j - (t r'i ' V M" s , vi . , ." ' " ( J "V0 , - " " j ; ' - " ... ' " i -f t .i ,v i J T I'M. "f f Jj " I ","JT1 -- - ,., si - ' ... : , ' ... - , ff Ell-JtvlU Ji : - Aii ':'A-:WEEkLY NEWSPAPERDEVOTED TO THE ITPBUILDiNG OF HEKTFORD AND .Volume It-Number 9. Riscreatiorial Center Matter cwssMonr da at Meeting of ; . Committees; Plans forked Out and Submitted by Mayor Reed A recreational center to cost in the neighborhood of $100,000.00, a dredg ing project to improve And make into a park the ' county-owned property south of the Causeway, and other im provements which include paving side-walks, re-surfacing streets, im proving the water system, a white way,, extension of the sewer system, will be asked for by the Town of Hertford from the Federal Govern ment tiiranfirh the ERA and the PWA. TV Whether or not any of these things will be forthcoming only time will tell. Those asking, however, are act ing upon the assumption that unless we ask we shall not receive, and that we may nossibly get what we ask. At . a called meeting - of the town officials on Monday night a (commit tee from the Rotary Club conferred with Mayor E. L. Reed and the town commissioners. E. W. Ixnrdley, via trict FERA Administrator, was pres ent and gave information ana rl sis . tance in making plans for the various projects. Mayor Reed, who iiad made some , preliminary investigation as to ac quiring a lot on -which to erect the ' community building, reported the re--sult of Ms investigation. Two sites which have been considered are the one on Grubb; Street, the former site of the peanut plant, and the lot on Market Street opposite the Baptist Church. 'WhUe the property on Mavtrbt Rfwot is werhaD' more cen trally located, it was pointed out tihaf V there would be sufficient space on we , Grubb Street property lor a piay . . ground, tennis courts, and other out- door sports, at no. extra expense. ' . Tentative plans for the recreational center are that the building, a part of the cost of which, .woald probably have to be financed' by funds from self-lioiidating bonds, lave on the first floor offices, quarters : for the 1 post , rofflce, and a - moving picture theatre,Lall:of;ithese idnlts being revenue-producing,' The second vfloof ' would j be devoted to community re creational needs, to inclode a gym jvasium, a VbnrfrnvW r meetilig jlac for Boy Soanta, wom- Maypr Reed -'llra4jFr- workod ut the plana for the t fnprove menli such as pavhig ; and iepaiw, ami $he discussion t centered around the Recreational needs, of uettmu MiJior Ked 'stated- at tha of the eeting that "b would aubmttall of Vie, yrojecti pttw'iti Dates Set For : : Service ExaminaUcr Tha. United States 'Civil , Service Commission ' has announced open competitive oxaminations as follows;,' Assistant statistical clerjf, 1,620 a J year, departmental service, Washing v !' Ion, D. C. - ( i i it c ii Chief dietitian, $300 to' $2,900 a .Vyear, head dietitian, $2,H)a to $2,600 a "yeaf, staff dietitian, $1300 to $2,160 J!a yerfV.Publi,. Health .Setylcfc'jmd .VetetAf, 'Administration, y:-fr; . ' t'- All States except tahV(Io'wv Ver , mont, Virginia. Maryland, and the J District of Columbia have "received '. lesfr than their quota of appointments fc'in the apportioned dwprtmetil er ric tj..'atLt:..v; D. C. V.i tliian- taslons c. tit' ty tltfan- jo the rut rr' ' r 1 infor. ;fr ' ; f.'k.. :s Secretary cf , t3, X '1 CI.:l Crvlca E:i:3 tf L. .J- the tost .cdzi .cr c- i , hoe's fa ary c:ty ir. vice Cc t c' i r L Lju-' I - ' ' M I-terK' ' -5 I CI!., ! r. j r Members U. D. C. Seek Cooperation Pont let a soldier's grave go unmarked. If you know of the unmarked grave of a soldier of the Confederacy get in touch with either Mrs. J. J. Fleetwood,. Mrs T. S. White or Mrs. Thoma Nixon of the U. D. C, and they will make application through the proper channels for a free head stone from the Faderal Government. State Drivers License In Effect On Nov. Habitual drunkards, narcotic ad diets and persons physically or men tally incompetent to drive a car will not be issued license tc drive automo biles. North Carolina has enacted legis latior. requiring all drivers of motor vehicles to be licensed after the first of November of this year. The fact that there will be no charge for licenses obtained before November 1st, will cause most drivers to apply for a license before that date, as after November 1st, an oper ator of a car must pay $1.00 for a license. Chauffeurs will be charged $2.00 for their license. Penalties are provided for viola tions of the provisions of the drhjer's license law and for illegal use of ap plicationsind license. The maximum sentence for violating, the law shall Ibe six months' imprisonment or $500.00 fine. There is to be more adequate high way patrol, who will assist in the en forcement of the drivers' license law. Music Oub MCets v.r Thursday Evening x v The Chanrinade Music Club met on Thursday evening with Misses Anne Felton, Marjoria Puck and Florence Darden, and celebrated Washington's birthday by a program of appropriate songs, instrumental music and stunts, in which the club members were as sisted by Jimmy and Peggy Felton. One program feature was Mary Wood Koonce playing Marches used by Washington's troops and Zach White singing the first real American Song, written by Francis HopHnson. v The prize for the best hand position was awarded, to. MatuSe Keaton, and Mary-Feild won the yrize for pin ning tile hatchet On the cherry tree. i; At the close of the program, an ice course Vaklseirved, and little Amer ican Jlag given, eachwaitjas a sou venir, r : Members present were: Addie Ruth Morgan, Ruby Lee Sumner, Celia Dail, Zach White, , Ellie Mae Whittf, Mary Feild, Annie May ; Matthews, Mary Louise Chappell, ; Anne Felton, Florence i Darden, : Marjorle. . Buck, Maude Keaton, Sallie B. Wood, Hazel Matthews, Mary Wood Koonce, Grace Knowles, Clarence Phillips, Inez Har ris, Louise Morgan, Jane Shoults, and Mrs." R.'M.r Riddick, counselor. The guests included Mr. and Mrs. F. T Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Felton, Mrs, G; C. Buck Mrs:, Rose Howard Miss Virginia . , Harris, ? Peggy and Jimnns Felton. J, SURPRISE PARTY GIVEN : FOB MRS. .TV B, SUMNER Mrs. T. B. Sumner - was' given ; a surprise party on Monday evening by her two sisters, Mrs. W. G. Wright imd; Mrs. B. G Koonce,; in ionor of Mrs,'. Sumner's,: thirteenth wedding anniversary, h A? f , . ,, " The guests assembled at the home of a neighbor and went in a body , to the Stfmner ;Tsidence, ;' bringing at tractive gifts to the hoptree. j : , Three tables were arranged: for br after several rubber the "it3-:4s served a sweet' course, -.1 ' G. I Jcssun wai tue winner of the to? t :rs r:.:e: f t TLosft T r br.:3d3a Mrs..T. B. r, I .V G. YrfiU, lis. B V" 'z '3, T7. Lordley, lira. ... 1 ., P. IL Small, " 3. TJjT.'::son,rrs. t . . . - . r4, rnd Tin. R. U. ' ' A. T;. 'r;fren : u . . - ? r rt- . .. 1 cf Hertford, Perquimans County, U. D- C. AISI8 TO MARK CONFEDERATE GRAVES "Daughters" Desire to Learn of Unmarked Graves To see that every Confederate Sol dier's grave in Perquimans County is marked, is the aim of the Skinner- Jones Chapter of the United Daugh ters of the Confederacy this year. The government furnishes a free head stone for any individual whose last service in the military or naval forces of the United States was hon orable. That headstones are furnish, ed free by the United States govern ment for Confederate soldiers is not generally known. The Daughters are anxious to get this information before the public, with a view to marking the unmarked graves of Confederate soldiers. The government furnishes the head stone and ships it, freight prepaid, to the nearest railroad station to the cemetery where the soldier is buried. Any other expense, such as hauling the stone from the station and setting it up, must be borne by some one in terested. The Daughters of the Con federacy expect to look after this part of the work for those who are unable to have the work done. The stone furnished by the Govern ment for the Confederate soldier, is of American white marble, and is 39 inches long, 12 inches wide, 4 inches thick, with top slightly pointed. It is inscribed with the name, rank (if above a private) and organization, followed by the letters "C. S. A." Anyone who knows of an unmarked Confederate soldier's grave is asked to communicate with Mrs. J. J. Fleet wood, Mrs. T. S. White, or Mrs. Thomas Nixon, of the Skinner-Jones Chapter of the U. D. C, who will take up the matter of securing a stone and marking the grave. Funeral Tuesday For Mrs. Mary Pritchard Funeral services for Mrs. Mary L. Pritchard, widow of Clinton S. Pritch ard, well-known and greatly beloved resident of Pasquotank County, were held from, the home near Elizabeth City on Tuesday afternoon, with the Rev. R. S. Tomlinson, pastor of Berea Baptist Church, officiating, assisted by the Rev. O. Jack Murphey, of Cor inth Baptist Church. Mrs. Pritchard died on Sunday night after a long illness. Surviving children include: D. J. Pritchard, of Hertford; C. E., L. B., G. B. and J. C. Pritchard, all of Pas quotank. County, . and. Mrs. Clyde Scott, of Shflolu." ' 4 Through Capitol Keyholes By Bess hintc-n silver UPS AND DOWNS r-The Mc-Donald-Lumpkin ianti-sales tax plan to tax corporations more, .tax divi dends from all corporation stocks and levy a tax of from $3 to' $900 on all individual Incomes , above $1000 per year rises and falls in' popularity like a thermometer. It didn't nave, much visible support in the early days of the present Legislature, then its stock rose as the two sponsors explained its workings and' estimated Its -revenue yield. - It took a drop1 when ..the lobbyists- had their day in court before the ; finance committee,' But mer chants came t6 the 'rescue and boosted the proposals vwiUi their 'endorse ment. Ithasntbeen adopted yet and yon can find plenty of prognosticators that it will not become law. ". On the other band, the McDonald-Lnmpkin bloc is still hopeful and working in- .r ' .rav e grapevine reports renewed; rumors ttiat Representative R, GtegiCSrry- xof asloh; -(Ml man of the Bouse Finpce CoiaMttei wiU be a Wnolda f or SpeaUf n$ft session.. frei7body agrees ,ibai he is do!jnz .his best o ttake record for ereed ei'j&e;jnol.1':a!tal crroswta, fe?'iftfti,fc''...rAtiei of i it. rti or wis ot fepojrinjli they can get out from lender tie tax. for the next tofil1i&tixi)pMr ing It tox!b fo JSt. (rry' pollti cal aerlrations and he shows no little irrit-t!on ta commfttee at times. That isn't 1 to aid ti chances in Legislative polices. try w ' v7Cr.r.:ZD C:-'1or.V,P..Horton, d C ii r :1 tt the L ') f.:. ; r - '3 ts send their " ') r 1 in l-:::s that f i j rnd t!.cn North Carolina, Friday "Now Or Never" Is The Slogan In Fast Finish For Capital Prizes HERE'S HOW THEY STAND Subscribers should BOOST their favorite candidate by giving them their subscription or extension subscription. Your subscription might be the one to put your favorite in the winning class. It will also count towards the extra prize an Elgin Wrist Watch, awarded to the one turning in the largest number of years by Saturday night. Mrs. J. L. Nixon, Winfall Mrs. Roy Parks, Ryland Miss Ann Barclift Hertford Mr. Edgar Fields, Hertford Mrs. J. C. Wilson, Chapanoke Mrs. C. F. Reed, R. F. D. Hertford Mrs. Charles Skinner, Hertford Miss William Spivey, Hobbsville Mr. Jesse Lane, Hertford No Improvements Asked By Winfall Winfall is one town in this vicinity which has not asked for anything in the way of public improvements from the Federal Government from the big fund which most of the municipalities are hoping to get a slice of. A drainage project, put on by the Perquimans County ERA is now in progress at Winfall, which is going to make a big improvement. But according to Mayor David Trueblood, the town has not yet applied for any portion of the relief .money to be spent for public improvements if Congress acts favorably on the b'll now pending. Superintendent of Schools F. T. Johnson is trying hard to get a new- school building for Winfall, and the need for a building over there is very urgent. MRS. WINSLOW ENTERTAINS ST. CATHERINE'S AUXILIARY Mrs. H. G. Winslow was hostess to the members of St. Catherine's Auxil iary of the Episcopal Church, at her home on Tuesday night. Mrs. C. A. Davenport presided. Following the business of the evening there was a social hour when the hostess served delicious home-made candy. Those present included: Mesdames R. B. Cox, C. A. Davenport, Emmett Winslow, Walter H. Oakey, Jr., W. T. Brown, Brooks Whedbee, J. H. New bold, W. E. White, Clyde McCallum, W. H. Hardcastle, H. A. Whitley, Misses Mae Wood Winslow and Louise Gaither. refusing to pay expenses in cases of death or injury. He has introduced a bill to require the State to pay up to $600 damages in school bus acci dents. From all indications at pres ent his bill will pass but it maybe amended to cover only actual expen ses and with maximum of minimum amounts not mentioned. MUD-HOLESIt looks like yot boys and girls living off the concrete may get, your roads and bridges re paired pretty soon. The General As sembly has made a special immediate appropriation of $3,000,000 for that purpose. A lofr of folks are still hanging around the Capitol hoping to get a slice of igeur gasoline tax for this, that and the other and nothing but stiff fight and- constant vigil is going to prevent a raid, on highway funds. . befw;:the. Legislature; taaV journs. ,' The' : highway deparhnent could do better if it didnt have to de .vote , so mnch. time . dealing .with pro paganda &ahej ou 47 those v who i.t!;i''Wf(i'rrr J t A4NT1 . SALES i TAX TM.Wot headed by, .Representftiye Ralph Me: DonaloV of Fonyth imd. Repreaejnta jSve Ltfmpkin, Franli-vft l cease, its fight on the general sales tax until the biennial revenue bill .be comes law. They plan to carry their fight to th floor of House and Senate where they have no little strength. .Leaden of tie Ehringhaus adminis tration still , avow, the sales tax is necessary to properly support schools and other essential State services and predict it will be reenacted. ' ; ; " ' j LIQUOR - Opinion among many legislative leaders is that legal liquor ' (Ccr.t!nued on Page Two) - PERQUIMANS COUNTY March 1, 1935. 2,593.000 2,592,000 2,589,000 2,140,000 2,139,000 937,000 - 705,000 701,000 348,000 Hertford Rifle Club Holds First Meeting Walter H. Oakey, Jr., who is or ganizing the new Hertford Rifle Club which the young men. of the commun. lty are taking such keen interest in is a life member of the National Rifle Association. Thousands of the lovers of the sport of rifle shooting are en rolled in the clubs throughout the United States which are affiliated with the Association. The National Rifle Association has expanded during the fifty years of its existence to the extent of including more than 171)' rifle clubs in its organiation. The Hertford Rifle Club expects to affiliate with the National Association, Mr. Oakey said yesterday. The first meet is to be held on Fri day afternoon of this week on the r.ew range which is being constructed on the old Albemarle Lumber Com pany's lot, on Grubb Street. Rigid safety rules will be im effect, according to Mr. Oakey, and those interested will be welcomed at the range. There will probably be a crowd of spectators on hand to get a glimpse of the activities. While only about a dozen young men are included in the membership at present, many others 'will probably become members as soon es they learn about the undertaking. All are invited. A nominal entrance fee is to be charged, and also a small fee for the upkeep of the rnnge will bp collected. The members include, in addition to Mr. Oakey, Melvin G. Owens, wlio has had a lot of practice during his six years in the Army, and J. E. Morris, Alfred Williams, Dr. Luther H. Butler, Guy Newby, Eugene Perry, James Evart Newby, Russell Winslow and Lyman Shepherd. Parents Urged To Send Birth Cards Raleigh Nearly a month ago, January 30, the Bureau of the Census in Washington sent 463,309 little postal cards to North Carolina, dis tributing them to every postoffice in North Carolina for further distribu tion to every family in the State. These little cards contain a request of the Census Bureau that parents ol children born within the past year fill in the brief blanks at the bottom of the card and put them in the post office or mail box. The information asked is needed to check against the birth records in the Division of Vita) Statistics of the State Board of Health, the object being to see how well births are being registered in the State. Up to Saturday night less than 80,000 of these cards had been posted by the parents of approximately 80, 000 children, -black and white, bora in the" State last year. These figures ahoV according to Dr. J. H. Hamilton director of the bureau,' that fully 50 000 parents have : not filled in and poeted these cards. j This is a duty which parents should not neglect,; and thai submit their "children' 'to' embarrassment and tuf neoessary trouble in the future, Dr. namflton "aiidVA Parents are asked to fill in these cards and post them, even if they know that' the doctor or mid wife: attending the birth .filed the proper Certificate, It is a small task with important results and no parent should neglect it, Dr. Hamilton said. 'V HONORARY PAG1S $ , James S. McNider, Jr. was elected honorary page In the House of Repre sentatives at Raleigh last Thursday, when he visited 1 at the ? Legislature with hiB father. ' -. . . $1.25 Per Year Saturday Lst Day to Obtain Big Votes n Contest 7 DAYS LEFT Saturday, March 9, Ex pansion Orcpnlgn Will End "Two More Days.-' These three words have a potent meaning when we consider the importance of the re sults in The Perquimans Weekly Campaign which is ne.iring a close. The last of the big votes will un doubtedly be the deciding factor in determining the winners in the splen did arrary of prizes which each con testant is eager to win. Race Getting Hotter As the last few days of the cam paign come in sight candidates are struggling for the highest honors that are to be had. Not only will the $400 cash be awarded the winner, but the fortunate winner will also receive the congratulations of the entire vicinity for having achieved such a signal victory. But two days remain in which can didates can gather enoupi votes to assure them of the highest awavds. The vote schedule will tnko a decided drop after Saturday night at nine o'clock. Also votes on Second Pay ments or extensions will not be given next week, other than the regular subscription votes. Extensions this week a'-e playing ar. important part in the campaign of most of the candidates. Each one realizes the boost each extension will give, and is working their territory to this end. For several weeks the contestants have engaged in accumulating votes and during this time The Perquimans Weekly's campaign has gained fame. The efforts and diligence of the past few weeks will be rewarded by The Perquimans Weekly with splendid cash prizes ranging from $400 to $25, according to the votes of the contest ants. The Perquimans Weekly is justly proud of the list of contestants that are competing for the prizes, and each community is proud of its repre sentative. The different communi ties are supporting their favorite and pulling for their favorite to win. The race as the finish reproaches i; a neck and neck affair. No one per son has any material advantage ovei another at the present, and the num ber of subscriptions tu-ned in before Saturday night may tell the tale. The third period close: Saturday night at nine o'clock. l Hiss Joyce Stokes H?".c:;cf! In College Miss Joyce Stokes was recently voted the most versatile girl in the' Junior Class of Greensboro College, according to a dispatch from the De partment of Journalism of that in stitution. Miss Stokes is censor of the Irving Literary Society, Budget Collector of the Student Government Association and Captain of the Junior Basketball Team. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Stokes, of Hertford. MRS. PENNINGTON HOSTESS TO MISSIONARY CIRCLE Mrs. B. W. Pennington was hostess at the home of Mrs. T. E. Raper on Monday night, to the members of the Rosa Powell Missionary Circle of the Hertford Baptist Church. Those present included Mesdames George Chappell, H. T Bond, C. C. Fowler, Seldon Godwin, T, E. Raper, Tommy Miller, Ben Wood, Luther SHtenon, ' Charles . '.Johnson Maiy Parker, Josiah Elliott, Charlie Elliitt V: A. Holdren, B. ' A Sutton; W. T. Elliott, and Miss Ruth Sutton. There were, two visitor present; lira, K W, Mayes and Mrs. T, W, Perry.: , -; t. After the business session and pie gram a social hour was enjiyed, and the hostess served , dainty refresh menta ' ' EXTENDED H0US3 COUKTESirS Master Frank Brown visited fcia" fkther. Repreeentative . T. Brown, C last week In Raleigh and had a very interesting week.' . Frank visited with ? the legislative -body and the courte sies of the floor were extended him. He returned: home on Saturday with " . his f r'ier, who r--t the week-end In ; HertrcrJ. ' - , ' ,