4 ) . j THE PEftQUIMANS WEEKLY. HEUCTOBP, N. C, FRIDAY, MAY 8, 1985. PAGE THESE i"::3 Cra llii'jfB r J V 4U 7 n Mcrcd by a Great Lovo! Affair Inspired by the 20th Century Picture from United Arties, CLIVE INDIA trill Monoid COLMAH W LORETTA YOUNG TODAY 4- "iVWtan i ; . and aa)r 1 ffaxnilton' r FANNY HEASLIP LEA fanny JbtwMi HMNI tea mm Mi A Iftw OHmm, Pari. Ktrf for Tart and London Tme varum txtnrfnct add outuntie variety of charming rtortu M pen In addition to Moerai nowb on many kort ftoritt, the hat written one play. Itottfy, Kr ttartet deal with modern yotm jmmm n ttrir tattle (o adutt romance ottk the hard economic of the . yeari m Ewtf Nuf now dwftn ror and London awl Fori. color to tt DIRECTLY, under the dome of St. Paul's Cathedral in Lon don lies the body of Horatio -.Jison, jsngland's immortal sailor. In Emma, Lad Hamilton. ; But. W H. lie would fest ia WestiniaiSrAH am ior oim sne would r doubtless rader marble slab, data and titled. They were two not bora to rest. Their graves become them,. In 1793 Emma was the wife of Sir William Hamilton; English Ambassa dor to the court of Naples. Daughter of a blacksmith anil a cook, she had arrlred at her lofty station by cruel ways. Miserably poor and so beauti ful that people turned on the London streets, to stare as she passed, it was not strange that Fate should come upon her early. At sixteen she had had her first lover. Long after, she wrote Romney the painter, from so many of whose canvasses her loveli ness still looks :out deathless: ibrougb distress my virtue was Tan quished but my sense of virtue 'was not overcome. Charles Orevllle, a young man of fashion, was the direct though cer tainly not intentional cause of Emma's becoming Lady Hamilton. Sir William was his uncle. Greville, having been for soma time Emma's ' protector, found himself in need of money. For i not too delicately veiled considera tion hj toade her oyer she aJJ un suspecting to the elderly dilettante. The unpredictable happened. Sir William married ber. The cook's daughter became an Ambassadress and in the course of time the favored Intimate of the' Neapolitan Queen. Nelson's past had no such chequer d design. For -several years before ha" sailed Into the harbour of Naples he hailbeenKJeting his. heart out on half -pay- In ,.'. Norfolk village., I Ho was thirty-flve and had been six years married to '.a widow with one son. And yet his fame was unachieved. So they met ... the Captain and the Lady . . . and for a few days were much in each other's company. They were not to. meet again for five years. . ,,- -. ... Scotching the French s Vive years latere Nelson lay again off .Naples. (He was. in command now of a British' Fleet Rear Admiral of. the Blue. And for his brilliant .part In the . battle :o St. . Vincent the year before treated Knight Commander of the Bath.' - He waf approaching an important Crista" in M4 Yllf.- Bona parte' Kxpeditwm had slipped out of Toulon and vanished. -: Nona' knew where the Corslcaa. would strike next; AH Europe, waited vshiverhig; .before the threat of hls-Mow. Nelson asked only to meet him. By way of eenr ing that meeting it was essential that Nelson b allowed to re-vlctual and re-witer- hie ships to ' South ;itaIUn ports. But. th .Kingdom of Naples was neutral, However much it might secretly . hope for a British victory It feared to incufthe displeasure of the French. ' The King was reluctant Elmma went to the Queen.- In a few ours Nelson was In possession of a letter giving him all he sought Upon which he sailed la pursuit of the French. He felt they must have gone to Egypt-went there only to find the harbours empty. He doubled back and re-victualled at Syracuse, still in the dark as to the where abouts of his enemy.. .Fortunate that radio did not then exist for Nelson ivould, at this stage, most likely have been relieved of his command.'' Off (he southern toast1 of Greece be got Hews at last that the French Fleet had been sighted weeks before, bead hk,for the East- He crowded sail I found tne r renca at me moutn or (he Nfle where he had looked for Item in the first place. Although it Ms near sunset he tell upon them ind in an ngarement Luting all night brfanphed magnificently . , , the great est victory which up to that time bad ever been won by the British Navy. Let the codicil to his will civ. m-Ait where credit is due. "The British Fleet under my command could sever hiTf'ttttned a second time to Egypt tay HamUton'i Influeneo Wiethe Queeri of Maples caused let tert o;be wrote to the Governor of Syracuse . . . .we put into Syracuse and received every supply . . . went to Egypt and destroyed the French Fleet" i N Naval Parity AH Europe rang with the name of Nelson of the Nile. U was the first great check to the menace of Napoleon. Almost as important, India was saved. "If it had not been for you English," said Napoleon years later, "I should have been Emperor of the East; but wherever there is water to float a shin we flr. .11. fit find you in the way." i Nelson went back t Naples. He had lost an arm. He had lost an eye. Ho was recovering from a fever and from a wound in his forehead received at the Battle of the 'Nile. Naples gave him a mad ovation1. Emma with Sir William and the King went out on the royal yacht to meet the Van guard, Nelson's flagship: She had not seen him while he wa lying off port waiting for the letter from the Queen. She had not seen htm since the days when he was only aptatn Nelson. When she set foot upon his deck and came face to face with "him she faint ed. She had always been in love with glory. It stood before her to tortured but indomitable flesh. Nelson spent three wfeka re-fitting his battered ships, during which time he lived with the Hamfltons. It w. then he and EmmaT mmtt. have begun- t realise what way, th were going. She became his companion, his aman uensis, his i-devoted, , untiring go-be- iween in tne Neapolitan' court. Her courage, her passionate? energy, her ardent patriotism went hand in (love with his. What followed was inevi table. England kept Nelson to the Mediterranean and he and Emma be came lovers. Never any half meas ures for' either of them. From then to the hour of his death at the battle of Trafalgar, to the. cock-pit of the thundering, shuddering H. M. 8. Vic tor, Nelson never wavered to his love. , Emma never for the space of a heart beat wavered to hers. His cold, areedv.wift xefused to di vorce him, so though he, called Emma his Guardian Angel and the - officers of his flag-ship drank a. nightly toast to hr, he was never able to mako her .his wife.. They paid dftrl? for- thelr 'entlawad happiness. - But 'Nelsosa last wrlttof before Trafalgar was to Emmai "1 wm take ears that; my name shalLbe ever most deartOTou.";,:: .j. r, A Ahnott his last word, gasping his - life away: "Take care. of my soor Lady Hainflton, Hardy." The barge that bore bis body from Greenwich to Whitewaq on the last voyage, of all , had Emma's portrait painted to the stern. Saying goodby to her on his war to death he told her: , "If there were more, Emmas there would be more Nelsons." . , He might who, knows? have counted Westminster well lost The End. ; Such Is the charm of romance back of the scenes to the lives of most renowned mea.- It is of -such material as this that the romance of Robert Olive and bis-beloved Marguerite, is built '- This ' tender love story, and other o adventures, T ar beautifully presented in United Artists' flew JOtb Century prodacHonj MCivt of bdi". Ronald. Colman portrays Olive, with Loretta Young at M arr-erite. i BETHEL NEWS Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Chappell and dauffnter, Blanche, Mrs. Fannia Cor- Can Grow Pigs For Home Consumption Farmers who have signed adjust ment contracts to limit their corn production, but who have not been raising hogs, will be allowed to raise one litter of pigs this year for home consumption, according to a new rul ing announced this week. To encourage the production of more hogs for home use, a number of other modifications have also been made in the corn-hog contracts, said W. W. Shay, of State College, who has charge of the corn-hog program in this State. Further details about the new rulings may be obtained from local county agents, Shay pointed out. SOUTH NORFOLK HIGH SCHOOL TRIMS PERQUIMANS SIGH 17-2 The. South Norfolk High School baseball team defeated the Perquim ans High School team at the game played here on Tuesday afternoon, the score being 17-2. Perquimans will play the Edenton High School team on Monday after noon at Edenton. FORMER HERTFORD BOY IS NOW LIEUTENANT-COLONEL H. N. Sumner, U. S. N., of Wash ington, D. C, former HertfoV boy, has been promoted to the rank of lieutenant-colonel, according, to a re port received in Hertford this week. Lieutenant Colonel Sumner is a son of Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Sumner, Sr., of Hertford. Charles Gaslin of Pafftown, For syth County, has cleared 12 acres of his, farm woods damaged by sleet last year and saved over 40 cords of good fire wood. All the brush was used to stop gullies. Five pure bred Angus beef cattle were purchased at the East Tennessee Cattle Sale at Knoxville by a Chero kee County farmer last week. Legal Notices NOTICE THE RE-OPENING OF Stewart Jackson's Tailoring Shop, second floor, Room No. 2, Penelope Barker Hotel, Edenton, N. C. Al altering and repairing. GOOD POULTRY PROSPECTS It is thought the Southern farmer has ah unusal opportunity just ahead to make a satisfactory profit on poul try. Supplies of red meat are consider ably reduced and the price has ad vanced to a point where people of moderate means will be turning to cheaper meats. Eggs and poultry meat will be the answer in many households. It will take at least three years to increase beef cattle to normal, and it is expected that it will be the latter part of 1936 before the hog and pig population is back to where we can have cheap pork chops. It is possible to get into the poultry business, both from an egg and meat standpoint, in a few months. There are fewer hens on farms in the South today than at any time in the last fifteen years. Farm flocks have averaged over 65 birds per farm flock for the past ten years. In 1933 there were 64 birds per flock. That dropped in 1934 to 62 birds per flock, since which time it has dropped to 57 birds per flock. With prospects for a normal grain crop in 1935 and with fewer farm an imals to consume it, there is every indication that feed prices generally will be lower in relation to egg prices than far years past. Also higher prices for beef, pork and mutton will strengthen egg and poultry meat prices. Every brooder house should be fill ed with chicks this spring. (The situ ation just ahead might be compared to the farmer who planted a crop of cabbage one year, and because cab bage was scarce he received an excel lent price. The next year everybody had jumped into the cabbage raising business, and ruined the price of cab bage. The wise farmer, seeing that everybody had quit several other crops to go into cabbage, switched his crop over to the ones in which he saw a shortage developing, so that the second year he profited the same as the first) A profitable demand for poultry meat and eggs is ahead. Chicks bought now mean increased income next fall. MISS MARJORIE HEFREN MEMBER HONOR SOCIETY NOTICE OF SALE By virtue of a Decree of the Su perior Court of Perquimans County ordering a Re-sale on account of an unset bid havine been made in the. cause of Ivan E. Riddick and wife et nla Ex Parte', the undersigned Com missioner will offer for .sale at Pub lic Outrrv at the Courthouse Door in Hertford, Perquimans County, N. C, to the highest bidder for cash on Saturdav the 4th day of May, 1935, at 1,2 o'clock Noon. Th following described tracts of land lvinir and being in Belvidere Township. Perquimans County, N. C 1st Tract. Known as the "Home Place" adjoining the lands of Mrs. J. E. Bunch, R. A. Baker, James Twine, Winslow heirs and John Riddick con talninsr 25 acres, more or less. 2nd. Tract. Known as tne rerry land adjoining the lands of John Riddick. W. M. Eason, the Twine lands and others, containing 67 acres more or less. 8rd Tract Known as the "Low Ground" land, adjoining the lands of William C. Chappell, the Twine heirs and the low ground road, containing 40 acres, more or less. 4th Tract. Known as the "Stable Tract" adjoining the lands of Rufus Twine, Will Stallings, the Ada Wingo Tract. L. H. Hurdle and others, con taming 30 acres, more or less. The said lands ' being the lands which were formerly owned by the late W. A. Riddick and wife, Ella S. Riddick. SILAS M. WHEDBEE, Dated and Posted this' the 17th day of April, 1935. Apr.26,May3 V. fVimrew. on Edenton Boad. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Thach ; and Mist Ruth Mansdld spent cr.ay as guests of Urvand MrsW. JEayei port at Yeoplnv , '.", Blchard Kt-'Seld, of Norfolk, Va., pent the week-end ; with ' lit. ' and Mrs. A D. Thach, near Yeopim Eta A tloa.H; -j " -' --' itH'Z Miss Kuby Keaton has returned to iM.iimnnd. Va.. aftsr spending a few days Iwith her r R K Jteaton. Joe Lcr- cf IV- 3, T'r. and Krs. Va., Charles Willif crd ; ; Substitute Corner PWaIareld spent wl bBtitut6 foJf thli day afternoon with Mr. and irs. W.l . , nn ...U u, tyilM- for ha been' servia as , substitute v:ra Mrrfcn , Each carrier on the ro1 "is has heretofore had his own in- wis appointed this week to serve as sulctliute for all the carriers on the rural routes as well as village carrier. - .aaMpaMSMKMSMNiaaMasf ' f---' 1 Kni r-,r,T3 and son return to riL..rrc-D after absence IJrs. I!rvin De--3 and .her little son, J: - 't, vLo at t'le Lut-l Hsrt' rer i r v.. -t soJne? weeks J last fall, have regain 1" -T5 for 3 ii c -'-i Local Strawberries The first locally grown strawber ries to appear on- the Hertford mar ket this year were grown by E. L. Chappell, at Belvidere. The Central Grocery handled these on Saturday. More locally grown, berries appeared in Hertford on Tuesday: Within the next few days there will probably be plenty of the home grown berries to be had. For some time the Hertford mer chants have offered strawberries for sale, but last week was the first time that any grown in this county had been sold. Ruth Alice Chappell Again Breaks Leg Miss Ruth" Alice Chappell, who suf fered so much for the past several weeks with a broken leg and was thought to be improving, as she had gotten able to walk abqut some, had the misfortune to injure herself again Sunday and as a result is confined to her bed; it is said that the leg broken over again now. is Nearly all' Mecklenburg cotton growers are signing contracts to re duce their cotton acreage 35 per cent for the present season. iJMMIffllBaHtlilWlill la S3 In the Vanguard of Banking Business J Always among the first to adopt new banking practices designed to safeguard the funds of its depositors, this Bank now provides the benefits extended by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation to individuals, firms and corporations. Marjorie Hefren, who is a member of the Chowan High School faculty, was honored Saturday night when she was initiated into the hon orary organization of Phi Beta Kap pa at the Woman's College at Greens boro. Miss Hefren was among 50 other students to receive this honor. QThe protection thus mad available is a permanent feature of Federal banking statutes and offers an important attri bute of sound banking to all banks. It applies to all deposits up to and including $5,000 for each depositor. Jin extending this additional safeguard of deposits to our customers, we are keep ing step now as in the past with all new developments of constructive value to modern banking. Hertford Banking Company To Insure A Profitable Yield of Quality Peanuts Genuine Nova Scotia Plaster Whitest Purest Most Finely Ground NOTICE Sale of Valuable Property By virtue of a deed of trust exe cuted to me by J. S. ,Trueblood for certain purposes therein mentioned, which, said, deed of trust bears date February 18, 1928, and la registered in. the office of the Register of Deeds of Perquimans County, North Caro lina,, in Book 1? Page 68,1 shall at 12 o'clock noon,! - on Saturday, May llth. .' 1985. offer for sale at : the Court House door In the said County, at public auction, for cash, the prop erty conveyed jto ra in said deed of trust; to-wit: hr inr-i r'1' Id Parksville Township, said, Coun ty, designated as follows, via: -- Adjoininf the lands of Geo. T. and Win. L. Archer and others and front ing on' North aide the Swamp Bead leading from Morgan's ' Corner to wards Belvidere, containing 115 acrev more or Jess, and, being Ithe same tract of land purchased of R. L. Knowles oh February 18, 1928. - 't 1 Terms of-Saler Cash, repurchaser will he required to pay all unpaid taxes existing 'at the date .of thede livery of deed. " 1 1 " This April .2nd, 1935; ' '. I CHA& JOHNSON, ..' -' Ar-t2r of L. W. Norman, - i .J t-.i f j fi H i FINENESS is important because it increases the moisture drawing action of the plaster application. EASTERN is air sepa-rated-Mnly those particles fine enough to float in a light current of air go into the bag. There Are Many Plasters on the Market There Is Only One EASTERN ... Ask For It Ail Brands of NITRATE of SODA Now In Stock Eastern Dependable Fertilizers and Lime of All Kinds iiSi&M tMifc fill S. Sa f" ffaf ' - M i

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