7 P Tf I 3 Titf xmmm WeM&u and WtffifflJlfeofiNft Hertforfftefrtfi Noirffi Caroiiy ! $L25 Per Year i -.-Ji-AjiH!,,. auf iitufaJUi . iuuufrlir ots.i Wj i I 1MfiDSaM ITCH'S-!' ,'!, , ! .-M . v. v.i' t'l ':' -')'"' ! NQ TREES TO BE CUT n JUDGE QAKEY NOTES IF1; HM O ffi Contestants Str JE. & JhU 'JjiULlfrCU; t&uagm JL4l.Vft I iWf LAND Jesse J. Lane and Elmer Large Truck Runs Off .1 Chowan Bridge Fn il-i n- -.1.. A packing case bearing the name of J. C. Blanchard & Co., seen float "Ing on the 'waters of the Chowan River on Friday, night, was the first clue to the identity of . Jesse J, Lane and Elmer Symons, both of Hertford, shortly 'after the truck in which the men were riding; with Mr. Symons at the wheel, crashed through the rail of the bridge near the toll house on Friday bight, hurling both men to their 'death, in the water below. Men witnessed the fatal accident, and others coming upon the scene 1 ... shortly after saw a long expanse oi bridge railing was torn away, but no body knew from whence the truck came or who had gone down. Jesse J. Lane and Elmer Symons, who were employed by J. H. Towe, who operates a truck line, left Hert ford shortly after 9 o'clock on Fri day night in a Dodge truck carrying a load of furniture belonging to Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Harris, former Hert ford residents, en route to Winston Salem. That was the last t'me the men were seen. In crossing Chowan Riv er bridge, near the toll house, they were said to have been trailing, a large truck loaded with automobiles., and that another car was approach ing from the opposite direction, and that when the truck ahead turned out to pass a car which was parked on the bridge, the Dodge crashed through the rail oh the left hand side in jt der to avoid striking the track. After wrecking crews summoned from Edenton had commenced their work of attempting to lift the truck from the river and rescue the bodies of the men, somebody saw the pack ing case and telephoned to Mr. J. C. Blanchard at Hertford, who commu nicated with J. H. Towe, and the two men left immediately for the scene. Many other Hertford people joined I Syrccnsffa Fatal the crowd from iiiaenton ana otner f points at the scene. The steam tug Carolina, towing a barge with a crane left Hertford in the' early; hours of the morning for the scene,, after wrecking crews working from the bridge failed to lift : T the wreckage. The body; of Mr. Sy - mons, in the cab, "was brought to the surface A Saturday afternoon, but it was Sunday 'morning .before Mr. Lane's body was found.' It was found by members of the Coast Guard, who dragged the bottom bf the river. S The trady shocked and saddened the entiM . community, as both men were held in the highest esteem by those who ikney -them. Practically nothing of value was salvaged of the" furniture of Mr. and Mrs. Harris, but the, truck line car ried cargoj 4psuanc ;whicH:iwill par tially at least takll care of the loss. S Th buck antraJlet; belonging to r Mr. tTowi waa badly w'fecked.5 No : insurance waa tarried on this. ' "D ixieland; Miristrelsf ? geritedlFriday There will be an entertainment on Friday night atrtie Boti guan ',' mar school which it is said is one of 'i the .beftItfil fvXDbMtaatXtm , strels,"; a production of the Elizabeth Gty grammar , grades, , and is epon--r sored by the Hertford Parent-Teacb-, t ' er Assodatian,' luui he proceed1 wOI go towwd defyinihe rpeBse iof "1 "- ' the JunioSenior Jbaiact of pie higb TiV miiKkami.'ku''w in f EUaa'City' iabruary and CarJ lc ttiarilitt' I'M- ite'4' M JWfA ' Pi i : LooBus Co.; narrowly escaped serious - raising :iniikiiitiiyt 4V H. Jve from Chowan lUver fin K,:: Sunday afternoon," when .. ''chain troke-and ".the truck which was betoi ' i:;ted froia the water swung against ' , the skiff i 'i 'i which the younnwu . " was working. jCut for his presence J i'ii of mind in crouching behind a post, -. " he I'-'wouIdC have been' struck. -'sThe wreckage struck the boat. Cdrjotter Cafted For Oner One th The sudden death f Bettie James a colored woman whcr'tlived wear Woodville, occasioned ' 'two ' vieits of the coroner, thwni an error.' Dr. T. A. Cox; Perquimans County Coroner, Was called on by sons of the dead woman on Friday morning, and asked to visit the home where the woman had been found dead in bed. The doctor found that the woman had died from natural causes. On Sunday night somebody tele phoned for the sheriff, and the mes sage was understood to cor.vey the information that a woman had been found dead in the road near Wood ville. The sheriff called on the' cor oner and together the men went down in the vicinity in which they had been directed. Somebody had been drinking about the place as they sat up at the home where the woman lay dead, and the sheriff had been sent for. There was no serious trouble, that is, nothing more serious than causing the two officers to go on a wild goose chase. L. F. Constfeton Figures In Wreck In Florida Mrs. L. F. Conpleton lias been nil vised that Mr. Congleton, who !pI! Hertford Saturday night for a tri; to Florida to buy fruit, had had ar accident early Monday morning in which his truck was wrecked. Ben Thach, who accompanied M: Congleton on the trip, returned to Hertford on Tuesday, bringiinr Jlry Congleton the information. Mr. Con gleton has not yet returned. The accident happened at Burnell, Florida, when the truck was in colli sion with another truck. Mr. Congleton has been making; trips to Florida at frequent intervals throughout the winter, buying fruil which he sells in Hertfid. He had not reached his destination when the accident occurred. Funeral Elmer Symons Held Sunday Afternoon Funeral services for Elmer Symons, 29, one of the victims of the accident which occurred on Chowan Bridge on Friday night when two Hertford men lost their lives, were held from the home in Parkville, on Sunday after noon at 8 o'clock, with the Eev. Ray Smith conducting the services. Burial took place in the family burying ground. Pallbearers were six qousins, Roy Hurdle, Alvin Hurdle, Nathan Hurdi. Fenton Hurdle, Joe Hurdle, and Leslie Sumner. Throngs of friends were, present a the -funeral of the young man and there were many expressions of soi row at his untimely and tragic death and of sympathy for the bereaved family. Surviving are his father, C. C. Sy mons, his step-mother, one brother, Ernest Symons, and three sisters, Mrs. J. W. Hall, Mrs. G;H. Hall and Mrs. W. G. Arnold of Elizabeth City. Mr. Symons was a young man of splendid character, held in' the high est esteem 'by those who knew him. 7 GIRLS' AUXILIARY MEETS i-iS The'iGirls' Auxiliary5 of the6 Hert ford Baptist Church met on Monday night at the home of Miss Margaret Mayes; iftJMisa Edith Everett in charge of the program. . At ; th: dose of the program the hostess served refreshments. i:w Those present -' included " Misses Edith, Everett,.. Katherine Canpen, Mable Spivey, ": Ruby t Spivey, Jean nettePerry, Eugentt Gregory Shir ley Elliott, Sarah Ward, Margaret Mayes and the leader, Mrs, Joisiah ElliotU . .? j. a .- WRECK VICTIM STILL IN BED 'ymohd' w; w w&'lmrt irin! automobn.' accident lastVeek, when the-car in which ;.twHiM liding withiRusse W,Mo tomded'isrtth a has parked on vtbi highway.iitill confined U fcii' bed iat" tte home oi Ws orottiel Wmsirf ia Hert fbrd'i'f , i v rpupT'fhiiuwH'V :llu8sett jr(o.Wio:'4 waslso Very painfully 4urt, j' ablt to be out. JOSHUA SUTTON IMPROVING , ' Joshua- Sutton; prominent' young farmer of New Hope, Is able to be out again after spending the' past three weeks in. bed as resiUt of - cutting his knee with V hatchet. i:,5lie wound became infected and the 'young ma was quite sick for some time. ' " Dea Orders Gate to Be Kept After an investigation of the mat ter of the inmates of the Perquimans OMHtty jail -iUdring iicraor from Jail cell where it had ' been stored, getting drunk and raising a disturb ance last week, Judge Walter H. Oakey, Jr., addressed himself to the officers, including the sheriff and his deputies, and the police officers of the Town of Hertford, in Recorder's Court on Tuesday, calling their atten tion to the statute of North Carolina which prescribes that each county jail shall be provided with at least five separate apartments, one for thfe confinement of white male prisoners, one for white female prisoners, one for colored male prisoners, one for colored female prisoners, and one for others. "The evidence in this case," said Judge Oakey, "does not show that we have been properly segregating the prisoners, and I want the while and colored prisoners separated and the men and women separated. The law does not give you any discretion about it. You have got to do it." Judge Oakey further called the at tention of the officers to the statuti which provides that the sheriff shall have the care and custody of the fail and that he shall be, or shall appoivt, a jail keeper. "As you all know," said the judge "the sheriff goes in that jail less than any officer here, but he is responsible to the county, and you are responsible to him." It was remarked that t'.n other officers do not have equ : rights in the jail with the sherni, but that he must be the head, as the county holds him responsible. Judge Oakey ordered that the gate to the fence about the jail shall be kept locked, pointing out thai there was evidence that a piece of hose was passed through the grating of a win dow to one of the prisoners for use in syphoning the liquor from the jug. 1 want each of you officers to have a key to this gate. If there are not enough keys to go around, then I want enough keys made, and the bill sent to the county commissioners," concluded the judge. The jail has been crowded of late. For a long time the lower floor of the jail has not been used in winter, be cause it cannot be comfortably heat ed. As a result, several prisoners, white and colored, male and female, have had cots in the upper corridor of the jail, the cells all being filled. As a matter of fact, ;lthough the Perquimans County jail is not the safest, and it is a fact that the cage or block of cells up stairs can be un locked with a spoon handle, as was pointed out by Judge Oakey, this county has permission to carry any prisoner to the prison camp in this county for safe keeping when neces sary. Albert J. Jones Dies Suddenly At Winf all Albert J. Jones, 60, died suddenly at his home near Winfall on Wednes day morning of this week. Mr. Jones was in his usual health on Tuesday and worked hard all day, ?lDrwL' r called early Wednesday morning when Mr. Jones became ill. Death occurred before the arrival of the physician. Mr. Jones was not a native of this county, but had lived here for the past 20 years. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Bettir Jones, and one son. Jack Jones, of the Bethel neighborhood. .. ROTARtANS GO TO NORFOLK ; Instead ' of holding their' regular Tuesday night meeting ' '.'kdA having dinner- at t&e Hotel; Hertford, the Hertford Rota rians journeyed to Noii folk on Tuesday night , for an out- ''"Mrs. Roy Parks,' Rytand : Misa Ann Barcliftfiertford , , .Hrtk 3. C Waon phapanoke M Charles Skner Hertford - Mrs. C. F. Reed, R. F, Hertford Miss; Vida Banks, New Hope . ' MB9 William "Spiveyj Hbbbsvflle Mr. Edgar' Fields,' Hertford . Mr. Jesse- Lane, Hertford "2 Miss Johnnie White, Whiteston ' Miss Ruby Gray, Gun Gum Mill lzed to Discontinue No further cutting will be done on the1 Causeway property The survey made last week by The Perquimans Weekly resulted ink division of opinion with respect to whether or not this county-owned property would be improved or other wise by further carrying out of the ERA project of cutting down tree This project was stopped some weeks ago by E. M. Perry, chairman of the Board of County Commission ers, when it became known that there was a great deal of objection on the part of residents of the town to hav ing the trees cut. At the last meeting of the Board Mrs. Mattie Lister White, editor of The Perquimans Weekly, was dele gated by the Board to make a survey and find out what the wishes of the people of the town were with respect to further cutting. It was found that there was a divi sion of opinion. There were found more who objected to any cutting. Many, however, favored cutting down the undergrowth of shrubs, the larger trees to be left standing. As a result of this, it was agreed among those who objected most violently to having any cutting done, that, since the shrubs would spring up again, proba bly more luxuriantly than ever, U consent to have the ERA continue the project. However, when Mrs. White callo at the local KRA office on Monday morning to make her "report, the in formation' was given that the mattei had been taken up with ERA official at Raleigh, and that E. W. Lordley chairman of the ERA of this district had received a communication fron Raleigh which resulted in the decisio ns tn Hn anv more cutting: on this property. Most Of Day Tuesday Consumed By Court Recorder's Court consumed most of the day on Tuesday. William West, colored, plead guilty to possessing and transporting liquor and given 30 days on the roads, sen tence to be suspended ugon payment of a ten dollar fine and court costs. Johnnie White, colored, plead guilty to the larceny of 63 cents worth or tobacco and was given 30 days on th roads, sentence to be suspended upoi payment of the court costs. Tommy Miller plead guilty, to thf charge of being drunk and disorderly and the case was dismissed upon pay ment of the court costs. Junius Ferebee was found guilty of possessing liquor for the purpose of sale, and was required to pay a fine of $25 and the court cost, Junius was considered not to be physically able to work on the roads. Ferebee noted an appeal through his attorney, James S. McNider, and bond was fixed in the sum of $150. Henry Jones, colored, was found guilty of possessing liquor for thr purpose of sale and was given a sen tence of six months on the roads, tl.r Parent of a $50 fine and the cour, cests. Elijah Overton, colored, plead guilty to the charge of possessing liquor for the purpose of sale, was given 30 days on the roads, the sentence to be suspended upon payment of a $10 fine and court costs. LINWOOD SKINNER IMPROVING Mr. and Mrs! A. W. Hefren, Mrs. R. Q. Skinner, Mrs. John' Chalk and Charlie Skinner visited Lrawood Skinner at the Protestant Hospital in Norfolk on Sunday. Linwood Skinner, who recently underwent an operation, is reported s getting along well. .895100 .3S5.0O0 S75.000' : 825,OO0r --826000r L235.000 . 280,000 .185,000 130,000 115,000 ..I. 115,000 ' I? or Leading r ..-. . f --'1bC " SinJPari Evidence There were 70 gallons of liquor in the jaiL It was found at a still raided by Sheriff J. E. Winslow and his deputies some months ago and was kept locked in one of the small cells of the jail, to be used as evi dence. It isnt all there now, three or four gallons are missing. Sheriff Winslow says he believes that it didn't all disappear last week when the prisoners went on a big spree and raised a disturbance in jail, resulting in the doctor being called in the middle of the night to a man who had either been hio on the head with a stick or who had fallei down stairs. The sheriff says he does not see how so much coeld have been taken in such a short time. The door of the cell used as a liquor cache had a small grating, through which a jug could be pulled close to the door by means of a broom. A piece of rubber hose kept concealed in the jail was used to syphon the liquor from the jug into a small con tainer. Four colored prisoners and Norman Byrum, white man, were tried for stealing liquor and for being drunk and disorderly. Byrum's indictment also charged assault with a deadly weapon. Norman Byruni, who appeared 1 have been the ring leader, and wli was accused of taking the liquor and giving it to the others, drew anothi sentence of CO days on the roads ; be added to the form or (i() days JV had coming to him. Ivy Jones, col ored, got 30 days for receiving stolen liquor. Jesse Lane, Drowning Victim, Bmied Monday Funeral services for Jesse J. Lane, who was drowned in Chowan River, when the truck in which he was rid ing, with Elmer Symons at the wheel crashed through the rail of the bridge on Friday night, resulting in the death of both,, were heiu from the home on Grubb Street, in Hert ford, on Monday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock, with the Rev. A. A. Butler, of Hertford, conducting the services. Burial followed in Cedarwood Ceme tery. Music was furnished bv the choir of the Hertford Baptist Church, j There was a large crowd in atter. dance. Active pallbearers included J. H Towe, Lawrence Towe, Martin Towe Bill White, Clarence Coffield, and Crafton Mathews. Honorary pallbearers were: J. C Blanchard, John Lane, C. M. Harreli, C. E. Walker, Trim W. Wilson. T. R Winslow, J. R. Stokes, W. C. Boyce. E. L. Reed, S. T. Sutton, C. M. Fowle; and W. T. Elliott. Surviving Mr. Lane are his widov one daughter, Miss Hazel Lane, two sons, Roy and Ralph, all of Hertford: two brothers, Jud Lane, of Chapa noke, and David Lane, of Elizabeth City; three sisters, Mrs. Jennie Rich ardson, of Elizabeth City; Mrs. C. C Symonds and Mrs. John Hurdle, of Parkville, Perquimans County. Mr. Lane was a splendid citizen and a man who had the respect of every one. His tragic death is mourn ed by a host of friends, and the sym pathy of the community goes out to bis stricken family. Slight Fire Tuesday At Baptist Parsonage "Just a house warming for the new minister," according to one of the members of the Hertford Baptist Church, explaining the fire on thr roof of the parsonage on Tuesday. Sparks from the chimney falling on the roof - caused a small blaze which was quickly extinguished and which caused only a few dollars' damage. The new minister, Mr. Dempsey, of Spray, was at the bouse doing tome painting inside. It was the first time there had been any fire in the chim ney for a long time. : The new . minister will take over his new duties on the first of .the month. - MISS MORGAN HOME Miss Mary Mizzelle Morgan, who was one of the nurses at the Protest ant Hospital in Norfolk to suffer an attack of infantile paralysis some time: ago, has recovered, and return ed to the hornet of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. F Morgan, in, Winfall, jlasi Saturday. osition Mrs. Boy Parks of Ry land Now Has Sliglit selnRace MUCH INTEREST Very Slight Difference In Total Votes of Leaders Candidates in The Perquimans Weekly "Everybody Wins Something" Campaign have reached tl; turn, maneuvered into position for the final go, and from now until the close of the first period Saturday night, at 9 o'clock, will be fighting for top position. Last Chance For Big Votes Nine o'clock Saturday night is the last chance to secure the maximum number of votes on subscriptions. If you entertain any desire to be the big winner, do not fail to turn in every available subscription to your account before the close of the first period. Not to do so will mean that you will have to put forth more effort during the remaining lew days of the campaign m onl-r Vi make up lor lost ground. A few ong term suhsc .- turned in between . ..iniit may i.e the tions or exten.-it now and Satur ones needed to ' a wards. To Win VI! e oi tne major N The la. if -t ( liiject award U the lo win the only object IK" ! every candidate. 1 until one of the-.. 500, another will in ts.e mind of wi!! not be loiii; .111 tie richer i-v ive ST 00, another S50, and still ano'J.er buted by The I'erqu all distr: imans Weeklv among the more ambitious candi dates in the campaign, and the few days until the close will decide who they will be. Interest Is Great Out in the country the public is largely centered on the outcome of the race. The same is true in town. Nearly eveiyone has a favorite can didate who is pluckily striving to bring honor to the many friends he or she represents, as well as to gain a personal reward. In some cases the entire neighborhood seems to have arisen to the occasion determin ed to see that their favorite come. out the winner! Just Two Days Left Just two days are left of the first period schedule. If you want to be among the big winners, you should do everything possible to get as many subscriptions as possible credited to your account by ) o'clock Saturday night. Secure every possible sub scription, and get those promises to come through while the votes are highest. Your special attention is called to the extra votes secured from EXTEN SION subscriptions, or second pay ments on subscriptions which have been secured earlier in the campaign. This week then is the time to "dig in" and gather votes while they are at their peak. Remember then, you have two days to secure Vgh votes on your subscriptions. Make this week your banner week! Founder s Day Subject Of P. T. A. Program "Founder's Day" was the topic of the program of the Parent-Teacher Association meeting at the Hertford Grammar School on Thursday after noon which was in charge of Mrs. B. G. Koonce. Mrs. L. N. Hollowell read a paper on the origin of Founder's Day, fol lowed by a poem read by Mrs. W. E. White. Mrs. Thad C. Chappell read an interesting paper in reference to the beginning of the work of the P. T. A., after which a most interesting pageant took place. Those taking part in this were Nancy Coke' : Darden, Marjorie Buck, Blanche Butler, Mrs. W. N. Tucker, Gloria DugUs, Mrs. E. W. Lordley; Mrs. Hatty Broughton, Mrs. Charlie Skiniie, Mrs. Charles Johnson and Mm Oscar Fetton. ; Tne business session waa presided over by the President, Mr. Charle Johnson, with Mrs, S. P. Jesrup act ing as secretary. Interesting reports were made' by Mrs. & P. Morris and ' Mrs. V. N. Darden. Mrs. W. E. White drew the lucky nuoioer and -was awarded the prize, an attractive waste paper basket, donat ed to the P. T. A. by Mark Gregory. MR. MADRE SICK W. F. Madre, prominent farmer of , Hertford Township, has been very sick for the past three weeks,; ,." n SVJ - F - r it i ",J!'i-,

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