THE nntQUlHAYTS WEEKLY, HEKTFORlat N. C "FRIDAY, JPKfE 7, 183S PAGE FIVE. v t ii!iOr.TI4tfaWi 7 4 '(ea'lfce scree .ioly W. P. "MM M n i if ' r i ; l BBySAsnBSB1'r J FRED RIC MARCH CHARLES LAUGHTON Oth CtNTURY HCTUM Seleatetf lre ! Afflf CHAPTER 8 WHAT SAB GONE BEFORE Paroled from the galley t after a fos yar tnttne for tttaUng a loaf f bread, Jean Valjean, with revenge (n hit heart, ttumblet into the horn of kindly old Biehop Bienvenu and find in him at Uati on man with faith in the world and witting to trutt an emgaUey-tlave, With renewed faith, confidence and vigor he itartt out to conquer the world anew. The Road Back With courage born of the bishop's words, Jean's progress in the next five Tears bordered on the miracu lous. Under a new name, he has established himself in a town in Al sace, and step by step has worked his way up in the respect and esteem of the small community. As M. Madeleine, he has changed completely. There is a streak of grey in his hair, but otherwise he is clean-shaven and is smiling, cheerful, good-humored. He has been eminently successful in turning an absolutely bankrupt manufacturing firm into a thriving business organization. We find him in the best of spirits as he bids good-night to a group of promi nent townsfolk who have come to inform him of his appointment as mayor and magistrate. Left alone with the aftermath of a successful and nanny day. Jean turns to the fireplace. On the mantelpiece are the bishop's candlesticks. He smiles at the thought of all these symbols have lone for him. "We're come a lone way together, haven't wel" There is a knock at the door, and the housekeeper shows in a man in police uniform. Aa the man conies forward, Jean's hands, still holding the candlesticks, drop slightly. It is JaTert, warden of the prison-ship. The two men come face to face, but JaTert is precise and also deferen "1 have denounced you, tial, showing no sign of recognizing Jean. "M. Madeleine?" Jean nods. "My name is Javert I am the new inspector of, police assigned to this district reporting for doty to the new mayor and to pay my re spects." Jean remains thoughtful for a mo ment after Javert's departure. He looks up at the candlesticks and then at the door. The sudden appearance of Javert has troubled and disturbed him. It is shortly after that Jean actual ly buys little Oosette, daughter of Fantine Lesrolles, employed in his factory, from the proprietor of the Sergeant of Waterloo Inn and his grasping wife to look after until her mother is well and able to take care of her herself. Jean and Cosette are playing checkers on the floor. Cosette sud denly dives her hand on the board and makes an obvious move. Jean laughs: "You win!" The two are the picture of con tentment Javert Agala Toussaint the old housekeeper, comes into the scene. "M. Javert is here." "Javert?" "He wants to speak to you private ly. I asked him if I could take a message, but he said it concerned Sou only, He spoke in such a pecu ar way" Javert is not the calm, stoical, austere person one would expect He is apparently under stress of emo tion. He wipes the sweat from his forehead; his hand is trembling. He hears the noise of the latch and the two men come face to face. Javert speaks in a husky under tone: - "I am sorry to disturb you at this hour, , but I have a duty an urgent duty to perform.' "Goon." ' ' "As toon as X was aura I had to act at once." , 'Tea? .'"''''. "H Madeleine, i; criminal act has lata committed." : ? ; jtv .... ....... . Jean Be .,4 to bint go en. "Aa agent' of the government has committed a crime crima against m&nkm&-$ Jean la surprised and auiaTed. - "Agentf Wb tt thia afeatr, - All High School Y uv , Teachers Reelected All of the teachers 'of the Perqui mans, High School have been, re elected for the next year. .They. In clude Mrs. 6. W. Barbee, Mrs, TV L. Jessup, Miss Helen Gaither, i Miss fint! Evans.' Miss Mauda PridKen, Miss Virginia Tucker Misq ; Nancy it Uatcsak "And who is the magistrate?" "You." To Jean's surprise, JaTert takes out his official police passport and puts it on the table, continuing: tfYou must prefer charges against me. You have a right" As Jean protests, Javert continues, his words tumbling over one another, brokenly, breathlessly. "Yes. yes, yes, I tell yon, you must prefer charges. I, who demand jus tice of others, must demand it for myself. Yon see, I denounced you to the prefect Of police." "As what?" "A former convict." " "Well?" "After that incident with the wo man, Fantine, when you so oddly distinguished between the law and justice and refused to prosecute, I Degan to ierret out your past. 1 resented your interference with my carrying out my duty. I questioned your authority, so I went to work. Secretly I traced you. By studying the records of escaped criminals and those wbo bad failed to report for parole and by an exhaustive process of elimination, I finally became con vinced that you were a convict named Jean Valjean." "What was that name? "Jean Valjean." "Ah. And what was his crime?" "As an ex-convict he was ordered to report to the police at Pontarlier. He has never reported. He has been missing five years. I traced him to the Bishop Bienvenn, He stole su rer, but the bishop would not charge. The trail ended there, and although I had no positive proof, I was so sure I denounced you." "Real" Valjeai Fesad "And what what answer did you get?" "That I was mad. I must hare , been mad to make such a mistake . worse, I was a fool, for the real Valjean has been found." Jean looks at Javert in amazement tir, at an ets-eonviet.' "Yes, they arrested him last week at Arras. He goes by another name, Champmathieu, but be was caught for theft The dates of his disappear ances are identical with Valjean's record witnesses will swear to him a fellow-criminal recognized him. Undoubtedly they have the man, Val jean." "Well?" "I made the mistake. I allowed a personal grievance to interfere with my duty. I must be dismissed." Jean now takes a different tone and says: "You did your Vluty it is your place to suspect" Now for the first time we learn something of Javert's creed. His con fession is in a husky whisper, a man deeply and sincerely ashamed and broken by his failure. "No. There is more to it than that I, too, have my creed, M. Madeleine. They call me hard and brutal, bnt I am not I am just But I've always said to myself, 'Yes, you're hard, you're ruthless when you are in the right but look out one day you, yourself, will trip. Then will you bo Just?' I swore I would. That time has arrived, M, Madeleine. I have caught myself. I have com mitted a crime. I have been unjust from anger, resentment, jealousy what you will. I stand for justice I have failed." Seeing Jean is about to protest Javert goes on: "What I have always demanded for others the law, good or bad, but the law to the letter I now demand for myself." Jean looks closely at Javert. and now it is Javert who is tormented and Jean who is almost consoling him. j "I make no charge against you." "You must If you don't then I must" "You have your creed, Javert; I hare mine. . As mayor, I refuse to accept your resignation. I order you to think it over." ' i , Javert bows to authority. ' "Yon are too lenient, M. Madeleine, bnt I will do as you say," t Jean moves to the door with him and stops. . "When and where is this lata Val Jeaa.Wfrfe trMr jj gUttyMosay.!,i "Tomorrow? . There is m doubt about the cater -r -"Non4 v Everything, M dear he win ba convicted. , Qoodnight air." . . Woods Miss Elizabeth Knowles, Miss Marv Carson. Miss Ruth Carson. G. C. Buck, and E. I" Hughe; -' MRS. WINSLOW UNDERGOES OPERATION IN NORFOLK. YA. - Mrs." T, R. Winslow linderwent" an operation at a Norfolk, Va., hospital on Tuesday; Her condition is report ed as satisfactory. Mr. Winslow, who -was; in -Norfolk v on Tuesday r. turned home that night. Jr , .Classified - Legals mO A BEAUTIFUL. USED Pi ano n this community being re turned to ' us. leather than ex pense of shipping to factory, will sell for the balance due. Tenns to suit. No reasonable cash offer re fused. Address Lee Piano Co., Lynchburg, Va. june7,14,21 NOTICE Sale Of Valuable Property Under nd by virtue of power and authority in me vested by a certain mortgage deed executed to me on the fifth dacof February, 1929, by W. A ChappeH, which said mortgage deed Is dsuy recorded in the office of Reg ister $ Deeds tor revquiuians County in Book 16, at page 495, 1 shall offer for saae to the highest bidder for cash at tQas "Court House (floor in Perquim ans Ctounty on Tuesday, June 18, 1935, At twelve o'clock noon, the fol kwdrjg described tract or parcel of land to wit situated in the county of Pcsrquimans, State iof North Carolina and described as follows: The same twenty-seven acres this day sold to W. A-'Chappell and known and designated as the Hollowell tract. The said land being mapped and recorded in "the Perquimans rec eer.ds. "Reference is "hereby made to the above mentioned map and deed above referrd to for further description. Tt being the same lands sold to W A. Chappell Ty M. M. Hurdle and wife by deed dated February 5, 1929, and duly recorded in ' the office of Register of Deeds of Perquimans County in Book 16, at page This the 14th day of May, 1935. M. M. HURDLE, Mortgagee. Dated and posted this, the 14th day of May, 1935. Mayl7,241june7 NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as Administrator of the estate of Dock Morse, deceas ed, late of Perquimans County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Durants Neck, N. C, on or before the 22nd day of May, 1936, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 22nd day of May, 1935. ERNEST MORSE. Administrator of Dock Morse. May24,3Uune7,14,21,2 NOTICE Sale of Valuable Property By virtue of a Mortgage Deed exe cuted to me by Henry B. Williams for certain purposes therein mention ed which said Mortgage Deed bears date February 20th, 1929, and is reg istered in the office of the Register of Deeds of Perquimans County in Book 17, Page 216, I shall on Fri day, June 14, 1935, at 12:00 o'clock, offer for sale at Public Auction, for cash, at the Court House door in Hertford, N. C, the property convey ed to me in said Mortgage Deed: A certain town lot situated in the town of Hertford, N. C, on the north side of Market Street, bounded on the North by the lot of Timothy Morgan, on the East by the store lot of Wm. Madre, on the West by the Thos. Hoffler lot, and on the South by said CAN BE YOURS AT MINIMUM COST! CHARMING interior effects, carefully planned and executed, will increase the livability of your home beyond all com parison with their cost. WE HAVE A COMPLETE STOCK OF 100. per All Sizes and Colors Both Paints and Enamels COME1fN TODAY-AND MAKE ' YOUR SELECTION . Hertford Hardware & Supply Co. PHONE W ' V7vt; IjSJyyyWvVVVVYVVVVVVVmmvyv Market Street, tfcing same lot this day conveyed He said Henry & Wil liams by W. J. Felton and wife. HENSY CLAY STOKES, Substitute Trustee. Dated ad posted May 14, 1935. May47,24,31 June7 NOTICE! ( By virtue of a deed of trust exe cuted Ifo me by Dock Morse, for cer tain purposes therein mentioned which said deed of trust bears date May 1st, 1929, and is registered in office of Register f Deeds of Perqui mans County in Si. D. Book 17, page 262, 1 shall on Monday, the 1st day of July, 1935, aft 11:30 aMock A. H., offer for sale to the highest bidder fair cash at the Court House door in Hertford, Perquimans County, N. "C., fbe lands conveyed in said deed of trust as follows: Those two certain tracts of land in New Hope Tvwn 'sliip, Perquimans County, described -as follows: 1st. Bounded on south by J, W. Jackson, on west by B. Small, east by Zach Ivey, and north, by Zacji Ivey land containing 18.9 acres by David Cox, Jr., survey, and known as part of the Nichols land. 2nd. Bounded on west by B. Small, south by Z, Ivey, on east by Smith land, owned by D. Norse, and north by Body road, being a piece of land bought by B. Small and wife contain ing 28 acres, more or less. This May 26th, 1935. CHAS. WHEDBEE, Trustee. J6,15,20,27 NOTICE OF SALE By virtue of a Mortgage executed to me by "W. J. Landing and wife fojr certain purposes therein mentioned which said mortgage bears date 18th of November, 1919, and is registered in the office of the Register of Deeds of Perquimans County, N. C, in Book 11, page B94, I shall on Friday the 5th day of July, 1935, at 12 o'clock Noon, offer for sale at Public Auc tion' for cash, at the Court House WED'DWG The surety of the steel J oanas of love is made certain with our superb Diamond Engagement and Wedding Rings EDENTO No. CAR. MAXIMUM BEAUTY cent Pure t -! I .ttKKpwu, . Door in Perquimans County, N. C, the property conveyed to me in said mortgage, to-wit: The following described niece or parcel of land lying and being in New Hope Township, Perquimans County, N. C, designated as follows: All of the tract of land bought from L. B. Perrv and wife where we now live lying and being on the southeast side of Woodville Road, and bounded on the northwest by Woodville Road and the Jand sold by L. B. Perry and wife to B. S. Banks on the northeast, southeast and south west by the lands of L. B. Perry and containing about 5 acres, let it be more or less and beine the same place the said Landing and wife re side. WILLIAM CARTER. Mortgagee. By Whedbee 4 Whedbee, Attorneys. Dated and posted this June 3, 1935. J7.14.21.28 kin Yea s&ead the same tire profeefiiora fiSiai race drivers demand KELLY PETILLO ON MAY 30 WON THE 500-MILE Indian apolis. Raw on Firestone Tires, breaking the track record and driv ing the satire distance at a rate of 106.240 miles per hour. This record is an astounding demonstration of tire efficiency. To go 50fl miles in less than five hours on this roagh and bumpy 26-yearM brick track demonstrates the strength and blowout protection ihat Firestone builds into their Gum-Dipped Tires. AB JENKINS ALSO RECENTLY DEMONSTRATED THE I ii. efficiency, and blowout protection built into Firestone (Aim Dipped Tins. He drove bis 5000 pound ear over the hot salt bed at . Lake Beanwille, Utah, 3000 miles in 23 Vi hours. This was an a versa speed! 127:2 miles per boor, and although temperatures wen e high as 129",, he had no blowouts or tire trouble of any kind. These sweords are made possible by special construction features lWflt base fSsastone Cam-Dipped Tires. Take as ehanees protect your life and the IItcs of othn by ' letting- aw aqssjp your car with Firestone Tires. Before you Wy new firts at "Win Aa snail give ma lh flraff fraction and protection afaSmt skidding 1" "Ara they btiih As give mc the treat set blow out protection?" "Without (scrificinf these two important ssfety features will they give me longer mileage, thus making them the most economics! tires I can buy?" a Wider, flatter tread ( gives more than 50 longer non-skid vs ear Volume Direct Purchasing j-t-Wk- Efficient and CfNTWY PtOMDSTYK Equal or supe rior to any so called First Grade, Super or DcLnif) lines regardless of name, brand or by wlaom man ufactured. OLDflELD TTff Equal or aupo rior to any spe cial brand tire manufactured for mass dis tributors with out the manu facturer's name or guarantee. 4.40-21 SIZE I PRICE 4.50-21 4.75-19 525-18 5.50-18 7-30 7.7S 9.ZO 10.40 1.50-21 5.00-19 525-18 5.50-17 6.65 7.55 8.40 9.XO OTHER SIZES PROPORTIONATELY 10W OTHER SIZES PROPORTIONATELYLOW AUTO SUPPLIES We save 70a money on every auto have the added convenience and A University tests show I Fireitpne Tires stop cars 1 Jh5toS5quielwrtm 2 Gum-Dipped eoids Siva greater blowout y protecriofi. Gum-Dipping it', is noi used in other tires $65 $Q05 SIZE I PRICE I Scatty BATTERIES SPARK PLUGS LEAKPROOF TUBES T 5 S - th."SS Sealed against y4a-a- utIoDer air leakage to fi Jr-jA.. gp'A j f) 0e it it "kit UaCwt to she FotM ml WUtmfmm oaturlns' Richard Ooalr., Cfadye Smrlhwl, JVoImm KMy.or Umrgmrt Smtmkt ntwy Umutmy nifht ear li. B. C :hJW4 ' j riir Mrtwr . . . . 4 Mm Shu rrajram WianDfliDw (Diflfl (5. Hertford, N. C. NOTICE! The Board of County Commis sioners, as a Board of Review and Equalization for Perquimans County, will meet at the Court House at 10 o'clock on the third Monday in June, it being the 17th day of June, for the purpose of hearing complaints and making adjustments on the value of real estate. J. W. Ward Clerk to the Board ofc County Commissienera iw It yourself fhesc fhre questions Answer No. 1 University testi show Firestone Tires stop voui car 15 quicker than best tires. Answer No. S Unequalcd per formance records prove that Gum Dippi: :g gives the greatest blowout protection known. Answer No. 3 Car ownert report unequnled mileage record? of the longer wear and grer.tet economy of Firestone Tiro. HIGH SPEED TYPE W select from our enormous storKs of raw materials the Icst i,nd iitp'ioi frade rubber mii rollon f r the I'.'irU peed Tire. Iu our faclory we select the most experienced and skilled tiro makers to build tlii- tire. It is nccurntcly balanced and rigidly i ut period and wc know it is as perfect ns linman iiipermily cun mukc it. f 1.75-19!i0 i-:o.OS 5.00-19BD 22.05 5.25-18HD 1Z.ZO; 5.50-17HD 12.75; 6.00-17HD 14.50 1 sizr: i'Ki:E 4.50-2! $7.75 8.20 4.75-19 5. .00-19 8.80 9-7S 10.70 5 5 .25-W .50-17 Other Sizes Proportionately Low Straight Line Manufacturing and Economical System of Distributing ww 9ww Jiur.i ana 10 iviwv tceiers cneoies Firestone to give you greater values at lowest prices SENTINa TYfl Carrt.a th. FiroaUme name and ju.ra.ntoe equal or iujm rior to any tir. made in thia price claaa. count mi Carrie, th. Fireatono nam. and guarantee. Sold aa low aa many inferior tiree made to acll at a price. 4.40-21 SIZE I PRICE SIZE PRICE 4.50-21 4.75-19 5.25-18 5.50-19 6.05 6.40 7.60 8.75 4.40-21 4.50-21 4.75-19 4.75 5.ZS 5.5$ OTHER SIZES PROPORTIONATELY LOW AT BIG SAVINGS supply need for your ear, and you economy of having them applied. $50 $305 M 30X34

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