1 ' t. , s i 'Km''' 1 SECLY i ft A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE UPBUILDING OP HERTFORD iND PERQUIMANS COUNTY Volumo I. Number 4 Hertford, Perquimans Ckuntyy North Carolina Friday; December 7, 1934. $1.25 Per Year hi ' ., . ...s- .u, -'. v;,';v- ! I ll V-V , .f ' r-i - 0 ( iiicz?:oumiiiff Testifies She Wanted to StopBoy fBom ; Stealing - Tor iafllctlnff boms oo the body of her ovn child, Mry Jackson, a col ored worriin, who said her home wa at Mt Vernoni; New York, but who leas been living ia Hertford for 6ev eral monthB, r- wa sentenced to jail lor thirty days . Tuesday in Record ertCourt; Sry Jackson was arrested by Chief of Pollc Brltt, who received information that the woman, after severely . beating her eight-year-old son had burned his hands. Upon in vestigation, Mr, 3ritt found that the child had not - only been burned slightly on both ! hands but that he had received a more severe burn on his chest : The woman was locked k.Jilrliiiid'1rlmt:VoBt.into court on Tuesday the two witnesses who testified against her, in addition to Chief . Britt, included the son, Frank Jackson, and a twelve-year-old boy named , James Brickhouse, who was present when Frank was boned. V The two little boys were asked by Judge Oakey if they understood the oath they took. ' The demeanor of both children was quite appealing. The younger ehildV rhen asked if he knew what would Happen to you if you swore to a lie said "You will go to the devfl." , The older boy, asked if he knew what it meant to take the oath said, fTh tord doesnt love ugly.'' Judge takey remarked, upon James' leaving the stand, that he had been ths best itness' mcourt thiat day. ''fiZ-'l James Brickhouse said he was in the room when tite woman took her , UttUiMrwlsvinfai and held his - hands against the sve,. after whip " '. ping him. Asked br, the woman if 4 the loy did not fall afiliist the stoveV he answered, fYes, you both fell." C. The woman testified that the child v was her own, and that she had don everything she could to prevent his steaUng, and thatsher often went hungry to feed! him and take care of him. She admitted that she told him that maybe if she -' bunted his hands he would stop .stealing, but that he was fighting against 'her and fell f; against the stove,' and; Insisted that . she did not mean to-burn him, that she would not havep intentionally burned her chil Sh said he stole - a nickel from her the day before, and that once he stole her watch and car- C- ried it to ' school and gave it to ,' another boT. -, The boy was placed in the hands of the Welfare Officer, to be eared for by the family with whom he is now staying, during the woman's stay in Dr. Blanchard Visits Perquimans Weekly Dr. Julian Blanchard, of New York City, who spent the Thanksgiving holidays with the family "of his .broth er, J. C. Blanchard, in Hertford, was a visitor to the office of The Perqui maas Weekly on. Saturday " -.Dr." Blanchard Is intensely interest ed m everything connected With the place of his birth, and he has collect ad a great deal of valuable data eon earning the early history of Perqui mans, After considerable ' urging a Sromlsa has been secured from Dr. llanehsrd that he will, at some time :v Jb the near future, write, from some of the Interesting bits of information ':v" which he has gleaned here and there, v- something about Perquimans for pub V :, Ucatkm in The Perquimans Weekly, Large Ccrvrresation ; Hears. EIcI.cp Darst A large congregation " heard Rt Kev. Thomas. C Darst, of WJmlng , ton. Bishop of the Diocese of East ' Carolina, when, he preached at Holy Tririty Episcopal Church, in Hert- ! 'ford, on Sunday, night Included in , the number were a number of Eden ' - ton people, .aong them - being the Rev. C. A. AlliOT, RWWf Ul Ok Paul's, Ed: . Bishop t was his pr Hertford e X announced" that it -1 intention ( to visit t so- .time during -ext spring, -hop has x ex; a long time the or.Iy vial3d this parish ally. , " ; . ;' Bisl-;? r "Aon delivered 'on y ap; -? on anctl.er page of tt:- wipr:"-' . , . ifr 3 t:;n or- entenced Child FARMERS NIGHT Farmers Night will be observed by the Hertford Rotarians at their meeting on next Tuesday night at 7 o'clock, when each Rotarian will have two or more farmer guests. A special program is being arrang ed, with L. W. Anderson, A. W. Hef ren and C P. Morris, in charge. An interesting speaker in the per son of a representative from the Co operative Agricultural Extension Of fice, at Baleigh, will address the group as a special feature of enter tainment. Dinner will be served by the Hotel Hertford. Postmaster Suggests Early Xmas Mailing In an effort to avoid delay in the delivery of Christmas mail, Post master J. E. Morris is setting forth here a few suggestions, which if fol lowed by the patrons of the Post Office, will greatly benefit both the sender and receiver of Christmas mail. The volume of mail during the Christmas season increases more than 200 percent, which means of course that a large percent of the people have waited until rather late to mail their cards and gifts. To in sure prompt delivery of your holiday mail it is suggested that you mail early. The patron may write" "Dont Open Until Xmas". on the outside of -packages.--- ... All parcels must be securely pack ed and wrapped. Use strong paper and heavy twine. Always tell the postal clerk whether the contents of your package are , fragile or perish able, so that the package may be yit6peAtn Kbeled to Insurecareful -handling. It is 'suggested, that per ishable packages be sent special de livery, which means that the pack age will be delivered immediately after reaching the Post Office of ad dressee. Articles easily broken or crushed must be securely packed and crated or boxed. Use liberal quantities of excelsior, in, around, and between the article and outside the box. Written, matter " in the nature of personal correspondence cannot be en closed in packages, except at first class rates. ' It is well to safeguard all your packages by insuring them. The in surance rates are as follows: Value not exceeding $5.00, 5 cents; not ex ceeding $25.00, 10 cents; not exceed ing $50.00, 15 cents; not exceeding $100.00, 25 cents; not exceeding $$150.00, 30 cents; not exceeding $200.00, 85 cents. Coin, currency, jewelry and articles of considerable value should be sent by registered mail. . The rate - of postage for mailing greeting cards is 1 cent for cards .mailed outside i of enevelopes, and l;l-2 cent for cards mailed in un sealed envelopes, unless card bears more than a simple holiday greeting and name of sender,. . No Information About Relief Consolidation , v since the announcement was made that there would be a re-organisation of the Emergency Relief Administra tion, in which the six. counties of Chowan, ; Perquimans, Pasquotank, Gates, Camden and' Currituck would be consolidated, there ' has been no. further information doming into the local ERA office. : - s "-, ' While members' of the office force of the' Perquimans County'; ERA are hopeful that they will be given em ployment in the new set-up, the mat ter is still problematical. DR.' AND MRS. T. A. COX COYER . , MANY MILES ON AUTO TRIPS Dr. and Mrs."T. A. Cox of Hertford who-' take . an automobile .trip some where every fine Sunday,' probably cover more miles ; on pleasure trips than any other couple to' Hertford. On last Sunday the couple motored to Sufcfcury and other points. . , On Wed nay t' e Doctor and hia wife went to Norfolk, and from there on to Cr"j -Cl;arles.- "They 'spent Thanks ' i D27 in Virginia, taking dinner fctcidPo:..- - ' , Every San .ny ' they ' travel about scr-: c. 1 to points of interest r:zi):y, covi.lr? from two to three I V!- " )iit .chtr!p.' ' - NEW PROSECUTOR HAS FIRST GOORT SESS10N Full Session of Perquim ans Recorders Court Is Held W. G. Edwards, the new Prose cuting Attorney for Perquimans, sworn in on Monday had a 4ull docket in his first session of court held on, Tuesday. The first case to come up was that against W. E. Spruill and Paul StaUings, both local men, and Lon- me Phelps, of Elisabeth City. Mr. Spruill was originally charged with assault with a deadly weapon and with being drunk and disorderly, and the other two with being drunk and disorderly. The State took -a noli pross as to the assault with a deadly weapon charge and the defendant plead guilty to simple assault Witnesses testified that Mr. Spruill attacked Mr. Phelps with an auto mobile crank and also with an oil container. Mr. Phelps, testifying in his own defense, swore that Mr. Spruill cut him in the back with a pocket knife, inflicting a wound which he had to have a physician dress, and exhibited his coat and overcoat which he said had been cut through. Mr. Phelps was acquitted. Mr. StaUings was found not guilty of the charge of being drunk and disorderly but was found guilty of transport ing liquor when the evidence dis- 1 - 1 Ii A V 1 . . ... ciuscu mat ne iook two drinks in a public place, and he was fined ten dollars. Mr. Spruill was convicted of being drunk and disorderly and with simple assault, and was fined twenty-five dollars. Witnesses .testified, that all of the defendants had been drinking. Cost Of Commercial Course Is Lowered Tbe- ees of the eem-nerekl eeorse recently inaugurated in the Perqui mans High school has been reduced. according to an announcement made last week by Superintendent P. T. Johnson. Mr. Johnson has succeeded in secur ing Federal funds used in industrial education to apply on the expenses of this course, making a substantial re duction for the eight month's term. The cost of the typewriting and shorthand course, which was formerly three dollars per month, has been re duced to two dollars; and the book keeping course, formerly two dollars, may now be had for one dollar per month. Christmas Pageant At Baptist Church There will be a Christmas pageant given at the Baptist Church on next Sunday night, to which the public is cordially invited. ; Those taking part in the pageant are Grady Morgan, Mrs. Chas. John son, Anne Barclif t, Gussie Wood, Ray Jordan, Margaret Broughton, Mrs. P. T. Johnson, Mrs."' Shelton Sutton, Jean White, Bessie CopelandV Martha Elizabeth Jordan, Mrs. Jake Jackson, Lucille Sutton, Mary Lou Perry, Sarah Ward, Hazel Lane, Mrs. Reginald Tucker, Mrs. Norman Elliott, Clav Perry, Fred Campen, Cleveland Buck, David Broughton, '- Zack Harris ana Eldon Window. . MISS BROUGHTON TO ATTEND WEDDING- IN NEW JERSEY Miss Katherine ' Broughton, of Hertford, who Is a student at Duke University this , year, expects to spend Christmas at East Orange, N. J.) where she will attend the wed ding of Miss Jane FoxV' of East Or ange and Mr.-Trueman Dodson, HI, ef Bethlehem, Pa. Miss Broughton will be a bridesmaid at the wedding, which, will take place on " December 27th. After ,-the wedding, Miss Broughton will spend the remainder of the ; Christmas holiday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. J.. Brough ton, in Hertford. ; . - - NEW, YORK HUNTING PARTY 4 REGISTERED, AT HOTEL ' Registered at the Hotel Hertford this week are four men from Amity ville,' N Y., who are regular visitors to Hertford , every fall. They are Cllit Baxter, Rufua Ireland; Gus Fearsall and Dr Lowden, For some thing like twenty years two or more of the party ' hive visited . Perqui-' mans reulu;?y to hunt birds' -x. ,Four ' Chatham ' County 'farmers rroJjcci CZ) IslaS tl hay for sale FOUR COUNTY OFFICERS TAKE OATH OF OFFICE Sworn In at Meeting of Commissioners On Monday Among the county officers sworn in on Monday at the meeting of the Board of County Commissioners were four new officers, W. H. Pitt, Clerk Superior Court; W. G. Edwards, Prosecuting Attorney; John O. White, Commissioner for Hertford Township, and J. C. Baker, Commissioner for Belvidere Township. A resolution adopted by the Com missioners at this meeting contained the following provisions: That J. E. Winslow, Sheriff of Perquimans County, has made a sat isfactory settlement with the Board of County Commissioners for the 1933 tax levy of Perquimans County; That J. E. Winslow, Sheriff of Per quimans County, be directed to turn over any and all funds or taxes that he may collect, or which may come into his hands a3 Sheriff, daily, to the Treasurer of Perquimans County; That Jacob L. White, Treasurer of Perquunans County, be directed to deposit each day all funds coming into his hands as treasurer of Per quimans County, into the Hertford Banking Co. That the Hertford Banking Co. has placed with the First & Citizens National Bank of Eliza beth City, N. C, ten thousand dollars U. S. Treasury bonds for the security of the deposits made to said Hert ford Banking Co., and that said col lateral is hereby approved and said Hertford Banking Co. is hereby nam ed as depository for the Perquimans County funds. Relief Wages Reduced From Former Scale The wages to be paid by the Emer gency Relief Administration on pro jects in Perquimans County has been considerably reduced from the former scale. The cut in the wage scale for men represents approximately a ten cent per day cut, with particular reference to unskilled labor. For women's work the cut is from five to ten cents per hour. Both men and women will be paid for unskilled labor 20 cents per hour. This includes unskilled workers in all the branches of industry. Brick layers will be paid 50 cents, semi-skilled bricklayers 30 cents, and unskilled 20 cents. Carpenters ' will receive 40 cents, semi-skilled carpenters 25 cents, and unskilled 20 cents. Plumbers will receive 50 cents per hour, semi-skilled 30 cents. Electricians, iron workers, plaster ers, roofers, will receive 50 cents, the scale running down to 20 for the unskilled. Painters will receive 30 cents, help ers 30 cents, unskilled 20 cents. Truck drivers will be paid 25 cents for driving 1 1-2 ton truck, over that size will receive 30 cents. All unskilled labor will be paid 20 cents per hour instead of 30 cents as was formerly paid. The highest rate to be paid per hour to women is 40 cents, which in cludes bookkeepers, dietitians, and recreation directors. Canning labor ers, clerks, janitors, soup makers, are to receive 20 cents per hour, while those receiving 80 cents include at tendance officers, junior stenograph ers, cutters and pattern makers in sewing room and nursery schools. The women receiving 85 cents per hour will be senior stenographers, book keeping clerks, librarians, teachers in schools fordomestics. In Auto Wreck Enroute To Spend Holiday Here -Mrs. Elmo Cannon's guests for Thanksgiving . narrowly missed, not only reaching Hertford for Thanks giving dinner, bat a more serious and tragic fate. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Barfield, of New Bern, and Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Moore and their two children, ef Ben nettsville, 8. C, all of whom are rela tives of Mrs. Cannon, left New Bern on Thanksgiving- morning to spend the day here. - About 80 miles from New Bern they met with an accident, when their f ear turned over twice. Nobody was seriously hurt but the car was out of - commission, ? The owner of the ear could not, of course, carry the party further. The other man went back to New Bern for his car and the party continued on their journey,'' reaching Hertford about 8 o'clock in the afternoon, Instead of at 12, as they had planned, . '. P in ii oiinome rs For Bankhead Vote HIT OR MISS oh "I dont care to hold any post mortem, either over the case or over the hogs," said Judge Walter H. Oakey, Jr., when there was some argument between counsel at the conclusion of one of the cases in Re corder's Court on Tuesday. It had been remarked that the five certain hogs about which some controversy centered were dead and buried. That it was just a friendly fight, was the decision of Judge Walter H. Oakey, Jr., when Sadie Grisholm, who was charged with assaulting Mary Perry with a pitcher, and with his fists, and with breaking the pitch er, was tried in Recorder's Court on Tuesday. Sadie, by the way, is a man. According to Mary's testimony, it was quite a row, with Sadie throw ing the pitcher at her, turning her a somersault, knocking her down with a blow from his fist and then, in her own words "he picked up his foot to stamp me in the face." It was then her sister and another girl pulled him away. After that, according to Mary, she ran out of doors, and Sadie filled hi3 pockets with bricks and chased her over the field, throwing bricks as he ran. There was a lot of plain and fancy cussing interspersed between blows, according to Mary, who re peated the words in detail and with apparent zest. - Mary, commonly known as "Pinky," said she had been in court before, several times before, in fact. She admitted that she wasn't afraid of Sadie and said she had no hard feelings1 against him. The case was dismissed upon the payment of the costs. Thomas Sumner, Jr., for short) isnt always ("Tommy" frightened 'when he says "I sca'ed." "Tommy," who, by the way, isn't yet ten months old, began saying "I sca'ed" when he became frightened at a dog. It didn't take the youngster, who is a great favorite in Hertford, long to catch on to the fact that everybody thought he was smart, so now when "Tommy" wants to be especially cute he says "I sca'ed." Attorney: Had you been drinking ? Witness: Well, I had had one drink about three hours before. Attorney: How much did you drink at that time? Witness: Well, there were five of us and we killed a pint Mrs. I. A. White's Christmas fruit cake is ok. It might not be out of place right here to say that I shall be glad to sample other cakes. I don't know of but one way to judge a cake. Hertford stores are taking on a fes tive air, with their gay Christmas decorations and their interesting dis plays of beautiful and useful articles for Christmas gifts. Just take a look around in the various Hertford stores and find out what these enter prising merchants have-prepared for you by way of helpipg . you select your Christmas presents this year. Better look in Hertford before de ciding to go further to do your Christ mas shopping. County Commissioners Draw Court Jury List The following list of jurors was drawn on Monday at the regular meeting of the Board of Commis sioners, to serve at the January Term of Perquimans Superior Court, which will convene on January 14, for the trial of civil eases: Tom Deal, Obed B.-' Winslow, John E. Hunter, Neien's W. Chappell, R. E. Perry, C. R. StaUings, Elmer R. Winslow, E. M. Perry; V. A. Holdren, Jesse T. Winslow, C E. Lane, H. P. Lane, C T. Rogerson, E. T. Phillips, a E. Sutton, Josiah Winslow, F. T. Evans, ; W H. Barber, Charlie E. Winslow, J. T. White. E. F. Fore hand, J. E. Perry, Parkyille, E. S. Long and Ernest W. Whits. TURKEY SUPPER" THURSDAY The ladles el the' Episcopal Church will hold their annual t bazaar and turkey sapper oi Thursday night of this week at the Parish House. There will be attractive Articles 1 of hand work for sale end supper will be served at 1:00 o'clock. V? The. public ts cordially invited, . V, fc-. (, , i TT 1 named Election To Be Held December 14 In Vari ous Precincts The men who will be in charge tl the voting in the various precincts in the County on Friday, December 14th, when the referendum to decide whether or not the Bankhead law shall continue in force, are as fol lows: At Nicanor Precinct: John T. Lane, H. L. Williams and J. R. Jolliff. At Belvidere Precinct: George W. Nowell, W. T. Smith and J. M. Cope land. At Bethel Precinct: B. W. Thach, A. T. Lane and Joshua White. It will be observed that the voting will be held at the regular votirg precincts, and attention is called to the fact that farmers in each town ship must vote in the precinct for that township. Following is outlined those who are eligible to vote on this matter, irre spective of sex or color: Any person who signed a 1934-1935 cotton acreage reduction contract; any person who is or was eligible for tax exemption certificates in 1984; any person who presents proof that he owns and has a present right to produce cotton on cotton farm, or any person who signs and files a wit nessed written statement that he has made arrangements to produce cotton on a cotton farm in 1935 (that is, has entered into a lease or share crop ping agreement to grow cotton on a cotton farm in 1995) shall be deemed elfgible to vote on the continuation of the Bankhead Act for the crop year of 1935. Ellie Sutton Ordered To Leave County Ellie Sutton, tried in Recorder's Court on Tuesday upon the charge of resisting and obstructing an officer in the discharge of his duty, was found not guilty and the case was dismissed. John Ivey, colored, for whom a bench warrant was issued by Judge Oakey at the last session of Record er's Court, was tried upon the charge of intimidating a witness. The charge grew out of a case against Mattie Eason, colored, who was charged wita perjury. Some weeks ago Mattie swore out a warrant against John Ivey, of the New Hope section, in which section she also resides, charg ing that John Ivey had threatened to shoot her heart out. When the case was heard before Judge J. W. Darden Mattie failed to reiterate the state ments she had sworn to, and the case against John Ivey was dismissed. Then Mattie was brought into Re corder's Court charged with perjury. She was not represented by counsel, and when Judge Oakey asked her why she failed to testify against Ivey she stated that he had threatened her after the warrant was sworn out and told her if she testified against him he would kill her. A warrant was im mediately sworn out against Ivey and he was brought into court The ease was, however, continued until this week. Ivey was found guilty of intimidat ing a witness and was sentenced te six months on the roads, the sentence to be suspended upon payment of the costs and good behavior for two years, or upon condition that Ivey leaves Perquimans County for a pe riod of two years, and upon the con dition that he not be found on or near the premises of Mattie Eason for two years. The defendant was given un til January first to leave the County. 14 FROM PERQUIMANS COUNTY WOMAN'S COLLEGE GRADUATES Miss Laura Coit, secretary ef the Woman's College of the University ef North Carolina, has recently made review of the 42 years of the insti tution'! history, listing the number ef students from each county attend ing the school during that time. Perquimans County's contribution to the population of the college since 1892 has been 79, of which number 14 were graduated REV. L, M. DIXON LEAVES Rev. L. M. Dixon, former pastor of the Hertford Baptist Church, left with hie family on Tuesday for Ahotkie, where Mr. Dixon has accepted a caH to preach. ' ? Eleven surveys for rural electric power lines have been comnleted in - Greene County. - -, v ' " - , ( -! j

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