' i K ft V , p MAM A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE TJPBTHtDING OF HERTFORD AND PERQUIMANS COUNTY ' -Vohirrre It Number 19. Hemord, Perquimans County; North Carolina, Friday, May 10, 1935. $1.25 Per Year BELVOERE ACADKIY, SEAT flF LEADING, County Women Fail In Effort To Get Demonstration Agents Begin Sunday Night 0 THURSDAY 1 V .I. ,i wlffiLY is i IL 4fc lyd?Erwin WiUMsle Graduation Address Thursday 57 GRADUATES Orarcke Sunday IKight For Bacciat reate Sermon Tfte finals of the PerqnlinKna High "'Sehoil will begin on Sanfey aiight, when' the Rev. D. S. Denepsey, pastor iftthe Hertford Baptist Caoach, will preach the baccalaureate sermon. The ) service wUl be held at &35 otolock ln 'the auditorium of the sclmol . There! vwill be special music and ;a Uorgej ontdienee is expected. - I "There will be no evening aeroieeaftj -sny of tli Hertford tbBHhn AWednesaay night 3a sflass niglttjlblie-BecideAt' which occurred near Nl- aafdl'the exercises triO kejin ait SBSISi -o'clock. The graduation eteraes wflleiljeredmij. injuries were treated ky held on Thursday night, and will te-j gin at 8:06. : j OCJyde A. Erwin, supeitntendeiit tffj education of the State of jnrfh'GOTB-l llina, will be the speaker en hk oo-' casion. 4, i This is Mr. Erwin's firet publieasp-' nreszance in Hertford. The list of graduates follows: i Uessie Baker, Ruby Caitwrt; th-ene Chappell, Sara Mae Chappell, Alma Congleton, Beulah Mae "Dale, Mary' Frances Pail, . MMxed TDasrtm, TMargaret Elliott, Mary Wilma "Par mer, Mary Alice Felton,. 'Kathryn1 IRhtetwodd, Lucy Grant Flythe, Shir-1 ley Goodman, Joyce Harrell, Nell; "Hobbs,TDorothy Mae Huffler, Hjucjp! 'Hunter, Louise Kirby, Grace Knowles,! lxnIlle TLane, Ruth Adelaide Nowffll, Tidla 'Rogerson, Alice StaTlings, Ca1- Mull! t . ni.nf 1 jn fl jie Knauwgs, rame oiamugn, xnei ma Stanto, Patricia Stephejis, Wltie Tfart WxfA, Leah Whedbee, Bernlce VTKhe, laeoae Williams, Mary - Etfca- Mfh WiirfHw, Onella wlnslow, Chrud Brim,' Cafr -Britt, Penton Butler, Clyde "Harris, Wrightson Jackson, Ashby Jordan,-Russell Nixon, Walter Nfaton, Udward" Parker, Thomas Phil lips, Norman -Riddick, Vick Stallings, Eugene "Smltti, Clayton . Thompson, Billy Tucker, "Wallace Weston, James Robert WBe, TUJbert Wilder, Vtaya Winslow, Ores 'Window, Elliott Lay- den. Local Preachers On Program At Meeting Rev. B. Pj Jtdbfasfln, -pastor of the Hertford M E. C3iwch, jBev. J. W. Dimmette, of the Perquimans Circuit, and Rev. M. O. f3tf(nsop, Tyner, Attended the District Conference of 4iha ITJi.Bhfltli CM TMwi&k tdl b" M. fj. anrehlheld tJKttr jit iGates County, this week. ffr. Robinson made the address on Thursday afternoon, his subject be ing inkmg 'the Church Cebool and the Pwaching Service.? Mr. IKmmette was also on the pro gram for that session. t The Elkabeth City District is com posed of fourteen counties, with 84 pastoral ehatyes. A large number f delegates f rem all over the distriet were present, with motf of the pas-, !" tors of the district, several hundred persons in all. bejng present Mrs. W. G. Gaither , Taken To Hospital Mrs. W. G. Gaither .was taken : in an ambulance to the Albemarle Hos CSI in Elizabeth City on'- Tuesday after oeing sincsen who tui auaca of appendicitis. ..".,' ,i. v- ' Mrs. Gaither has been in failing health for a long time, but was able to be out last week.,. On Sunday she was not so well and was quite sick on Monday.- On Tuesday it was de. cided best to remove her to the hos pital. Her condition on Wednesday morning was somewhat improved and it is hcpei.t..iBheotJ(iaVe.; undergo an operation at , this tim"&g F. yohnM-)Ieais ; , ' '! . F. T J9hnsin, Superintendent s of Education ; for Perquimans County, has been "elected 'chairman ""of the Albemarle. x Schoolmasters' Gub,' an association of school heads represent ing the counties pnlthi'side of the The quarterly meeting of the club was held on Friday r.'ht, at Manteo. Mr. Johnson was ejected chairman, with A. B. Crroll, Jr., principal of tiie Newiand E.l-r.&l of H .jotank County, as vice- - r h-mBn, and Joe J. Brothers, Jr., ri '. ' 1 of the Thiloh School, in C; ' " Co. as Ecae-( tar;'.-trefls!-r-?.' .. Sendee Officer Tp Assist Veterans ,World Wat veterans who ; wish any assistance M i connection with thdir corapensatSnn, claims, are no tified that Jack IP, l4mg . of Ra leigh, Assistant State Service Ofr ftcer, will be kt lHertford on Wed xesday, May I5,ff or the purpose of rendering sudhsassistance. Veter-. sntB may sec AMr. Lang at the tfurthou8e on t that day. Nicanor Residents Figure In Wreck Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Turner of Ni- f eanor are in . the Albemarle Hospital in Elizabeth City as a result of seri- mu inhtrlA: mmtalnMl fn an nnlimv- fccsBor on Tuesday around noon. Four leather oecsments of the' Af vlio Sill!' a Hertford physician at his office. . 'Mr. and Mrs. Turner, together with "Mrs. Elwin Stallings,' Miss GraeeTRiddick, and two small children jooI'Mrs.attallings, Doris and Frances, were :ip jar ed when the car in wbich they were riding, with Mr. Turner t the wheel, was driven into a deep hole on the new road which is in arourse ok c construction. A tnw which mast trailing the car struck the car after.it went into the hole, which is said to have been three or four feet :Me?p. The injured persons were brought to :Hetord, Mr. and Mrs. Turner being carried on to the hospital, ,while tthe cothers received treatment in a local physician's office- It was reported that workmen who were working about the hole in the concrete lad taken refuge from Itaxd "hjMcarb(Sf rain under, a nearby twee, leatjmrttbe hole unguarded, and Shaft Mi. 3btrner was unaware of the JUbr. Turner is said to be in a very aesSons condition. Economics Classes Enteatfeain Mothers BotertaduSng teir mothers at din ners wbMi they have prepared and arranged tos :been -a feature of one of fbe teams eeonoratic3 classes of the Penjuima Wgh .'Sdjofll for the past tw weeks, amsll dinner iparties when four girls fcwfte fheir mothers having been held at feuKmus tbroughout the period. Theirls, wh bave been trained by Mis Maude Fri4ea, do he shop ping for iSte meal as well m prepare the food and serve H. The girls who km entertained tojelnde Lasetter, Hazel Mathews, Hazel Madrey, Irene ChappelL Florence Hurdle, Mary Smith.. Evelyn White. Alcorn Wins low,' Esther Perry, Maidie lane, Dor othy Mae Ward, Dorothy Mae Hofller, Nellie Mae Ward, Thelma Pan, Cath erine Bogue, Katherine Fleetwood, Mary Alice Felton, Sybil Lamb, France Copeland, and Adelaide Lay den. , Friend's Death Robs Joy Prom Visit Mr. and Mrs. F. T. Johnson, who spent the week-end at Manteo, their former home,- had a very sad experi ence during their visit. They had been invited to the homeof Mr. and Mrs. Alonza Daniels for lunch on Sunday,' and shortly before the hour for them to go to the home the aged mother.of Mrs. Daniels, Mrs. : Minnie Miller, - died - suddenly. ;r Mrs, Miller suffered a sudden heart attack and died before medical aid foujd be had. George Congleton - t Honored At Camp Gfartm Conrteton. who ,ecentlv became a member" of . the' C0 Camp at Mayesville, was, appointed this week Educational Director of the 'eajnpi .That George? Congleton! should be 'afegle' tojrJa;bo3i.bt prising in the, light ef his'ormer achievenients' George, f whoi-lg the oldest" 6n tdf"Mrr and tMrs;-"TT. Congleton,(of ' Hertford,rand .wWiis knowi..sditeVe.thennMt'frvmig inen of. ffcinm'.edi4 torian- of . the class of 1933 of rer quimans High " , School," and during 1934 while at;, Wake Fore5t:.College he led his class of lOLstudentfl,;- A '.special Mother's Day program will h f m at t.e Ilertf d Assm L'y ( 'i i C 5 eve ? at 7:45 o'clock.- Tl ? r '- ; i3 tar History of School Recov ered From Metal Box la Cornerstone FQIMKE3) jN 1833 Many Prominent People Ox Section Were Once ; Students Frem fhe smouldering ruins of the U BeMdaR Academy which went up in iBsmes "Thursday, last week, se cure in its metal box in the corner stone vt the new building erected in 1903 to takeithe place of the original building, was taken a record of the etTgin.nana a resume of the life of the institution rup to that time, together with a list cof the teachers who had tsmght tEhere since its orgsf ization in 1883, .-mBsa list of the names of the pupils enrolled in the school in 1903. BehriOere Academy was for gener ations tbe seat of learning for this entire anction, and boys and girls were sent from far and near to this school. "Never during its existence a large vdfeool, yet it numbered among its tftufierits boys and girls who be came men and women of prominence. Former Congressman T. G. Skin ner, of "Hertford, who died a quarter of a century ago, was a student of Belvidere Academy. At least two Superior tJourt judges of North Caro lina, Hun. ."Jonathan Albertson and Hon. Geo. W. Ward, were once stu dents tEhere, so was also the late Dr. Richard Dillard, of Edenton. More recent students included Dr. Mathew White Perry, now a prominent sur geon of Washington, D. C; and Dr. Archie HidSick, also of Washington, D. C, who 'is a noted diagnostician. While most Of the books and re cords in the 'building were saved from the flames, -a portrait of Miss Mary Jane White, 'beloved teacher who taught . fortwenly-fiye yearjuuL the school, was burned. The history contained in the corner. stone recites That, at a Quarterly Meet'mg of the "Society of Friends held at Little "River, Perquimans County on August HI, 1833, it was proposed to establish a school some where withm the "limits of this quar ter to be under its directioVi, and the following committee was named: David White, Miles White, John White of Samuel, Josiah Nicholson, Joseph Elliott, Jesse Munden, Benja min Copeland, Caleb White, Josiah Parker, Jesse Jessnp, WilKam Wil ton. Exnm VutixtM una rnineas Evans, "to take the subject into con sideration and if they think best se lect a place and employ a teacher or teachers and put the school in opera tion and report their care." Pmey woods Meeting House was used temporarily as a school, await ing the erection of the school build ing. The nrst teacner, juunu An thony, "a worthy young man," of New York, was secured as the prin cipal teacher at a salary of $340.00 a year. A lot of land, containing two or three acres, was purchased, at the price of $30-00, and plans were made for the immediate erection of a house "two' stories high, 40 feet long and 20 feet wide,; with a partition near the middle, chimney , at each end." Elihu Anthony began teaching in the Piney Woods Meeting House on September 22, 18(33," with an enroll ment of 80 students. It must have been a great blow to those interested in the school that this young man "in a very short time sickened with fever and died.',' His 'death occurred on Nov. 11, 1833, and he was buried in the Newby Burying Ground at Newby's Bridge. Two years afterwards, November 30, 1835, with the new building com pleted, the school opened with Ed ward S. Griff ord, of Massachusetts, as teacher, and with an enrollment of 30 pupils. ' v; : ; In August, 1836, 4. the committee proposed to the Quarterly ; Meeting that the building be extended so a8 to establish boarding school "for all scholars who are'' to be boarded from home, there being a difficulty to obtain board in the neighborhood, and also S that? ethers ' besides Friends might have the privilege I bf putting n their children to1 board at the pre mises by conforming structly to the rules of the school." It was thought that $1200 would be required to ac commodate '40 boarders besides the" teachers and (Superintendents. t-i' The . committee was instructed to employ a superintendent and: rent a house convenient in the neighborhood, furnish it in order to ' accommodate the teacher and such children as may wish to board from home, but a re port was made that, owing to the diaculty Of having., a boarding house (Continued on Page Four),.. Through Capitol Keyholes y BESS HINTON SILVER COMING SOON By the time you read this Lieutenant Governor A. H. Graham may have announced his can didacy for Governor in the Democra tic primaries next spring. If not it Will be forthcoming within the next few days. The second .high man in the State government bas not tried tp keep it a secret that he will run but hks withheld announcement until his daftes as presidios ameer of the State Senate are completed. Heir The opinion that Clyde R. Hoey, Shelby Democratic wheelhorse, has been strengthened in Raleigh since jSte withdrawal of Congressman R. L. Jtoughton, who (decided he was needed as chairman of the National House Ways and Means Committee. Hoey 3se is withholding formaf an nouncement until after he legislature adjourns at which time he will tell the State f Ida intentions. .From a neu tral position it's pretty Tiard to figure out just what the Shelby orator will do. Nip doubt be -wants to xun but is a man 'who detests getting into a po litical dog-fight to gain an office. HUMANE A man is just as dead when you kill him with lethal gas as if you electrocute lira but social leaders say that passage of the Pet - erson bill to substitute gas for elec trocution in capital punishment is a great stride in the right direction. Persons who bare seen the gas exe cutions say tbe prisoner displays no sign of pain and that much of the gruesomeness of electrocutions is I Mother's Day Observed At Baptist Church Next Sunday, National Mother's Day, win be observed at the eijtford Baptist "Church with a "special pro gram at the 11 o'clock morning ser vice. Special music will be rendered and the message will be in keeping with the day. Rev. D. S. Dempsey has requested that the day also be made a family day, with every member of the fam ily sitting together, unless prevented by the part that various members take in the service. Because of the high school com mencement sermon at the high school auditorium on Sunday evening, there will be no service at this church. The sermon announced for May 12 will be delivered on the following Sunday, and the one announced for May 19 will be delivered on May 26. Senior Play Draws Full House Friday "Here Comes Charlie," the senior play, went over in a big way when the show was given, with a full house, on Friday night. Mattie Bert Relfe and Billy Tuck er, who took the leadings parts, were both particularly fine. The others, who included Bermce White, Claude Brinn, Ruth Nowell, Jim Bob White, Grace Knowles, Nor man Riddick, Margaret Elliott and Wrightson Jackson, were splendid in their separate roles, nd all who at tended were more than pleased with the performance- Contract Awarded To Widen Church Street That the work of widening Church Street will shortly be begun is prob able. It was announced on Wednes day of this week that F. D. Cline, of Raleigh, had submitted the low bid for the paving on Route 342, in the Town of Hertford. This is the same concern which has had the two paving jobs in the upper section of the county, one of which is unfinished. The bid as announced was for $30,893.25. Belvidere Exercises In Perquimans High The commencement "exercises of the Belvidere School' will be held in the auditorium of the ' ' Perquimans High School on Thursday night of next week. , ;4 ; , ' . ,;. ' . Since the burning of the Belvidere school on last Thursday,. the various classes have" been distributed about the neighborhood, 'with the teachers taking the pupils Into their homes, or in vacant; houses. One ' teacher has been conducting her . classes on , the lawn of her home. "' , Fortunately, there' .was. less than ten more days of school when the Are occurred. " , , missing. Capital punishment opposi tionists hail this State's departure in the method of legal killing as a move toward its abolition. The Peterson bill provides that persons sentenced to death after July 1 be put to death by gas. Those sentenced before that date will be electrocuted. GRABBED IT The General As sembly voted to apply the sales tax to gasoline and instead of requiring you to pay the three per. cent levy it will be taken from the tax of six cents per gallon you now pay. That means that another $800,000 of the money you are paying for roads will be used each year for other purposes. Already the State has been taking a million dollars a year out of the gas oline fund. Friends of good roads fear that there will be movements at the next legislative session to take your gasoline taxes to pay county bonds. HOWL North Carolina Represen tatives in Congress are still reported to be receiving violent protests again st the Rayburn bill which would give the Federal Power Commission un precedented powers in regulating and setting the rates of all power corn- ' panies. Around Raleigh it is said that the State Utilities Commission would have little authority over pow er rates if the Rayburn bill should become law. Opponents of the meas ure point out that the State Commis sion has lowered power rates while (Continued on Page Three) Whiteston Exercises Take Place Tuesday The commencement exercises of the Whiteston school will take place on Tuesday, May 14, and will be preced ed by a lovely spring festival. This part of the program will be held at 10:30 o'clock in the morning, and the crowning of the May Queen will be the initial feature. Florence Winslow will be queen o' the May, with Barbara Winslow as maid of honor. The crown bearer is Joan Winslow and the herald Elmer Lassiter. Attendants of the queen are Clemma Winslow, Madge Lane: Rebecca Dale and Billy White. There will be choruses by the school and a duet, "Sunbonnet Sally and Overall Joe," by Lelia Winslow and Carlton Rountree. . Winslow Rountree, Leslie Winslow, Winifred Winslow and Clarence Wins low will take part in a vaudeville sketch, "Oh, There Ain't No Flies on Us." This part of the program will close with the Maypole song and dance, and Leslie Winslow will open the second part of the program with "Greetings." Judge W. C. Morse, Jr., will deliver the address and Super intendent of Education F. T. Johnson will present the diplomas. The valedictory address will be made by Madge Lane. After the lunch period there will be a baby contest with prizes. A baseball game between Whites- ton and Newland will be played at 4 o'clock. Interest Subsides In Chain Letter Racket Hertford was probably left entirely out of profits in the chain letter racket. It was reported that various persons in other places had received big gains from the chain letters. The craze struck Hertford during the week-end and a lot of dimes, as well as a dollar here and there, were sent out in the hope of getting back big returns. Interest subsided quickly, however, when it was learned that the Post office Department had ruled that the chain letter racket was illegal. So far as can be learned, nobody got back any money in Hertford. Hertford Has Perfect Fire Record In 1934 Hertford was. one of 19 protected towns in the State of North Carolina to have a perfect fire record during the yedr 1934, according to the Bul letin issued by the y North Carolina Insurance Department. , . , ,. ' Other towns in .the list were An drews, Beaufort, ' Black Mountain, China Grove, Clayton," Edenton, El- kin, Graham, Jacksonville, La Grange, 1 Leaksville, LOlington," Littleton, Marr shall,-. Murphy, Old Fort Troya and Weldon. . Representative Delega tion Appeals to Com missioners: NOT FIRST TIMET FERA to Furnish Home Maker For Relief Families There will be no home demon stration agent for the women of Perquimans County, except the one to be furnished by the FERA whose work will be confined to; those families on the relief rolls, of the county. The women came in big numbers on Monday to appeal to the Board of Commissioners to employ a home demonstration agent. They were highly representative women of the county, headed by Mrs. M. T. Griffin of Bethel, president of the Perquim ans County Home Economics Associa tion, and including a number of other prominent women of the various sec tions of the county It was not the first time the com missioners had been appealed to by the women to employ a home demon stration agent. They have appeared several times before. They were given a very courteous hearing but quite definitely told that there was little hope of the immediate employment of a home demonstration agent. They left the court house very much discouraged, only to be told on the outside that th& Federal Emergency Relief Administration was arranging to furnish a home -demonstration agent for the county, to be paid for from relief funds. The women went home jubilant. It is probable that many of them yet have not heard that this is an error, in so far as any benefits which they will receive from the system is concerned. It is true that there is employed in the FERA district of which Perquimans County is a unit a woman known as a home maker, who will supervise and direct the activi ties of a similar agent to be placed in each county, and who will have several junior home makers under her as assistants, but, according to Miss Frances Capel, who is the dis trict supervisor of these activities, the work will be strictly confined to those families on relief rolls, I 11 Students Average 90 On Four Years' Work Fenton Butler is the valedictorian of the graduating class of the Per quimans High School this year; Joyce Harrell is salutatorian. Mattie Bert Relfe, who is third highest, is the prophet; Grace Knowles, who is fourth, is giftorian; Lucille Lane, who is fifth, is historian, and Patricia Stephens, who is sixth, is the grumb ler. All six of these young people, to gether with five others, Alma Congle ton, Clayton Thompson, Peanie Stal lings, Frances Perrow and Beulah Mae Dale, were exempted from final examinations, having averaged as high as 90 on all their work during the entire four years of high school and having made not lower than 85 during the last quarter. Mayor Reed Thanks Voters For Support To the Voters of Hertford: In the recent election of town offi cers you have by your very generous support indicated your willingness to tolerate me as your mayor for an other term of office, for which I am very grateful. I wish to assure you that, with few exceptions, my asso ciation with every department of the town work and with the public in gen. eral during the past two years has been most pleasant, and I feel confi dent, with a continuance of your co operation and from the fact that I am by experience more familiar with administering the affairs of the town, I can and will serve you better the ensuing two years than I have in the past. Again thanking you for your sup port, E. L. REED. All City Officials Returned To Office , E. L. Reed, who has served one term as Mayor of Hertford, was re elected to: that office on Tuesday. The three commissioners nominated at the mass meeting held in April, Dr: C. A. Davenport, A. W. Hefren, and W. R. Hardcastle, were also elected.;1 u uvrKnvTv0

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