, rr-- - - : - ' -V : f ' V'THS PCItQUIMAljS 'yfciSlLY,. CbRTFORP, N.'.C, FRIDAY' rssitUARY 8, 15 " V- : .' ' i J I ;'f , V I ;;;; V" i M 1 1 r- A -: - ir ,.v i -vXi - t I t I 1 it 1 X- . 1 j , I J 1 -w5t-, It a- v O YOffP SPARE TIME IS VALUABLE . . . EN FACT WORTH $100 A WEEK DURING HE NEXT FIVE WEEKS IN THE PER QUIMANS WEEKLY EXPANSION CAM PAIGN. THERE ARE FOUR LARGE CASH PRIZES AND TEN PER CENT COMMIS ; SION. ENTER YOUR NAME TODAY AND GET YOUR SHARE OF THIS GIFT MONEY UJ hrnrn ,J VVy VV A Awarded Person Having Highest Number of Votes Second Capital' Prize V- - Third Capital Pr lze Awarded to the Persoir Hayiitg -Third Highest Number of Votes Fourth Capital Prize Awarded to the Person Having, fourth Highest Number of Votes 107 Cash Commission to Active Non-Prize Winners THINK PF IT! . .if..i-..- .. n .......... ... You can mI up to $liOO a week in your spare timei Time that would other ISMS' wise be wasted ' I Phone HertForci 88 lor delails. VOTE SCHEDULE FIRST PERIOD Up to Feb. 16 1 yr. SLOOi. 10,000 2 yr. $2.00 80,000 8 yr. $3.00 60,000 B yr. S4.00 ,16000 SECOND PERIpD? Feb, 17 t Feb: 28 ! 8,000 24)00 1 yr. $1.00- .yr. 2.00l 8 yr. $8.00-U:;. 48,000 120,000 THIRD PERIOD Feb. 24 to March 2 1 yr. $1.00. 6,000 2 yr. $2.00 18,000 8 yr. $3.00 86,000 5 yr. $4.00-1 100,000 FOURTH PERIOD Much 8 to March 9 1 yr. $1.00: ,' t " - ,ooo 2 yr. $2.00 10,000 ? yr. $3.00 1 80,000 6 yr. $4.0tt.-,.a. 75,000 How To Jump Into Firot Plaee Right now an entirely ; new candidate can assume the leadership with just a few good sub scriptions. Only two five year subscriptions would count 300,000 votes; if taken in YOUR first week they would count 500,000 votes. Verify this by glancing at the votes published in this issue: Consider what your, spare time the next few weeks maymean to you: Make up your mind to participate in The Perquimans Weekly $1000 gift distribution. A little earnest effort now is better ' than all the regrets and "wish I hads" after it is too late. If you are alive, if you have the' least sparke of business, the least .ambition to. better yourself financially and add to your income, get in your name. Show a little action and make more money in your spare time the next few weeks than most people make in several months! You'll never again in this section have such an op portunity, we'll wager you that never again will any paper offer such rewards. t You can make this one of the most pleasant days of your life by entering your name to com- pete for these wonderful prizes. ' Get busy now and let The Perquimans Weekly make you the most remarkable present you ever received. To Those Who Have Entered What are you doing to insure yourself of one of the really BIG prizes in the distribution? Are you doing YOUR partor are. you sitting back and hoping your friends will, do it all? Up to now te majority of the votes that most of the condi dates have received have been cast by subscribers who have been coming, into4 the office in regular course of business, paying up their PERQUI- votes to the credit of some one of the nominees. This should not be the qase when the value of all the prizes is considerMsJEvfery candidate should v be doing; his or her utmost . towards making THEIR prize as big as possible. If your friends see that you are doing 4 YOUR part, they will jump in and help you pile up a winning total; if, 'I however, they see that ""you are unappreciative and are expecting your ffriends to do it 'all they : " will throw their support elsewhere. It's tip to you , ; candidates. Do TOUR part your friends will r do theirs. . , ' " To These Who Have Not Entered To you who are still considering entering this "V"' big Gift Distribution RIGHT NOW is the time to-' h seid in your : name andlm V: never have haonor; ever will have-suclvan op- pprtunity SforSmakihgf BiggMONEYl; quickly .: ; msiriDution. ; viip put mat nomination DianK: see , that it reaches the Campaign Department imme-:"4. YOU VNT. -iRemember : this statement and ; .;:MowaiiMiifii I hereby enter and cast 5,000 votes for: ; SMis-Mr6riirsl..;.u:.. Aaaress....w.... . ...... .rnone-.... r-r- District No, Dat&E! n. -A candidate in une rewunaana weeiuy Bveryooay wu Campaign. Only one nomination blank accepted for each candidate, , rat '. A7'V Tafr . r . T7v,v "!"vu"W":wj.wi. jranjr uuHcripuuna. i testant arthrity Na iestrlctioa Is placed-on the numbMe Wu-Wt ' '' """ "-.' ,.' .I!'V1" "' '''" .!" i'i'1i,W'.u'i. Waii.'i' fey'V!Pi'i ..'..'.li i inim-M. nii-i--....ni.....--a g'-Ji, . - ,.. .,..i,.,.,, ..,,..-,.,.,,' f , w OOD FOR 100.000 RYTPA Wvrpa ;-,.;t! v r.v,r-:V' fimtt FIRST SPfiSCUlPTION IF TINNED IN WITEIN 21 ' 1- :'Q,iConP',n' WW count 10tf,000 free votes when retarned tn .e flrat subscription obtain providing itla usecT witiJn t?Z ; 4onr hours ft nomination is made and accepted. It ifz 1 1 s ac-iCDmpanied,;bj'...cash--an4 the subscription must be for a" t "ad cf at least we -year. The 100,000 extra votea are in aditioi to thV , number given on the aubscnption aa per the regular vote schedule. Name of SubscribrLlJ,"' r 1 : m Candidate's Name M 0 '.. 1 " , --iJliLilL-." 'J. Amount EnclospdJ. - 1