V KLY M1E 1 till A WEEKLf NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE UPBUILDING OF HERTFORD AND PERQUIMANS COUNTY Volume 11. Numberl4. Hertford, Perquimans Couty,ANoith Carolina, Friday, April 5, 1935. $1.25 Per Year Perquimans First Tb r- , County Commissioners Adopt New Rule For Listing Taxes I Convention Speaker ' Finioh Cotton Report WEE I At Least S3 Per Cent Will Be Under Con tract This Year good1ecoiu Small County But Much Cotton Is Produced Growers Perquimans County is the first county in the State of North Carolint to submit the complete applications for cotton acreage reduction con tracts, according to L. W. Anderson, County Agent, who has just returned irom .a irip to Raleigh. While Perquimans is one of the small counties of the State, it is in no wise one of the Jeast of the cotton producing counties, and with- nearly all of the cotton growers in the en tire county signing contracts, a real ly remarkable record has been made. There were 682 new contracts sign ed this year. Last year there were a total of 305, all except five of which are sill in effect. These old contracts - are also completed and sent in, and these also are the first from any county in the State. At least ninety-eight per cent oi the cotton land -nn' Perquimans Coun ty is either under contract or con tract has been applied for, according to Mr. Anderson. Missionary , Society Meets At Cedar Grove Morning Session S The Woman's Missionary Society of the M. E. Church, South, Perqui mans1 -and iChfewan, ; held its Spring Zone Meeting Cedar Grove Church wiffl WinfairCeaar Grove Missionary Society as Koste' - , The Dewtionjrt onfStwardship was given by- the;- pastor, Rev. J . w J)immette.-. .'; V . . v- The Welcome was given by Mrs. J 'Roach.' of Winfall, jand-" the re- iponse wius feade by & delegate from Edenton, k Hymiw"Comer . 0 Thou . God, of Grace. ::' : . ; -. . Mrs. J. G. White, chairman, intro ima& all sisitors.Y? $ Minutes were lead by; Mrs. J. G. Small, of Edenton, who is secretary, i; EoB kaiH 4 repbrts of all auxii aries' financial conditions by Mrs. J. L. DeLflfteyj district secretary. Consecration Service, led by Mrs. White, airman; -1 :; Solo-All, Yes AU' t .Give to Je sus," by Miss Elizabeth White, of Center Hill. ., Offering. v Address by Mrs. C. L Reed, Con ference Sapt. of. Social Relations. Prayer. .. . , Lunch. ' - Afternoon Session ,. Hymn "I Love Thy Kingdom, Lord." . Devotional' led by Miss Elizabeth Smith, of Friends' Church, Whiteston. Talk, Importance of Reporting, by Mrs. M. U Sheep, if Elizabeth City. ' Talk, by Mrs. Reed, on Our , Social Life.fe'""'-;;:: ;;;, - World Outlook was, presented by Mrs. Elmer Wood, at, Hertford. The Urn wag ; given back to the Willie Evans Society for 1Q0 per cent. The Cud . which Mrs. Hawkins is giving to the Societies for best, at tendance, was given to Anderson this They have : had allvrnemberg present at, every meeung since uie last Zone meeting last Octobe: The, next meeting, will be held with , " Willie Evansv Society at Center Hill : Church.r fJw; .' Mrs. Joe Towe, Sr.,' very gracious ly thanked ' the Sodef9;oA:niee lunch and the numerous ther kind nesses during the" day. Hymn No.r 38. was then' sung, Mrs. 'Stephens dismissed the meet mg. ffm'k , f An iold-fashioned "picnic;dinner was served on the lawn by the hostess. ; yhineraliWednesday ' i iv-iFrcErriestNixon V4 ,,"rT?,' "'" : 4 Ernest Nixon, 26, living near Belvi-, dere; died Tuesday night "-after ; long illness. Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon at his' home with Rev. A. -A. Butler, of Hertford o.Ticiating. Burial took- place Jn' the f:nily buryir pround. ' . The deceased is survived " by his wife, Mrs. M :;"J TJddick Nixon; one dauirhter, Ct I ; Us f-. 'Iier, Dav id Nixon, of C; 1 C three brothers, Fr ' ' ' '-;Jv:"e, Vi-ie !"" ' r': r !:- HIT OR MISS fied dogwoods in Perqi(rnans are a rarity, and Elwood White was very much surprised to run across a couple of dozen of these beautiful flowering trees in the woods near his home in the Bagley Swamp neighborhood last Sunday. The woods hereabouts are full of white dogwood, and they are a lovely sight against the greening foliage xn the woods just now. The few red dogwoods seen here and there in Perquimans were bought frtlvnur series or irom the western part of the State. So far as I can learn, none have ever been seen growing wild in this section of the country. Mr. White says the trees are large trees, too large to transplant. He said they seem to have sprung up about the stump of a large free. And speaking of dogwood, it seems to be blooming veiy early this year, as are other shrubs and plants Not only is dogwood and yellow jessamine in bloom, but wisteria, lilac, iris, and other lovely things are blooming. Spring has come to the Albemarle some weeks earlier thanv usual. That it is a most unusual spring, remarkable for the mildness of the weather, has been a general top if of conversation. Mr. Jesse Cajnpen, Sr., who is well in his eighties, says that he has never in his life seen a spring like this one. No more money is needed for the present. That is not a misprint The statement was actually made in a letter from the American Legion Post in Elizabeth City to the chair man of the Board of County Com missioners of Perquimans. The Com missioners have been contributing five dollars, per month toward deflat ing the, expense of the orthopaedic clinic held regularly at Elisabeth City. The letter advised that there was enough money on hand to oper ate for some months. Better business in March, by eighty per cent, than in the month of March last year, is the report of N. N. Trueblood, agent of the Norfolk Southern Railroad at Herford. It may be that roses have bloomed before in Perquimans as early as the third of April, but I have never seen them that early before. There are roses blooming in my back yard.' I wonder if this is a record. If any body saw a rose bloom earlier than that I should like to hear about it. My subject seems to be flowers, blossoms, ; spring. But why not? "For sweet April is a-weepin', And is laughin' as she Cries, And she gathers up a rainbow end And wipes her pretty 6jes." Guilfordians Tq Meet At Friends Church Another Guilfordian meeting is to be held in Perquimans this spring. It . will be remembered that last spring the first of these get-together meetings of former students of Guil ford; College was held at the Com munity House in Hertford, when a local, organization was formed with H. C.1 Benton, of Sunbury. as Presi dent, and Miss Mable Lane, of White ston, as Secretary. Distimruished guests included Clarence : F Tobias, president of Guilford Colleee. who '"u tue auuress m uie . evening, , VThe meetingi is to be held this year at Piney Woods Friends Church, near Belvidere; $'and 3 deflnit announce merits win be made t of the . time as soom as the arrangements are com pleted, according to Miss Mable Lane, who was in town on Tuesday. ..: MRS,."SYMQNS;- ENTERTAINS. " - Mrs. John Symons entertained a number, of her friends at her home at Chaparioke on Wednesday evening at a lovely six o'clock dinner, ; Spring flowers were -; used ' throughout .the rooms.'' vj After .dinner, . bridge Jand rbok'wre'pyedAtep-m ing a tempting ice course was served. Mrs.i Eula Perry assisted Mrs. Syni: pns in entertaining her guesftc -v 'SPEAIt ; TOKOTARIAnISI 4 Rev. D. S. Dempsey pastor of the Hertford Baptist Church, was; guest speaker at the regular meeting of the Kary Clvb et' t'-s Hotel Hertford on Tucs ' y r ' " '. : : .::-,:::- '-4!. Tho ve- KEV. D. S. DEMPSEY Rev. D. S. Dempsey, pastor of the Hertford Baptist Church, who delivered the principal ad dress before the Chowan Baptist Sunday School Convention held last week in, Elizabeth City. Many requests have been made to have his address published in The Perquimans Weekly, and it will appear in next week's issue. George Gtover Held For Superior Court Held for probable cause upon thej charge of murdering Solomon Free man, George Glover was sent back to jail to await the action of the grand jury at the next term of Perquimans Superior Court, which convenes on April 15, by Judge Walter H. Oakey, Jr., before whom a hearing was held on Tuesday, Glover, a youthful appearing Neg ro, says he is from Saluda, S. C. He was arrested by Sheriff J. E. Wins low some hours after the shooting, wnicn toon place at the home of Sim Burke, in the upper section of the county, where a party was -In -pro xress, sometime around one o'clock in the morning of March 24. Glover had not attempted to leave the neigh borhood, and in a 'suit case in his room was found the pistol with which he admitted to the Sheriff he had shot Freeman. Freeman, who was carried to a Suffolk. Va.. hosnital shortly after he was wounded, died some hours later. A number of witnesses, most of whom were present at! the party. were examined at the hearinsr. but little light was thrown on the actual cause of the shooting, there appear ing to have been little provocation for the act. While this testimony was not ad mitted at the hearing, Sheriff Wins low says that the. accused told him that he shot Freeman because he was advancine toward him with an automobile' crank in his hand. None oil the State's witnesses ex bile crank. Several testified that there had been no mnrAa hf m.' ! ' amined admitted seeine an automo -r asvrr,V4ft WIG fcVJ men. lnere was testimony to the ef fect that Freeman had asked Eula Mae Butt3 if she was ready to eo home and she said she was not, and that he went out to his car and blew the horn three times and then came back into the house, and that he wal going out of the door again, after being back only a few minutes, and that Glover shot him." Attorney "Walter Lowry, of Eliza beth City, represented the defendant in court. MR. MORGAN BACK AT STORE . W.'M. Morgan, the 'furniture man, is back on the job after ten days of illness. While not entirely: conval escent, Mr Morgan is much improved. piatisfactionf Officers Quell IRiot At K r is o ii Lamp tf- . : , ' '. -'-V-.--"v t','?i i i i i ii-: , ' 'v ." ! I v Raleigh Reported as source of Trouble; zlllScl L it Situation Under Control i . . Continued ? riotous disturbance ; at the State prison camp at Woodville which started Wednesday nlght' and ran through eaHy Thursday morning had. abated Thursday noon .when; the Perquimans Weekly; went to' pressiH The riot, according to J. L. Tolar, superintendent of the camp,; resulted from dissatisfaction among about 20 colored convicts 'front Raleigh who arrived at the camp about two weeks s'o. They had no arms, however, c ir- wi t damre was done by 1 ' ' r i j ' !:' 3. Nobody was MASS MEETING TO NAME OFFICERS Mayor and Three Town Commission ers Will Be Selected To nominate a mayor and three town commissioners for Hertford, a mass meeting will be held on Friday night of next week, April 12, at 8:00 o'clock, at the Court House. The meeting is called by Silas M. Whedbee, chairman of the Town Board of Elections, other members of which include B. C. Berry and W. T. Elliott. The candidates nominated at this i mass meeting will be elected at the I town election to be held in May, and will serve two years. The present town officers are: E. L. Reed, Mayor; Dr. C. A. Davenport, A. W. Hefren and E. Leigh Winslow, Commissioners. Mayor Reed, Dr. Davenport and Mr. Winslow have been in office only one term. Mr. Hefren has served as a commissioner for fourteen years, or seven terms April Fool Party At Beech Spring Misses Lillian Rae and Paulette Perry entertained at a delightful April Fool party on Monday evening The house was decorated with ever green and tinsel, and old shoes -serv ed as flower vases. Miss Paulette Perry stood at th door with paper bags on her hand.' to greet the guests with a hand shake upon their arrival. Refreshments were served at the beginning of the party, because "at J fool's party things are done in foolish way." Several games and contests wen enjoyed. The prizes were won by Lucy Hunter, William White, Thelma Hciddick, and Preston Sogerson. lliose enjoying the party were: Misses Thelma Riddick, Adelaide Layden, Lucy Hunter, Viola and Sel ma Rogerson, Doris Perry, and Stell: Rogerson; Messrs. Norman Riddick William White, Preston and Russel! Nixon, J. B. Perry, Raleigh Perry Philip Thach, Harry and John Newbj Winslow, Preston Rogerson, Roscoc Lane, Thurston Stallings, Claude Perry and Elliott Layden. . Juniors To Entertain Seniors Monday Night The Junior-Senior Banquet, the bip occasion for the rerquimans Higr School, when the junior class always puts forth its best effort to enter tain the senior class, is to be held or Monday night. April Hth. All of the plans are kept entirelj secret, so that there is always a de lightful surprise in store for the T f hT- BUt teVer Plan of entertainment, it is sure t( be a gala night. TOMMY SUMNER BURNED Tommy, the attractive little son of Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Sumner, suffer ed a very painful but not seriour burn last Friday morning. The little fellow grasped a hot stove shaker burning the whole surface of the palm of his hand and all his fingers. REV. ASHBY TO PREACH Rev. C. A. Ashby, rector of St. Paul's. Church, Edenton, will preach at Holy Trinity Church, in Hertford, at the Wednesday evening service next week. Services begin at 7:30 o'clock. The public is cordially in vited to hear Mr. Ashby, to shoot tw" of -: the prisoners with bird - sht to": bring them under sub' jection. ".Officers - remained, on the scene Thursday ; anticipating further R. R. Roper, State Highway Engi neer for this district; was summoned from his Edenton apartment shortly, Deiore midnight Wednesday and Has been in charge of things at the camp since. As a precautionary measure, tear gas was secured from Edenton, Hertford and Elizabeth City, and it was sai4 further help was asked of Miss Gaither In Charge Seed Loans Application blanks for the gov ernment seed loans, which have been delayed, have come. Appli cation may be made for loans at the office of the County Agent, L. W. Anderson, in the Court House. Miss Louise Gaither is in charge of the work this year. S5,000 AUTHORIZED FOR STATE DEBT Paying1 Indebtedness Will County's Credit Maintain With the Board of Commissioners authorizing the payment of $5,000.00 of the County's indebtedness to the State, and the strong probability of paying the remainder due by May nrst, rerquimans County will be in a position to secure further loans when the need arises. ago when Superin - Some months tendent F. T. Johnson and the Win fall school patrons were endeavor ing to get that much-needed school building lor Wintall, the intormation was given out that the County could not borrow any further funds because it was in arrears on that already owed. Since that time the debt has been cut down until something less than two thousand dollars is now due This amount will in all probability be paid in May. " Young People Form The Aragon Club The Aragon Club' is the name of a recently organized group of vounp people, the obiectof which is to pro - mote social Rvities amonfr the ,rv. ere e.twelve charter members including Misses Hatt.e Weaver Rid - dick, Leah Nachman, Edith Blount V' ,rc "'u,c,c MACtljr uuu ICIIJ, lHCIa. AUUffl lVKl - UicK, Alvin White, Henry Clay Sulli- I uv... ......i.v.t Ulitl vjiui jiiai IV. The president is Robert Riddick, the vicp nrpaiilpnt Alvin WViitr. 1 , ....... ...,.vw, the secretary, Clarence Chalk. Two young people, a boy and a girl, entertain each week. There have al- ready been two parties, with Mis Cannon and Mr. Chalk entertainini first, and with Miss Nachman and Mr. Harrell entertaining recently. Next Monday night Miss Mary Lou Perr and Mr. Gene Perry will be the host;-. There is already a waiting list, an;' new members will be taken in th club in June. Series Of Sermons At Baptist Church Rev. D. S. Dempsey, pastor of the Hertford Baptist Church, announcer a series of seven sermons on the general- theme of Immortality. Thesi sermons will be preached at the Sun day evening services, at 7:30 o'clock April 7 Proofs of Immortality Bible Excluded. April 14 Proofs of Immortality, Destiny : Why. Bible Included. April 21 Final Where and When. April 28 Hell. May 6 Heaven. May 12 Shall We Know Each Other In Heaven ? May 19 The Second Comine of Christ. FUNERAL SERVICES HELD FOR MRS. MARY V. BRIGHT Funeral services were conducted at Mt. Hermon Methodist Church on Monday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock for Mrs. Mary V. Bright. Mrs. Bright was 72 years of age, and was one of ten oldest members of Mt. Hermor Church. She died early Sunday morning, after being being sick for several weeks, at the home of her son, Mr. Charlie Bright, near Mt. Hermon. Burial took place . in Hollywood Cemetery. , One son, Mr. Charlie Bright, of Chapanoke, nd Mr. Noah Bright, of Elizabeth City, and Mrs. G, W. Gregory, of Woodville sur vive' her,'.;,.:.;.?.';-,":--; , JOHN PttT IN HOSPITAL " John. Pitt, who J has been In 111 health for some' time was taken to the Protestant Hospital in ; Norfolk, Va., last Thurstlay. According to the latest reports from the hospital, his list Takers Will Be Paid According to Work Done MORE REVENUE New System Will Put More TaxaMes on Books A revision in the method of paying' In; county tax list takers lias been .i.i'lrt by the commissioiiers which i.s oLpctted to r;-suit in more revenue to I,h: county, and whii.-li, though the list !.h'.( rr, vuy receive more for their :i(.-rvic;"s, will be cheaper for th (onnty in ths? loiir run. Instead of paying to the tax list taker of each township a certain sum for the. work, as has been the cus tom, a fixed amount will he paid for each item of work done, and in this w.-iv flip rpTni:rior:ii.inn vvill he com- J mensurute wili. .he scrv.c,.. rendered, T,.. f()loWin;, hoAuie of naw.ent i was arranged for- th; thrcr different J j(,.nif!: Kur ;i;)strac:t.s made ou:., 7" ("it-; cadi; for crop report, C cents for (I of..-, listed, 10 cent:,-, it year the cost of taking- the ists in Hertford Township was in lielhel Township .7.ri, in N'ow i;ix ; Si 00. llujie loAiiship Township $87.50, .fKT.WL 'Hie tota .5. in civiuere and in Parkville cost amounted, to $435. There were list d last yc-ai lo);s, 3,31 5 abstracts wen- made v,t, and there were 2,151 crop report;. Basing the estimate on the previ- ous listing, assuming no (inierenc0 ;n I the property listed last year and c1 ;s, I the cost of listintr taxes this v ar j would amount to $453.11, or an I ,.rc.,se of $IS over the fost )lf - ,,t ' ve.ir. 1 n,, - . . r L 1 he. fact . tlu,t, n for,n ';.ars I there have been leit off of the .'W t.IlLf'll V7 rVlJ nT. . '. 4 IH I lilt liv.ny iu, which !i;.v( neces.a -.lj j b(,ell t.,kcn bv tho Kegil..r of ; . f(,r whid t R ist);.. . , I'.-di -va:' -ia:d ,v the coimtv, ii!S- one 'r(j ( (ouniy to pay twice for crvw-o ,1.. i-.,,.. ......4.., fiaid fo .... ... , ,1.. - j I. i nysy ikj .inn Li.'. lt he no ova r-la:m , . re there ( j..r, ( ... : re; le.: 1 V('t OIK; of i: frori-: tne th. " ' ' ' i i. ;. for coi ai,y. it r: ' i ..t noijung lik i rue report the crc-s jrrow?. rerquimans has over been made s' th" system was inugiirated of sei i i T these reports for the overniv in 1:1. a hi nt Beech Spring P. T. A. Has Regular Meeting The P. T. A. of Teet h S; School held its .-egai.ir h.v I; meeting- on Tuesday evening, :'!. Miss Alira Howell conducting :h devotional exercises. A short business session was ".;i ducted by the president, Mrs V. J. Perry. The Program Committee, Miss Paulette Perry, had arranged the fol lowing musical program: Duet, "Tis Springtime," Mrs. W. J. Perry and Miss Delsie Whitehead. Solo, "I Saw Stars," Miss Lillian Rae Perry. Song, "A Laugh Provokes," by the audience. Miss Paulette Perry played the ac companiments. Messrs. Norman Riddick and J. B. Perry, of Burgess, entertained the audience by singing and playing a number of selections on the guitar. The social committee, Mrs. Will Goodwin and Mrs. Tom Nixon, serv ed delicious ice cream and cake to about 0 guests. Registration Books Open April 20-27 The town registration books will be open from Saturday, -April 20, un til Saturday, April 27, according to Mrs. P. H. Small, registrar. The books will open at 8 o'clock in the morning of April 20, and will be open every day (except Sunday), un til 9 o'clock in the evening of April 27.s..,'y;vi'v!;t5fccir' SPLENDID RECORDS MADE v SimVtmJBi MISSES WILSON Hisses Elizabeth ahd-Louise Wil son, daughters; of Mr. and Mrs, J. C Wilson, of Chapanoke, who- are at tending Mercer University, 5 Macoriy Ga.,!are making fine records. Miss ! Louise V.'ilson made the Dean's list -y Mount, c-"-1 ' -n it very serious. ir-t r -. .:-"'''Si'.;-"y;-"i:'f

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