T&Zl, TWO - THE PERQUEIANS " WEE2LY ; vr Published every Friday ' at The Perquimans Weekly office in' the Gregory Building, Church Street, Hertford, N. C . A' MATTES LISTER WHITE Editor Day Phone -d--.il. L. 88 Niaht Phone - 100-J , "; SUBSCRIPTION RATES . One Year S1.25 Six Months .75c Entered , as second class matter November 15, 1934, at the post office . at Hertford, North Carolina, under the Act of March 8,1879. ' Advertising rates furnished by re- I- FRIDAY, MAY 8, 1986. THIS WEEK'S BIBLE THOUGHT IF YE OBEY! If ye obey my voice indeed, and keen my covenant. then ye shall be a peculiar treasure onto me above all people; for all the earth is mine; and ye shall be unto me a kingdom of priests, and a holy nation. Exodus 19:5-6. "WOODMAN, SPARE THAT TREE" Never tefore have' th fee lo Hertford locked so pretty; :?Sey are always beautiful in their . new spring green. But this year, with the dread hanging over us that many of the old trees on Church Street which we hare loved so long may have to be cut down in order to widen the street, they ieem to have taken on a rarer loveliness and we have a ten derer feeling than ever before for the fine old trees to which we may have to say farewell. We are told that it is probable that only a few of the trees will have to be taken down, and it is believed that most of those which are cut will be cut from the East side of the street. It is pointed out that on that side of the street there are trees in most of the yards of the homes, which will, in a measure, take the places of those cut from the street. There are no trees in the shallow lots on the river side. It would, therefore, seem pro bable that most of the trees on the West side may be saved. No further steps are likely to be taken to prevent the cutting of the trees. The residents, appear to have accepted the matter as inevitable, be lieving that no trees will be cut which are not necessary to be cut. It seems to be a disposition of every one to save every tree possible. : Here's hoping that those who have the matter in -charge will .have the same regard for trees that is ex pressed "in- Joyce Kilmer's famous poem: TREES V I think that I shall never seea poem lovely as a tree; A tree which looks to God all day, and lifts her leafy arms to pray; A tree whose hungry mouth is pres't against the earth's sreet, flow ing breast; Upon whose bosom snov has lain, who intimately liva xdth rain; A tree which may in summer wear a nest of robins in her hair. Poems are made by fools, like me, but only God can make a tree. Rook Carnival At J P.T. A. Council Meet The P. T. A. Council will hold its annual meeting on Thursday evening, May 9, at 8:00 o'clock. A book carnival will be put on by the various schools throughout the county as a program. Each school will have representatives make im personations of characters from well - known books, and the program will be most interesting. A prize will be given for the best characterization. Colored Students Win . Honors At E. City More honors were won by the Per quimans County Training school, the colored school at Wfnfall, last week at the High School Contest held at ..the Colored State Normal School in '."Elisabeth City. wr.u. rr -i n . i juiwu auKUKiy won nrsc piace in -- i.viin.u vwun vraou- ': .fndprjMfe WAV t uw 4imei item won third niiM in 'Second place In music was won by T ., MH V'l . V1HM Afj, WU ;asle and dancing was ehJoyd by u members ' of the. . Aragon Club, met on r Monday - nighl. at the I i of Rnssell Winslow, with Mr. slow. Md! Miss Edith Blount Skin- as joint hosts; - Fruit punch and r . !cs"ifrerJerved.'?? T s&lF'presnt 'included itAlvin Clarence Chalk. Hattie Weav- V, .Mary , Lou Perry, Ned , Leah ' Nachmcn, Ben Robin 'I Wihshw, Mary S Carson l!nson5' Edward t Weeks, -. r";h Blount Skinner $ l Sees "Boon To Farmers" . A LsoV - , 'IV I I M ; 'tA-'r ' : f'.y.v -"'--- a pORMER Ambassador James W. Gerard today praised the Farm Credit Administration for suggest ing recently that crop loan borrow ers buy American-made supplies. The noted diplomat, whose interest in America has been the very driv ing force of his private and public life said: "This will mean increased activity in American industries so SOYBEAN VALUABLE CROP By GUY A. CABDWELL Agricultural and Industrial Agent Atlantic Coast Line Railroad co. While most Southern farmers are familiar with the growing of soy beans and the uses to which this crop may be put, the following information selected from Circular No. 49, 'Aaronomy Information" by P. H Kime. North Carolina State College of Agriculture, may prove helpful to some readers. The soybean is a comparatively eaav' cron to srrow if riven a fair chancel It will make good growth on wide variety of soils and under Varying seasonal . conditions. Jt is somewhat resistant to. drouth and will tolerate more moisture than corn. However, it does best on well drained soils of fair fertility. A well pre pared seed bed is essential for best results. Two or three cultivations are sufficient. Soybeans may be planted in the Coastal Plain section from April 15th to July 1st. Best yields of both hay and seed are usually secured when the beans are planted during the month of May. Soybeans grown for seed purposes are usually planted in rows. They are occasionally drilled solid, but this method is seldom satisfactory unless the land is relatively free from grass and weeds. Where one row harvesters are to be used, the rows should be 3 to 81-2 feet apart. If the beans are to be mowed or ' cut - with a binder and threshed the rows may be 21-2 to feet acart, not over 3 feet. Where one Vow harvesters are to be used, the rows should be 3 to 3 1-2 feet anart. If the beans are to be mowed or cut with a binder and threshed the rows may be 21-2 to 3 feet apart, not over 8 feet. For hay, the beans may be either drilled solid or be planted in 2 1-2 foot rows. The yields of hay are often better when planted in rows, and where grass and weeds are bad, it is advisable to plant in rows and cultivate two or three times. Inter-cropping with corn is prac ticed extensively. The beans are planted in the same row with the corn or in case it is desired to har vest the beans, the corn is planted in six foot rows with a row of beans between. The slightly reduced yields of corn secured are more than offset by the soybean seed, pasturage and soil improvement secured. - - , When soybeans are to be grown on land for the first time, jt is generally advisable to inoculate. A:t;ll-, For seed production, with rows 8 to S 1-2 feet apart, use 80 to 50 pounds of the large seeded varieties. Fo hay, 60 to . 79 pounds . . in 21-2 foot rows or Z bushels when -drilled solid. Whet planted ia.eorn dse 15' to' 25 pounds per. acre. .The Laredo ana Otootan varieties: would be seeded at one-mux ; sna one-tniro wie oove ratesi .lyspaetiwtyv-ii '. I, Soybean .hay .should bet' cut when TO jpocVisj grown' and labonf.fealf filled nut. -. If cut at an' earlier stare of ; maturity, the protein content will be higher but the yield will be less and the. hay harder to i cure Hay cut after the seed are fully grown usually contains a large per; cent of woody stems;';'' i!-'-'' ' Tfce, iay; should not H allowed cure completely On the ground as the leavesriwlir '?X6tsa: shed ; badly; It should bcTraked hs bon $ the-leaves on' top have i beme iri ' later it should be put in small cocks for a clay or fevo before ttlsar ptt Jn tie ttra. TEX rS2QUEfAK3 VZZZLY, vital tcjjthe; welfare and prosperity pf the American people,' particular ly producers of nitrate of soda and sulphate of ammonia. Such activtty in turn will Increase the home mar ket for farm products. Many farm ers, whether or not they are Crop Loan borrowers, will see this and accordingly act in their own and the country's Interest by purchas ing American goods." . - The brightest and best quality of hay is made by curing in small stacks. The vines should be allowed to wilt and then be put in small stacks like peanuts. The stacks should not be more than 8 to 4 feet across. The sticks or lathes are nailed to the pole about 18 inches from the ground to keep' the hay off the ground and allow for thorough ventilation and drying out. Soybeans furnish excellent pastur age for growing hogs, sheep and other livestock. Early, medium and late varieties Bhould be grown for hogs. The Herman planted 'with an early variety of corn such ajffarvis1 Golden Prolific will furnish 'pasture during August and September. The Mammoth Yellow and Tokycf during October and November, and the Biloxi during December, January and Feb ruary. ... After the ears have been harvest ed, corn fields in which beans were grown will furnish good pasturage for all kinds of livestock during, the winter months. Non shattering varie ties such as the Biloxi and ' George Washington, are preferred for winter pasturage purposes. . . j. The greater part of the seed crop in the eastern part of the State is harvested with the single row har vester. This type of "harvester will save 60 to 85 per cent of the seed of the upright growing varieties. -i -Seed of the vining - varieties such as Lare- v iiuiiK nrie Lies gacn as 1 do, Otootan and Chiqikte can ;be I saved to better advantage by mowing: T SCREEN CLOTH WINDOW SCKEENS. ,.'SCRE3N DOOR;. Ji JV SCREEN SIDING , . 1 t , f, , SCREEN .ENAMEL '? V SCREEN SHEARS- Y'-i 'f SCREEN FRAMES - 4 :::::::f::::::::::::-lV- " tt::::::: : ' .fry 111 M mm f ' ' ' .. ' 1 . . . 1 z f v9Tr& Here and Drrths Dicrczeo ! HESTFOrJJ. N. & IT.!DAY, MAY a, and threshing. Seed grown on a commercial scale are .sold either for planting purposes or to oil mills for the manufacture of meal and ofl.- , ". v , . ' In growing seed for planting pur poses, the r varieties - producing the highest yields , of seed are not neces sarily the oae$ which should be grown most . extensively A' large percent age of the seed purchased by farmers are seed for bay purposes. There fore they should buy seed of the best hay varieties such as Laredo and 0 too tan. If t seed of these varieties are scarce the Mammoth; Yellow. va riety can be used for hay, .Produc tion of Otootan ' and Laredo seed might be increased considerably. The higher prices for. which these varie ties ordinarily sell will ; compensate the grower for 'the' lower yields 'se cured, and " the' seed 'i will cost the buyer no more per acre, due t6 the lower rate of seeding, "per 1scre re quired. : . 1 - . - , For oil purposes,' the 'higher yield ing yellow seeded' varieties such as Mammoth Yellow,' Herman and Tokyo Bhould be grown. There is probably nol; very much profit in growing beans at current oil mill prices, with yields of 12 to 20 bushels per acre with the returns from' beans alone considered but this will at least cover the cost of production and the vines left on the land are worth sev eral dollars -per acre for pasture and soil improvement,' i - - ';"-'5 For growing. Jn thelCoastel Plain Khe varieties, recommended, prefer ence being given to the order in which named, for seed production: Tokyo, Herman, Mammoth Yellow, Laredo, Biloxi, Otootan; For hay: Otootan, Chiquita, Herman, Tokyo; For hog pasture: ; Herman (early), Mammoth Yellow, Tokyo, and Biloxi (late) ; for planting in corn: Biloxi, Tokyo, . Herman, Mnnnoth Yellow, Otootan. Cash Prizes Offered For Farm Records Prizes valued at more than $1,000 are offered North Carolina 4-H club members who keep accurate farm re cords this year in the national farm account contest. The contest, sponsored by the In ternational Harvester Company, is de. signed to stimulate a greater interest in the keeping of accurate farm re cords, according to L. R. Harrill, 4-H club leader at State College. To county winners will go prizes worth $10, and the State winner will receive $100. The latter will com pete in the sectional contest, for which a $250 prize is offered. The national winner will receive an award valued at $500. The records may be kept in any suitable farnt record book - which shows a complete ' inventory of all farm possessions at . the beginning and the end of the 12-month period, a record of money received and paid out during the year" and: What the re ceipts and expenditures were for; and a balance sheet, showing how much money the farm made or-lost. The records will be judged on the following points : completeness, accu racy, and neatness, 50 points; analy sis ana suggestions, tor changes in the farm plant to increase earnings", 50 points.",..' r -i : flv-Ti Any bona fide 4-H dub t member who is taking an active' part -in club work this year is eligible to enter 'the contest, Harrill said. . '( Those wishing to secure more "de taua ,moih coniei tails ; about the i contest may obtain them from county farm or home dem onstration agents. - Window and door ' screens are ' your only" protection against "the ( many summer . carriers of sickness and . contamination. ; In your cru- sade to keep them out, you I should, be very careful to use fonly screening that you may depend upon.' Screening that ; will not rust' or 'corrode. In : Hertford Hardware 4 tif ' i: Company's supplies you. have j just that. And. the : nicest . part Is -that ' you may buy 1 v them all ready tAjuse or you' !" 'may construct yocr own,' Outllr.c ' Pre Tram. Fcr Betti f Rural Housing: , . The -Statf f advisory rural housing committee tf the FHA has worked out a plan v "or stimulating the better auuamg. piagram jn, eacn oi tne coiunties.: , f u , .v "f " The plan grails for. the establishment of county rural housing committees" to carry on tiie work locally-with the help of A. JtC Robertson, whose head quarters be at State College.,, ; As farm representative of the FHA in this State, Robertson will visit the different comities to assist in the de velopment pf a, better housing pro gram where' it has not been started and to do fbllowoip' workm counties wldch have already been organized. The purpose ;of 'the; program,' said Dean L OSchaub, of ; State College, chairman - of the .rural advisory com mittee, ia a stimulate tha making of permanent improvements to . farm homes and Jbuildings and to help farm fajnilies .secure credit on reasonable terms, whea necessary. .. . . f Tentatively, the county committee would be composed of the farm and home agenn, representatives of voca- l -9 o n vour Tla Hertford Building and Loan Asso- ciaion will offer its 29th series of stock for sale Saturday, May 4th. Money loaned , for , building new homes, repairing and Lifting incumbrances on your present Hertford Building and Loan Association Mmil MMM ;. i.-:? - : ' 'y :::::-f:::i:i.'--"' 1 " V . ''! ' ' y'j i J.., f - U '-.8.. !:! r:..- ji t ' ' i : i r v 1, i I I " - i ;AfAI.F;JAND -mcaOP." I Have the; Same" Idod on the Food Question t , H " 'a way a growing calf like a growing crop? " ' , i Answeri Qecauae tie food re auirementa of each ar an mnrh ft ' t the ame. ' .-. 1 - vi:r 1 . 'V- - i" " , Scientists are making this ' - pomUlearer every jthrough.!' J . thefrmsearch into the toper- tancc bf vitamins in animal die : k ni lit need cf iaspurities in. ; tut I, :l clUiiis.; : , Tlierltil impurities are. CkiUsn 4mmjtr ;rtci:;;Tt-7fjratU 1 1 rare ilruati- bore. f tzzm -. h f- -3 ?;,T 7 ; -1. In- i tional teachers, representative farm, men and women, NCERA reprfisenta- ; tivea, Grange .representatives, and leaders of -other agricultural oesani zations. " ' The functions' of the committee are. to bet outlining a better housing, pro- -gram, holding meetings .to acquaint : farm people with the program, td en- courage commercial firms to- adver ( tise material -which can b'used in house improvements, toj ncourago finskicial . institutions to cooperate with the... program and to arrange demonstrations .in installing-vwater systems and similar activities, J , ' Missionary Society Will Meet Monday; X The regular -' meeting - of -the Wo man's aus8tonary society "-or w, Hertford M. E. Church will be held on Monday night in the Sunday School room of the church at 8 o'clock. All members are tirged to be . present. There win be a called meeting of the Delia Shamburger Circle immedi ately after adjournment. For quick results try a Want Ad ;r own MMMiMMMMh , "-4, . , I ' strontium and many others. -1 With them vour croos nroductf Nature intended ttuipxy) s ftiSlMn Mrafiimi Kr:. . taint these rarer 'elementa in Nature's own Iwdance and pro- pioni Chilean's quick-acting nitrogen, plus its vital impuri-. ties, make itiht safe, sure fd"-' tiliscrfof your crops. See yoitf.dealer for Chilean Natural imratcJTtio liaise Ji J0. y3r trtt. late.CU Ctyl 'err---.).S:-7r. , areriturtL .r3 ti i home J ' i 1 r" i it Hi..- b