' .1 r u ' ' J .V- M", . i'.J.Y;. t r I iiivi-iniia I.. 1J1) .A v .jJj H. U.r -r 24 mi I' mi A LKJ WORST WINTER IN 17 YEARS and how well we know it! But Spring is here and you'll be doing a lot of driving from now on. How about your motor oil? Even though the winter oil in your crank case may have seen you safely through the severe cold, it is no longer safe I It is diluted, dirty, worn unfit for strenuous service. At any time during the warmer weather it may bog down completely. Play safe. Drain it off today. Refill with the prop er grade of Texaco Motor OiL Texaco is "crack proof." It has the full body to give complete protection to every moving engine part at highest engine temperatures. Best of all, it will not break down or thin out dangerously. See your neigh borhood Texaco dealer today. Ten minutes at most and you'll be safely on your way. mm ).;; I ' i 1 iN: KVj t i if ' V J 6 : ffK lit mi II UlVP I? DRAIN WINTER-WORN OIL TODAY - FILL WITH FRESH TEXACO - THEN LISTEN TO A. SMOOTHER-RUNNING ENGINE C3 o o o ii TiLRER Whether it's a brand of coffee, a cigarette or a gasoline there's only one way to find out how good it is. You've got to TRY it . . . Because they tried it and found it faster, more powerful and better all around, tour- ists now buy more Pire-Qiief than any other brand of gasoline! . ; Try it in your car. You," too, like thousands of other car owners, will find it actually worth going put of your way; REFJMER3T V t. ft . 1 for, if necessary. 7 Fire-Chief is yours at all Texaco Stations at, the price of ordinary7 "Si.-". . gasoline. Try a tanltful today. M4 ? w rl; :.;;iff3 i r ! ( tl II ( 1 ' ' . I c i'jiJ' ' t i J jw ft, 2 I J V , (' " "V ' "it 1 I w i -t,v r"i'' 1 1. 1 , A ' ' i? .1 i r-l 7'- - , ft ' 4 j -i':' V-:'' J ? 1 f!