THE' PERQUIMANS-, WEEKLY, HERTFORD, C., FRIDAY JANUARY .18, 1935. PAGE THREE! ; 4 If FORECLOSURE POUCVIOP INSURED ; :t MORTGAGE PliANf IS MADE PUBLIC Costly and Cumbersome Procedure Unnecessary To Liquidate Defaulting JNotes wnen uv ;ered ByF.H. A; Guarantee ' In response to many inquiries which ,s"" have been .received by the .-Federal - Housing Administration concerning ' Insured by it tfiider the provisions of Title II of the national housing act, -: it is pointed out' by housing, officials -', that the administration haa nothing to do with the foreclosure or the debt relationship between - the - borrower and the lender.-'It merely insures the lender against default by the borrower: ' ' ; . When default occurs, foreclosure proceedings are' instituted only by the mortgagee (holder of the mort gage), which in every case is a bank or other mortgage lending institu tion, although a method of procedure has been devised whereby the lend ing institution can collect the insur ance without formal foreclosure, thus saving , the borrower a great deal c trouble and expense. Eliminate Foreclosures sjrbe. act provides a means which thVdmhustrator' has elaborated in the registration for liquidating in sured mortgages, 'which should al most entirely banish the nightmare of foreclosure. Not only will the high costs be eliminated, but the mortgagor will actually have a period in which .he can redeem his' property equivalent to that which he present ly enjoys, with all the advantages of realizing a further sum from the ul timate sale by the administrator, This orovishm. new to the mort gage lending.' business, which is a part of the act and the regulations, and therefore binding upon the ad ministrator, permits the mortgagee and mortgagor the borrower) to ten der all their interest in the mort gaged property to the administra tor in lieu of a foreclosure; If the mortgagee also stgiees to release the mortgagor from all Obligations un der the mortgage the administrator may .accept the jaopetfcy and shall at once comply with the provisions for payment of insurance to the mort gagee. The administrator further agrees to hold the jsroperty for a period of four months otus the statu redemption period, if there is such a period in that state where the property is located. - During this time the mortgagor may regain his prop erty by paying a sum .substantially equal to the mortgage debt. Thus, he will, in effect, redeem his prop erty without bearing the almost pro hibitive costs of foreclosure. Establish Policy One of the great difficulties con fronting the administration has been the establishment " of a procedure, fair tp both mortgagee and mort gagor, by which the mortgagee can realize the benefits of the mutual mortgage insurance provided for by Title II of the national housing act, if the home owner definitely be comes unable to carry the burden of his mortgage. On the: part of the lender of money, cumbersome and costly fore closure proceedings and lengthy re demption periods Jessen the attrac tiveness of mortgage loans. Especi ally hal thU' been emphasized by the administration, for the larger invest ing institutions are loath to make loans in certain states where recent costs of foreclosures have been from 15 to 25 per cent of the principal amount of the mortgage indebted ness. The administration has been informed that the experience of mortgagees, in a few states, has been such that they cannot afford to make loans to the full amount provided for by the national housing act unless foreclosure laws are changed or some method of foreclosure can be discov ered which will permit mortgagees to acquire the security in a reason able time and without too great ex pense, in-orde to turn it over to the administrator and realize the insur ance benefits. ,-- . At the same time it is essential that full consideration- be given to the difficulties , facing a delinquent mortgagor.; In times of economic distress leniency ,to property owner3 becomes 'necessary from a social standpoint. Moratorium laws, such as, now exist in , -many, states, are ' serving their purpose. .i But these are emergency, measures only, and in the long run will, reaci' unfavorably by increasing . the ' cost of- mortgage .financing. ' V- w v v- - - , v Period of Grace .. v In ordinary times 4 there, is. likely to be, a ;f short 1 period y in the life of ; every family; during which sickness, injury,' or temporary, unemployment 'causes a financial crisis.- In such cases a period of grace is highly de- Birable. - Occasionally, however, 'a family attempts home ownership -on the basis "of an income which,, for some ! reason , of other , is hot- sus tained throughout the - life of the mortgage obligation. Some mort gages may, and probably made and insured by the administra tor, which are well within the means of the mortgagor but a subsequent decrease in income ; will cause the occupancy of the home to be a luxury which the morl--cr will not be jus fned in conf--Irj. In such an event, it is not only sound business practice, but to the interest of the mortgagor, that he find a less expen sive .home in which to live with his reduced income. A cheap and speed foreclosure would be a benefit to him, as well as to the mortgagee, since the foreclosure costs are charges against the mortgagor, and make th possibility of redemption more re mote. The administration realizes, how ever, that by Tar the larger percent age of foreclosures occur during periods of economic depression, when there is practically no market for property, and no available mortgage money to refinance. Periods of re demption are worthless m these times. For five years, redemption in the United States have been practic ally unheard of. If a mortgagor could pay off his indebtedness dur ing these times he would need no redemption statute to assure him that the mortgagee would return his prop erty in exchange for the money. Thr mortgagee would be delighted to gel his money back. Protection Given The national housing net piovid'.-.-protection for the mortgagor diiiini-; these periods by preserving an intcv est for him in the property indefinite ly. It is contemplated that if th" mortgagee, having foreclosed, turns the property over to the administra-1 tor, as he must do in order to obtain the benefits of insurance, the admin istrator will hold the property in definitely until a market for real es tate again develops. If at that time the property sells for an amount more than sufficient to pay off the indebtedness plus the costs of fore closure and any expense incurred by the administrator in handling the property, the remaining sum will be paid to the mortgagor. The advant age of low foreclosure costs to the mortgagor under an insured mort gage is thus apparent. Under the new regulation, an agreement between the lender and tne borrower to turn over the prop erty to the housing administration, will not merely reduce the costs of foreclosure proceedings but will eliminate them entirely. The possi bility that the mortgagor will even tually receive something from the B ALLAHACK . NEVS Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Harrell spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Graham Perry. Samuel Mansfield, Charlie Smith, Lofton Dale and Willard Stallings spent Saturday night in Edenton. Jamie Thach and sister, Louise, spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Lane. Joseph Smith called on Miss Mar tha Lane Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Dale and chil dren, Mr. and Mrs. B. P. Monds and children and Charlie Smith spent Friday night until bed time with Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Stallings. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Mansfield and son, Samuel, visited Mr. Henry Mans, field of Bethel who is ill Friday night. Margaret Eae and Celia Spivey returned to their home Sunday in Edenton after spending the week visit ing their aunt Mrs. A. R. Stallings. Peanie Stallings returned home Tuesday after spending a few days in Edenton. Mr. A. J. Mansfield, Annie Ruth Ward, Virginia Goodwin, Mr. and Mrs. Murry Elliott were out riding Sunday afternoon. Mr. C. A. Perry spent Saturday afternoon in Hertford on business. Mr. Preston Rogerson and sister, Miss Selma, spent Friday afternoor with Mrs. L. B. Ferry. Mrs. A. E. Stalling-) spent Fridny with her mother, Mrs. F. S. D:tk Miss Lillie Harrell is ill with 1'u, TIMELY TABLE TALES 1 iiiMiiTw riri SAL -S. A - Jit . S '!:!. -e who csilcd to sre Mrs. F. T. vans Sitturd-y afterncun weve Mrs II. Lane, Mary Ruth and Martin and Mrs. Harrell and Lan baby. Willard Stallings, Lofton Dale and Charlie Smith attended the show in Edenton Saturday night. Those who called on Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Stallings Sunday afternoor were Mr. and Mrs. Percy Rogerson and son, Percy Elton, Norman, Char lie and Elmer Smith, A. J. Mansfield, Lofton Dale and Alfred Lane. Mrs. Mack Sanderlin has returned home after a week's stay at Shaw-boro. Mr. Alton Moore called on S. H. Lane Sunday afternoon. MR. MUNDEN VERY SICK The condition of W. M. Munden, Beech Spring farmer, remains very serious. Mr. Munden has been con fined to his bed by illness for several months. THE Mrs. Morris Hostess Friday To Rook Club Mrs. J. E. Morris was hostess to the members of her Rook Club, and a few others of her friends, when she entertained at a delightfful party on Friday night at her home on Church Street. Five tables were arranged and those present included Mesdames T. L. Jessup, J. H. Towe, Jr., Walter Dail, W. H. Jenkins, Durwood Reed, Howard Pitt, Oscar Felton, Cecil Winslow, Charle3 Skinner, Claude Withrow, E. S. Douglas, G. W. Bar bee, Reginald Tucker, Archie Lane, James Howard, D. S. Darden, R. A. White, Grady Morgan, and Ernest Stillman, Misses Mary Sumner and Elizabeth Knowles. A salad course was served. BETHEL MISSIONARY SOCIETY CONDUCTS REGULAR MEETING A co. y U' ciu..-' a tel. CK.'ll: pnliUi: i li at i the fair.Oiit foi two must hot, It FIRESIDE TEA because ot Its informality, be a slnn- . Tint, simple hemstitched Irish linen damask clotn wmi IcriL is (il'tv.foni inehes the rlj'h' StZf tor id jusl the ri;.'ht ba(:Iii.',round for a tea. service, rterh lo sip a glass of wine in front ot the i'u- Madeira wines are served Kl ltei bwscial, and i,: The regular meeting of the Wo man's Missionary Society of Bethel Church met Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. J. M. Fleetwood. After the devotional, business was transacted. Mrs. S. M. Long wa in charge of the program. She began intr.i'hietii.i! to the1 t-pic i, "lie '...mi For the two ot witli a of th" hort r i' i. The V 1: NEWS Kaihe lor par proceeds of the sale of the property is, of course, enhanced by the sub stantial reduction in the total costs of handling the transaction. Mrs. J. T. Sitison spent a few day. with her daughter, Mrs. .Shelton V.'. Moore, of Edenton. Mrs. John Rogerson, Viola Roger son and Selma Rogerson, of Great Hope, called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Chappell Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Thach, of Yeo pim Station, visited her father, Mr. J. H. Mansfield, Sunday evening. James Mansfield visited his sister. Mrs. W. R. Davenport, near Yeopim Church Sunday. Mrs. A. P. Barbier, of Kaukauna, Wi3.; Mrs. Harold Thach and daugh ter, Barabara Ann, and Miss Addit Reed, of Hertford, called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Ward Thurs day. Miss Addie Mae Ward spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Reed, in Hertford. with Mi. home of M. Fleetwood. conducted Long. A 1'h a I t; ,,!.s, Mr. and Mr-, .!. The nice t'ng wa by the leader, Mrs. YV. I', very interesting program Y. W. A.'s Hold Meeting The Y. W. A.'s of Bethel Baptist Church met Friday night, January 1!, was rendered, the subject being "Ring In the New." Those taking part in the program were Miss Kath erine Fleetwood, 0. C. Long, Jr., Misses Katie Barber and Esther Ward, and Mrs. J. M. Fleetwood. A most entertaining contest was held, Miss Katie Barber being the winner. The hostess served candy and apples. Those present were Misses Pencie and Esther Ward, Katie Barber and Katherine Fleetwood; Carroll and Fentress Hill, Thomas Phillips, 0. C. Long, Jr., and Mrs. W. P. Long. :t 'ill an i ; t e of the Follow ing adjournment hour was enjoyed. T! delicious candlestick salad with home made fruit cake. Those present were: Mrs. S. M. Long, Mrs. C. E. White, Mrs. Seth Long, Mrs. Mary Hayman, Mrs. J. M. Fleetwood and two visitors, Mrs. J. T. Byrum and Mrs. T. T. Harrell. MR. WHITE WITH HIS BROTHER EXAMINATIONS NOW UNDER WAY FOR LOCAL HIGH SCHOOL Final examinations for the fall term of the Perquimans County High School, began on Wednesday of this week, and will last through Friday. All of the students seem to be study ing hard, according to F. T. Johnson, County Superintendent. Mr. J. Walter White, who has been living at his home by himself since the death of his wife in June, has gone to make his home with his brother, Mr. W. T. White, in tforth Edenton. Mr. White has been in poor health for sometime, and is now confined to his bed. Brick brooders are being built by Catawba poulfrymen for the economi cal production of broilers this spring. s , !.rlj (oIQJJQOOLW (36 WW (t i 1. . - miftSli Tha Naw Standard Chevrolet Coach The New Master De Lxe Chevrolet Coach &&. . DEALER ADVERTISEMENT THE fJEXV STANDARD CHEVROLET AND UP. List price of New Standard Roadster at Flint, Mich., $465. With bump ers spare tire and tire lock, the list price . is $20.00 additional, Prices subject to change without notice. THE NEW MASTER DE hVXE CZSEV&O&ET $i AND UP. List price of Master De Luxe Coupe at Flint, Mich., $5(i(i. With bump ers, spare tire and tire lock, the list price is $25.00 additional. Prices subject to change without notice. H ERE is America's great family car . . . beautiful to look at . . . thrilling to drive . . yery economical ; to operate , ; . and the world's fewest ; priced six) Thia New Standard IChev rolet has a GAe, roomy Fisher Body. ".'It is powered by the same irnproved valve-in-head engine which powers It Chevrolet's new Master models. is amazingly quick . . . flexible . . . spirited . . . the finest performing Chevrolet ever built. Yet it's even more economical than previous Chev rolets and a bigger dollar value than ever before. See and drive this New Standard Chevrolet today! "ONCER . . . smartly lower in appearance . . . beautifully streamlined . . . the new Master De Luxe Chevrolet is the Fashion Car of the low-price field. More over, the performance of this car will amaze you. Chevrolet's new and improved Blue-Flame valve-in-head engine gives remarkable getaway power and speed. Chevrolet's highly refined Knee-Action Ride and longer wheclbase give new comfort. And operating economy, too, is greatly increased. Sec your Chevrolet Dealer for full information regarding these new Master Do Luxe models. CHEVROLET MOTOl COMPANY, DETROIT, MICHIGAN. Compare Chevrolet's low delivered priceand cosy GMA.C. terms. A General Motors Value Hertford, i ;1