THE rEBQTJIMANS WEESLY, HERTFORD, K. C, FRIDAY, JUNE 28, 1935 - V TIIE PERQUIMANS WEEKLY Published every Friday at The Perquimans 'Weekly office in tha . Gregory Building, . Church ' Street, fUenford, N. C , ,t ' I llATTEE LISTER WHITE Editor Day Phone '. , 88 Night Phone 100-J SUBSCRIPTION RATES : Six Months 76c I One Year .11.25 Entered second claas matter KimmUr IB. 1934. at the post office at Hertford, North Carolina, under tha Act of March 8. 1879. Advertising rates famished by re quest FRIDAY, JUNE 21, 1885. THIS WEEK'S BIBLE THOUGHT GOD'S WONDERFUL WORKS: Many, 0 Lord my God, are the won derful works which thou cast done; if I would declare and speak of them they are more than can be number ed. Psalm 40:5. OUR FOLKS How friendly folks are! And Per quimans folks especially our folks. Perquimans is a good place to live. There are a lot of advantages, most of them natural God-given, if you please. The soil is good, the climate is fine ('scusin' now and then a hot spell!) and Nature has made it most pleasing to the eye. But it is that matter of its good folks which concerns us right now. "Folks!" One can imagine the tone f Hipn distrust in which some reader will repeat the word, as they consider certain folks and their doings. The editor of The Perquimans Weekly admits here and now, without argument, that there are some even in Perquimans, who do not qualify in the particular class of folks first re ferred to above. To our sorrow, we must own we know a few. But the regular folks. How fine they are! Probably only we who have had sickness or trouble in our families really know this. There are a lot of thenft ..They so far outnumber the other kind that it is all right to for get the unkindness or the indiffer ence of the few and just call them all "our folks." God bless them! Thjy are verily of the salt of the earth. 5MX:-XK::XXX:"X- I T A.White, tiarvey Bievensoiraim v,cuiKc X WTT fYR MISS Kin, of Suffolk, Va., Misses Edna V X I once read a little story in rhyme wherein a man while passing through an agonizing experience when it seemed all his pleasure in life had ben swept away, as he reflected upon how blissfully happy he had been before, exclaimed, "If you want a man to suffer the pangs of heil, Keep h'ni i:i V.a'.vcii a .-roil." Aid then, after he learned tha there had been a mistake and that the bridge of sorrow he had crossed never really existed he remarked, "If you want a man to appreciate heaven well Give him some fifteen minutes in hell." There is a lot of truth in both statements. I have always believed that we can only know by compari For!, that no one knows how to ap preciate prosperity who has not suf fered adversity, and that we cannot truly sympathize with one who suf fers what we know nothing about. It is a good thing to suffer enough to cause us to be grateful. Having been deprived of the privi lege of walking for a few days as the result of an accident, I am be ginning to discover what it must be to a be permanently disabled. Like nearly every one else, I've been ac customed to having my strolr limbs carry me wherever I willed to go. I never thought especially about the convenience of running about at will. But I know now how to appreciate the blessing, and I shall be more sympathetic with those who are less fortunate. "One touch of Nature makes the whole world kin, One touch of humor makes the whole world grin, One touch of pathos makes the whole world one And one 'touch' for money makes the whole world run." "Well, it's not time to go to work." , -The speaker sat on the curb-stone in the shade of a tree on Church ; Street. He and his companion had just finished their lunch and his com- panion had remarked that he was go ,' Jng ' back to ;.' where they had been working on the street "But it's not time to go back to work." It was 11 Chen that the other came back with , . i tntoment which impressed the ; ' passer-by. "My father told ; me met!." he said, "when" you finish eat- ' ing you go back to where the work f rninff on. There may be some- , thing to be done, and youH have a job as long as anybody has one." Th cnmmunitv regrets the acci dent which befell Mrs. W. G. Gaither, one of its oldest and most highly . e teemed residenti resulting in lier ,se Winfall Missionary : ,. Circle Holds Meeting The Winfall Young People's Mis sionary Circle 'met at the home of Miss Myrue umpniett, ana me 101 lowing program was rendered? Hymn No. 90. V Bible reading hy Mrs. A. R. Wins- low.'1 Pmver bv Miss Addle White. Roll call and minutes by the secre tary. Business. Hymn No. 49. The Leaflet was presented by Miss Myrtle Umphlett, Mrs. Jesse Stanton and Mrs. Janie Stanton. Life of Susanna Wesley was given by Mrs. A. R. Winslow, Jr. Those present were: Miss Hazel Pike, Mrs. Raymond Stanton, Mrs. Jesse Stanton, Mrs. F. S. Winslow, Mrs. A. R. Winslow, Misses Lucille and Addie White, Gladys Ward and Myrtle Umphlett A delicious ice course was served by the hostess. WINFALL NEWS Miss Alma Leggett, of Washington, N. C, visited Mrs. W. G. Hollowell Saturday. Miss Anne Miller has returned to her home in Elizabeth City. Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Trueblood and daughter, Carolyn; Mrs. Dilman and Mrs. C A. Bagley motored to Ports mouth, Va., and Virginia Beach, Va.. Sunday. Mrs. Bagley is spending sometime at the beach. C. A. Bagley, W. G. Hollowell, J. F. Hollowell, Lindsey Winslow and Clinton Trueblood went to Ocean View,' Va.,. on a fishing trip Monday. C. A. Bagley is spending this week at Virginia Beach, Va. Mr. Harrv Barber and family have ; recently moved into Mr. Ray Elliott's home. Mr. naroer nas Deen living m Hertford for some time. Mrs. Sam Hill and son, Sam, Jrv are visiting Miss Mamie Stallings this week. Mrs. Raymond Jordan has been very sick for the past week. BELVIDERE NEWS Mrs. Luther Nixon and son, Hilary. Mrs. Clarence White and daughter.. Marv Elizabeth. Mrs. Mattie Miller Mrs. Archie Miller and son, ivennetn. of Winfall, spent Thursday as tne guests of Mrs. J. A. Chappell. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Jessup am' children, Carolyn and Faye, of Gates, spent Wednesday with Mrs. Maude fhnnnell and familv. Misses Lulu Mae and Mildred "r i " Riimptte and Lena Winslow, of T . . . , 1 lf T 7 ' Whiteston, visited Misses viviau Maude and Thelma Chappell Wednes- Hnv eveninc. Miss Grace ChaDDell has returned - ... home after visiting friends in Wood land. Miss. Thelma ChaDDell has return ed home after visiting friends in but folk, Va. Miss Bertha V. Smith had as week end visitors her parents, Mr. ant Mrs. Smith and her sister, Mrs. Vel ma Moore, of Asheboro. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Winslow, of Bethel, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Wins low and son, Leonard, Jr., of Win fall, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Winslow. It's good news that Mrs. K. R Newbold is improving, and many hearts will rejoice at the news. The unconstitutionality of the Fra- zier-Lemke act, as ruled by the sup reme court, does not mean that iarm debt adjustment work is being aban doned. Classified and Legal Notices PIANO A BEAUTIFUL USED Pi ano in this community being re turned to us. Rather than ex pense of shipping to factory, will sell for the balance due. Terms to suit. No reasonable cash offer re fused. Address Lee Piano Co., Lynchburg, Va. june7,14,21 FOR RENT 3-ROOM APART ment, furnished, with bath and hot and cold water. Apply to Mrs. Cooke Winslow, Hertford. It. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as Administrator of the estate of Dock Morse, deceas ed; late of Perquimans County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against me esiaie oi said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Durante Neck, N. G, on or before the 22nd day oi May, 1936, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate, payment This 22nd day of May; 1935. ERNEST MORSE. Administrator of Dock Morse. r , May24,3Uune7,14,21,2K NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as Administrator of the estate of A. R, Miller," de ceased, late of Perquimans County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the es tate of said deceased to exhibit them to ,the undersigned at Hertford,' N. (i June, 1936, or this notice will tie nle&ded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 10th day of June, 1985. J.W.WARD, Administrator of A. R. Miller. . j. Junel4,21,28,July5,12,19 NOTICE OF SALE ' By virtue of the power i of A sale vested in the undersigned, in that certain deed of trust executed to him by T. M. Lamb and wife, Josephine, bearing date of April 1, 1934, and registered in book M, V. Wo. 18, on Pate 454. securing certain indebted ness therein described, and whereas default was made in the payment of said indebtedness; upon . request of the holder of said indebtedness, the said undersigned will after due ad vertisement, and as provided in said HpaH of trust, on the 13th day of July, 1935, at 12 o'clock Noon at the Court House door in this county, oi fr fnr sl for cash to the highest bidder the property described in said deed of trust, to-wit: 1st. Tract: AH that certain tract of land containing 216.8 acres in Bel- videre Township, Perquimans County, N. C, and now in the possession oi T. M. Lamb, and bounded on the North bv Swamn Lane and White's Lane, on the East by White's Land and J. H. Layden; on the South by J. H. Layden, E. A. White's heirs, and J. C. Baker; on the West by J. C. Baker and Swamp Lane. 2nd. Tract: All that certain tract nf land containing 142.5 acres in Bel- videre Township, Perquimans County, N. C, located on State Highway and the waters of Perquimans River, and now in the possession of T. M. Lamb, bounded on the North by Meeting House Branch and the run of Mill Pond: on the East by Perquimans River; on the South by State High way, lands of E. Li Chappell, Roger son heirs, L. L. Chappell, Thad Perry, J. fctJCopeland, and W. T. Smith, and on the West by W. T. Smith and H. P. White A denosit of five per cent of the amount bid will be required of the successful bidder at the hour oi saie Dated and posted this 11th day of June, 1935. TIDEWATER REALTY & MORTGAGE CO., Inc., Trustee. Junel4,21,28July5 NOTICE I Bv virtue of a deed of trust exe- rnted to me bv Dock Morse, for cer tain purposes therein mentioned which said deed of trust bears date Mav 1st. 1929. and is rejristered in office of Register of Deeds of Perqui mans County in M. V. Book 17, page 2fi2. I shall on Monday, the 1st day of July, 1935, at 11:30 o'clock A. M., offer for sale to the highest bidder for rash at the Court House door in Hertford. Perauimans County, N. C, the lands conveyed in said deed of trust as follows: Those two certain tracts nf land in New Hone Town shin. Perauimans County, described as follows: 1st. Bounded on south by .T W. Jackson, on west by B. Small past bv Zach Ivev. and north, by Zach Ivev land containing 18.9 acres by David Cox, Jr., survey, and known as nnrt. of the Nichols land, na Bounded on west by B. Small, south hv Z Tvev. on east by Smith land owned by D. Norse, and north by - - - ' - . ... Rndv mad. beinff a Diece ot land bought by B. Small and wife contain ing 28 acres, more or less. This May 26th, 1935. CHAS. WHEDBEE, Trustee. J6,15,20.27 NOTICE OF SALE Rv virtue of a MorteaKe executed to me by W. J. Landing and wife for certain purposes therein mentioned wbieh Raid mortzasre bears date 18th of November, 1919, and is registered in the office of the Register oi yeeas of Perquimans County, N. C, hi Book Taylor Theatre ' EDENTON, N. C ALWAYS COMFORTABLY COOL Today (Thursday) and Friday June 27-28 GEORGE BURNS GRACIE ALLEN JOE MORRISON DIXIE LEE "Love In Bloom" Saturday, June 29 HOOT GIBSON "Siiriset Range" Comdy - Serial . Monday' and Tuesday, July 1-2 PAUL MUNI KAREN MORLEY i "Black Wednesday, July 8 . MADGE EVANS MAY ROBSON "Age Of Indiscretion" Coming Thursday and Friday July 4 and 5 - : KAY. FRANCIS V StrandedT. 11, page 594, I shall on Friday the 5th day of July, 1935, ' at 12 o'clock Noon, offer for sale at Public Auc tion for cash, at the Court House Door in Perquimans County, N. C, the property conveyed to me in, said mortgage, to-wit: ; v The following i described .' niece or parcel of land lying '.and being in New Hope Township, : Perquimans County, N. C, designated as follows: . All of the tract of land bought from L. B. Perry and wife where we now live lying and being on the southeast side of Woodville Road, and bounded on the northwest by Woodville Road" and theJand sold by L. B. Perry and wife to B. S. Banks on the northeast, southeast and south west by the lands of L B. Perry and containing about 6 acres, let u oe more or less and ' beinsr the same place the said Landing and wife re side, .-v.". WILIiAM CARTER. Mortfraeee. By WJredbee & Whedbee, Attorneys uaieu ana posveu uub June 8. 1935. J7.14.21.28 NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as Administrator of the estate of W. J. Spruill, de ceased, late of Perquimans County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons' having claims against the es tate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Hertford, N. C, on or before the 20th day of June, 1936, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons ndebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 20th day of June, 1935. M. G. SPRUILL, Administrator of W. J. Spruill. June21,27,July5,12,19,26 NOTICE! Bv virtue of a Deed of Trust exe cuted to me by N. Thach Everett and urifa tnr rorfnin niirrwispa therein mentioned, which said Deed of Trust bears date May 19th, 1928, and is registered in the office of Register of DppHs of Perauimans (Jountv. in Mortrasre Deed Book 17. paee 108. I shall on Tuesday, July 9th, 1935, at 11:30 o'clock A. M.. offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, at the Court House Door in Hertford, Per quimans County, N. G, the lands con veyed in said Deed of Trust as fol lows: That certain tract of land in Hert ford TownshiD. Perauimans County, North Carolina described as follows Becrinninir on the Perauimans River at the end of old Major and Loomis Company Kauroad, said Kaiiroao di vidinar the lands of Lavinia T. Lang ston and N. Thach Everett, and run ning thence along said railroad S. 1 W. 33.70 chains, thence S. 20 W. ( chains, thence S. 45 W. 6.17 chains to "WATCH ::, t" ; $E THE FCIwD IX!"!!TICM AT U wo810 let O9 A over tw , ,tu-ve -iliet a ' ! i w?Jl''lWtl'iiiiii.'' , " ' mi ,, ' " i'f : Y 1 1 f v sill lw " ' 7 - - - J lane, thence down lane N. 47 deg. 80' W. 7.60 .chains, thence S. 70 W. 13.60 chains, .along old road to Persimmon tree on west side of Brancn, tnence N. 27 W. 8 chains, thence N. 89 W. 2-50 chain tnence ti. IV w. ? x.ou chains, thence - N. 60 W. 8 chains, thence N. . 64 W. 8 chains, thence N.' 29 W. 7.60 chains, thence N. 11 E. 5.50 chains, thence N. 9 W. Chains, thence N.f 48 ' W. 1.66 chains, thence N. 11 E. 2.60 chains, thence N, 62 E. 4.60 chains to old mill dam, thence in a northerly direction down the mid dle of branch to Perquimans River, The skillfullest baker cannot i make raisin pie out of W ,. A A I 1 nor cream puns witnout cream. In like manner builders require sound materials to erect sound hinldinora. And there the reason for the use of Hertford Hardware Supply Company equipment. Our Guarantee Every order is guaranteed to be of exactly the quality specified "in the invoice and of 100 full count. Hertford Hardware & Supply Co. "Trade Here and Bank the Difference" PHONE 90 -:- THE FORDS CO BF T"!I CAU'C. ."A FACImC LTin"ATI...l E, . AT $ thenoe run the Perauimans River its - various courses in an easterly direc- v tion to the end of old Kauroad tne , place of the beginning, containing ' 167.5 acres, and being lot m. , as signed to N. Thach Everett in the Di vision of- tha lands of T. T. and E.E. Everett, said Division shown in Plat Book 2, page 82 et seq. Register of Deeds Office, Perquimans County. " CHAS. WHEDBEE, -v v; Trustee.:;. Dated and posted this w , ( June 8th, 1986. junexspsve Muiya sawdust, J vou hftV widespr HERTFORD ... i - Ft . im n

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