,..J.,; ?'U- J;. i.,. ... ,,,, .,.,, . J ........ v - i f ' ,( '' ' .'Y , ' S UBAAN WW A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE UPBUILDING OF HERTFORD AND PERQUIMANS COUNTY Volume II.Number 20. Hertford, Perquimans County, North Carolina, Fiiday, May 17, 1935. $1.25 Per Year WEEKLY Stores Will Thursday Firms Sign Agreement To Close Half Day In Hot Weather STARTJUNE 6 Employes Look Forward To Pleasure Recrea tional Period The Thursday afternoon half hoti-j day will begin for the Hertford busi-! ness houses on' June 6, continuing through August 2. For many years it has been the osstom of these firms to tale Thursday afternoon as a half holiday, and many are already look ing forwaHl to ithe recreation fOtiod wtthplet. The firms weueh signed the agree ment to close include J. C. B Ian chard & Co Hertford Banking Co., .Daven port & Blanchard, . Central Grocery, H. C. Stokes, Darden Bros, W. M. Morgan, Grocery Sales Co., Mrs. Jake White, Simnfr, Hertford Hardware & Supply Co., M. J. Gregory's 5 & 10 Cent Store, Morgan's Modern Gro cery Pohnson, White Co., and Caro lina Hardware Co. e 62 Colored Students Placed On Honor Roll SixXy-two .students ot -the Perqui mans Training School, colored high school, made the honor .roll for the term. They are as follows: First jgrade: Margaret Lightfoot, Irene Eason, Pearlie Rqgenson, Flaucy Lawrence, Florence Wilder Dora Mae Boyce, Winnie Jones, JPercy Spell , man and Daniel Thomas Felton. Second .grade: .Jesse Kogerson, Hattie Rumble, Clarence Johnson, Mattie' Jones and Jesse Spellman. Third Grade: J51izaheth Jteid, Grace Mae Wiggins, Mary Emma Overton, and Joseph Tolaon. Fourth Gxade: JRosa .Lae Overton, Edna Rumble .and Clara .Miller. Fifth grade: Mildred Felton and Evangeline Archie Skth grader iHildra Twine, Aleen Waffe, Maggie Hathaway, Philander Wiggins, Louis Wynn and Matthew Riddick. Seventh gracteVelma Hunter, Dor othy Eason and Ethel Hurdle. High School English; Ruth Harrell, Wesley In gram, Dixie Jones, Clarissa Newby, Dorothy Newby, Evelyn Bishop, and Molton Zachary. French: James Washington, Ro setta Riddick, Blanche Perry, and Molton Zachary., . Geometry: Rosetta Kiddick and Molton Zacharv. Biology: Evelyn Bishop, Dorothy Newhv and Clarissa Newby. Geography: Molton Zachary and James Reid. History: Molton Zachary and James Reid. ..taw." j Agriculture: Molteon Zachary, James Reid, James Cghtfoot, and lames Washington. Music: Rutn-HarreU,-JLaura , M. Zachary, Dixie Jones. Marie Cooper, Ethel Winslow and Eva-Winslow. , All Grammar School ' Teachers Re-ejgcted All of the grammar school teachers in the county were reflected t a weeting of the committee held on Vnday ftight." V " J Ot these teachers, numbering . 29, Mrs. J. T. ' Basn!ght,l lhe teacher of : the White Hatschool, has resigned ' and will hot teach next year.' , j Sixth Special Sermon ; Delivered On Sunday - i Rev. D. S. Dempsey, pastor of the Hertford " Baptist Church, announces '-''' that' the "sixth, sermon, in the series - V of seven on the general theme $f Im mortality will be delivered next .". Sunday night The subject -of this -k ' -5courseris-"ShaIl ; We Know Out Lov i Ones In" Heaven?" ; A quartet' from Green's Cross Bap tist Church wilt sing on this; occasion. In! the .words'" of Mr.JDempsey, "A '' welcome awaits you." w r, , MRS. GATRDDIt' IMPROVED , ' The condition f Mrs, "W Gaith er is much itrrirovei. Mrs. 'Gaither was taken to' e '." emsrle Hospital in r;irleth City -last v;ek, .-after havi..J scared ni'1" cl rrpendi citis. Kn. C ' ' - ' "'I -t:s-factorlly to t --. i nrt found r" ' ' f 5 ry II' j Holiday HIT OR VllSS I Wbaft a remarkable record that was that the Whiteston school made this year. Twenty-seven pupils, representing more than 50 per cent of the enure school, did not miss a day of school during the entire eight montits. The seventh grade was 100 per cent present and punctual during the n tire year, not a child being absent or tardy during the ight months 'of 'school. In the entire school nly seven :pu .pils were absent as much as JO days during the year. Miss Mabel Lane and Miss Tiorna Brothers are the teachers att this school. There is one mttner in Blertford who feels tnat she Inn ieam to be grateful for Mtflmft Tim- Clavis Perry is a member of the CCC camp at Manteo. Last week he wrote his owfiheC, Mot. X. Vf. Perry, that he was planning to spend the weekend m ISrafrilk, going with a party of beys Inann xhe xamp. Mrs. Perry, in Ireplyinx, told her son that she lotd lioned tthat as Sun day was Mother's Daj, he would pome home, but as he Jiad made his tplans, to go an. She mane some fur ther references o Mother's Day, Jiowever, and its signiScance, just enough that -when Clavis got the let ter on Saturday he caught Ahe bus for home. The Perry family iad a very pleas ant week-end. The parents and three children attended church together on Sunday rnorniasr. In .the afternoon Clavis went back to camp. There was an Associated Press story in the papers on Monday of a serious automobile wreck, in which two CCC boys were injured, (On Tues day there was a continuance of the storv. One boy had died .and the other w3 still in a very serious con dition. On Tuesday Mrs. Perry received a letter from Claris, telling her that those were the boys with wham he had planned7 to make the trip to Nor folk. Have vou seen "Hie" Winslow tap dance? He is really good. "Hie" is onlv ten. He has appeared in sev feral local entertainments lately and always makes a hit. He gets a big hand when he dances in Anderson Drug Store. With a mad dog known to have bit ten six dogs ..and two cows in the community this week, it is time some steps were taken to protect the com munity from stray cats and dogs. A mad cat recently bit a Hertford wo man. ... . Dogs and cats running about pro miscuously under the circumstances is a dangerous situation. - Tuesday Visitiner Day At -Beech Spring Parents Visiting Day was observed at the TfoMh Snrbifr School oh Tues day, the program 'beginning at 5:00 o'clock in the aiternoon .ana lasung until 10 in the eveninir. with a picnic supper being served at 6:30 o'clock.; ' The first part of the program was a meetintr of the Good Citixenship Club, when the children : gave a splendid program op , "Optimism." After the picnic supper, tne r. i. A. met wW. the. Rev. M. 0,. Stephen son and Miss Delsie Whitehead tak ing part in the program -" - i At the close - of this part of the program ice cream and cake, were semd,-U:- There were present on this occa sion 125 persons, the number includ ing Mrs. & W,. Whitehead, Mr. and Mm G. "W. Jackson. G. W.-Whiter- head, Jr., and Rev. M. O. Stephenson who are not residents Of the communj ity.- ' - ' 1 , .' Miss : Dels Whitehead is .The teacher at Beech Spring. , . t: x CALLED TO BEDSIDE , f j i. 3. Rdwalda of Sanford was called ' to the bedside " of her-daugh-ter. Mrs. F. T. Johnson, on Tuesday Mrs. Johnson had been quite sick for several days. Her condition is im proving, however. . I ofliv vhn Also cae, jvV"Vted home M Tuesday. ,' ' ,1 , VITvY rCSTUNATE! j Every r " r of t' is choirj as well n t"e c J-tl i . werapra red rose on WINFALL SCHOOL WINS P. T. A. COUNCIL PRIZE Twelve Schools Compete In Best Book Contest Thursday Thse Winfall school won the prize, a book, given at the P. T. A. Council held at the Hertford Grammar School on Thursday night, when twelve coun ty schools competed for the best book Characterization. "Little Black Sambo," participated in by children of the lower grades, was the winning book. Each representation was pictures que and well carried out, with the children most attraevtively costumed and well trained. The first book portrayed was "Un cle Tom's Cabin," by the BaQahack school. The White Bat school save "Eip Van WinkleJ". . , . "Little BlafcSmiheZ WiniaH, was next. Then came the "Qi Fashioned Girl," by tbe Perquaaavs HjgJi School, followed by 'Mather Goose;' by Beech Svrnx. Chapanoke school furnsSed 'Undte, Remus." "Red Riding Hood was presented by New Hope. Snow, Hill school put on "Tom Sawyer." "Robinson Crasoe" w.ae the contri bution of Belvidere. "Little Women" was given by the Hertford Grammar .School, and ''Huckleberry Finn" was given by Bethel. Mrs. B. G. Koonce was in charge of the second part of the program which included a chorus by selected voices, a solo by Mrs. Chas. E. John son, a reading by Mrs. W. E. White, a piano solo by Muss Martha Eliza' beth Jordan, a vocal solo by Dorothy Mae Hofler, and a solo by L. W. An derson, followed by a solo by young Jack Anderson. After the presentation of the prize in the Book Carnival by Supennten dent F. T. Jonson, Miss Nettfe Butter made the presentation to the Gram mar School of several books, donated by Mrs. B. G. Koonce, in memory of Mrs. Koonces sister, Miss Salhe Wood McMullan, who taught for twenty-five years in the Hertford Grammar School, and whose tragic death occurred four years ago. This was immediately followed by the reading of James Whitconibe Riley's poem, "Away," by Mrs. W. E. White. Miss Dora .White was the winner of the lucky number prize, given by Simon's Store. J. M. Newbold Unable Attend Chemists' Meet J. M. Newbold, of Hertford, chem ist of the Eastern Cotton Oil Co., will be unable to attend the meeting of the American Oil Chemist Society to be held at Memphis, Tenn., next week. A paper which Mr. Newbold has prepared, however, will be read at the meeting. The subject on which Mr. Newbold has written is "The Ef fect of the Different Types of Mills on the Products of Cotton Seed.". Mr, Newbold, who is in charge of all of the laboratory work of the eleven plants of the Eastern Cotton Oil Company, la recognized as an au thority on cotton seed s products, as well as on soya bean products. The laboratory of the Eastern Cot ton Oil Company is located in Hert ford. . ' S. M. Hughes Will Coach In "Maine S. M. Hughes, athletic coach of the Perquimans High School, will spend the summer at Trip Lake Camp. Po land, Maine, where he will act as tXh letie coach; - - MISS MILDRED REED TAKING 3 TREATMENT IN HOSPITAL 1 ; Miss Mildred Reed 1 a patient In a Norfolk, Va., hospital j where she is undergoing treatment . Miss , Reed was taken sick before she finished her school work at Selma, where she was teaching, and was a patient j in a Greenville hospital for a few days be fore returning home. Her condition has' improved since she was taken to Norfolk last week and it ft believed she will not have to undergo an oper ation. . PERQUIMANS FARMERS ATEND . MEETING. IN WASHINGTON Dr.' Elbert S. White, of Belvidere; George W. Nowell, of Winfall; B. W. Thach, of Hertford; J. T. Benton, of Parkville; and Earl M. Perry, of New Hope, attended the special meeting of farmers in Washington, D. C, this Week, held in support - of the AAA CLYDE A.ERWIN SPEAKS; TD SCHOOL GRADUATES 57 Boys and Girls Re ceive Diplomas Dur ing Exercises Clyde A. Erwin, State Superinten dent of Education, made his first pub lice appearance in Hertford on Thurs day night, when he delivered the graduation address to the 1935 . class of Perquimans High School. . The auditorium of the school was filled to capacity to witness the last of the commencement exercises of the school, when 57 boys and girls re ceived their diplomas. Class Day exercises were held on Wednesday night. Fenton Butler delivered the vale dictory address and Joyec Harrell gave the salutatory. The class prophecy was given By Mattie Bert Relfe. Grace Knowies presented the gifts. Lucille Lane gave the interesting class iistory. Patricia Stephens gave the grum bles. The following medals were present ed: Valedictory, Fenton Butler; Salu tatory, Joyce Harrell; Best All JRnnnd, .or Service, Joyce Harrell; Eilort, r arune fJure. The .baccalaureate sermon was preached on .Sunday night by Rev. D. S- Dempsey, jiastor of the Hertford Baptist Church. Quarterly Meeting Held May 25-26 The May Quarterly Meeting will be held at the Finey Woods Friends Church at Belvidere, on Saturday and Sunday of next week, May 25 and 26. Rev. L. W. McFarland, evangelistic superintendent of the North Carolina Yearly Meeting of Friends, will be the principal speaker at the Quar terly Meeting. Mr- McFarland, who is one of the outstanding ministers oi the state, is well known in 1 Perquimans, having visited Belvidere on a number of oc casions. He is always warmly re ceived by his many friends. Aragon Club Meeting With Clarence Chalk Clarence Chalk and Alvin White were hosts at the home of the for mer, to the Aragon Club at the regu lar nireting held on Monday night. ,Music and dancing were enjoyed and dainty refreshments were served. The members prsent included Marj Lou Perry, Hattie Weaver Riddick Leah Nachman, Edith Blount Skin ner, Mary Carson, Guy Newby, Kus sell Winslow, and the visitors were E.trl Pierce of Norfolk, Dick Good win, Ned White and Crook Hollowell of Edenton. L. W. Anderson At Manteo Meeting L. W. Anderson, farm demonstra tion agent of Perquimans, is at Nags Head, attending the annual meet of farm demonstration agents of East ern North Carolina. Mr. Anderson expects to return on Saturday. Whedbee And Brown Keturn prom ixaieign Hon. Charles " Whedbee returned home on Saturday. Mr. Whedbee has been in Raleigh since the convening of the General Assembly in January. where he has served as legislative ad viser to the Governor. W. T. Brown, Perquimans County's representative in the Legislature, has also returned. County Unemployed Registered Friday A member of the staff of the re employment office, Edenton, will be in Hertford at the Court House on May 17th from 9:80 A. M. to 4 P. M. to take registrations and re-registrations of the unemployed in Perquim ans County. '. Recital; Thursday : - By , Music pupils NMusic, singing, dancing, all will be features of the reciUl to be given at the Hertford " Gramar School on Thursday night of .next week, when Mrs. R. M. Riddick's music class, as sisted by the dancing ; class of Miss Martha Outlaw; and by Miss; Nelle Riddick, of Gatesville, who Was the district winner in the .Vtfh school music contest held at Gatesville, will entertafit. . Thd public is invited No admission fee will be charged. - ; '. Preparing To Widen Route Through Town Claude Brinn Named Life Guard For Beach Claude Brinn was appointed life guard for the Hertford bathing beach for the summer at the meet ing of the Town Council on Tues day night. Mr. Brinn will take over his duties on June 1st, and will be on guard every week day from 2 to 5 o'clock. Many Hear Sermon To School Seniors "Give me also of this power," the 19th verse of the 8th chapter of The Acts of the Apostles, was the text of the baccalaureate sermon delivered by the Rev. D. S. Dempsey, pastor of the Hertford Baptist Church, to the graduating class of the Perquimans High School on Sunday night in the school auditorium. A large congregation attended the service, in which the Rev. Miss Ber tha V. SmitTi, pastor of the Piney Woods Friends Church, and the Rev. B. P. Robinson, pastor of the Hert ford Metnodist Church, also took part, with Superintendent of Educa tion F. T. Johnson introducing the speaker. A choir of selected young voices furnished the music, which included ''Lead On Oh King Eternal," as a processional, "Dear Lord and Father of Mankind," as the hymn, "Ancient of Days" as the recessional, and the anthem "Lift Up Your Heads." Mr. Dempsey introduced his address with the statement that there is one universal longing of the human heart, the longing for power. "Men have forfeited their name, their character, all that they were, and all that they had, for power," he said. Noting the difference in physical power and spiritual power, the speak er said that physical power is some times the result of one's positioji in life, of his social position, or his standing in the community, but stat ed that this is never true of spiritu al power, that spiritual power can only come from living the life of the Christian. He touched briefly on thr wonder and the beauty of the life of the man or woman who possesses spiritual power and of the splondi' possibilities of service from such power. Describing a great power house, the source of the power that lights thr homes, the business houses, the cities, that drives the great wheels of in dustry, he drew a vivid picture of the havoc wrought when there was dis connection with the source of power He stated that God is the great source of all spiritual power and that it is necessary first to contact that source before man can receive this spiritual power, which contact can only be made by prayer. That spiritual power can never come through selfishness, never to the sluggard, never to the sinful, was especially stressed and emphasized by the speaker. "Sinfulness stops the flow of power through the human soul," he said. This great and won derful power can never be bought, can never be used for self alone. He closed with the statement that you can do anything,' be anything, go anywhere, God wants you to, if you will live the life. "God help you," he said, "to live the life and to pray the prayer, to make the request that Simon made, "Lord, give me also this power." Two Cases Up For Trial In Court On Tuesday TT. C. Sexton, of Norfolk. Va.. was found euiltv of reckless driving and nf Hrivino- an automobile while under the influence of liquor in Recorder's Court on Tuesday, and was fined fifty dollars and required to pay the court costs. He was also deprived of driv ing an automobile in North Carolina for the period of six months. Thn ran rftinst D Wesley Mor gan, of Elizabeth City, charged with issuing a worthless check, wnicn was trieA Wot a inrv. consumed most of the day. The Jury failing To agree, Judge Walter H. Oakey, Jr., ordered a mis-trial and sent we case to tne Superior Court Freak Wind Carries Hoof Of f Shelter W. 'A. Lowe and his young son were putting up the car at his .home in the Lake .Community Tuesday af ternoon during the freak; wind storm when the roof was lifted from the shelter of the " garage where they were standing, .and carried into a field near-by. , , . Not Known Now How Many Trees Will Be Cut Down ROUTE CHANGED Traffic Will Be Diverted Through Dobb Street Work on the thirty-foot highway to be constructed through the Town of Hertford will begin within the next month. This improvement on Route. 342, withni the town limits of Hertford, includes the widening of Church Street and the widening of a portion of Edenton Road, as well as the pac ing of Dobb Street. Contract for the. work has been let to the F. D. Cline Co., of Raleigh. It has not yet been ascertained, whether the paving is to be asphalt or concrete. At present Route 342 enters Hert ford at the town limits on Edenton Road, thence to Market Street, thence to Church, leading over the bridge from Church. The new route will enter Hertford at Edenton Road, thence into Dobb Street, thence into Church, thence to the bridge. Dobb Street, from Edenton Road to Church Street will be paved. Church Street, from the postotlice to the Per quimans River Rridge, will be widen ed to ,10 feet, and Edenton Road, Y..m the town limits t !o!,l Street, will also be widened to "0 feet. Frank Kuglcr, Resident Engineer of the State Highway Commission, in charge of this district, said Wednes day that it was imposible at this time to tell how many of he trees on Church Street would have to be taken down. Surveys are being made to determine this at the present time. Mr. Kugler stated that no trees would be cut, however, which it is not abso lutely necessary to cut. Dog Shot After Biting 2 Cows And 6 Dogs A mail dog appeared in Winfall Tuesday and bit two rows and six dogs before it was shot. Its head was .rut n L'ai. igh for examination, and the report received from the laboratory indicated that the dog was afflicted with rabies. One of the dogs bitten belongs Ir Mrs. W. (!. Hollowell, two were own ed by Fred Winslow, one belonged to S, F. Stalling?, one was owned by Garland Stanton and one belonged to G. W. Jackson. Miss Blanchard Wins Music Contest Prize The Blanchard family seem to be making a record in prize winning. Sometime ago it was announced that Mrs. O. Y. Yarborough of Louisburg, who was formerly Miss Janie Blanch ard, of Hertford, had won one of the Amos 'n' Andy prizes. Last week Mrs. Yarborough's sis ter, Miss Kate M. Blanchard received a check representing one o fthe cash prizes in the Wagner Music Contest recently conducted by Listerine over the radio. All County Teachers Will Get Salaries Perquimans County school teach ers will be paid promptly at the close of school this year. For the first time in several years the teach ers will not have to wait for their pay. Superintendent F. T. Johnson was notified this week by the State Treasurer that the money for pay ing Perquimans teachers has already been deposited for this purpose. City Officials Sworn In Office Tuesday W. H. Hardcastle, the only new member of the Town Council, met with the Board on Tuesday night. Mayor E. L. Reed and the Board of Commissioners were sworn in for another term of office, and the Mayor was : re-appointed Commissioner of Public Works, and W. G Newby was re-appointed as Town Clerk. All members Of " the Board were present, including the Mayor, W. H. Hardcastle, A. W. Hefren, and Dr. C. A. Davenport "V. , . The Gaston County terracing unit has "been running from daylight to dark during recent weeks in the at tempt to terrace as much land as pos. sible before planting begins.

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