if ' 1 w , THE PERQUIMANS WEEKLY, HERTFORD, N. C, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1935. ' " 'V ' ' . ' 4 if Ml TOE PERQUIMANS WEEKLY : . ruousnea every . r naay f ai aim ..if Perquimans "-Weekly office ;. ithe Gregory Building, Churchc Street, Hertford, N. C MATTIE USTERWHITE Editor Day Phone ffl"- 88 Night Phone :. ; 100-J . SUBSCRIPTION RATES 'One Year $1.25 Six Months " ..75c Entered as second class matter November 15, 1934, at the post office at Hertford, North Carobna, under the Act of March 3, 1879. , Advertising rates furnished by re. quest. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1935. THIS WEEK'S BliiLE THOUGHT IN PLEASANT PLACES: The Lord is the' portion of mine inherit ance and of my cup: thou maintain est my lot. The lines are fallen unto me in pleasant places: yea, I have a goodly heritage. Psalms 16:5-6. DOES IT MEAN- ANYTHING TO YOUT " What does The Perquimans Weekly mean to yout i : rls it Just another country news paper, which is all it can mean to .those f other places who are not in terested in Perquimans? Or is it cnmafhino- mni-A than that to VOuT Co have a right to expect some thing more than that. The Ferqui mans Weekly is endeavoring to give you more. iliV- You have a right to expect you home newspaper to carry the news of 'Vour community, the news of your section. It should carry news wnicn is interesting to the people of the community, some of which no othei newspaper carries because of ills un importance, its lack of nws value outside this immediate territory. The Perquimans Weekly does that. Not onlv do you have a right to ex pect your home newspaper to carry storie3 of interesting nappeum among the home people and news of its affairs, but you have a right to expect your, home newspaper to dis tuss questions of interest to the peo ple of the community, to stand up for tie rights of your community, to boost Perquimans. It is your news paper. Its columns should be open to the people of the community who de3ire to express their views and opinions in reference to matters of civic and community interest. All this is what The Perquimans Weekly is desirous of giving to its people. It is our aim to make The Perquimans Weekly a good country newspaper, and as such a valuable community asset We are grateful for the cooperation which we are dafly receiving from the people of the community , in our ef forts. To all those who realize that a good, home newspaper is essential to the upbuilding of the community, and who have - faith, in . our efforts, and who are giving us their support, we are deeply grateful. . , ' '.."' It is only through such cooperation on the part of the people that , we arrj on. Without this support which the fine) public-spirited citizens of Perquimans County have given U3, there opuld be no newspaper. Give us your support. Subscribe to your home newspaper. Hits Woman With f tick To Scatter Idea? "I hit her with the stick to scatter her ideas," explained Octavius Fere tee, eolored, while testifying in the ease in Recorder's Court on Tuesday, in which Octavius Ferebee and Emma Winslow were both defendants, both eharged with assault with a deadly -weapon. ; " It happened at Besse Ferebee's cook shop in "Newtown," the scene of co many similar affairs, on last Sat urday night. Bessie said she had 50 hogs feet cooked to Bell and that she told Octavius that if he would play the piano for her that .night for the dancers she would tip him, if U the hogs feet were sold. So Octavius was playing, when Emma came in, Emma is said to have been drinking. Bessie said she was drunk. Several witnesses testified that she was; the aggressor. She is said to have told Octavius not to hit another key. She had" the knife," Octavius said, and he t: 'Ml! ,V!a1 'Ant, . enaHar jfeS'-Jterideas.- Bessie 'tried to get Emma ' home and go to bed but she j VV'' .wouldn't,'' and so, at Bessie's sugges- 'tyrVnm, Octavius ' just threw her down on the floor and took theiknife away. ;' . la the.scpffle;hi hands were ut. Em? ''.' 'tntt said she was "stobbeH," too, in ;-le;.sfower7..ft-, - Bessie Ferebee was asked i4.0c . tavius was drunk. "No," said Bessie, Octavius wasn't drunk. If he had n he would havt beat Bit and her '.vius . .was found not guilty, na! was found, guilty, and sent to - for 80 days. , .-." . . , LC "1 VALUABLE COW. i ? . ? V cf WinfalL had the 5 ft -very Valuable Tiirough ; Capitol Keyholes By BESS HINTON SILVER . G. 0. P. CANDIDATE Some Re publican members of the General As sembly -are inclined to view with favor the suggestion v that former Congressman Chas. Jonas, now the Representative from Lincoln County in the Legislature, may become a can didate lox Governor next spring in opposition to Gilliam Grissom who al ready has voiced intentions of mak ing the race. Mr. Jonas attracted wide attention with his bill to provide discretion between Capital Punish ment and life imprisonment and in firat degree criminal cases 'and his at titude favoring removal of tolls from bridges in Eastern North - Carolina. It might be well to observe his smoke. DOUBT REMOVED Former Lieu tenant Governor R. T. Fountain, of Rocky Mount, has let it be publicly known that he is seriously consider ing running for Senator in opposition to Senator Josiah W. Bailey in the Democratic primaries next spring. Nevertheless, there are some rather astute political observers around this Capital City who say they believe Mr. Fountain's announcement is in tended as a blow at the potenteial candidacy of Governor Ehringhaus, who beat him by a nose three years ago, more than as a thrust at Sena tor Bailey. The Governor doesn't ap pear worried. DQNT LIKE IT-Some members of the joint 'legislative finance com mittees can't take the idea of Repre sentative McDonald of Forsyth, t introduce a substitute to the sales tax on the floor of the House of Repre sentatives. Representative R. Greeg Cherry, of Gaston, and Thomas O'Berry, of Wayne, made certain re marks indicating that they thought Dr. McDonald was "holding out" on them by not giving the committee the benefit of his views. The Forsyth Representative is a member of the House finance committee. SPEED LOST Not a few legisla tors express the opinion that rapid passage over sections of the revenue and appropriations bills is not going to save much time in the long run. They figure that . opponents of the proposals of spending and taxing will hold their fire until the bills get on the floors of House and Senate and then loose their bombardments. It may or may not be-algnificant that anti-ftdministrationists are holding their peace in committee meetings. PATROLMAN It's entirely possi ble that you may soon catch sight of a State Highway, patrolman in your county. Bills have been introduced in the General Assembly to transfer the patrol back from the revenue 'depart ment to the highway department and to increase the number of patrolmen. Also, patrolmen would be relieved of duties of collecting gas and oil sam ples for inspection and required to do nothing except watch automobile drivers and attemp to reduce slaugh ter on the public roads. ',. r ;,' HAND-OUTS Various and .sundry bills have been introduced in the Leg islature to use State .highway gaso line and license 4taxe3 for purposes other than building roads. Some of the measures would have gas tax money reduce local government roads debts, while others would require the highway commission to pave streets in cities. One million dollars in high way money is already going into the general fund and the budget commis sion has endorsed this policy for the next two years. If you have any definite idea3 on the subject of how gasoline and license taxes should be iyent the present might not be a bad time to make them known. LIQUOR Many legislative and po litical leaders believe that the Dey House bill to call a referendum on two wet. and one bone-dry proposition nhourf be "entitled ah act to perpetu ate the Turlington law in North Car olina." They figure. " that the two propositions for . legalized liquor would split the wet vote and that the drys would stick together on proposal to retain present absolute prohibition. Annflmr bill now circling around leg- X Joiotivo iftll wonld provide a refer- liquox '.Wlutf f ;will 'happen- is, of ' . " ' 'rj'i 1 L '14.' iu course, ln.fne luwre pws novaf ivolv MHV to strike out the sec- t:m .oolHncr fnr .referendum. . . The drys Talize Kat"? anU iqrfe pei toes. r,r'-rm':T'- ; 4 'WtnlttC HEALTH-iSOTatoibrif- fin ' rxt VrnrMin. introduced a 'bill to i rwinlr vour" rhild 't if voh "have' One-) Ice1fva4cieteiig between the age oi.sijt ana Ainonwis hnt It ran Into " aoma rocka :) In? the theaitht" pnmltft tofliirift , anti-toxin" '6eyitize Bbme patients .against (ner vaccinations with:"horse" Y Theommittee couldn't Agret Nr it wai bet ter to allow tL x be exposed to dintheria ' on bar tir r it f V) cer- ISNT QUITTING YET, Senator W. G. (Cousin Willie) Clark, of Edge, combe, ' Wants it understood that he is not going to quit the race for Lieutenant Governor because his can didate, Senator Carl L, Bailey, of Washington County, was defeated for President Pro Tempore of the 1935 Senate. Cousin Willie isn't sure he will make the race in 1936 but he avow3 that if he does he will give Senator Paul Gradv, of Johnston, former Senator George McNaill, of Fayetteville, Senator Harriss New man, of New Hanover, of other poten tial or actual candidates "a run for their money." TOUGH BREAK Parole Commis sioner Edwin M. Gill spent much time preparing his brief for presen tations before the appropriations committees of the General Assembly. He made detailed studies of the best methods of parole investigation and supervision and then when the money spending committees met Commis sioner Gill was confined to his bed with an attack of the mumps. As a result his brief had to stand alone for his cause. Mr. Gill subscribesto the axiom that the best laid plans of mice and men often go astray. NOT BEHIND Lieutenant Gover nor A. H. Graham isn't letting any grass grow, under his feet in the race for the gubernatorial nomination on the Democratic ticket next year, in the opinion of many political wise acres around Raleigh. They opine that his committee appointments in the Senate and his conduct in presiding over that body are not hurting his chances of nomination even if Clyde R. Hoey, of Shelby, and Congressman R. L. Doughton are getting the pub licity breaks right now. DR. NOBLE Prior to convening of the General Assembly many news writers were predicting that the Leg islature would attempt to abolish the office of executive assistant revenue commissioner, held by Dr. M. C. S. Noble, Jr. The Legislature has been in session almost a month and no one has peeped for publication about abolishing Dr. Noble, but talk ot making the revenue commissioner elective has cropped out. RY1ANDNEWS Mrs. Carrol Forehand of Norfolk has been visiting her aunt, Mrs.-C- E. Saunders. Mrs. Vernon Jordan and son, Earl, both of whom have been ill with pneumonia, are reported as improv ing. Mrs. Sarah Chappell is visiting her daughter, Mrs. W. E. Cojeland. JMr; and Mrs. Sam Nixon, who; have been visiting Mrs. Elbe Mae Ward, have returned to their home at Hoi ley's Wharf. ", Miss Lutle Laurson of Portsmouth spent last "week-end with Grace Hol lowell. Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Berryman, Mr. and Mrs. Cornice Berryman spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Merton Copeland.- ; Mrs. Tim , Ellis returned home Thursday after spending some time with her daughter, Mrs. G. A. Boyce. G. A. Boyce was in Aulander Sat urday on business. Mrs. Roy Parks, Mrs. Herbert Lane and son, Herbert Ray, were in Suffolk, Va., on Tuesday. Charlotte Hollowell, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Hol lowell, is very ill with pneumonia. Mrs. Tim Ellis, Mrs. G. A. Boyce and children, Miss Mary Lee Davis visited Mrs.. Vernon Goodwin at Cen ter Hill on Wednesday. . Mrs. Eli Gordon of Gatesville ? visiting her sister, Mrs. Harry Parks. Mrs. Harry Parks spent Monday with her granddaughter, Mrs. Vance Moore, at Gates. An old fashioned candy pyll war held at the home of Mrs. M. E. Jor dan on Tuesday night ' PINEY WOODS Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Perry1 visited Mrs. W. W. Chappell Wednesday, Mrs. W. W. Chappell and Mr. N. W. Chappell made a business, trjtf to Elizabeth City Saturday. r'J$$L Mr. Elihif Chappell is very itt;with bronchitis. . .' ' '! 'f-WtM Mt;V;T. Chappell ; and ' family made a business trip to Hertford on ': Satuntav. ; .,:''L-uK:dx.t. Mr. Godf'CppisSBil father, Mr.,Elihu Chappell,. Saturday :'iliughti'i?'i"vft"' fi'''-' fir'-i- ( fMbjfies Margaret and Nona..Raper on Mi' ;m'elodyb:eibs':musiC'v f4SXLUBvB0LDS "MEEtlNff il-ThMedyMaterjMUslc Club met Friday afternoon, at the home of llSts, t I -WinsiowrAdalia WlAslow rand Jimmie: Felton ejng, hosjb.feThe1 topic of tfie program was the Life of Grieg, ? All members took )art in the program of piano selections and read ing, and Elizabeth Darden won the prize for the best hand position.' . . iDs'iciosa' . hose-made.:-.ccsyaitd -' or-"3'v;v::3 fr7?l.V.-' ' ' . HIT OR MISS .The fouWing selection,"' entitled "Beauty Magic," is copied from' the haternational 1 Journal of ,. Religious Education: - 1 "Life has loveliness to Bell," Writes a modern poet, but in 'these days of depression it is well to remember also that life has loveliness to give away. Often it takes times" like these to make us sensitive to the abundance of beauty with which we are surround ed. When minds are troubled and fearful and the world is full of uncer tainties, we need the quiet and calm and stability which comes from a con sciousness of beauty beauty which need not, nay, which cannot be pur chased, but only lived with and en joyed The glory of a sunrise or the splen dor of a setting sun. A temple spire, an evening star, and a new moon hovering near. Sunlight through a baby's hair and "Children's faces looing up, Holding wonker like a cup." A regal lily in a florist window. Gulls sailing over a white-capped sea. A beautiful book in a friend's library. - A maiden harmoniously and beauti fully attired. "A snatch of song, a breath of pine, a poem lit with golden flame." A bit of inspiration from an ar tist's brush. A mother with a song on her lips setting her house in order. Snow-white curtains at a tenement window. The vocal and silent melody ol praise which a spring morning sings to its Maker. Indeed, those who have eyes to see declare: "No day has ever failed me quite: Before the grayest day is done I find some misty purple bloom, Or a late line of crimson sun. Each night I pause remembering Some gay, adventurous, lovely thing." And, for days when life seems un usually colorless, there are available at one's beck and call those mental pictures of remembered beauty Snow-capped mountains on a h(t, summer day. A quiet village street through an avenue of trees. A phantom ship, with its colored lights, slipping silently across a moon4it lake. A sacred spot along a wooded path. A memorable hour at a symphony concert. . Fear and doubt and worry cannot long remain where a love for beauty has a permanent dwelling place, for where beauty is, there is God, and where God is, harmony and love and peace abide. "Let the beauty of the Lord be upon ;us" that through its magic pow er we may hear His voice speaking refreshment and peace and joy to our souls. Consider the splendid work the boys basket ball team is doing just now. The few fans who attend the basket ball games are deploring the fact that the fine team is not receiving the sup port to which it is entitled. It is said that the girla are receiving better support. It has been pointed out that the boys' team is the best boys' team P. H. S. has had for a long time, the first winning team for some years, and that they should receive more , en couragement from the local people. Two names on the list of the unem ployables turned over to the County by the ERA as their responsibility on the first Monday in January were stricken off at the February meeting of the Board. These two won't need any more aid from anybody. They died last month. , Two others on this list will be taken to the CJbunty Home. ' They are an old colored couple whose pitiable plight is something which ought not to be allowed- The husband, though , practically blind all his life, worked r faithfully for a living as long as he' could. Now he is old and very feeble and his sight is almost gone. His wife has lost her mind. These two compose the fam ily. , It Was reported that during, the recent bitter weather this . , old man sat up several nights alone, watching, that old blind man; watching lest his deranged wife run out unclothed in , . The. man was dead. That was the natural assumption of W. E. Hoffler as he -spied : him lying sprawled be side the railroad Strack a mile from Hertfoid)' last -Sunday, Mr, Hoffler lost no time-, in reporting the .matter to Sheriff J. E. Winslow, who . went M VtiCB H investigate. - A goodly- re presenatiorf .of the population of Hert ford ven$:abtoe;3ZMf&i v "The nian was dead; to' the "world, lut" mly ilead drunk: l He .:: was : just rf$r-5 vk'-i ..--"7 v' A'v ' .i . What are your wishes as to further cutting on the Cause-Way property? Do you want the undergrowth clean ed out and the taller trees left star ing on that portion of the prcr ' " .wLfc is Ei"l tn? lel? Xr I beauty unadorned, so to speak?" ' ' ' The matter hag been left b the county commissioners for the town, to decider. The Editor ; of The Perqui mans Weekly was asked to. find out what the wishes of the'f people are with respect to this matter. Now is the time to ' express how ' you feel about this place, I , . " Either get in touch with Miss Mae .Wood Winslow, president of the Hert ford Woman's Club, or with The Per quimans Weekly and let us know how you feel about this metter. MRS. NIXON UNDER KNIFE Mrs. Hollowell Nixon " underwent an operation at a Norfolk hospital on Wednesday morning df this week. Mrs. Nixon,-who had had a previous attack of appendicitis some weeks ago, had another attack this week and was taken to the hospital on Tuesday afternoon. (SDnwIl(gfi In 1934 Ghevrolet again, as usual, outsold it's nearest com petitor by several thousand cars and trucks. (C13llS2S a (D IHI ESV ISL (D) L E -H I Hollowell Ghevrolet Go. I Hertford, N. C. r And You Will That They Are YOU just tickle with one toe, arid .jman! whatVV-1 afpick-up! ItVthat: ,dynamic -' V; ., kJupbx.KJj.icu wroo B r-f .wonderful impetus. . ,;i,,r,i;. j MM.'U WX.b'4Mt.V'- i'' i. t - -. , r m in in f r ' 4 ! MRS. EOONCE HOSTESS ; Mrs. B. G, Koonc'e Was hostess to her bridge' club on Thursday night, the party being given at the home of her rfster, Mrs. Thomas Sumner-r -i 'JMrs. S..P Jessup was the winner of the prize for top score. ( . A jjelicious " salad ; course j was served. , j -Y ' 'W 7 - Those playing were Mrs. T. B, Sum ner, 'Mrs. F. T. ' Johnson, Mrs. S; P. Jessup, Mrs. V; N; Darden, Mrs. E. W. Lordley, Mrs. B. G, Koonce, Miss Mae Wood WinsloW and Miss ' Kate M,' Blanchard. - : ' . FIRE AT BETHEL CHURCH , ' A small fire originated in "the. flue of Bethel Baptist Church oji List Wednesday evening. Quick work on the part of those who di;overed the blaze, however, resulted in its being extinguished - without considerable damage being done. ooo iHiaiiaimEinHm See For Yourself v- ' ..x - Using Shell Gas. u-4 V-tr K t" f the accelerator uiat gives uial . ;v - i A' r '4

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