iik. -1 .S ,4V Vis 4 .' Mr. and Mrs: H. C. Stokes had a parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Nixon, guests on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. W. E. I on Sunday, , Milteex and daughter, Emma, Misses Louise and Mary Martin, of Suffolk. ' Willie Aiiisley, who is student at Wake Forest College, spent the week- ena wiw nis parents, nr. ana wr o - F. Ainsley. , Miss Dorcas Knowles, who is a student at Greensboro , College for Women, spent the Easter holidays with her parents, Mr. and. Mrs. R. L. Knowles. ' - W. H. Elliott, Sr., of Ahoskie, spent Sunday with, his sister, Mrs. Rosser Bran. Mr. arid Mrs. Clyde McCallum and ' Miss Maude Pridgen spent the week end at Nags Head. Mrs. S. F. Pollard, of Bethel, was the week-end guest of Mr. and Mrs. W, E. White. - Gavis Perry, who is a member of the C. C. Camp at Manteo, spent the week-end with his parents, .Capt. and Mrs. T. W. Perry. Mr. and Mrs. Duke Morgan and their two children, Duke and Bettie, were week-end guests of Mrs! Mor gan's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. McM. Miss' Elisabeth Parker, of Norfolk, Va., was the week-end guest of Mrs. H. A, Whitley. Robert Riddick, who is working at Wallace, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Riddick. Miss Mary Onella Relfe, who is a Student at ; Greensboro Colloge for Women, spent the Easter holidays with her parents, Mr and Mrs. Na ' than Relfe. Miss Carolyn Riddick, who is a student at E. C T. C, Greenville, Spent the Easter holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R M. Riddick. Miss Jessie Tayloe Newby, who holds a position in Raleigh, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Newhy. Miss' Louise Payne, who is a stu dent at N. C. C. W., Greensboro, was the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Payne, during the Easter holidays. Mr. and Mrs. William C. Archie, of Wake Forest, spent the week-end to Hertford with Mrs. Archie's parents, Dr. and Mrs. G; E. Newby. , Shelton White, of Baltimore, Md., was the week-end guest of his moth er, Mrs. R. T. White. Rev. L. M. Dixon and Mrs. Dixon, of Ahsokie, were in town one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Babb and their little daughter, Helen, of Durham, spent the week-end with Mr. Babb's mother, Mrs. W. L. F. Babb. Dr. J. P. Whedbee, of Suffolk, Va., was a recent visitor in Hertford. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Smith and baby, Shirley Rachael, and Claborne Whitehead, of Norfolk, Va., visited Mrs. John Lane during the week-end. - Mrs. W. T. McMullan returned on Saturday from Norfolk, Va., where she had visited her brother, W. T, Wood. Mrs. T. A. Trueblood, of Washing ton, D. C, spent Friday night and Saturday with Mrs. A. J. Parrish. ' Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Whitehead and their granddaughter, Linda McLin den, of Suffolk, Va.; C. E. Whitehead; Mr., and Mrs. Stanley Smith and small daughter, Shirley Rachael, of Nor folk Va spent Sunday with Mr. and ' Mrs. A. J. Parrish. Mrs. W. S. Davenport, of Mackeys, is the guest of her son and daughter- . - l ar yi a TV a. in.invr ir nnn nn va . a nvannnrr . Mr. and Mrs. 'Charles Bush and their daughter, Miss Grace Bush, left Thursday for their home fat Washing ton, D. C, after a visit to relatives in town. , Mrs. Bush's sister, Mrs. G. T. Hawkins, accompanied them home for a visit Mrs. W. T. McMullan is spending sometime at Belhaven as the guest of Mrs. Henry Keaton. - Mrs. Sam Hill and her little son, . and Miss Maude White, of Norfolk, Va., spent Tuesday in Hertford visit ing relatives and friends. , Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Parrish, accom panied by Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Perry, spent Monday m Elizabeth City, Miss Joyce Stokes has returned to I Greensboro College for Women, where "she is a student, after spending the Easter holidays with her parents, Mr. aim mra. n, v. otoKes. ' f Mr., and -Mm J. J. Skinner and Mrs. W. R. Douglas, of Washington, D. C, who have been spending some time atvawe. urove," tnesxinner s country, home in Old Neck, returned ' home on Monday. Among those who attended the .'oman's Missionary Conference' of .e' II. E. " Church in Elizabeth City ;t week, were Mrs. G, T. Hawkins, 1 :i. Hosser Brinn, Mrs. Tim Brum, t - Urs. J. U Leggett.: ;; L-r. and Mrs. Charles Johnson and Wz'.t tun, Harrell: Mr. and Mrs. Chas, l J-jtsoni jpent Monday afternoon i l I.jr.OlJC, VStr -wm&Hiim Mrs. Chas. Skinner and her son, Charles, Jr., and Miss Marjories Hef- ren will spend the week-end as the truests "of Mrs. W. C. Winslow , in Greensboro. Mrs. R. Q. Skinner, . Mrs. A. W. Hef ren, and Mrs. John Chalk expect to spend next week in Raleigh visit insr Mrs. Owen Morgan. . - -Mrs. J. K. Newbold and her daugh ter, Virginia, of Glen Ridge, N. J., Mrs. J. M. Newbold .and her daugh ter, Sallie, of Rutherford, N. J., are visiting Mrs. K. R. Newbold. Mrs. W. T. Sumner, who has been quite sick for the past three weeks, is somewhat improved. Mr. and Mrs. Owen Morgan and their three children, of Raleigh, spent the week-end with Mrs. Mor gan's mother, Mrs. R. Q. Skinner. W. H. Jenkins, Sr., of Spencer, is visiting his son, W. H. Jenkins, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Sumner and their son. William, of South Norfolk, Va., spent Sunday in Hertford with Mr. Sumner's mother, Mrs. W. 1. Sumner. ? Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Bankff, of Nor folk, Va., were week-end guests of Mrs. Banks' mother, Mrs. R. Q. Skin-. ner. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Edwards, of Greenville, spent the weekend with Mr. Edwards' parents, Mr. and Mrs; W. F. C Edwards. Mrs. M. S. Elliott and daughter, Miss Margaret' Elliott, of - Edenton; Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Rector, of Nor folk, Va., visited relatives in Hert ford on Sunday afternoon. Noah and Tim Gregory, formerly of Hertford, have returned to their home in Norfolk, Va., after a visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Perry. PINEY WOODS Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Brafford and family, of Washington, D. C, spent Easter with her mother, Mrs. Mary Phthisic. Mr. and Mrs. Haywood Phthisic and children, of Edenton; Mr: and Mrs. H. H. Lane and children, of Ryland, vis ited Mrs. Mary Phthisic Sunday. Mrs. J. 0. Chappell visited Mrs. W. W. Chappell Sunday afternoon. Mrs. E. N. Chappell and Mrs. E. J. Raper made a business trip to Hert ford Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Mary Phthisic, Sam Bradford and Misa Edna Phthisic spent Satur day afternoon In Hertford. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Chappell spent Wednesday in Elizabeth City. Elbert Chappell and son, Thomas made a business trip to Elizabeth City Saturday. Miss Sybil Chappell spent Satur day with Mr., and Mrs. Hubert Chap pell, of Belvidere. Mr. and Mrs. James Trueblood and son, Raymond, visited Mr. and Mrs, W. P. Chappell Sunday afternoon. A number of people from here at tended the funeral services of James Forehand held at Center Hill Metho dist Church Monday afternoon. Miss Bessie Lee Hollowell was-the week-end guest of Miss Marie Cope- land. ' . , c4 -4 ,v D. T. Ward, Jr., a student at Wake Forest College, spent the Easter holi days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. T. Ward. ,'.'.' L. T. Chappell returned, home on Monday after two weeks , (in , New York, c: .1 ,? ; V . Sherman Parks, who has a position in Greenville,- was the guest of ." his uncle and .aunt, Mr. and Mrs.' Roy Parks. Monday. i , Mrs. C. A. Spivey had as her Kuests over the week-end: Mr. and Mrs. O. K Spivey and two daughters, Norma and Helen, 'of Washington, D. C; Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Wood worth and two little -daughters, Barbara Anne -and Patricia,-) of Erwin; and Mrs. Spurgeon Boyce, of Durham. She also had as her guests on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Malvern Spivey and children, of Oxford; -Mr. end Mrs. Maynard Perry and little daughter, of Edenton. Miss Albertha Dail was. the guest of Miss Nina Jordan Saturday night Miss Ruth Alice Chappell is much improved after a long illness and visited friends in Ryland Monday af Mrs. Raymond Dail, of Snow Hill, visited Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Dail Mon day."5, , Mrs. H. I. Ward visited relatives in Woodville Thursday. ' Mrs. Roy Parks, Hiss Albertha Dail and Lloyd Chappell were in Suf folk, Val, Thursday shopping, j Mrs. -Millie Monda, from near Cen ter Hill, is the guest of Mrs. D. T. Ward. Mrs. G. A. Boyce and little daugh ter, Sarah Jane, and Miss Mary Lee Davis visited Mrs. W. J. Ontland on Thursday afternoon. , Mrs. C. C. Coneland and children spent Monday with her father, Mr. 0. aWard. Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Copeland were guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Boyce Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Norman wmsiow were week-end guests of Mrs. Wins- low's parents, mr. ana airs, ueorpe Byrum. Mrs. Louisa Ward had as guests Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Pailen . Lane and daughter,' Katherine; Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Copeland and children. Mr. and Mrs. JuHan E. Ward and son. ueorare uase. oi juaenion: mrs. Harriett Parks, Miss Gertrude Jack son, Miss Mary Lee Davis, Roy Parks and Thomas Jackson were guests ' of jar. mnu mn. jo o. itmu uuuuj ternoon. , . : Thomasin and David Ward de lightfully, entertained a number of their friends at an Easter Egg hunt Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Ward, their mother, served a delicious repast to tetween 20 and 80 little guests. - 1 Mrs. Spurgeon Boyce, of Durham,; is spending this week with herynoth- er, Mrs. C A. Spivey. BETTER HOMES AND GARDEN CLUB MET WEDNESDAY P. M. The Better Homes and Garden Club of Belvidere met Wednesday after noon with Mrs. J. M. Copeland. The hymn, "The Old Rugged Cross,", was used as the opening song.-" Miss Vi yian Maude Chappell gave the devo tional. After the business was-trans. acted the following: - program was given: "What Does. Easter--Mean to You?" by Mrs: .T. VP, Layden;' Read ing, "Utility of Elderberry,'! Miss Emma White; "Salmis Easter Sun rise Service," Miss Lucy White; "Along the Garden Path, in the Gar den of Eden," Mrs. C. T. Rogerson and Miss Anna Forbes. Those present were: Miss Emma White, Miss Lucy White, Mrs. V. C. Lane, Mrs. C. T. Rogerson, Miss Ber tha Smith, Mrs. J. M. Copeland,, Mrs. T. P. Layden, Mrs.- S. M. Winslow, Miss Anna Forbes, Miss Vivian Maude Chappell, Miss Olive Layden, and Mrs. L. J. Winslow. RETURNS TO HERTFORD Mrs. Lucy Hill Madre, formerly of Hertford, who has been living in Baltimore, Md., for nearly a year, has returned to Hertford to nuke her home, Mrs. Madre is liyfng at her old home on Grubb Street, :x A. Stillman, of Suffolk, Va., was i.i I 'tfrd on Monday afternoon. I i. Lloyd. Horton, of .Plymouth, it ' her parents, Mr. and Mrs. u s i:ixon; " : 3. Julian Brinkley, of Plymoutliv " ' i - ?st of ner taoHiett Un. .t- , "rs. Braxton Dawson and . : auhter, Naitcy T 'J, of j i Uly, visited Jurs.'L: , Bon'si4 . Blues, Troutv Virginia Mullets and Croakers " Fresh daily; - Dressed ; 'and de livered to your home in a sanitary condition. J,'?'--- r':'. tgW A ' '"V''". '"V''V - ?Wrf are -proud of. onr place and invite ; .your , inspection.-- A,t visit witt' bi'iappreciated.1"1 North Carolina Cabbage, i five Sanitary Eis! Ilarket St Near JWiaitOB Jd Urs. CDonild ntt-o clZl-ji, cf Asheville, are spenu..tj somethne as guests of lit. and Urs. Bill O'Donald, in their apartiftent at the home of Mr, ana Mrs. J. Luther Winslow., - Mt A.' N. Winslow, Miss Winnie Winslow and niece, Betty Jean Wins low, visited, relatives in Cross Roads Tuesday afternoon. M Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Winslow" and family,-of Sunbury, spent thi week end here with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. J. T. Winslow. - ','- Mr.' and Mrs.' Allison White and Children, of Hillsboro, spent the Week end here with Mr. White's mother, Mrs. Henry Winafow, -and .attended the funeral of their aunt, Mrs.; Anna P. White. ' V " Mr. and Mrs. ' Elwood White! and Elihu Winslow,- of Bagley,' Swamp, spent Sunday with Mr: White's pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. E. W, White. , Mr. and Mrs. Lindsey Winslow and Miss Winnie Winslow spent Morid? in nocxy mount rwisn air. and. Mrs. Murray .White f and - son, Paokv"f Winston-SalenvtJfr.- and Mat'Whijte and soifr in ParkvWir Hoanltal as the result of ; aai: automobile wreck near Sptag-pJEtfepo t last f Thursday night They were on their way to the bedside of Mr. 'White's mother, Mrs.. oc&rreJ. nnterClns At Eacler Egg Hunt Miss Mabel tane gave an Easter Egrg hunt at the home of her parents, Mr, and Mrs. J. T. Lane, Monday af ternoon in honor 'of the ' Busy Bee Sunday School class of which she is teacher Members of the class and r i., .. ? ' ..it . ;: .,1.1 i.:. . Marie RottnUce,' I.uby" Li..e, I.-.jrie and Thelma White, Dolan Winslow, Esther and Ilarry Lee ,; Winslow Jams .Winslow, Eleanor : O'Dorald,. Betty- and Buncombe- Davisj, Clifford and Otis Winslow, Chester Winslow, Doris Carver,'' -Li .ErWinslow and Joan Wmsiow. . , ' When-In Need of Insurance Protection Of Any Kind SEE 1 'D V ''1 "J-J-rt - Him u ,vi i ;v . .... ... Office In Hardware Building - ' ; Facing Court House Square t h u1 i, ) i ) ( " w ! '-'' ''"',''7 -1.'' . s Are Sold Here From A UP TO These Cabinets ard made more substantial and more durable' and will last longer than any Cabinet we have sold in-the past 21 years. We have details that we can explain to you and prove this to be a fact Let us show these beautiful Cabinets to you. The Furniture Man Hertford, N. a 9. WHITESTON NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Ralph White and children, of Norfolk, ,Va.; Mr. and Mrs. B. L. White and children,' of Sunbury t Mr. and Mrs. Paul J; White and children, of Elizabeth, City; Mr. and Mrs. Claude Walker, "of Stokes- dale; Miss Pearl White and, Hugh White, of Winston-Salem, spent the Easter holidays here : with their pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. White, and attended the funeral of theiraunt, Mrs. Anna P. White. , Miss Lorna Brothers and Miss Lena Winslow spent the Easter holidays in Fountain with Miss Brothers' mother. Miss Lucy Grant Flythe spent Sun day afternoon in ConWay with her Taylor Theatre EDENTON, N. C Today and Friday, April 25-26- JANET GAYNOR -LEWAYERS "Servants' Entrancew Saturday, April 27 -i JOHNNY MACK BROW The Vanishing ? Frontierw BUCK JONES "THE RED RIDER' Comedy re 1 . V U4t Q A" ff I PAINTING the house and doing- h i I ; Ja d f J re economically, are two separate r . f 111 , t 1A thmc-a unless vnn arp rpfnl c V A 1 n r V ,! i Monday and Tuesday, April 2-3 f A ; CLARX GABLE U X)NSTANCE BENNETT v.--' "After OHice Hours" nfflMHIT. HIV- Im .- i rRICAKDO CORTEZ v ?A ShadoTjr Of a Dc-!;lw Tharfday and Friday May, - ; - RUDYVALLEE i Three prersUtions daily : ; at tractive C--ts accompany a!l f rtt- '-"-'3. ' CL'p.and save for re.' Jill) iTr rlor's good sv s. mm PAINTING, the house and doing it economically, are two separate things unless you are careful to j cut . the :cost by using Athes painting supplies. Paints, var-; . nishes. lacauers and kalsomines . - , rare at their best and also at their !f -' t x ... ; lowest price here. That is why so '-:;::-: u; : f . many , people buy r them'' here.' U r, - All Sizes and. Cclcrs ; ri , t Whatever your job might be, you )t V : ? Both Pdnts and can feel certain that Athens ma- 'J!4 ;-;iiKssc!3 -WvK tcri:j3 do' better; Many i-' v . ,:. - i. ' j.. yc T3 of perfecting them -have. V.-'";"';;v?'"-' rX'-t- r them the bronthV mar-r--.., Vp::r' :C0;-. . Ccms in today rand mrlia ;V'.M"ni; .tK : year xc!:ct:on. . One trhl vail f i," ny.v jr'j.v 'sV 'rr:rc;thcirment3.-:.,:, - t&r: r. t : ,;HERTFO?jr-iAr-DT7AriE c urr-r. c: "5 4