..iik-.",:1' -crr'tinanaMjd Hertford, n. c; priday, February 15, 1935. PAGE FIVE :ft of the biggest VOTE PERIOD of CAMPAIGN WK5 L 11 The race is very close. The intense closeness of the campaign at this time, no doubt, pla ys quite an important part in the hustle and bustle on the part of the more progressive candidates. They realize that not to poll a goodly number of votes Saturday night may place all of their work1 done in the past in real danger of deleat. lhey know that their competitors are trying their hardest to put them back in the running, and for this reason every candidate who has ambitions to be one of the capital prize winners in the campaign will devote every, spare moment to campaigning between nowandbAlUKDAx JNibm. UP UNTIL 9 O'CLOCK SATURDAY NIGHT, FEB. 16 Each 5-year Subscription Turned in Will Count 150,000 Votes Just Five of these will count 750,000 Votes HOW TO GAIN OVER A MILLION VOTES Ten 5-year subscriptions 1,500,000 Votes This makes four $10 clubs 400,000 Votes Total 1,900,000 Votes OR Forty 1-year subscriptions 400,000 Votes This makes four $10 clubs 400,000 Votes If turned in during your first week in campaign, add an extra .... 800,000 Votes Total 1,600,000 Votes Saturday Night At 9 o'clock Will Be Your Last Chance To Receive First Period Votes I ffsoimdl CfflMSaill IPirfize Awarded Person Having Highest Number of Votes Second Capital Prize flO;00 Awarded to the Person Having Second Highest Number of Votes Third Capital Prize -$50.00 Awarded to the Person Having Third Highest Number of Votes Fourth Capital Prize Awarded to the Person Having Fourth Highest Number of Votes 10 Cash Commission to Active Non-Prize Winners ai5BSISEI3I3IBrSI3ISISEIS3I3JS13I30J3I3J3ISs THINK OF You can make up to $100 a week in your spare time. Time that would other wise be wasted. Phoni' Hertford 88 for details. VOTE SCHEDULE a FIRST PERIOD Up to Feb. 16 1 yr. $1.00 10,000 2 yr. $2.00 80,000 3 yr. $3.00 1 60,000 5 yr. $4.00 160,000 SECOND PERIOD Feb. 17 to Feb. 23 1 yr. $1.00 8,000 2 yr. $2.00 24,000 8 yr. $8.00.. 48,000 5 yr. $4.00 120,000 THIRD PERIOD Feb. 24 to March 2 1 yr. $1.00 6,000 2 yr. $2.00 18,000 3 yr. $3.00 86,000 6 yr.. $4,00 100,000 FOURTH PERIOD March 3 to March 9 1 yr. $1.00 3,000 2 yr. $2.00 u 10,000 8 yr. $8.00 80,000 5 yr. $4.00 76,000 Nomination tBlahk r GOOD FOR 5,000 VOTES I hereby enter and cast ;5,000 votes for: Miss, Mr; or Mrs;: jlptnct 5 kg a candidate in The Perquimans Weekly' Everybody. Wins. Campaign. Only one nomination blank accepted for each candidate. DON'T LAG IN THE CAMPAIGN Work done these "BIG VOTE" days will easily bring success to candidates in The Perquimans Weekly's big "Everybody Wins Something" cam paign. The laggard, unwilling to devote any time or thought to the grand prizes, however, will reap no reward. This is a campaign strictly for "live wires." If you are alive, awake to the opportunity now before you, willing to give some of your spare time and thought to a proposition whereby over $1,000 in prizes are at stake then you should be a candidate in this campaign a live candidate. You should send in your name TODAY. You can secure hundreds of dollars in cash in a few days' work. The work is easy it requires no special talent or education to earn the biggest of the awards. Don't lag in the campaign; don't hesitate or be timid about your race. Go right to it and keep right at it. Give your campaign as much atten tion during your spare time as you would any good business proposition, for RIGHT HERE IS, NO DOUBT, THE GREATEST OPPORTUNITY THAT WILL COME TO YOU IN YOUR LIFE. Real Chance Here For Live Wires Is there a chance for a live wire candidate? Is there a chance for a real worker? You know there is! And there is the same chance for any candidate now entered. All are on even terms. It is time now to work. Subscriptions mean more votes now than they ever will again. After Feb. 16 the votes will be less per subscription. The time to get votes is now TODAY when they count for more. I&EMISMIBEIRJ Big votes end forever on Saturday, Feb. 16th. Ten per cent cash commission will be paid to all non-prize winners. There will be no losers in this campaign. FIRST WE$K COUPON Good for 200,000 Extra Votes -This Coupon,, when accompanied with ten yearly subscriptions, ,' or their equivalent, entitles the contestant to 200,000 extra Votes. This Coupon must be voted during the FIRST WEEK of the con , . tesUnt'a activity. No restriction is placed on the number of cou- pons contestant nay use. GOOD FOR 100,000 EXTRA VOTES WITHAT3SyjCJ?IPTION IP TURNED IN WITHIN 24 HOURS AFTER NOMINATION IS RECEIVED This CouDon will count, ififl rwi . . . m. tj , m vwy vw Tunes wuvn returned u) The Perquimans "Weekly Campaign Manama to f o ue used within twenty- ifte rerouimans -Weekly Campaign Manager, first suhscrlation vou ohtain nm;n. ? : four hours ater wnAr.LfL companied by cash and the Sf tf iSr Be Ji. ThelOMOO extra votes are in addition! to thi number given on the subscription as per the regular votTs&eMe! ' Name of Subscriber ' ' i Candidate's Name Amount Enclosed-