) Jac* Van Impe 180 Unutee (S! (CO IMurOer V (CC; EastErxjers , WJ9U CoeOoys **nu?ae !S) (CC) FAN (S) ICC) |J>>ari My" s mje (S) Murder Sne Arose Deajy Aasets ? .s i (S) [Co^Sry IA,v SpotSght !(W) (S) Move Mission or the Stfk 1991. Tn? stew at s^Savy cruaar aun* .n v* . .r-?sied ?aier- (tCl Snowy Rrver Tfc* McOagor Saga l? S [Wa-NSn 1%) Ben Haoen ro* ? o r I ? ?.?? Co**?ys at ijim i Fortune ^reer (Sanaa ?'(CQ Smpaons (CO Mamad IWiid Oats 1 Puot Amarca s Covrtry ?*ch Comedy Club >ep Ji-OJL. va **S Ut I lor her are la H9SQ A JS mar ama) Tom Sarange' AM I o a ISPN * o M MICK I Ommt9y i Ano^n Mysa*r?e p> Story of ^y^an Evom&on Aroent Myseer^ LOS! Af% iP, Porot The Adventure of ICarohne t Comedy Hour tha Western Star |(P) ? T an?gr< Mao. Haset^K May Be P-? Due -o rv P^eoall Strae LrvOj fCCj S worse mnffH Are vou A?%* wove Lucy ILucy Show g> *; MAX M 'J'.' ? ? . Minna. ? 969 Mratsr-, A a .a --jscarv? G?^?ir?c E?p??ar Orangutans ^ Network Movie ?? PV* Cediik. proiect the womar he ? A bonchynar ?vis? to capture rS) Move .. Tlghaope 191M a 00c i?suea a I ?3^?gg^_New_C>V>ans r ?arxi' Oale (CC) I IMove ? ?? For s Few Dollars Mors 196S IWesta" Cw Emsrwooa Lm vtr CJ?t SHOW ? ^ to Oder <9*; A^ sr+may rS Ji ?? Chne Cams (tJi I Movie Ne?t Door <9^4 Cd to w>r Pacfc ^er Over iReeur "o mc h o (S 00 Movie ?? , The |Sta Dctagow 1 9 9C rch fP) (S) ^ety?es <* ffie md (W, (5 30) Mcv?e ? ? ? For a Few DoNars ??r C?n??aafwood tee W4 1(1905 Stars Across Amenca MOA telethon Thwoderhoert (1009) An aoen' ? | mortage e *~tegr? lo a m^aer weeagaaon (CC) (CC) I ostart R*p?ay Stars Across Amenca MDAT Mov se attorney >a0s ter Ns So*try^ -S CC) Don t Ea f ?e i f I Stars Across Amarca MCA jar-y Lews . Cay 'srethor ? a WorVJ Sports (CO Cnrifcfy Wond News Sports T onsQht Movie impulee (t 9*7- An puahaa an n? cv/a pose esonr ov^ Arori^e Sara and the Marshal ??) (S? (CO ? aS 'ment the^2_ The Belled of U?e Jo ? <993, A v*a as a man to sorv ve o t>e Ow A est The Cat In Vte Ramon Ae: Pmay Comn>sr ?n the Best of Famines Rocs and The Ear*y Days ? R) (Clapprood vfve (CO Room (CC) Mov?e ? . Wild ?n th? Coun'ry '96 1) A widowed Psych, atr -st ne?ps a yc ~ TUN m ;m; TNT (Sl Wfl ? Ql sr Am Sports Inamodai C?v?caae I -j Today Snadatree (S) Soanca (S) NMfVk Talay (S) u S Opan T I made b^rs_ (?) Orlando Ro(ar>d Mart> Saasma* IGreat |W (R> (S) lOutdoors T*nn,d Mer ? Ttwd and Women t Fourth Rounos F?orr* me US* A Natxyiai ^ Fi^fw^M? aows N v grve'. CO Road 'est Maga/ne Sua Staftu lOver I Gong Our y?vls) ?mi R) (S) party * (CO fS 00? Mone ? ? ? AdveMuwan < 1 949I f my fyrvn |NFl Facstia* San Oego Chargers^ IStaSu^i !Ims| Da^ver Broncos From Me n^n NFL Poet Game MONDAY TRYON-i ATLANTIC-O, VlSION^o] SEPTEMBER 5 WWAV T *2 !L 6 PM 6:30 a ac world 7 PM ^U> HOuM (S) fCCl 7:30 S PM fcoac* (W) (S) (CO 8:30 Coacrt (R) (S) fCC) 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11^ PM 11:30 *0 l Foottan Lot Angawa "aoart at Sar f'anoacc 49an f -o m iGanJaattck Park S Lry. (CO W?CT L o *???? 0? Font*** -ooarjy (co (S) (CO Uov<4 aa'i Black Widow Murdara Tha Tay*o? Moor* Story IWO Prama) (CO aytor Le* |wa Tomgrt Snow (S) WVTW _1UL of Fortes JaopartV fCQ Nanny (R ;S) fCo Dave * i Mwrpny B^OWi* (S) I Northern t?paeor* Th? Gmo* trw Mj (S) 35) Laie (35)1 Sho* ? WUHJ " 9 Ta?r>on IC-v* *ac Wand an" Wh?e? o? Fortune |Coecf (P) soo 4 9ers From [CenJee Do Park tS Uvf) (CC) MacNa*l?Tver (CO North C Now Natoonai Gaograpf%c or Rough Gude Flonda (S) {v?rt S o* ?) | ) (CC) Greet Perto rmsncmt BiMboards Slaver. I North C Banks (CC) |Noa> WJ*A LSLi FAM Fam#y COS > Ert ? r'Vcjv: cS) Murphy J.c%? & ? m 01 ^ S) Cop. (S) i.35) U MXM . -L SL2L Everw* a Shade fS) Evertng Snede S Evawg Shade ?*wg S^ads Star Spanned BraneOT 911 (S) (CC) 700 QuO Father Do*"?r>g S_CC) TO* ? a Shr*ay E?pen? share ?ecrsti lo fomav? -TSo* iS*""** P?lro ? ? Don! Ta? Mom tr>. Batiyamar a OM (1991 GomaOy* Cnnmns AjrKJW (S) (C |Maavan Matp u* Lovers Luiafry (S) Norway Patro< Simon & S?mon U( ' o (W< ( 15) Mn? x>nr>g trash r I Wort i990l T^olbrv ?* ??as>e oovar up Mo?e ? Unforglven (199?, Ontfcaefwood. Oscar port ran of an ag?o (CC) ( 1 5) Mona Tha Enamy Wlthl (1904 Drama) ftv?s/ (VtvUA* (CO (?5) Poadc Jat noma Aga w (W) IHama Noma ,T^. Noma *9^ ;H) K? Mar ptory o> Xumar Enoluttop Shartoc* LO??(Oy My star -a* Soga) and Soca Law a Ordar Praacnpoon to < Dur ? O M wck 111 TM Mate* La May Ba Pra Emplaa Sponacan NFL P'ima Monday I ??? CXsJB I. oortay (W) ITtraa IDouq A^Ao Racmg inOyCa/ Mo*?or Vancouvar inOy From Paoftc Placa m V^vouvar Oaamoi iBvwiviwu 1| Draam o i >i i I' i.i*f LuC? |0c? 1 F*g Slop INaMhart Baaabati Torvgnt Mary Ty*?? jMyy TytiJ" Oick Van Moor* | Moor* Py?a Sportscan tar iGet Smart _?L^_ (5 06) Movta ? * a ? Xoy Sfftaw (197S ?ooan Sam aaa tmakay and *>a Band* {1S77 ) Bun ?ayno OloCTa ha ra?Bva ? put to nam w? loya ;GC, Moioa a a ? QneakuMan I1W4 ComaOy) Onoal B>xx?gmCourt jmnnon (CC ) iMma ??'. Kadtomla (1903) Br *3 Pit A wntar Ibacomda laaon? a w?m man i homoo* ucpaa Mova Mada In Ajrwrtca i ' W3) A tttc* < wna mal r>ar apann oam. aono> ??? ??-,-a (CC) Mov*a Point of Ho Ratum (1993) A condamnad drug adt?ci ia prvan a naw irfa aa a hit woman (S) RadSnoa 1( 35) Lov* 05) Mcrv>e Tha Bikini Oanaa (R) jSt/aat (P) Car Waah Company WON a

w JoaapMna BaUr Slory <1991 'Oamaj Lyrrt tvtvrftaw Wueanaadda (CQ Nignt Mure Court Emargancy Can (CC) TMC (5 15) Mew aaa Tha Good, tfta Bad and ttta Cu? ituwooa ft WaMcn Mov*a ????> *ta> Trak [V T>?a Voyaoa Homa (tgea Soane* Fnawn) tv*am SAafrw fS) (CC) Movia ?? FX 2 (1991 Advantvxa) Sfyan Sfown A tpacm-afiactt wi/a/d uncovars a conaptfacy WWOB Start Acroaa Amanca MOAT Don! Em E<*?a? Famar That Girl Mod Squad N*w*(CC) Kqak CNN i ?p;*, World Today Monaytma C/OMftft P-vnanaw* (CC) Larry Kmg Uva (CC) Sports IMonayima (R) UFf ir 09a?Q??ny Woman Das?gr ?ng 0??grw>g Woman Gonc^r>0 W? Untorvad Mystonas Movia ?? i Sha-Oavtl (1969) M#y1 Str?p A ?avanp* on har unfaithful husband [houeawda p*ots r lunsorvod Mystenas OttM * m w Char ha B*Own TNN U ffl X Torkataoria Ifaana Tata Thaaaa (CO | Fkxnpantriakifi (CC) (5 00) VidaoPM ChXi Danca (S) Co*xitry Nawa (%) Avoniaa Boya W? Ba Boyt (R) (S) (CC) Movia Wind In tfva |W?a[199?. Drama) Mova aa', Can-Can (i960 Mubcal) Fran* Smarra Fianch " pa? Wvan Brtdaa tor Sevan Brolhara (1964 " Fronoar bro Movie * * * The Band Wagon (1953, Musical) CJ-BREW 1207 Hwy. 17 S. North Myrtle Bch. "The Purple Building" Just South of Cowboys BEER KITS ? WINE KITS CORDIAL KITS Well UPS Your Gfl Tor You HOURS: Mon.-frl. 10-6 Thur. 10-7 Sat 10-5 (803)361-0092 In-Home Massage Therapeutic, professional mas sage given in the privacy of your own home. Please call for your appointment. 754-7705 : if Surf: j Cinemas; Starting Wednesday... ? Forest Gump 1^0 ? 115 '6:50' 9:15 (PG-U) True Lies 1:40 ? 4:10 ? 6:45 ? 9:15 (R) The Mask 9 PM only (PG-1J) |The Little Rascals 2 ? 4 ? 7 (PG) -?sqcgg? long Beach Road, Soulhport Matinees Every Day ? $3 before 4:30 PM (910)457-0320 TUESDAY TRYON-?, ATLANTIC-?. VISION-Cg] SEPTEMBER 6 6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 WWAY I i oa ABC World News Full Houw (S) (CC) Full House (S) (CC) [Full HOuSe (S) (CC) Sister Sister (S) Roseanne (S) (CC) Eton (Ft) (S) (CC) Matlock T he Con Man (S) (CC) News [(35) Nightltne I > o Fortune (CC) ' Aooik> Theatre Hall of Fame (S) (CC) Datel>ne (S) (CC) | Tonight WBTW WTVD | Wheel of i Fortune I Jeopardy' !(cc) Rescue 911 (R) (S) (CC) Movie Peclfk: Height* (1990) Two novice landlords learn that their tenant is a sociopath (S) News & Late how (S) Jeopardy* (CC) Wheel of Fortune Full House I Sister. (S) (CC) I Sister (S) Roseanne lEHen (R) (S)(CC) 1(S)/CC) SHE TV Comedy from the female point of view News (CC) 135) WUNJ ? e K.Q Cop I Tinker FOX * o Evening Shade (S) HBO i H: IB ro Shirley Exotic places at bargain prices Call (i Evening Shade's) Highway Patrol Wartons The First Casualty Rescue 911 (S) (CC) I Movie * . ? , Hero (1992 Satire) A homeless 'Vietnam vet takes a eat tor a hood s bravery (CC) Move Point Break (199 1 . Orama) An FBI agent infiltrates California s surting subcutu.e Movie ??', Tl>e Good Son (1993 [Comedy Suspense) Macaulay (S) (CC) |Halt -Hour 700 Club Pnme (Emergency Suspect |Call (CC) Father Dowling ?enes IS) (CC) My"? Highway Patrol I Simon o, Simon Movie *#' i Trouble Bound 1993 Comedy Drama) Michael Madsen (S) |Hatf Hour I Comedy 3 O 3S ESPN RockfOid Files lln Se?cti O) (H) Reincarnation of Angie ? o Sports On Tap Sportscenter Ape Man Story of Human Evolution Outside the Lines Movie Cracker One Dev ? Lemming Will Fty (1993 Mystery) notXfe Ceiir--- ~ Auto Racing SODA Off Motorcycle Racing Road Challenge Czech Grand Pirn iftrane Barba ra Pyrin Baseball Tonight Sportscenter NICK 24 CD Cm] TBS G) :*?: Hey Dude (R) Looney Tunes Doug Muppets ? Dream of Jeann.e Bewitched Ling Ling I Love Lucy Bob Newhart Mary Tyler Moore Mary Tyler Moore Dick Van I Get Smart Dyke I Growing Pains (35) Andy I Beverly Gnffrth | Hillbillies Sanford and Son L'SLIST* **'' T,t* OevMa Brigade (1968) William Hokien A wwii Army officer organizes a mot'ey commando unit ( 35) Movie * ? ' 1 The China Lake Murders (1990) Tom Skernlt MAX M 3Tj SHOW ? M 14 45) I Movie ?? There Goes the Hostage | Neighborhood (1992) Jeff Daniels Movie ??', Rampage I19B7 Drama) Michael B lehn ;S) (CC) Mov e Firepower (1994. Drama) Chat) McQueen, Gary Darnels (S Move * * Pet Semetary Two (199?) S 00) Movie ? ? ? ' , Chltty Chltty Bang (1966) Che* Van Dyke W,gg,e%' Movie *?') Tightrope (1964) A cop pursues a psychopath m New Orieans French Quarter (CC) Best of Comedy Club Network (S) (CC) Movie ? Buford's Beech Bunnies (1992) WGN n reet fi966 Fantasy) Disney Wortd Movie m', Stealing Home ( 1 968) A woman is lover and mentor to a minor league ballplayer Unsolved Mystenes pue and the Gray (Part 1 of 3) q ? >: USA 2 :< TNT * ra :is: (5 00) VideoPM Club Dance (S) Countr^^ I Phyihs George (R) (S) I Music City Tonight (S) [Club Dance (R) (S) Country News (S) Ninja Turtles Ninja Turtles Wing^ (S) (CCf Men * ?0?^ Round and Women s Quarterfinals From the US T A (National Tennis Center in Rushing Meadows N Y (Live) (CC) Hr (S) Wing. (S) ICQ KungFu Ambush "I ^*ck,nn''* Oo,d '196Q Western Gregory Pec* Uma^Sha/.f A sheriff hunts for a mythical valley of gold I 45) Movie "iunflghter * The Meater (1975) Tom Laughlm WEDNESDAY TRY0N-?, ATLANTIC-O, VISION-Co] SEPTEMBER 7 6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM | 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 WWAY i a I Full House |(S) (CC) |FuH House (S) (CC) Before They Were Stars (R) (S) (CC) Home 1 Improve [Grace [Under Fire |T ummg Point (CC] (35) WCCT ? o Wheel of Fortune .Jeopardy' la" May ^ p,, EmO,9*' (1986- ???)U*? Harm on. FrJhenc Forresf. Georpe senal killer Ted B?iiviy < MAX * J g SHOW .Movie *?* School Tlee (1992) A Jewish youth ervXires anti-Semitism at a 1950s prep school (S) Living Proof HIV and the Pursuit of Happiness Movie Caroline at Midnight (1993. Mm Sara (S) Suspense) 77m Movie * Vj Bitter Harvest (1993. Drama) 5 15) Move Poutole-O-KJd 1 992) Ready o Not (S) Degrass* Junior High Q,rl (1980) iT amb*,l0us I Movie **'?> Ghoetbuaters II (1989) A long dead Staten island seaetary moves up the ranks (CC) [Carpathian warlock attempts to i " ~ WGN 2% : USA 3 g) :*<>: TNT * cp :ts (5 00) VideoPM Ctub Dance (S) | Country i (S) |bcks (R) (S) [Chet Atkins Read My Music Crty Tonight Scheduled Tracy Lawrence (S) | Club Dance (R) (S) I Country {News (S) N*nia Turtles N>rna Turtles Wings (CCf (S) U S Open Tennis Quarterfinals From the USTA National Tennis Center in Flushino Meaoows n Y (Live) (CC) (S) I Wings (CC) Bugs Bunny s Ail Stars Kung Fu Barbary Home Move Torpedo Run (1958) A sub commander seeks vengeance agamst the Japw>ese Movie ee'j Dive Bomber (1941) A Navy doctor helps to cure high-altitude flying problems Ocean City Chevrolet-Geo would like to welcome David Adkins to our sales staff We invite you to visit David for all your transportation needs. ONE HOUR EYE GLASSES i i L Complete Pair Single Vision Lenses $1295 Any Power CR-39 Plastic I I I I I I J Complete Pair (Bifocal Lenses | I I i i L, Complete Pair Progressive I Any Type Lenses j I Any Power In Stock i $7995 CR-39 Plastic I Any Type Any Power s2995 CR-39 Plastic Complete Pair Trifocals Any Type Any Power $3995 CR-39 Plastic "I I I I I J Present this coupon for these special prices Single Vision any power$0g95 Line Bifocals any power$gg95 Progressive no-line any power *10995 NEW Transition I Lenses I Frame Size 54 Eye and Above Add Just $10.00 Coupons Expire Sept. 30, 1994. No other discounts apply This offer includes... ?Single lenses -Bifocal lenses ?Progressive lenses Transition lenses are the new plastic lenses that change into sunglasses. CLEAR-VUE OPTICIANS We can make arrangements to get your eyes examined today. (910)395-6563 3901 -A Oleander Dr., Wilmington g9 EE M 10 An co/i i aqc Mon.-Fri. 9:30-7p.m., Sat. 9:30-5 p.m. oi??k locations- Kinston. Giseoviii#, "0V/U-00?t-lUo3 o..? 1 Jackson. Wilson, Ralegh A GokKtxxo