, iti -u k t , i Published every Friday at The Perquimans Weekly - office in. the Gregory Building, .. Church f Street, YTn-4- 1 t Vl ' - . v f V" MATTIE LISTER WHITE-i-Editor Day Phone Jj.Li. 88 Night Phone ! 100-J i SUBSCRIPTION RAJES . One Year! $1.25 ' Six. Months .- .75c ' ' Entered as ' second class . matter November 15, 1934, at the post office at Hertford, North Carolina, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Advertising rates furnished by re : quest FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1935. THIS WEEK'S BIBLE THOUGHT LOVE CASTS OUT FEAR: There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear; because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love. I John 4:18. I' . THE SITUATION HASNT ' CHANGED MUCH i As everybody knows, one result of the depression which was common to most cities and towns was vacan stores and houses. This situation has, never developed in Hertford. Strange to say, there is not and ha? not been for any- length of time vacant store or shop in the place and very few vacant dwellings. While preparing to write some thing concerning this situation, with a suggestion that it might be well to build, there fell into the hands of the editor some copies of an old newspaper published in Hertford thirty-four years ago. An editorial printed in the issue of Sept. 19, 1901, of The Hertford Herald is reprinted below: "With plenty of money, land and lumber lying idle, there is not a vacant house in Hertford, and home seekers who wish to locate here are forced to go into neighboring cities in order to find houses to live in. "Hertford is a progressive town. Business is good in all lines. Labor, skilled and unskilled, is - in constant demand at good wages. Prosperity seems -willing to thrust itself upon us. "What are we doing? "Actually grasping prosperity by the neck and choking it off. "We cry out for labor, but when labor comes we have no houses for the laborer's family. They go away distrusted, and report conditions to others who naturally refuse there after" to consider Hertford as a place of good residence. "This opportunity to make Hert ford a city instead of a town won't hansr around, heroine, forever. We would not be surprised if the tide in the affairs of the town is somewhere in the vicinity of the flood just now. Presently maybe we'll, have houses and no tenants. "The way to take advantage of the present and push Jhe town ahead is to seize the tide at its flood and loi low on to the municipality's greater fortunes. Build!?1 PAYING THE,, EDITOR A kindly gentleman, his shoulders somewhat rounded by honest labor, but as agile and young as ever, came into this newspaper office the other day. His visit "was no different from that of many of our other friends. He had merely come in to pay his subscription. He had come a dis tance of 12 miles. But more than just "paying up" for his paper, he offered profound apologies for being in arrears on his subscription a little over nine months. As he paid the $3.00 for two years he remarked, "It is a-shame to owe for your home town paper. We all get it, read it, and ' enjoy it. I new I owed you, andre--v cently told my wife I was going to put away a quarter, or dime, occasion, f- ally so that I'd have enough to pay ! up the next time I came to town. Country editors should be paid for their work. They need it. Editors do a great service for us, not only r furnishing news about people we know, but somehow , we 'understand your editorials, better than those we read in other papers. Reckon it's just because they are written so plainly! Yes, sir, we all ought to keep our subscriptions paid up better than we do." .- i And he went away smiling. jTo nave one of our friends speak to knowingly of the actual work and v expense connected with publishing even a small weekly paper, and to thus nay tribute to our writing, which sometimes we fwonde : whether ' the ' rape would be. better off without . maker us proud of pur job, even if it Isn't of proportions : which warreut' the wearing of a white 'collar and necktfe-From the Foley (Ala,) On lAT'GULAR DEBATERS ' CHOSEN .AT SCHOOL r:mice' White, Joyce Harrell, Prue " y and Grace Knowles constitute : ; 'atingteam of the Perquimans yo'jng people were chosen - " ' in the preliminary ," l hst week, and wilf take 'i triangular debate to "be - in March. ' , v - HIT OR MISS 1 i . (Continued from Page' One)" k : good' books could ' be ; had, - where dances could ' be given; in a word, with place where young J people could meet for wholesome amusement at least 'some of our younaf people who - "now drive " miles ' in quest of pleasure would be kept in Hertford, and those interested ; in the ' matter would have an opportunity to see to it. that the right kind of entertain ment was furnished. - ' 1 We owe it to our young ''folks to provide them some place of recrea tion. ' , - i H If it should develop that the Fed eral government funds about which there is so much talk just now, and which neighboring towns are prepar ing to ask a .share in, are to be grant, ed to those towns which will make a contribution, it is my belief that we as a town should do something about this matter. The watches were certainly cheap, no doubt about that. And if they had continued to run all would have been well.. But alas, they didn't. One fellow got one that only runs when he does. The minute that boy sits down his watch knocks off. It won't run another second until he starts walking, and then it startes ticking right away. That's pretty exasper ating, because the fellow naturally gets tired walking. It is said that probably a couple of dozen of these fine looking time-pieces were disposed of during the few hours that the stranger was in town. A number of folks bought them, s they say. The news comes through the grapevine. I am telling you af 'twas told to me. Naturally, the folks who bought the watches don't enjoy talking about it. Congratulations to the debating teams of the Perquimans High School. Perquimans High ought to win thir year. Remember, girls, we are all pulling for you. "The Five O'clock Man" is gone. No more will Worley Nixon be seen each afternoon, with his lunch pail on hif arm, making his regular trip to the mill. He made the last trip last week. For thirty-seven years, a life-time, Worley Mixon worked nights, and probably no more faithful worker could be found anywhere. For a number of years he was em ployed by the Albemarle Lumber Company and for the past eighteen years he has made his daily trip to the plant of the Major & Loomif Company. That is, he made the trip daily ? up until the government 'rode went into effect, and then only on certain days. Rain or shine, in winter and in summer, "The Five O'clock Man," as he got to be called, passed on Vs regular beat from his home on South Church Street, out across the bridge, over the Causeway, on to the mill. He rarely missed a night at the mill, where he worked as night fireman. He was never late. He never hurried. He usually walked alone. At the same time each after noon you could count on .Worley Y passing that way. It was said that clocks had been set by Worley's passing. It has been estimated that Worley Mixon walked something like thirty thousand miles, on his regular daily trip to and from the mill throughout the period that he worked. What a lot of changes he had seen ! Little children playing about the door-ways of the home he passed every day grew to manhood and womanhood, married and were rn is J uig families, as Worley passed bac1 and forth on his daily trips. He war the only eye-witness to the traged: which shocked the community foui years ago, when Miss Sallie McMullan and her sister, Mrs. Julian Jessup were drowned as the car in wnicl they were riding Was backed into tin river from the McMullan lawn. Bui for the fact that it was Mixon'? regular time for passing then, nobody would have seen the car as it sani beneath the water. And it was Mixon who found the body of John A. White, who was kill ed in an accident at the mill ; sbmc yeara ago. , Worley Mixon was a good man steady, dependable, regular. " : ' V "Mr. W. F. a Edwards was awak ened Monday night by hearing some of his chickens cackle. In order to frighten the would-be thief, he shot from the window and killed his pet calf."- ' The foregoing ' is copied from the issue of Sept. 19, 1901, of "The Hert ford Herald.", f ; C- 'How many -Hertford folks remem ber "The Hertford Herald" of that period? It was published,. by Paul R Outlaw and C. R. Outlaw, two broth- e-s of Mrs. C.V. Williford. ' Mrs. Wriiford has preserved several fasue of the newsy little sheet, which contains-so many, Jtems that nre Inter esting, concerning folks now living In Hertford, some of those who moved away, and many' of those who are gone forever;- Even he ads are en tertaining". Blanchard's was adver tised. That Is the only large firm do ing' business in Hertford thirty-five years ago which is still here. Toms & McMullan. was' another advert'aer, and the Misses Harvey's KllUnery Store advertised hats and bonnets.'' Onto brief ad reads as follows; v: "Beef Steak 10c per lb.; three, lbs for 25c. ; Pork "Steak every Saturday 10c' and 12c. First class meats only. T. B. Weeks, City Market.", . .J From time' to time extracts from these papers will appear ' in this column. Below is repainted a portion of an editorial under date of August ?9, 1907, which stilt holds good: "We maintain that we have right here in Perquimans County beauty but little thought of or appreciated by our own people." Do you wish to look upon a scene as splendid as ever the fisher folk of the Mediteranean looked upon? Theni stand, -on the shore of Perquimans River at Hert ford harbor some semi-cloudy morn ing and watch the sun rise above the fleecy figured clouds that gather by the river's far 'eastern shore. You will see every color and tint the eye can conceive reflected in the clouds, and on the shimmering bosom of the river in prismatic splendor that will make your heart leap and bound with exquisite pleasure, if neglect of your soul has not blinded your eye to the beautiful. Presently; as the faint breath of morning! steals over the water, tiny wave crests will be tipped with the sun's silver-burnished rays and the gentle swells will roll on to the ocean in a path of glory." WINFALL NEWS MISCELLANEOUS SHOWER Miss Addie White was hostess at a miscellaneous shower on Thursday eveningin honor of her sister-in-law, Mrs. Clyde White, formerly Miss Edna Copeland. The home was attractively decorat ed with hearts, the Valentine idea being carried . out Contests and games were enjoyed Prises wert won oy xars. u.iK. irueowoa anu Carlton White, and they in turn gra ciously presented them to the bride. A Bride's Book containing wishes from each guest was also presenter) the honoree- The hostess served a delicious salad course to the following: Mr. and Mrs. Clyde (King) White, Mr. and Mrs Leroy Cartwright, Mr. and Mrs.D. L. Barber, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Hollo- well, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin White, Mr. and Mrs. Claud White, Mr. and Mrs. D A. Winslow, Mesdtiies Haywood Pioctor, W. G. Hollowell, Clyde Lay den, Johnnie Layne, J. H. Baker, A R. Winslow, D. R. Trueblood, Jrvin Wliite, J. L. DeLaney, Walter Umph !ctt, Willie White, J. A. White, Gar land Baker, Raymond Stanton, J. V. Roach, and Cook Chalk; Misses bve om White, Lucile. White, Gertrude Baker, Jessie Baker, Myrtle umpn- lett, Hasel Stallings. Lucile lAng, Alma Leggett, Janie Gregory, Heln Morgan, Margaret Boyce, Ruth ward, Gladys Ward and Hazel Pike; Mes srs. Woodrow White, Carlton White, Gerald Wood, Y. W. White, Gale and Dolar Winslow, Joel Hollowell, Jr., Lindsev E. Barber, James Wallace; Misses Nellie and Ethel Cartwright, Carolyn Trueblood, Harriett Lou Lay. den, Dorothy Faye White and Mar- vinia White. The bride was the recipient of many lovelv and useful gifts. : MC and Mrs. White ' are making their home with the bride'a parents, Mf. and Mrs. Ed Copeland, in the Bagley Swamp section. The Young Woman's Circle of Win- fall Cedar Grove Missionary Socie'ty met at the home of Mrs. Raymond Stanton Monday evening. The meet ing was led by the president, Mrs. Raymond Winslow, Jr. Tne topic, "The Wells Our Fathers Dug," was given as a dialogue by several of the members. A duet by Mrs. Raymond Stanton and Miss Addie White was sung. Miss Alma Leggett led in prayer. Nearly all of the members were present. During the social honr the hostess served a delicious sweet course. . -; The Winfall Cedar Grove Adult So ciety met at the Methodist Church or. Tuesday evening and a very interest ing program was enjoyed. The meet. ing was led by the president, Mrs. J K Nixon, i Every member is striving to make this -year theirK best year 18 members were present at thi meeting. The next meeting win b held i with Mrs. J, F. HolloweU i, if March.. , Wf Miss Mary Mozelle Morgan, a nurse in the Protestant hospital, Norfolk Va., who has been very sick with an attack of poliomyelitis, is recuperat ing at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Morgan. 'Mrs. W. F. Morgan - is quite sick at her home with rheumatism. ' Misses Dona White) Myrtle Umph lett, Sarah Morgan and Ruth Hazel Ward motored to Elisabeth City on Monday evening. '" 'Mr.' Tom White is spending some "time with his brother, Dr. C. C. White fat Wilmington, Del. - Mrs, Jimmy Ernhardt, ef Elisabeth City, sister of Mrs. W. G. HollowelL has been carried to Duke Hospital, Durham, for treatment, The Parent-Teacher Association of Winfall school melon Monday even ing with Mrs. Ellia Miner presiding in the absence of the -. president Founder's' Day, which is'the topic of the p. x. A. programs xor we imontn of Februaryt was observed,1' after which there was a program by children. school RefriJ.saents were sold at the close of the meeting, t . ? WinTwTON NL7S - VALENTINE PARTY Misses Edna and ; Burnetts Wins- ow entertained at a'' Valentine iWtrry at their home oh Wednesday evening- Many interesting games were played those winning1 prizes in the contest being1 Miss Clara Winslow and Leland Winslow. The hostess served daint refreshments consisting-of ice cream. cakes, and nuts. Valentines ' were given as favors. . Those present were: Misses Clara WintOpw, Lucue L&ae, Mildred Eason, Anna Baker, Miriam Lane, Reba Winslow, Onella Winslow, Syble Winslow, Carrie Mae Newton. Edna Winslow,''. Burnette: Winslow and Vivian Maude ChappeU and Thel ma Chappell, of Belvidere; Messrs William Winslow, Carroll Williams. Merrill Winslow,' - Leland .Winslow. Floyd Winslow, Willazd Baker, ' Al- vah Winslow and Kenneth Winslow. Miss Delia Winslow spent the week end with Miss Mary Elizabeth Wins low, of Belvidere. , :; Mr. and Mrs. : Roy Winslow and family, Mr. and Mrs. H. L William! visited Mr. and Mrs. Henry Williamx of Weeksville Sunday. Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Winslow Sunday afternoon were: Mr. and Mrs. Alec suuiings Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Winslow and chil dren, Mary Leland and Adalia, of Hertford. Misses Nellie Baker, Mabel 'Stal lings and Louise Eason spent 'the week-end with Mrs. R. M.. Baker. ' Mr. and Mrs. MerceivlVinslow and family visited Mr. and Mrs. Dewitt Winslow Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Arba Winslow ant1 son. William, Mr. ana Mrs. worn Winslow, of Norfolk, Va., spent Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Wins low. Mrs. Walter Dail and daughter, Rebecca, of Hertford, visited Mrs. Dail's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C Baker, during the week-end. Mr. Johnnie Stallings, of Norfolk. Va., is spending sometime with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. ETias Stallings. Miss Huldah Jones, of NewlancL was the week-end guest of Miss Mil dred Eason. Mr. Raymond Winslow, -who was injured in an automobile accident several days ago, returned home froir the home of his brother, Mr. Cecil Winslow, in Hertford, Wednesday. and is slowly improving. He was ac companied home by his sisters, Mrs L. White, of Winfall, and Miss Winnie Winslow. Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Stallings and children, of Bethel, spent Sunday with Mr. Stallings' sister, Mrs. Mamie Lane. Little Owen Ray Bell is very ill at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lewter Bell. Mr. and. Mrs. Cecil Winslow and children, Cecil Edward and Marjone, of Hertford; Mr. and Mrs. Linwood Winslow and son, Clinton, of Belvi dere, were the dinner guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Wins low, Sunday. A. N. Winslow made a business trip to, Norfolk, Va., Monday. MRS. WINSLOW ENTERTAINS WOMAN'S MISSIONARY UNION Mrs. Lindsey Winslow entertained the Woman's Missionary .Union of Up River Friends Church : on Satur day afternoon, Feb. 16th, at 2:30 o'clock, at her home. The meeting was called to order by the president, Mrs. Charlie Winslow. The Devotional was conducted by Mrs. Arba Wins low, using the hymn . "The Church's One Foundation" as the opening fea ture of the worship service. The Scripture lesson was taken from 1st Cor., 3rd chapter, 11-24 verses. The study lesson . "Japanese ?' Women Speak," was given in a well 'connect ed Way by Mrs, ? Lindsey Winslow. "Something Special," a poem, was also . given by Mrs. Winslow. At roll call nine responded to their names, Mrs. DeWitt Winslow, a welcome visi. tor, gave an offering. 21 visits were reported as made to the sick and shut-ins. It was decided by the So ciety that the corresponding secre tary, Mrs. Eugene Winslow, write, on behalf of the Society, a letter of sym pathy to Mrs. Warren Roberton, j former member, who Is a shut-in. Mrs. Mary White Winslow and Mrs Arba Winslow were appointed to pre pare a poster on "Stewar4shlp," for the contest and send it to the" mid year, conference In April. During the social hour a delicious " sweet course was served by the hostess. FRIENDS' QUARTERLY MEETING The Friends' Quarterly Meeting will be held at Up River Friends'. Church 'Saturday and Sunday, 23rd and 24th, of this month. The public Is cordial ly Invited to attend. , y NEW HOPE NEWS J Mr. and Mrs. H.- Mi- Spencer and two daughters, Lucy" Howell and Marguerite, of Norfolk, vs., were dinner guests' of Mr. Spencer's pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. W, W. Spencer, tin. Sunday.' r v - i;', j , w' -. ' , Mr. and Mrs. W. J Edwards'. and children. Mark Wood and Billie, of Norviewj Va., were dinner guests of Mrs. Edwards' parents, Mr, and Mrs. W. W. Spencer. ' ' Mr. and Mrs. DeWitt Webb and were the week-end guests of I. -Webb's parents, Mr; and Mrs. L, R. Webb. -,"--. '. - ' ' ;; Mr. and Mrs. La than Umphlett,,ol Elizabeth City, 'were-.the guests of MrsUmphlett'a' parents, Mr. Wnd Mrs.,W. K..Barclift, .Sunday.,' ; .The Parent-Teachers Association "6i New Hope school will hold its, regu lar monthly meeting Friday evenine of this "week.; All patrons are urged to attend. . -c ...i l& . i , " Mr, Billie Carter,' who was report ! ed on the sick list last Friday, j3 able to be out agaii.-1 ' ' i Mrs. E. G. Banks, Mrs, S. D. Banks Mrs, Ln R. Webb and Mrs. W. C. Bar clift were joint hostesses at a shower given at the home of Mrs. S. D. Banks Tuesday afternoon in honor of Legal Advertisements NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified, as administratrb of the estate of Henry C. Ward, de ceased, late of Perquimans County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Elizabeth City, N. C, on or before the 8th day of February, 1936, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 8th day of February, 1935. MOLLIE W. LANE, Administratrix of Henry C. Ward. Feb.l5,22,Mar.l,8,15,22. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as Administratrix of the estate of Joshua J. Lane, de ceased, 'late .of Perquimans County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of Baid deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Hertford, N. C, R. F. D. 2, on or before the 17th day of January, 1936, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make imme diate payment. This 17th day of January, 1935. SARAH V. LANE, Administratrix of Joshua J. Lane, Deceased. jan!8,25febl,8,15,22 NOTICE OF SALE By virtue of a Decree of the Su perior Court of Perquimans County made in the cause of E. M. Perry ct als vs Muldrow Sawyer et als the undersigned Commissioner will offer for sale at Public Auction at the Courthouse Door in Hertford, Perqui mans County, N. C, to the highes: bidder for cash on Thursday, the 14th day of March, 1935, at 12:00 o'clock Noon . ' The following described lands lying and being in New Hope Township, Perquimans County, N. C, described as follows: r 1st Tract. Beginning on the Wood ville-New Hope Road at Horse Bridge, then up the Woodville Road to the road leading to Ernest Morse, thence down that Road to the lands of Sam Banks, thence down the Sam Banks' line to the Middle of the Swamp, thence down the middle of the swamp to Horse Bridge, the place of Beginning, containing 26 acres, more or less. 2nd Tract:. Beginning on Deep Creek at the Ben Gray line then up the Creek to the Dock Moss line, ther along the D6ck Moss line to Ben Gray, line, then along Ben Gray line to the first :-, station, containing 40 acres, more or less. Both tracts known as the Ephnam Godfrey and wife tracts of land. SILAS M. WHEDBEE, Commissioner. Dated and posted Feb. 11, 1935. Feb.l6,22Mar.ll. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as Administrator of' the estate of VIrgie.W. Newbern, deceased late of Perquimans County, North Carolina, this, is to notify all persons having claims against the es tate ef said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Hertford, N. C, on or before the 17th day ox Janu ary, 1936, or this notices will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate, will please make immediate payment. , . , This 11th "day of January 1935. f - , MORGAN V. WALKER, Administrator of Virgie W. Newbern. . : Janl8,25febl,8,15,22 NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION ' Having 1 qualified as Executrix of the estate of J. T.. .Brinn, deceased, late 'of Perquimans County, North Carolina, this is to notify all, persons having claims against ,tiie, estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned att Hertford, N. C, on or before the. 17th day of January, 1936, or this notice will be pleaded in baf of their recovery. , All 'persons in debted to said estate will please make immediate payment.. ,- - 'T This 17th day 'of January, 1935.' ' , , LILLIEBELLE E. BRINN, f - ' Executrix" of J, T. Brinn. . N0TIC3 OF SALE By virtv. ct a Deed cf Trust exe cuted to me ly W. D. Coyce and wife, Clara Boyce, for certain purposes Aherein irr.r.t'oned, which said, Deed of Trubt tc-.3 I" itch 1st," 1921', and is re'isni ia Va ofT.ee of the E:-'-ter of t- 'i cf P f Cr r, N. C, il F No. 1!, ; r ii'-in r -;: ?, r- ., r 1.., t.l 12 D t-.. .. . . a recent bride, Mrs. B. S. Banks, who' Before- her mariagft'was Miss GeraU, -dine Jennings. " Games , and contests! ; were' enjoyed. - The f bride "was , then presented 'with a large basket con taining numerous lovely, gifts, After the gifts were unwrapped, .the host-.;. esses served delicious, ice -cream and cake. Those', present . were: Mes-. dames B. S. Banks, Sr? W. C. Bar ' clift, C. W, Griffin, J. L. Turner, B , W. Simpson, R. R. Perry, H. C. Bar clift, Ervin Turner, Guy Webb, Sam Green, Mattie Simpson, Joe Henryj Gregory, W. W. Spencer, B. S.-BankS, u Jr., L. R. Webb, M. M. Spivey, Misses ' Ruby Small, Maude Simpson, Mary Webb, Evelyn Webb, Evelyn jSimpiut '' and Vida Banks. at public auction, for., cash, at the Court House door in Hertford, N. C, the property conveyed to me in said Deed of Trust, described as follows: Being one town lot and improve ments in Hertford, N. C, and bounded on the South by King street, west by Chas. J. Jenkins1, North-by the Isaac Bembry lot, East by Luden Barns, fronting King street 40 feet or more, and being 100 feet or more deep and being same lot conveyed to said Boyce by E. V. Perry. This January 23rd, 1935. J. S. McNIDER, Febl3,15,22 Trustee. NOTICE Sale of Valuable Property By virtue of a Mortgage Deed exe cuted to me by T. N. Gregory for certain purposes therein mentioned which said Mortgage Deed bears date May 5, 1926, and is registered in the office of the Register of Deeds of Perquimans County in Book 14, page 435, I shall on Wednesday, February 27, 1935, at 12 o'clock offer for sale at public auction, for cash, at the Court House door in Hertford, N. C; the property conveyed to me in said Mortgage Deed: Adjoining the lands of Hertford Baptist Church, bounded on the north by Grubb street, on the east by the lot of Mrs. Ellie Goodwin, on the south by the lot of C. V. Williford and on the west by the lot of Hert ford Baptist Church,' being lot num ber 14 and 15 of Section D in Plot Book 2, page 43, Registry of Per quimans County, and being same lot conveyed to T. N. Gregory by J. R. Stokes this day. Date posted, Jan. 28, 1935. J. R. STOKES, Febl.8,15,22 Mortgagee. NOTICE OF SALE - By virtue of a Decree of the Su perior Court of Perquimans County, made in the cause of Ivan E. Riddick' and wife et als Ex Parte tjie under--signed Commissioner will offer fo sale at Public Outcry at the Court House Door in Hertford, Perquimans County, N. C, to the highest bidder for cash on Saturday, the 23rd day of March, 1935, at 12 O'clock Noon The Following described Tracts of land lying and being in Belvidere Township, Perquimans County, N. C. ist met. Known as the "Home Place" adjoining the lands of Mrs. J. E. Bunch, R. A. Baker, James Twine, Winslow heirs and John Riddick, con taining :so acres, more or less. 2nd Tract. Known as the Perrv Tract adjoining the lands of John Riddick, W. M. Eason, the Twine lands and others, containing 67 acres, more or less. - 3rd Tract Known as the "Low Ground land" adjoining the lands of William C. ChappeU, the Twine heirs and the low. ground road, containing 40 acres, more or less. . i - 4th Tract ' Known as the "Stable Tract" adjoining the lands of Rufus Twine, Will Stallings, the Ada Wingo tract, U n. Hurdle and "others, con taining 80 acres, more or less. -1 The said lands being the lands which : were formerly nwned by the late W, A. Riddick and his wife, Ella S. Riddick. s ' SILAS M. WHEDBEE,. ,i ' " -1 CommisBtfinfti'. Dated and posted this ' " Feb. 16, IMS. - , ,vi'. Febl8JIar.7,H : - ,i IN THE SUPERIOR COURT; ortn Carolina, - , , rw Perquimans Countyk . . r . v NOTICE V . - Elizabeth -White Bidolfi, Plaintiff ? Renato Joseph. Ridolfi, pefendant 1 The defendant above - named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in Su perior Court of Perquimans County, ' North Carolina, to obtain a divorce (a vinculo) against the defendant on the grounds of continuous separation; and the defendant will farther take notice that he is required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Su perior Court of said county at Hert ford, N. Ci wiihia thirty days from the 14th day of ITarch, 1S25, tfcs c' te of the final publication of ft :j r ' and answer or demur to f" plaint Jn this cause or ft 3 ; will move the Court for t' i mat ied in said comp? ' :i(Ly of r CIc :ior C

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