... v.'. . .... v'.:.-.-j f-.-.rj i v .... , . , 5 ('if. hM.'..f''i..lt' .j .'.i-V"ls.'1'-fC,JW'''J.,.. fff.-W" ........ ......... . , ......... .J. ....... Vh.A.uAK kT(Wv.4f J.'...-fv. . - ". . ' " - "... 1 h i i i v i m t.,m k.m. 4' Friday, May 3,1935. pim Office A Iferifeble Bse-rave WAaSiersoii, Added ; time COTIEICTS TYPED Nccsdinformation Re smeJM Cotton banters The eiffice of L. W . Anderaon, l county gettt, has been for a long lime a veryJwwy place. Mrifh the office force Twkiw at; top speed, but last eelHeatfl itt vwas really like1 a bee hive. The antiliettions for eotton con tfecta wlMhiad been sent to Raleigh- came in and it was necessary that all of the more than 60d contracts be . typed hdhae lUief farmers could be no tified of theJr; allotment for (he year and. Jipt ontti farmers ml they tnHntt'te plant cotoa . right away. It -would have taken sdm tiling fflceaweek probacy ten days, to aret S worl dollei That wouldn't. Ho. The farmers couldn't wait tlMttliottdant eottoii. Si latr. Anderson to6k i look around at We arallaTfle ttypisti add employed them all Then were seven- typewriters going at top speed imrtSI late Saturday night They wese tgOmff rUlL day Sunday. Early lfendayltite-work was all done and the earos intwd to the farmers ffotifriwr iQiem Uiey could call and sign" ' tbs costrttctsT Senior Fby 'Held Tcniltt At School JThe, aesfior ;play, Charlie. a fflnree-art ''Hert Gomes . .a c coxneaozmn. vilt 1m rinn oittirlt:in the awHtot ium of the Terquiraaas'High Schoof, the curtain to siseistfftcOO oWocJu, The; $m .wfcfch iisdM ftxsi the erent pIUnlnry tte eonunence mmt krtiik. 1a sJafto'ibe unusual ly cleWinft: 5i -Mil (CtJit: JBisse Vrrinta TlMftar;; . Elisabeth KnoiHear flie -noaihes. Thtt aenioist ialda c. -siar include Bended Wbttei CLan4 iErija, Roth Nowalli Biar TKlwri JiftiB white, Gracev' Knowlfis Jrmatt. .Riddick, illatti Bej:E: IESaWitvEffiott umd Wjathixacasate lik Jes iksi nt more erieoalfi injured whe fas fell on the onerfcte fayement c, vraiiy driven ,utomob&e. oa tie ; Certford Iizabethi Qtyv bihwy: last friday, eema abmost a: miradai .: -:v.K :? Th4 yo;;si;:';' miiaf-:i&''4Wd. & Y, jfimpt or uercOTKj, was a Daasenger. fat. Cookie WisslowVcajr, ilri Willow, at the wbed. T1J 4opr flw.open aud io l(jtolg me in an ipt t, cbse itj Mr. Jev fgU and. was .carried by the no ineatamff the car sjuite some (Uftanee . The accident Eappened near.BIiza lhOh Ctori and he; eyas taken to a nhrskian &r treataacnt J Painful skim and fcnri td Us fac, hands and body w tbeetteut of hi in jury. ., ' ' :. Cooke WinsW. on the pthAT band, received iqaite a .femgYay .hairaj, apr t,U Juaw& autementv ; Dr. Luther H, Butler "wsa 'efected president of r the? . jlertf ord' Rotary f Club o'TtleBo riigntwb 4? wgulaa-K IWWWi electito ;t:WS5cew took place at the tclnb., meetings ,Dri ? C. A. Dayenport waa elected ; Heej j! " president; and Siiaa S'edLeeV'wSie W. HL X'C FT. 17 J CrF. H. 0ak;7 fmrf 5teX:t t -A cordiiu p.- that .?-'Tii;''?v- iii 'i : The. t '..LiiTttf'H. Include A'. 'tThe .f-e wUtake,orer. thdr duw;s,ei .":-'tataeiJMi.0- '; Dr. P-'j. ? the'r i of I-'- X WEEKLY OTIWSPAPER DEVOTEfr TO THE UPBUIliDING OF HERTFORD AND PERQUIMANS COUNTY Hertford FARMERS! L W. Ariderto. County Agent, announces that th cotton acreage reduction Contracts art! ffiW ready for csignatures and state that it is very important that atf farmer who signed applications in the spring come in and sighthe con tracts now and find vut about thefr;axrreage. . . Funeral Held Friday For Wilson H. Nixon IWral services for -Wilson Hollo well "Ntton, 46, prominent Perqui- maws 'Ctfunty farmer, wereneld from Holy Trinity Episcopal .Church, in HertrbrVat 2:30 o'clock an Friday afteraoon, with the Rev. E.X Jillsooj rector ff the church, officiating. Bu rial fJtawed in the familylot in the chdrclrj'aatd. v- i Pansearers were: Dr. C-X. Daven port, T.3N. Darden, C. P. Sumner, Jr., Walter 'H. Oakey, Jr. T. ft Sumner; C P. Btfrris, A. W. Hefre&'and Bus el .M. Jaitis, of EUiabethXity. Mr. Wiaron died suddenly!' on Thurs day morning at 6:30 from a heart at taelc, . suffered a similar at tack a few days previously. Surviving are bis widow, Mrs, Eula" NewboldNixon; two daugbiers, Mrs; T. B. Smitij, of Edenton, and MisS fiula Jflxotf, of Hertford; bne own sister, Mrs. 'W. H. Hardcastle, of Hertford; and two half-sisters, Miss ChariotU.kon,. of Hertford, and Hiss Hioiie JNlion," of Baltimore, Md.; and twA half brothers, Irving Nfaton and fed Nixon, of Hertford. His step-mother, Mrs. Thomas J. Nixon, Szj.illao survives. , Among tthe out-of-town people J resent at the luneral were: Mr. and trs. Edwm' .lNixon. Mr. imA. Mr. WaltoB Niswn saitd Frank 'Nixon, of Sunbury; lbs. .Thomas Harmon, of iiexmgtoa, S. (E; Frank Nixon. Miss Jttr fli3Saxon Ft8W Mxon, Mt. and :M ..''3tnsaeS: Jars - Miss Mary Gaithesv 31m, & ONewbold and Marshall Jonee, all 6f liaftbth tyi Wto B. w. iHathawiyj Mrs. Sidney McMuDan, Mr. apd Mrs. J , Rr. Hi .Eb. Deoqner4 pastbr: of the pertfordBaptW- Cow-( iuweaces thai tba-' lasfe tw raK.Fs in the series ol sermcaa wUa'4 ft ttreaeh. ing; ort Sunday- riJ iA not be aeuverea on ue aatce peviu8iy set. Thia.it due tS the. fast ht ttere wiU be . po-service- ai tb cmveb jen Sun day night May ll as-Mrs ilettpsey will prea& tb-baecalir4 aernlon to the graduating! class ef Jb Pet- kuimans High?, School (hat ' ligftt at tlie schwl aumtoriunU' ; J ' The sermon announced for tne 12th wffl therefore, be" delivered on the WOU and, the other two win ' follow Grstnmar School ; ; Exerciser Thursday iACn1enent;," exercises 6f ibe HertfoM erajnmar school will be held 4" OB" 1hun4T' morning at 10 ' NAtirv.Vtlc niivlm In valiwllirfnrlan. htfrenee iDardett ia iabtorUn and Anne Tnllis Felten wiU receive the serviceTinedaL . ,. ' -ie'-';i-S ' These three students ajid .ttro .oth ers, Ben Koonce and :NelliefBuiISr, the' latter-10' being' only' Action o aSipomts below.' ttvalei fttrii0i, ranked . between 06 ; and M mere wa jonly a iraction of a point'a dif ference between the HUJ k ' IittlfrNahrdlM Nan Ward, of the Bethel com innity, who will enter ,te: first' gri y-iiext faUiwiS4tti'itylica. exc'jneq Wedrietdaji HHii O. i;r Ni.y, county. ealth of ; who i'j fCuJivl! : tut ; (veSwid clwlc, 8 other trarents-i9't.lav,'n''nor JiiiU suciaalteetfi' which: te i f-J eo forth.1 Na who Ja a ? i Mr; and Zlvs. Cr B. ! fsw-i- ..a , , .rr,,-- , ii Perquimans QSunty, North Carolina, Volume IL HIT OK MISS HI The following paragraph copied from the "Under the B-Oine" eelunin of the Raleigh News and Observer will be of interest to locflt readers? Chipper Mr. Browtf, toe- getfona from Perdufmaha. notined the Mem bers t the Houstf of a M fry at Milburnie. "DidT you ijf gentlenteti of the House?" asked Mrs, Ctiai, M. Hutchins, of Yaney, who recently la tfoduced a bilr to pfolllbit legislative parties to whicb she; as the Only lady, is not invited. !' "Since he overlooked the lady front Yaney," said Representative R. L. Harris, of Person, "I move that he be escorted to the stand and made to yodel." At the speaker's order, Mr. Harris and Mr. Lumpkin brought the retir ing Tyrolean tunester forward. Mounting, the clerk's dais, he yodelled "You-u-u are invited; . eft my Lady, :ob, nly Lad-y-y." ' Toni; Brown took his bow itf a gale of applause arid laugbter. Mrt. t ft. Shian pftid a Hiirh conl- plimenV to Che group of wonien wbo tttt enfployecT ine sewbstf roots at tue community House tnairitaiiftd by the' local GltA. Mr. SitMll tii. VisWtf th Ort ; "It ii the nYdst agreeable group of women I have ever been associated with," rjemaifieo' Mrs. Small ne other day. Net only baa she never beard one of then make complaint of any thing, she has never heard one of them1 make atf unkind personal re mark, sue salt LET'S" BE NEIGHBORLY Let's be neighborly once more, like as we used to be, Going1 visiting friendly like, you and me. Let 6 be neighborly more, thinking' each others thoughts, Telling each other ottr troubles, and Helping each other lots. Let's be neighborly once more, old fashioned.: rattier thati ne. Telling the goetf and fergettinf the mad there is in both me and you. JLet be nelghbOTlr onee more1 and snake hands orf in a while. And if our bands wont reach so far, let's maice believe and smile, Let's be neighborly once mote, and think of each other arain. And bearing good liews of each other, let's say it out loud "Ameri." "The freair Wtmr said Mrs. C. P. to herself, as the strarijre smmr matr in th seat next ttt the tM to whieb she was sitUfir. in the wronna Theatre In ElisabetK City, leaneeV ere' and peered dirtttJr into her face, - Tbman mr th other side Mr the- youBg fellow srfekered then, ana mrs. jiome reajlxed, as her eyes Sw a- litti more accustomed to the kened. theatre' that her son, Rob, and bia daddy were her neat neigh bors. Mrs. Morris had gone to the show-wHh- some friends MAh'f mow the rest of the fainily bad come. If you want to see a. cute bo v met a ticket for "Hera Comes Charlie" ana see MAttie Bert- Relfe "Charlie." as AH Bag-e Of Local People Stolen On Trip Mrs. R, H. Willis, who left Hert ford last weak for Greeneastte. Inrf w Vint ner brother, Dr.- William S. Biancbard, had the misfortune to lose her traveling; bags containtog all her new spring and summer clothes. Not only were Mrs. WiW bags stolen, one au oi me Baggage i belonging to DT Biancbard and, hie. wife, with whbm Mrs.-.WUlis ; was: makingrr the XA VThebagi' were stolen firom: the cte while the car was barked on a street of Charlotte during the early evemngi .--, -t.;--. The thief . removed tbe batra-aare from the car. the doors of which were locxea, py cutting: a hole in the auto mobile. . . Mtiaocr nuucnai may The Hertford Rifle. Club of Hert ford has been granted: a charter by the- Nttnd J rl:: ' AsiotiaUon,' the national - goternir. tody' of tLe sport of rifiei sljeotin accdrdiajr- to a an nouncement. madaLtodav. rat tin Wd. qurters-tthe associatioir In f Wash- inronD. v ::mm: The ofScerlf thtt'ttew clubr J. Eds'ar' KSrr'FtSSltttr-'FT JoluM sort vice presidnti Wv H Oakey, Jr., tr53urerancl Jj&J . Owena, extcu-! tive1: oCr.1 :v -M&i-i 'i- ! Tie club is One of about 2,800 ac tive rifle and piatrl sioot'r? clubs af f." Jed with the National Rifle Asso ciation. , , ' V County Women Desire Employ Home Demonstration Through Capitol Keyholes By BESS HINTON SILVER WATCH DOG Senator U. L. Spence, of Moore, is the legislative watch-dog of the State Highway fund but as chairman of the Senate roads committee he is keeping busy fighting the diversionists. Senator Spence shyed away from the bill to give the Highway Commission au thority to pay Dare County some thing in return for tolls it now re ceives from the Roanoke Island bridge. The State would make the bridge toll free and the county would fuse the annual State payments to re tire bonds. Senator Spence feared this might be used as a lever to obli gate the State Highway fund to pay other county bonds. I SECRETS The joint conference committee on the biennial revenue bill decided it Would rather work without benefit of publicity and barred new papermen. The committee' members toblf pledge not t dtseiottt what happened in the session until their rprt was made. But an hour after the adjournment newspapermen had little difficulty in learning what action-waa taken and the public was duly informed. And they talk about women being unable to keep a secret. GETTING WORSE Capus. M. Waynick, chairman of the State High way and Public Works Commission, is getting worried about the condition of some - of the "Dermanent" roads in this State. They are going to pieces' in a great many places and Waynick fears that the time may come when Federal aid money will be cut off and the State win find itself with a lot of broken doWri roads and no money to repair them. 1 am going to in sist on' sturdin'ess rather than mileage in our future road construction," WayniekaM, with' a view to making What hai&vpTfaeed rbats you now have actually "permanent." PAY BOOST SUte Treasurer Chas. M. Johnson is going to get a raise' in pay frotri MJBOO to $0,000 an nually the first of next year as a re sult of a bill passed by the General Assembly. That's a nice little lift but the State" Treasurer has riot had a pay increase inf the past 14 years. Arid the last Legislature dumped all the work of the local government in his lap. STILL THERE Although th sound arid fury over the Rayburn bill iri Congress (which would give the Federal power commission almost plenary authority over all power companies) the measure remains a matter of major legislation. and Re presentatives and Senators are con tinuing to receive protests from the folks back home. Some people re member that turning the matter of railroad rates over to the Interstate Commerce Commission didn't help North Carolina arid they do say the same people and a lot of others fear the result if the Rayburn bill should become law. STRUCK BLOW George Ross Pou, Raleigh attorney and son of the late Congressman Edward W. Pou, went to bat in a radio talk against diversion of highway: funds. Mr. Pou enumerated the many: taxed that go te make the burden already on the motorists of this State and predicted dire things for your road if diversion is increased, ABSENTEE This Legislature has turned thumbs down on every move te reform State-wide absentee voting. The hue' and try aftidnir the law makers is that corruption in absentee voting is greatly : exaggerated and that it isreat blessing to many voters who otherwise would be unable to cast their ballot Nevertheless, there ha been more' opposition to absentee voting in, this Legislature than in any of It'te1ioiri ,The trend at present seema te be against m sort of uojj;v-'r WARY -J- Senator Paul D. Grady. of Johnston, is ail "admltfed candidate for? Lieuteoant' GoVerhdrin'tiie pri maries next eiaSdaBiBeleeted toi preside oyerh Senile" wimfflittee of the whole during consideration of the biennial reveriue bill. When the roUwai eaUed-eri eOTtrbve mease urea the. clerk, suppeet i senator Grady's name. hWapenn; noted thw laetf aiw- wiz -tie tiersr nanc Whereupon, Mr. Clerk said he skipped Siastor C: -ifi . niJit' ori; purpose.". The chain:--a ef a committee haa a riglif to 'vote' on 'all questions. , - - Number 18. DOING WELL Senator Carroll Weathers, of Wake, is guite a young man and a first-termer in the General Assembly but is keeping his feet on the ground. He was quite disturbed about the Justices of the Peace sys tem in the State but his corrective bill didn't get to first base. But later it was Senator Weathers who offered the revenue bill amendment repre senting a compromise on sales tax food exemptions. It broke the dead lock on the money bill, something un usual for a first-termer to get credit for. TEAM The Washington grapevine reports that Congressman Lindsay Warren has beeri listening to sugges tions that he team up with Clyde R. Hoey, Shelby Democratic war-horse in the primaries next spring. Mr. Hoey would be taking care of the gubernatorial votes and Mr. Warren looking after the Senatorial votes, according to the report The dopes ters figure it out that Hoey would Kelp Warren in the west where he is weakest and Warren would return the, favor in the east. But somehow Ra leigh is' not coriviriced that Congress man Warreri will give up the certabi- ity of Ms1 seniority iri' the House for the uncertainly of unhorsing Sena tor Josiafa W. Bailey. SHOWING SIGNS Legislative observers are' of the definijte opinion that Representative Tarn C. Bowie, the whirlwind frorii Ashe County, is entertaining ideas of opposing Sena tor Robert Rice Reynolds in the pri maries of 1938. The Ashe man is said to have mentioned the matter behind closed doors on occasions and last week he took an opportunity to publicly praise Speaker Robert Grady Johnson as the all-time champion pre siding officer of the House. Mr. Bowie supported Representative W. L. Lumpkin, of Franklin, for the Speakership in January. Speaker Johnsori is said to be something of a political heavyweight in the eastern part of the State. POURED OIL During the 1933 session of the Legislature the State Department of Conservation and De velopment was the object of almost constant attack- Then Governor Ehringhaus appointed R. Bruce Eth eridge, of Manteo, as director' of the department. Now Mr. Etheridge had long been one of the most popular members of the General Assembly and has become one of the best liked individuals in Raleigh. Result: not one word of criticism of the Conser vation Department has been heard on the floor of either House this session and bills with departmental endorse ment have experienced smooth wa ters. A good general knows how to pick good lieutenants. STRANGE It has been no secret that in the past Representative Tom C. Cooper, of New Hanover, has been no friend of the parole system in general.' Yet in this session Mr. Cooper has introduced and fought hard for a bill to revise the entire parole set-up, and taking much au thority from the Governor. A lot of people around the Legislature are wondering why this sudden change. Pre-School Clinics Held In County The pre-school clinic is being con ducted in the county this week, with Dr. G. E. Newby, county health of ficer, in charge. .. The first of the clinics was held at the Hertford grammar school on Wednesday; and on Thursday the physician was at the Wihfall school, and. also at New Hope. On Friday ''morajnjg' the clinic will be1 held at the Belvidere school. Chil dren'' front ' the other1 schools ' in the eourify; afrv'giihettnc at the 'nearest :noor ax wmen we clinic is eon- irted.' - The nre-school clinic is held annu- fy 4n orVTer that children' who have ivflicil' defects mav receive treat ment for 'their eoTrectibn. before" en terfhg school j Mrf" Janfe Bltfott,' who underwent tmf operation at a Norfolk hospital in January," and who" ha been confined to her bid 'eerlliiee her return; was taken bac to 'the" hbspm ton' Wed riesday v for" trement antf poifiTuly for another 'operation. , $1.25 Per Year jLent Representatives From Townships to Appear Before Commissioners AIM oiFCLUBS Economics Association Seeks 100 Per Cent Attendance Representative women from the various townships wiU gather in Hertford on Monday and appear in a body before the Board of County Commissioners, to ask for the; em ployment by the county of a home demonstration agent. At a meeting of the Perquimans County Home Economics Association held at the Community House in Hertford on Saturday tins matter, which has for a long tiiie been one of the chief aims of the organisation, was particularly stressed, arid each of the various clubs of the county which make up the association was asked to appear one hundred per cent on Mon day. Mrs. M. f. Griffin, of Bethel, presi dent of the association, presided at the meeting. Two county home demonstration agents, Miss Eugenia Patterson, of Washington County, and Miss Vir ginia Edwards, of Curritpek County, were present and each made interest ing talks. Miss Patterson gave an tline of present day home demonstration work and its application to the home, and an interesting history of home demonstration work. Miss Edwards told of the particular work which has been done recently in her own county. Miss Pensie Ward gave a recitation "The Living Room," and Misses Eloise Keaton and Comie Lee Ward sang an amusing song, "Watermelon." Mrs. Thomas Nixon, 'chairman of Better Homes in America, told the women about slip covers and made some demonstrations. Plants and flower seeds were ex changed by the women and fancy work exhibited. , Club members throughout the county are requested to be present oil Monday to appear before the com missioners Perquimans High's Class Day May 15 Fenton Butler will deliver the vale dictory address at the class day exer cises of the Perquimans County High School on Wednesday, May 15. The exercises will open with the singing of a chorus by the graduat ing class and this will be followed by the salutatory address by Miss Joyce Harrell. Miss Lucille Lane will rive thc class. history, which will be followed by a solo by Miss Dorothv Man Hoffler. Patricia Stephens will give the class grumbles. The class prophet. Miss Mattin Bert Relfe, follows with the pro phecy and Miss Grace Knowles will present the gifts. There will be more sineine bv the class before Clayton Thompson, class president, conducts the installation of officers, and then will follow tjie vale dictory address. Two adorable youngsters. Lois Winslow and L. C. Elliott, are the mascots. Masons And Friends Enjoy Fish Fry Tuesday The members of the Perquimans Lodge of Masons and a few of their friends enjoyed a delightful fish fry on Tuesday night. Those present included T. S. White, Rev. D. S. Dempsey, Crafton Math ews, Lawrence Towe, Julian A. White, Charlie Skinner, . Linwood Skinner, T. E. Raper, a W. Morgan. E. W. Lordley, Claude White. B. C. Berry, J. H. Towe, Simon Ruteni berg, Alfred Williams, A. WvR6ttgV ton, Charles .Johnson, Charles E. Johnson; P.' L. Stepnens, D.1 J.' Frit chard, D. F. Reed, Mark Gregory, Rev. B. P. Robinson, Sammie Sutton;" Jele Campen; Sr., ft & Vicky Ju Perry,1 Grady Morgan,- James S; Mm Nlder, a R. , H6bneir, ' L C. Buck, GustaV Koch and V. JL Hbldren. ,t " i r r BIBLE CLASS ENJOYS BANQUET e WesleyBiW Was of the'. lOdist C&tttfcV of which Rev.: B,J, .. .Aire Methodist E.1 RobinBofl' a del! Sund y 1 rooi' of thehurdtT; on Monday niuL

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