-'j j--.. !',!. c wtmlumi i iiiiifciitiMftwi i y jSiSiWsfat" hj wiiiniii 1 1 n wi.ig)w;wMgMfr v '-.i qimmi".t- . ' " --,- - , SIS'. jCffHSPTT' '"i." " n-...,. .-;..-. ,...-.,-, - 'V. r WEEKLY NEWSPAPE DEVOTED TpTHE UPBUtLDING OF HERTFORD AND PERQUIMANS COUNTY ' iVolume II NumberA ; v. nl Hertf ord Perquimans County, North Carolina, Friday, January 25, 1935. $1;25 Per Year in I V iv i AA wHu : f L W- 1 vl ; rape Away 4 Cash Prizes Hard Cash Exchanged For Little Spare Time To Workers Four cash prizes, and a cash com mission to persons participating in The Perquimans Weekly campaign perhaps you have heard rumors of it now you have the facts. Here is K something everyone will have a hand :, in, either by participating directly in the campaign or assisting other en trants. And because of it a nice sum i',, oftmoney will be made during the spare time of the entrants. No investment of any sort is re quired of you, and you do not need . any special talent, or experience to enter. If you want to make some ; money in a very pleasant and inter- 4 eating way, and in your spare time, - too, you should not put off entering this campaign. Someone who is in- terested and willing to use part of their spare time will be paid (400 by , y The Perquimans Weekly. The only thing you have to do is to call on your friends and get them to subscribe or renew their subscription to The Per quimans Weekly. This is not a long campaign ' seven short weeks, and the prizes will be awarded $400 is the first prize, $100 second prize, $50 third prize, $25 fourth prize, and if you do not win one of the prizes you will be paid a cash commission or ten percent on all business you turn in. Call at The Perquimans Weekly office, in the Gregory Building, to get your supplies which wUl ftarl you on your way to -that extra money. : President's Ball To BeHeldlnEdenton The Preaiaent's Birthday BU to be held la Edeatan. n 1 next ,TaMdy night, January SOth, Is beint adver tised in Hertford by posters displayed iir varlo"pi places. : "-. Paul Jones and his orcfcstra fro Rocky Mount , will furnish music fo the occasion. The price of script is $1.50 and spectators will be admittex: for 50 cents. Perquimans people are not giving t birthday party for the President, but they are cordially invited to attend the party to be held in EMtaton, and many have expressed their purpose" oi Attending. 1 Attractive Program At Chapanoke School A vei7 attractive program was ren- dered by; the. children of the Chapa noke School at ? the meeting of the Parent-Teacher Association held on Thursday sight, followed by a short but most' interesting talk by F. T. Johnson, Superintendent of Education. Mrs. W. E. White, of Hertford, gars a group of readings at the dost of the program. :.jr. The meeting was called to order by the president, Mrs. CL P. -Quiney, af ter which "Mr Faith Looks Up To Thee" was sung.? The Scripture, read ing, Psalm 46, was given by the Pres. ident, after which W. W. Lewis led in prayer. ... - ; At the close of the short business session and the singing of another hymn, Susie Mae Wilson gave a read ing. This was Xouowed by story by Janet Quincy and a reading by Curtis Wilson. Shirley Perry sang a solo, and the program by the children end ed with a most,: delightful jjlaylet Xhe Lord of; Education," in which the following . children took part: Calvin Wilson, Louise Bright, Janet "'Quincy, Mattie Meade ' Alexander, lilda Byrura, Mabel Chappell, Audrey pell and Susie Mae Wilson. 1 "si lea Cnrn IavActi im tfiarher of the ?i Vnoke school. . "; - . v V : Mi VS ENJOY SAUER KRAUT V ,? PER GIVEN BY MR. MUTH i- Jn-ifepite of the disagreeable weath er on Tuesday night, the) Perquimans ' Masc-4 enjoyed the sauer kraut sup per which F. F. Muth; of Edenton, gave at , the 1 Perquimans Lodge in Hertford," " Among the Edenton Masons pres ent in addition to Mr. .Muth' were C. H. Wood, B. F. Britton and'C. Sawyer. -' -V ; 1 A'Ui S-TAKEN TO HOSPITAL . ''"Mrs.' Jahie Elliott, who had. been at her home in Hertford for tr a, was t?k"-5 to St Vincentf JT 'tal . in 1" "S on I'onday c "X. . eek. ' t t ( . ' n v 111 be per "if .med the s.':r p.t cf t:.e week. Giving MANY SIGN Around seven hundred peanut re duction contracts have been signed in Perquimans County, according to L. W. Anderson, county, agent, who says that this represents about 95 per cent of the peanut growers in tht entire county. Unemployed Registered By District Statistician Mrs. H. C. Woselka, of Edenton, Statistician of the Edenton District of the National Re-Employment Ser vice,' was in Hertford oft Tuesday to take registrations of the Unemployed. The Edenton District comprises nine counties, and it is Mrs. Wozelka's purpose to register the unemployed in each of the count! the object being to ascertain the number of per sons who are at present unemployed. Only a few persons Were awara of the registration service being con ducted by Mrs. Wozelka on Monday and there was not the response that she had expected. However, Mrs. Wozelka expressed her desire to ap point another date m the near future for registrations, notice of which date will be published in this news paper. , Mrs. Blanchard Escapes Injury In Fall At Home Mrs. T. C. Blanchard has a host of friends who will "rejoice that there were no serious , consequneces when they learn how narrowly she escaped injury on Monday. ' Incidentally, Mrs. Blanchard is 77 years ok!. Probably the reason she doesn't mind telling her age is be cause she appears' so. imuch younger. 'OrMonto:er,tb4 viaiting her niece, Mrs. C. W. Gaith .r, in Elizabeth City, Mrs. Blanchard lost her balance in some way, as she started down stairs, and fell from the head of the stairway to the land ing. Mrs. Blanchard's. daughter, Miss Kate M. Blanchard, who was just be hind her mother, was naturally frightened. She called to her mother not to try to get up until she could reach her to lift her, and anxiously hurried down. Mrs. Blanchard, how ever, picked herself up before 'Miss Kate could get to her, and went blithely on her way. Reaching home, Mrs. Blanchard's family insisted that 'she be put to bed and that the doctor be called. Mrs. Blanchard thought this very foolish, insisting that the minor bruises she had sustained didn't amount to any thing. However, she humored the family tad allowed herself to be min istered to. The doctor found nothing wrong but stated he would return for further examination in the morning. . Mrs. Blanchard had planned a trip to Norfolk that morning. When oth er members of the household gc down stairs early in the morning, anxious to know whether or not she felt any ill effects of the iall, thi found the lady up and dressed ready for her trip. Furthermore, she had made her bed and tidied her room She waited until after the doctor's visit was over, then got into her and went to Norfolk, where she spent the day. On Wednesday it was reported that she felt a little soreness from V fall but was otherwise quite all right. PARKVILLE CHURCH, SERVICES Services atp , the Parkville M. E. Church on Sunday next will be as fol lows: A general song service, follow ed by prayer worship, at 7 o'clock. Sermon by pastor, Rev. A.. W. Man ning, of Elizabeth City, ' at 7:30 O'clock. . , :', LETS GET IT! - If the Hertford -people are inter ested sufficiently and will cooperate with the FERA, there1 is a possibility of securing a Young Men's Christian Association inHertford. ' A building 7ite would have to be furnished, That would Be up to thr county, the town of individuals. All of the labor would be furnished by the -FERA and at least a part of the material would also be furnished by the government ' ! 'The' members of the local FERA office are interested in the matter. They would be pleased 'at -securing such a project for' Hertford, which would f-jmiah work for many need ing work tJjs winter. '' , Helping the President I'd I Little Theresa McGinty, aged 6. of Brooklyn, N. Y., who sent a bright new nickel special deliv ery to President Roosevelt, fol lowing his announcement that he would lend his X935 birthday anniversary to a nation-wide party, proceeds of which will go toward aiding infantile paralysis victims all over the nation. Col. Henry h'. Doherty, chair man of the 1935 Birthday Balls for the President has announced that funds raised this year at parties in more than 5,000 com munities throughout the nation, will be divided, following a sug gestion made by the President. Seventy per cent will be used for the rehabilitation ot handi capped children within the eem mualiy raising the funis or t within the' nearest geographic ' unit of which the community la ' a part. The ether SO per cent ;wyihe-turne4 over to President IftooeaTeU te be.nsfid.by Ue Na ! tleaal CemnUsslon far Infantile i Iparayfsls Research. Bank Installs Delayed Action Lock On Safe The Hertford Banking Company has recently had installed on a com partment of their safe a device known as the delayed action time lock, as a supplement to the usual lock. When this door is locked by the combination lock it cannot be opened until it is rewound, and then fifteen minutes must elapse before the door will open. Locked in this compart ment with the delayed action time lock, is the dial of the safe which contains the bulk of the currency bonds, securities, etc. So, if a, bur glar should succeed in gaining admis sion to the vault and undertook to open the safe containing the valuables he would first have to obtain this dial, which is locked in the compartment which cannot be unlocked until fifteen minutes after it is wound. It looks pretty safe. This device has been approved, ac cording to R. M. Riddick, cashier, by the underwriters of all the robbery insurance companies. '. In addition to this new system, the bank is further protected by a burglar alarm, which system reduces mater ially the! burglar and robbery insur ance. ECONOMICS ASSOCIATION , WILL MEET SATURDAY The Perquimans County Home Eco nomics Association will hold its regu lar monthly meeting at the .Commu nity House in Hertford on Saturday. Mrs. M. T. Griffin,' president of the association, and members of the vari ous Better Homes Clubs throughout the county, will be present Mrs Thomas Nixon and Miss. Helen Gaith er are in charge of the program. The meeting will convene at 10:30 in the morning and after a picnic lunch is enjoyed, other business will be taken up. ' " A full meeting of women from all parts of the county is expected. WINS FORD TRUCK Rufus Harrell, a resident of the New Hope community, had the good fortune to win a new Ford V-8 car re. cently in a contest held in Norfolk, Va. Mr. Harrell paid 25 cents for the lucky ticket' ' - . . t V SERVICES AT BETHLEHEM. X There will be services at the Beth lehem Church of Christ, near Hert ford, on next Sunday night, to which everybody Is cordially invited, It Is announced that there will be (special mUSlC ,-' A . y v .t a Teachers Education For County Schools Charles Whedbee Is Governor's Advisor vNotice of the resignation of Hon. Chas. Whedbee, of Hertford, as a member of the State Highway Com mission, and his appointment by Gov. Ehringhaus as Legislative Advisor to the Governor, was made on Tuesday. A picture of Hertford's distinguish ed citizen appeared on the front page of the Raleigh News & Obser ver in connection with the announce ment of Mr. Whedbee's resignation and appointment. Mr. Whedbee, who has been in Ra leigh all this week, is expected tc come home for the week-end. Julien Wood, of Edenton, has beer, named as successor to Mr. Whedbee on the State Highway Commission. Recorder's Court Holds Short Session Tuesday The shortest Recorder's Court ses sion on record in Perquimans County was held on Tuesday of this week. The first three cases called were those against Herman Holly, colored, charged with stealing chickens; Will Tavlor. colored, charged with as sault with a deadly weapon and reck less driving, and the case against Norman Byrum, charged with being drunk and disorderly, and were all of necessity continued. Following the continuance of these cases the case against Archie Godwin, charged with assault with a deadly weapon, the State's witnesses includ ing Shelton Bagley and Norman El liott, was called. The prosecuting at torney, W. G. Edwards, made the an nouncement that it had been agreed between the parties to withdraw the charge of assault with a deadly wea pon, the defendant pleading guilty to simple 'assault, whereupon Judge Oakey dismissed the case upon the payment of the eost Immediately following this court adjourned, having been in session ten minutes. New Officers Elected For Girls' Auxiliary At a meeting of the Girls' Auxili ary of the Woman's Missionary So ciety of the Hertford Baptist Church held in the Sunday School room of the church on Tuesday night, new of ficers were elected, including Julia Eroughton, president; Katherim Campen, vice president; Sarah War secretary-treasurer; Blanche Moore Berry, pianist; Margaret Mayes, Liz zie Lee Hofler and Jean White, per sonal service committee, and Mablc Spivey, EHie Mae White and Edith Everett, membership committee. Other members present included Reba Spivey,'- Jeannette Perry, Eu gene Gregory and Mrs. Josiah El liott, the leader. Miss Edith Everett was hostess : this meeting and served dainty rc freshments at the close of the pro gram. PERQUIMANS HIGH SCHOOL WINS BOTH IN DOUBLE BILL The Perquimans County High School basketball teams Wednesday night won a 'double bill when the teams from Gatesville went down to defeat in rather one-sided contests. The Perquimans boys won their game by a score of 40 to 15, while the girl? turned in a 69 to 13 victory. WHO WILL IT BE? The entertainment program of the Juvenile Beauty Pageant which is tc be staged at the Hertford grammar school on Tuesday night of next week by the Parent-Teacher Associa tion, will be in charge of Mrs. B. G. Koonce. The beauty contest, which will br staged by Mis? Clarke, of Red Springs, is sponsored' by the Hert ford Parent-Teacher Association, which ..organisation will share in the proceeds. - Every person who attends will have one secret vote In the selection of "Miss Hertford." Contestants for this honor will; be from 15 to 25 years of age, For the title of "Little Miss Hertford" -the contestants will be from 5 to 8 years. ' The young lady who wins the title "Miss Hertford" Will be sent to Winston-Salem to participate in a contest for the title of fWa North Caro lina," the winner Of which will take part in the final contest in New York City for the title of "Miss America.!' Discuss Physical LHIT OR MISS 1 "X":X":-::::":-:":"X" Who is interested in a Y. M. C. A. for Hertford? That there is a possibility of securing a building, to be built mainly by the ERA, is an nounced in this newspaper. That no place is provided for the congregating of the boys and young men in Hertford has often been de plored by those who feel that this is an injustice to our youth. This seems to be the time to do something about it. (A misplaced society news item.) A series of dolls' tea parties is be ing given by Mrs. R. H. Willis, who has charge of the Beginners Depart ment of the Hertford Methodist Sun day School, it was learned this week. The only parties which have been held up to the present were at the homes of Master Lindsey Reed and of little Miss Pat Morris. Little Miss Dot Jenkins and her dolls were guests when Pat's party was given. The tea set which Mrs. Willis takes along to use at the tea parties was given to Mrs. Willis off the Christmas tree at the Methodist Sunday School when she was a little girl. No set tirpe is arranged for the parties, but others will follow, it is believed. "He chose a Chevrolet," remarked John Butler, "for his hundred hour endurance drive," in referring to the long drive being made by Jim Curly, the man who i3 going to sleep in Blanchard's show window after the drive is over Saturday afternoon. Flowers are blooming in Perqui mans. Breath o' Spring, Winter Jessamine, and now and then a sprig of spirea is blooming. ' Violets, also, are seen in sheltered spots like that in the front yard of the Hotel Hert ford. The warm days oi the past week, when the mercury soared to 76, have been succeeded by cold and rainy weather, however, and just now it is anything else than springlike in Per quimans. "Miss Fite, I think you are ugly vooman." That's what two-year-old Carrol Berry said to me over his toy telephone. I didn't get the message directly, but it was relayed to me. I don't like it much, but I don't know anything I can do about it. Mrs. Josiah Elliott says she is go ing to have the hide of the bobcat killed last week by her husband and a party of hunters for a rug. The cat, which hung outside of Jo siah's bus terminal on exhibition, at tracted a lot of attention. It weigh ed 28 pounds and measured about four feet in length. Seven dogs participated in the fight with the cat, one of which was com pletely licked and left before the scrap ended in the demise of the cat. In the party was Josiah Elliott, Ray White, Charlie White, Cecil White, Skinner Britt and Alvin Saw yer. Josiah Elliott says thi3 is the first animal of the kind, which is differ ent from the ordinary wildcat, which he has ever known to be killed in this county. It was killed in a woods on the Spruill farm, about four miles, from Hertford. And so the government is begin ning to check up on the large orders of sugar sold and find out what it i. used for, in an effort to catch' illicit whiskey makers. Looks like that ought to get 'em. Business has been noticeably pick ing up- at the furniture store of W. M. Morgan, in Hertford, for some time. In fact, we have Mr. Morgan's statement for that. He reports a big improvement. And that big new Ford truck he has recently purchased to replace the small truck formerly used in the delivery of furniture bears out the statement. If you don't think your money is locked up secure from burglars in the Hertford Banking Company's vault, step in some time and have a lbok at their hew delayed action time lock. GARAGE MEN LIKE MUSIC The men who are employed In the garage of the Chappell Motor Com pany, the Ford agency in Hertford, like music. They like radio pre grams. So a radio Is kept playing all of the me in the garage for the pleasure ef the workers.T " v Lack of Proper Equip ment Handicap to Students With the idea of mapping out a course of study on the subject of phy sical education and to make a practi cal application of the study in order to help the individual child, a county wide meeting of the teachers of Per quimans County was held in the Grammar School auditorium on Fri day nigh't, with Superintendent of Education F. T. Johnson acting as chairman. A general discussion of the subject was held and special papers were given by Mrs. G. W. Barbee, Miss Mary Sumner, Miss Virginia Tucker and S. M. Hughes. Many interesting phases of the sub ject were studied. It was brought out that physical education, if it is to accomplish its aim. must develop character as well as healthy bodies. That children who are given the opportunity of physical education, the chance to take part in well directed athletics and supervised play, are aid ed in the development of such char acteristics as honesty, truthfulness, courage, fair play and sportsmanship, was pointed out by the various teach ers vh toi ': part in the discussion. The teachers of the Perquimans County schools are very anxious for equipment to aid them in si tting i-i motion plans for teaching physiial education in their schools. A- t':c situation now stands, it is possible U teach only by precept. Lack of equip ment, it is said, has caused the schools of the county to fall far short of the desired attainment and the pu pils of these schools have been great ly handicapped. Materials, including bails, basket balls, footballs, baseballs, and other articles, are conspicuously lacking in the schools. With only a small amount of money to put in this equip ment, the plans of the teachers and those interested in physical education could be put into operation. . Those present at the meeting in cluded, in addition to Superintendent Johnson, Mrs. G. W. Barbee, Miss Helen Gaither, Mrs. Claude Long, Miss Nancy Woods, S. M. Hughes, Miss Virginia Tucker, Miss Hazel Ainsley, Miss Margaret S. White, Mrs. T. L. Jessup, Miss Mary Carson, Miss Elizabeth Knowles, Kiss Mary Sumner, Miss Lucille Long, Mrs. Thad C. Chappell, Mrs. Goodman, Mrs. H. T. Bond, Mrs. S. P. Jessup, Miss Maude Prigden, Miss Cora Layden, Mrs. W. Y. Morgan, Miss Mable Lane, Mrs. Nathan Kelfe, Mrs. A. R. Winslow, Jr., Miss Lorna Brothers, Miss Alma Leggett, Miss Alice Babb, Mrs. Tommy Sutton, Mrs. J. A. Jerni gan, Miss Ruth Hurdle, Mrs. Herman Winslow, Mrs. J. T. Basnight, Mrs. W. E. Dail and Mrs. Jenkins Walters Hertford Banking Co. Reelected Old Board The former Board of Directors was reelected at the annual meeting of the stockholders of ihe Hertford Banking Company held on January 15, viz: Dr. E. S. White, W. F. C. Ed wards, Thomas Nixon, Charles Whed bee, Chajies Johnson and R. M. Rid dick, Jr. At the directors' meeting following the officers were also reelected as follows: Dr. E. S. White, president; W. F. C. Edwards, vice president; R. M. Riddick, cashier; Win. H. Hard castle, assistant cashier; G. R. Tucker, assistant cashier. MR. SUMNER RETURNS AFTER HOSPITAL EXAMINATION C. F. Sumner, Sr., returned Mon day from a Norfolk hospital, where he had spent the past week undergo ing examination. Mr. Sumner has been in ill health for some time and it was feared that he would have to undergo an operation. However, It Is believed now that tills can be avoided. HERTFORD ALUMNI ATTEND CHAPEL HILL MEETING Hertford alumni of the University of North Carolina will be well repre sented at an unusual meeting to be held in Chapel Hill Friday afternoon of this week for the purpose, of dis cussing ways and means of stimulat ing gifts to the University through wills and trust agreements. Those expected q to attend from Hertford are Charles Whedbee and S. M. Whedbee. 'u . i -i 4l f tl 1

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