1 A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE, UPBUILDING OF HERTFORD AND PERQUIMANS COUNTY Volume II. Number 1. ,1, Hertford," Perquimans County, North Carolina, Friday, January 4, 1935. $1.25 Per Year EEECLY ierintoa;Jan.7tli I ,W Anderson Ex plains Status of Those ; Who May Sign According to County. Agent L. W, Anderson, fanners who wish to sign Peanutf Acreage Reduction Contracts for 1935" may do so during the week of January .7th, to 12th. Inclusive. It is important: that all farmers who ex pect to grow peanuts in 1935 sign a contract! covering same. Tanners: who did not grow peanuts ln938 or .1934 cannot sign a con tract and jt is not advisable for them to plant peanuts in 1935. Land owners may sign contracts, but they must have all of their 1935 peanut acreage covered by contract. Share-tenants may sign contracts by having their .: landlord (land owner) sign a statement of consent, or by at taching to the contract a copy of a re corded lease on the farm for the year 1935. It will be better to have the contract made in the name of the land owner, but all share tenants and share croppers producing peanuts in 1985 under contract, will share in the benefit payment Farmers who grew peanuts in 1985, may f a contracts, but will sot re ceive benefit payments. It is not necessary for share tenants or share croppers to iig tbe contracts, with the land owner. Contract signers will not be per mitted te give any assistance in work ing, harvesting, picking or storing the peanuts grown by . farmer whose crop is not covered by a.contract. - A contract signer cannot pick peanuts for a non-signer, nor can he provide help or machinery to be used in con nection with a non-signer's peanut crop. Tho3e growers who produced pea nuts in 1934 and who sign contracts for 1935 wilfttfeeive- fS.OO per ton on all of the peanuts produced on their land in 1984 or will receive $2.00 per acre on the number of acres allowed to plant in 1935, whichever is greater. There will be no "rented acres" under the peanut contract, but each contract signer agrees not to increase the acre age in cash crop3 above the acreage in 1932 or 1933, except as permitted wider other contracts or special rul ings by the Secretary of Agriculture. If you expect to grow peanuts in 1935 be sure to sign, a contract or have your land owner sign one c'ove ing your crop.. The contract applies to the. land on which peanuts have been grown in 1933 and 1934,,, but does not apply .to the man who- grew the peanuts. '--', Farmers in Hertford and Bethel Townships may sign contracts at the county agenft ," office, in the Court House. A committee will be station ed In Winfall to, make contracts for farmers in New Hope and Parkville Townships.: : Another committee will be stationed at Belvidere to make contract for v growers ;x jn rlBelvidere Township. ? Be sura ; to sign ' your contract or have your landlord do so next week. " ., - ' VV " . Measure your 1934 peanut acreage before you. make your contract, as the committee will ask for your 1933 and 1934 Mreage and your 1934 yield when you make your contract.) Make I a record of the number of bags rais- r ed and the r total weight of the irop.l 4. The peanuts you save:!fo"r ; seed; are a part of your .crop , and. may ;be inr eluded with.the n.umber of bags sold. Try and give the information to. the 2 Committee accurately,', so ' there;, will t v " ' be no trouble adjusting contracts, etci - Benefit payment will, be paid ftei;' i the 1935 crop it plantedd checkear ! - vwith thecontract.'t!:i XI. you wan lair pnce xw peB- nuts, cooperate-with .yQUir.ne and with ;yw gVitrnment'jfd 'Jesse . Ccir H. ;v5Desr:te Heavy CcH ipJesBeCanrrnrv'c oldest ana Bost4 .7 c, 1 ui ens,; isn't t " weekjasji t bad 1 . "t ri?lrvwr, J.a , our pec . ' - with.. ; :' v Mr! C health t. ;tseemB':W:..'.; V; the 82 ye:r ' ! r - tt (resist vt...;.:J -a-'r-V suca'ta 'r - -j,.Ck:--,vy'-''ZpTX,-1--- i',; s'cf L'j Hi3 tlr. C: " 1 . says he li r-1-a physic' i for only h has not ! u 7,; time since Le v, ' ' gone' to' tc. i v dovvntov n 0 1 r "i fte service 3 of c and that was t .-, .-itty Kihutes, J'JIe tL r-ir 1 2 days' at a &s fcL.L-.va' He hasn't ;ih tL'3 "cold,; and was ' ' y. '" ' Automobile Accident Fatal to Mr. Dudley D. D. Dudley, proprietor of the Carolina Hardware Co., of Hertford, died at the Albemarle Hospital in Elizabeth City on Sunday morning from injuries received in an automo bile accident on - the- Hertford-Elizabeth City Highway, near Woodville, on ttfc night off December 16, while on his way to his home in Elizabeth City. . Funeral services were held from the home on Monday afternoon, with Rev. H. I. Glass, pastor of the Fim M. E. Church of Elizabeth City, con ducting the services. Surviving Mr. Dudley are his wife, Mrs. Love Dudley, and two sons, D. D., Jr., and William, all of Elizabeth City. Two sisters, Mrs. L. R. Saw yer of Portsmouth, Va., and Mrs. J. B. Parker, of Norfolk, Va., and one brother, J. W. C. Dudley, of Back Bay, Va., also survive. 4,574 Bales of Cotton Ginned In Perquimans According to W. M. Harrell, special agent of the Bureau of the Census, Department of Commerce, the census report shows that there were 4,574 bales of cotton ginned in Perquimans County from the crop of 19S4 prior to December 13, 1934, compared with 4,200 bales ginned to December 13, o. the crop of 1933. Miss Lucille Estelle White Married Dec. 27 A beautiful home wedding took place in Hertford on Thursday, De cember 27, at the home of the bride's parent,, when Miss Lucille Estelle White, of Hertford, became the bride of Mr. James Franklin Jemigan, of Suffolk, Va., in the presence of a large crowd of friends and relatives. The guests were received at the front door by Mrs. G. R. Tucker, mis tress of ceremonies, and were shown into the living room by Rufus White, a brother of the bride. The entire lower floor of the hoir.t was tastefully decorated for the oc casion with evergreens and ferru, a. .a lighted by tall candles. Immediately preceding the cere mony, Miss Blanche Everett, wear ing an afternoon dress of gold flat crepe, with brown accessories, and a shoulder corsage of Talisman roses, lighted the candles, after which Mrs. Charles E. Johnson sang "Somewhere a Voice is Calling" and "I Love You Truly.' Mrs. Johnson wore a dress of gold crepe, with brown accessories, and a shoulder corsage of Talisman roses. Mrs. R. M. Riddick, at the piano, played the Bridal Choru3 from Lohen grin as a processional and Mendles sohn's Wedding March as a reces sional. During the ceremony Mac DowelTs "To a Wild Rose" was soit- 1: ly played. Mrs. ,E3telle Fentres3, an aunt of the bride, of Norfolk, Va., was ma tron of honor and the bride's only at tendant. She wore a dinner dress of brown chiffon Velvet and a shoulder corsage of pink roses. The bride was lovely in a brown I tree bark swagger suit, with brown and gold accessories. Her flowers were a' shoulder bouquet of Bride's foses and; valley -lilies. She descend ed theetairway jalone- and was met at the foot of the stairway by her father, pn whose arm she entered the M'ving-'ro.om; i and who: gave her in marriage, , They were) met ; by the bridegroom and his best ' man, Mr. lArtbti WJlUamsrpi; 5uff 0lkf :Va,, and . tne double rmg ceremony was im pressively performed undef an arch -rf ergreens oyi'j'!ftoli inson, pastor of the Hertford Method 'aifhurcfl. ' Immediitelyi af ter tht cerwony ryV'.ford,fandt 'is 'a" most attractive yrir z womanrA ne receivea ner cau College, Greenville, and. is a member of the Belvidere school, faculty; The brhlegroom, . who at one.; time lived in' Hertford is1: aT jprominent youriia; business man of Suffolk, VlV - The younj couple '"hv&4 host A bf friends 3a the commum''LM'l'ii'. the young couple left for a motor trip , Tie ! bride Is the only daughter f and Bra, ' tL Irvkg Whitef I HIT OR MISS William C. Chappell, prominent Belvidere resident, was in Hertford one day this week and while in a certain office had occasion to notice the typist at work. After the wo man removed her work from the ma chine Mr. Chappell addressed her on this wise: "I have often heard it said that you were a swift typist, but this is the first time I ever saw you operate a typewriter, and I want to say, as King Solomon said when he went to visit the Queen of Sheba, having heard of her glory, that 'the half had not been told me'." The operator of the typewriter felt so proud of the compliment, especially of that reference to the Queen of Sheba, that she couldn't keep it. Mr. Charles Ford Sumner, Hert ford's letter carrier, having a vaca tion on Tuesday, took a walk. You know they say a sailor who has a vacation takes a cruise. Hertford does not have a single vacant store and hasn't had one for a long time. Why are explanations always more 01 less in order when individuals; have colds? I wonder why we al-, ways consider it so important to in quire into all the circumstances sur rounding the taking of a cold, seek ing a reason or a cause, and why we ! find it so necessary to pin the re sponsibility on some careless act. This is true of almost every one I know. Notice, sometime, and see if you don't ask the first person you speak to whose muffled tones show unmis takable signs that he is suffering from a cold, how he got it It's gen erally the first question asked. I have often wondered why the subject is of such general interest My own family, to become per sonal, is' no exception to the rule. In fact, sometimes I have thought the matter rather over done in my own family. rWhen the youthful offspring begins to sniffle or to show other disagree able signs of a cold, somebody in variably asks if he did not get too hct while running last week, or if he did not get his feet wet week before last, and always some definite action o: the poor suilenng Kid is pointed out as a direct and specific reason I.t that cold. As if the cold weren't e.iough! What a lot of satisfaction it must give him to know we have t.acked it down and found out the cause. Same way with older members of the family. I am always asked, in tones which suggest that I should have had enough foresight to have avoided it, how I got such a cold. How indeed! The head of the hou3e is no excep tion. His attention is called to the time he went without his overcoat, or walked in the rain, or sat in a draft, or did some other dreadful and negligent thing. He brought it on himself. What a satisfaction to know that. How do we get that way? Whai is the idea, anyhow? Surely, nothing can be more exasperating, just a3 y . have begun to realize that that irr tating sensation in your throat is, as you have suspected all along, the forerunner of that diabolical conditio commonly known as a cold, and after you have let the cat out of the bag by sneezing a time or . two, to have some well ; meaning person ask i: earnest tones, "How in the world did you get that cold?" As for me, personally, I'm off. never intend to ask another person how he got his cold. I don't even consider the subject interesting any more. i You guessed it I've got a cold. FRAME HOUSE DESTROYED BY FIRE 1 AT NEW HOPE . Fire destroyed the frame residence of Henry' Green colored, at New Hope on Friday night.'-5' The house was owned by E. M. Perry, KvThef children o theLfamily, who had, retired when, the fire, was dis covered, narrowly escaped being burn ed in the. house. ' One f them was . rescued' only just in time so ; ".-v The; origin: of tthefire is undo. OF CAROLINA HARDWARE. 00. SHlfijaA has taken, over . the management - of the" Carolina Hardware Co.,, in Hert ford, since the death of "DVB. Dudley; whd died on Sunday from injuries in ah automobile accident';:on : Decern ber 19. -V. .. k i Hertford Merchants Pleased With Business During 1934 Joseph Thomas Brinn Passes Away Saturday Joseph Thomas Brinn, 70, one of the most prominent and highly es teemed residents of Perquimans County, died at his home near Hert ford on Saturday, December 29, after a brief illness of pneumonia. Funeral services were conducted from the home on Sunday afternoon, with the Rev. M. C. Stephenson, pas tor of the Center Hill M. E. Church, of which Mr. Brinn was a life-long and devoted member, officiating, as sisted by the Rev. J. H. McCracken, Presiding Elder of the Elizabeth Cit District; Rev. J. W. Dimette, pastoi of the Perquimans Circuit; Rev. A. A. Butler, pastor of Great Hope Bap tist Church; Rev. Riley S. Monds, pastor of the Columbia Baptist Church; Rev. B. P. Robinson, pastor of the Hertford Methodist Church, and Rev. E. T. Jillson, rector of Holy Trinity Episcopal Church. The services were attended by hundreds of sorrowing friends, who came from far and near to pay their last tribute of respect to the deceas ed, and the floral offerings were un usually numerous and very beautiful. A choir of selected voices furnish ed music. Active pallbearers included Rosser Brinn, JL T. Brinn, Thad C. Chappell, Beverly Tucker, Robins Blanchard and Trim W. Wilson. Honorary pallbearers were J. C. Blanchard, J. S. McNider, Dr. G. E. Newby, H. C. Stokes, Charles Perry, Charles Johnson, B. W. Thach, Chas. Whedbee, Thomas Nixon, W. F. Madre, Sr., T. S. White, J. W. Dar den, J. J. Fleetwood, J. P. Jessup, Z. W. Evans, W. G. Newby, Dr. T. A. Cox, Clinton Perry, Lawrence Perry, Spencer Thompson, Noah Felton, C. M. Harrell, S. P. Jessup, Dr. C. A. Davenport, J. T. Lane and Henry Lane, of Tyner. Burial took place in Cednrwood Cemetery, in Hertford. Surviving Mr. Brinn are his wife, Mrs. Lily Belle Elliott Brinn, throe sons, Dr. T. P. Brinn, Robert W. Brinn and Jack Brinn, all of Hert ford, and one daughter, Mrs. Reuben Hooks, of Freemont. One sister, Miss Bettie Brinn, of Hertford, also sur vives. Mr. Brinn had spent his entire life in Perquimans and was one of the most successful farmers of the Coun ty, and was prominently identified with the business, civic and religious life of the community. Local Mail Carriers Attend District Meet Among the Perquimans County mail carriers who attended the semi annual meeting of the Albemarle Rural Letter Carriers Association held in Edenton on Tuesday were William C. Chappell, C. B. Parker, Herman Jenkins and Postmaster J. E. Morris. The officers, including J. C. Jen nings,, of Weeksville, president, C. B. Parker, of Perquimans County, vice president, W. H. Elliott, of Chapan oke, secretary-treasurer, were re elected. The next meeting of the associa tion will be held on MayO, Mem orial Day, and the place of meeting is tentatively 'set 'as South Mills, al though this is subject to change. Perquimans Lodge To Install New Officers Officers to be installed on next Tuesday night at the regular meet ing of the Perquimans Lodge No. 106 A. F. & A. M., in Hertford, in clude the following: Master, J. S. Vick; Senior Warden, B. C. Berry; Junior Warden, Linwood Skinner; Secretary! T. E. Raper ; Treasurer, Claude D. White; Senior Deacon, George W. Jackson; Junior Deacon, J. H. Towe; Senior Steward, Dr. L., H. Butler; Junior Steward, Shelton Long; Chaplain, Rev. R. S, Mends Tyler, Hugh Copeland. A Past v Master; GW. Morgan, will install the officers, and the retiring Master, Clause D. White, will act as master of ceremonies ' v Standing committees to be appoint ed include the following! V Finance, J. S. Vick, T. E. Raper, C. D. White, : B.' C. Berry and A. L. Skinner Orphanage, D. J. Pritchard, A. L. Skinner, L.iH. Butler; Charity, Simon Rutenberg, , J.' S. McNider, J. H. tohtv Resolutions, T. E. Raper, C i yt, Morgan and R. S. Monds. Cotton Farmers Saved 15,260.12 0 A saving of $1560x12 has been made by the cotton farmers of Perquimans County up to Decem ber 29, by the purchase of surplus cotton tax certificates, according: to L. W. Anderson, county agent. Up to this date Perquimans farmers had purchased surplus cotton tax certificates representing 913,680 pounds of lint cotton, for which they paid! $36551.20. By buying these surplus certificates and using them to pay the tax on their cotton they saved $15,2P'J2. Mrs. J. E. White Given Token For Services Mrs. J. E. White, who has been president of the Woman's Missionary Society of the Hertford Baptist Church for seven years, was present ed with a beautiful pin by the Society at the la3t meeting of the year on Monday night. Mrs. J. W. Ward has been elected president to succeed Mrs. White. At the close of a most interesting meeting, which was held in the Sun day School room of the church, a com mittee served a salad course. Those present included Mesdames J. E. White, J. W. Ward, Chas. John son, J. J. Fleetwood, T. W. Perry, Carlton Cannon, E. W. Mayes, Regi nald Tucker, Hugh Barclif t, Johsua T. White, Ros3 Sutton, T. E. Raper, E. A. Byrum, O. C. Fowler, Grady Mor gan, E. E. Payne, Sidney Broughton, Mark Gregory, W. E. Spruill, J. P. Perry, L. W. Norman, E. E. Everett, W. T. Elliott, Josiah Elliott, Tom Perry, V. A. Holdren, Ben Wood, Mary Parker, and one visitor, Miss Mamie Stallings. Sister Of W. E. White In Critical Condition W. E. White was advised by tele phone on Wednesday of the critical condition of his sister, Mrs. David A. Baynes, of Columbia, S. C, who has fcr a long time been in ill health. Mrs. Bayne3 is at the home of her niece, Mrs. S. F. Pollard, at Bethel, in Pitt County, where she was tak en from the Tarboro Hospital : cently, where she underwent treat ment Her condition became much worse on Tuesday night and the end is ex pected at any time. Statistics Regarding: Lynchings In U. S. The following information regard ing lynchings in the United States during last year, furnished by Tusk-. gee Normal and Industrial Institute, of Alabama, and based on records compiled in the Department of Re cords and Research of that institu tion, will be found interesting. It i. also particularly gratifying that iu lynching occurred in our own State. There were 15 persons lynched hi 1034. This is 13 less than the mini ber 28 for 1933; 7 more than tin number 8 for 1932; 2 more than tht number 13 for 1931; ami 6 less thar the number 21 for 1930. 8 of tin persons lynched were in the hands of the law; 3 were taken from jails am 5 from officers of the law outside of jails. v There were 51 instances m wlucn officers of the law prevented lynch ings. of these were in Northen and Western States and 44 in South ern States. In 4$ of the instances the prisoners were retapved or the guards augumented or other precau tions taken. In the 5 other instances, armed force was used to repel tlu would-be lynchers. A total of 7: persjms, 14 white men; 57 Negri men and S Negro women, were thu: saved from death at the hands of mobs. Of the 15 persons lynched, all were Negroes. The offenses charged were: attemptedvrape, 4; rape, 2; murder, 2 wounding man in altercation, 1; as sociating with white women, 1; strjkinjr man, 1; writing insulting let ter, 1; talking disrespectfully, 1; in sulting women, 1; implicating others in a charge of stealing turpentine ami DOOlieggUlg Hi-A. ' The States in which lynchings oc cujved and the number in each State are as follows: Alabama, l: Florida 2i Georgia, ! Kentucky, 1; Louisiana 2; Mississippi, 6; Tennessee, 1; and Texas,!, , All Report Better Busi ness And Are Opti mistic For 1935 "A good year," "Much better thin amy previous year for five years," "Fifty per cent better than the aver age since 1927," "A great improve ment," such are the answers which sound the highly optimistic note which business men of Hertford give to the query, "What kind of a year has 1934 been in your business?" Every Hertford merchant gives a good report of the year which has just passed. W. M. Morgan, the furniture man, says his sales have increased 125 per cent during the past three months over any year in the pa3t five years. He said he took in 110 per cent more in the month of December than in the December a year previous. J. C. Blanchard, the veteran mer chant of Hertford, says the year was good, that there was a great im provement But he hastened to add that there was still room for im provement. Probably that spirit is responsible for the success of the business which has been operating continuously for more than a hundred years. Simon Rutenberg, in spite of the fact that he was absent from his business because of illness for some weeks during the fall, says he has had a most satisfactory year, with an increase in sales every month. Mr. Rutenberg is very optimistic. Mrs. Jake White has also had a great deal better business during the past year than in several years pre vious, she says. D. S. Darden and V. N. Darden, of Darden Bros., both report a large improvement. It was D. S. Darden who stated that their business was 50 per cent better than the average since 1927. H. A. Whitley of the Hertford Hardware & Supply Company gives a fine report of the hardware business and says they have had a good yeai and that he is confidently expecting a great improvement this year. Mark Gregory says lie had a b;g improvement over last year and that he hail a splendid Christmas busi ness. Wherever the question is asked, one gets the same areneral report. Business is better and times are im proving. The Carolina Hardware Company's store wa3 closed over the week-end, due to the death of the proprietor, D. D. Dudley. However, that the Carolina Hardware Company's busi ness was good is indicated by the fact that Mr. Dudley bad recently expressed his intention of moving his residence from Elizabeth City to Hertford. Mrs. Mamie Blanchard and Mrs. B. F. Bray of Davenport & Blanch ard, report much improvement during the year 1934, and stated that they have had splendid business during the fall. L. W. Anderson, of Anderson's Drug Store "On the Corner," reports that business was a great deal bet ter during 1934 than it had been for several years. And there isn't a single vacant store in the entire town. Mrs. Freeman Long Honored By Shower The Y. W. A. girls of Bethel Bap tist Church gave Mrs. Freeman Long a miscellaneous shower on Thursday night, December 20th, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hobbs. Mrs. Lpng, before her recent marriage, was Miss Eula Mae Hobbs. Many games were played and music was enjoyed. Mrs. Long received many useful and attractive gifts. Candy and fruit were served. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Chappell, Mr. and Mrs. Seth Long, Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Long, Mrs. C. T. Phillips,' Mrs. R. F. Standing Mrs. W. E. Curtis, Mrs. E. L. Goodwin, Mrs. V, L. Proctor, Mrs. W. P. Long, Misses Ruth Mansfield, Lula Mae Mansfield, Addie Mae Ward, Peacie Ward, Esther Ward, Leone Williams, Kathryn Fleetwood, Mary Wilma Farmer, Margaret Standin, Gertie Chappell, Sadie Standin, Pearl Proc tor, and Evelyn Long; Charles Ward, Ernest Long. Richard Mansfield, Wil liam Hobbs, Thomas Phillips. Those sending gifts, but not attending were Mrs. A. F. Proctor, Mrs. M. T. Grif fin, Mrs. M. I. Charlton, Mrs. W. D. Perry, Mrs. L. E. Butts, and Mrs. Beulah Williams. K 1 j 4 A'

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